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Development of Economic Analysis Indicators and Case Scenario Analysis for Decision-making support for Off-Site Construction Utilization of Apartment Houses (OSC 활용 의사결정 지원을 위한 경제성 분석 지표 개발 및 사례 시나리오 분석 - 공동주택 PC공법을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Won-Gun;Bae, Byung-Yun;Shin, Eun-Young;Kang, Tai-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.24-35
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport presented the '6th Construction Technology Promotion Basic Plan' and 'Smart Construction Revitalization Plan (2022.7.20)'. Off-Site Construction (OSC), which involves construction and production of PC (Precast Concrete) and Modular, etc., has advantages in shortening the construction period, reducing costs, improving quality, reducing construction waste, and reducing safety accidents. However, the construction cost is high compared to the traditional RC construction method, which has hindered its utilization and spread. In this study, OSC utilization was improved. An economic analysis indicator and methodology that can support decision-making in the planning and design stages for multi-unit housing were proposed. The factors used in the economic analysis of OSC (based on the PC method) of apartment houses were reviewed. As for the indicators used in the cost and benefit section, 'Construction Period', 'Disaster Occurrence', 'Waste Generation', and 'Greenhouse gas Emission', which reflect the technical advantages of OSC, were derived. In addition, a scenario analysis was conducted based on actual apartment housing case data for the presented economic analysis indicators and benefit calculation standards. The level of benefit that offsets the difference between the existing RC construction method and the construction cost was reviewed. In future studies, it will be necessary to conduct additional case studies to apply the measurement criteria for detailed indicators and supplement the benefit indicators.

Development of a complex failure prediction system using Hierarchical Attention Network (Hierarchical Attention Network를 이용한 복합 장애 발생 예측 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Youngchan;An, Sangjun;Kim, Mintae;Kim, Wooju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 2020
  • The data center is a physical environment facility for accommodating computer systems and related components, and is an essential foundation technology for next-generation core industries such as big data, smart factories, wearables, and smart homes. In particular, with the growth of cloud computing, the proportional expansion of the data center infrastructure is inevitable. Monitoring the health of these data center facilities is a way to maintain and manage the system and prevent failure. If a failure occurs in some elements of the facility, it may affect not only the relevant equipment but also other connected equipment, and may cause enormous damage. In particular, IT facilities are irregular due to interdependence and it is difficult to know the cause. In the previous study predicting failure in data center, failure was predicted by looking at a single server as a single state without assuming that the devices were mixed. Therefore, in this study, data center failures were classified into failures occurring inside the server (Outage A) and failures occurring outside the server (Outage B), and focused on analyzing complex failures occurring within the server. Server external failures include power, cooling, user errors, etc. Since such failures can be prevented in the early stages of data center facility construction, various solutions are being developed. On the other hand, the cause of the failure occurring in the server is difficult to determine, and adequate prevention has not yet been achieved. In particular, this is the reason why server failures do not occur singularly, cause other server failures, or receive something that causes failures from other servers. In other words, while the existing studies assumed that it was a single server that did not affect the servers and analyzed the failure, in this study, the failure occurred on the assumption that it had an effect between servers. In order to define the complex failure situation in the data center, failure history data for each equipment existing in the data center was used. There are four major failures considered in this study: Network Node Down, Server Down, Windows Activation Services Down, and Database Management System Service Down. The failures that occur for each device are sorted in chronological order, and when a failure occurs in a specific equipment, if a failure occurs in a specific equipment within 5 minutes from the time of occurrence, it is defined that the failure occurs simultaneously. After configuring the sequence for the devices that have failed at the same time, 5 devices that frequently occur simultaneously within the configured sequence were selected, and the case where the selected devices failed at the same time was confirmed through visualization. Since the server resource information collected for failure analysis is in units of time series and has flow, we used Long Short-term Memory (LSTM), a deep learning algorithm that can predict the next state through the previous state. In addition, unlike a single server, the Hierarchical Attention Network deep learning model structure was used in consideration of the fact that the level of multiple failures for each server is different. This algorithm is a method of increasing the prediction accuracy by giving weight to the server as the impact on the failure increases. The study began with defining the type of failure and selecting the analysis target. In the first experiment, the same collected data was assumed as a single server state and a multiple server state, and compared and analyzed. The second experiment improved the prediction accuracy in the case of a complex server by optimizing each server threshold. In the first experiment, which assumed each of a single server and multiple servers, in the case of a single server, it was predicted that three of the five servers did not have a failure even though the actual failure occurred. However, assuming multiple servers, all five servers were predicted to have failed. As a result of the experiment, the hypothesis that there is an effect between servers is proven. As a result of this study, it was confirmed that the prediction performance was superior when the multiple servers were assumed than when the single server was assumed. In particular, applying the Hierarchical Attention Network algorithm, assuming that the effects of each server will be different, played a role in improving the analysis effect. In addition, by applying a different threshold for each server, the prediction accuracy could be improved. This study showed that failures that are difficult to determine the cause can be predicted through historical data, and a model that can predict failures occurring in servers in data centers is presented. It is expected that the occurrence of disability can be prevented in advance using the results of this study.

The Ontology Based, the Movie Contents Recommendation Scheme, Using Relations of Movie Metadata (온톨로지 기반 영화 메타데이터간 연관성을 활용한 영화 추천 기법)

  • Kim, Jaeyoung;Lee, Seok-Won
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.25-44
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    • 2013
  • Accessing movie contents has become easier and increased with the advent of smart TV, IPTV and web services that are able to be used to search and watch movies. In this situation, there are increasing search for preference movie contents of users. However, since the amount of provided movie contents is too large, the user needs more effort and time for searching the movie contents. Hence, there are a lot of researches for recommendations of personalized item through analysis and clustering of the user preferences and user profiles. In this study, we propose recommendation system which uses ontology based knowledge base. Our ontology can represent not only relations between metadata of movies but also relations between metadata and profile of user. The relation of each metadata can show similarity between movies. In order to build, the knowledge base our ontology model is considered two aspects which are the movie metadata model and the user model. On the part of build the movie metadata model based on ontology, we decide main metadata that are genre, actor/actress, keywords and synopsis. Those affect that users choose the interested movie. And there are demographic information of user and relation between user and movie metadata in user model. In our model, movie ontology model consists of seven concepts (Movie, Genre, Keywords, Synopsis Keywords, Character, and Person), eight attributes (title, rating, limit, description, character name, character description, person job, person name) and ten relations between concepts. For our knowledge base, we input individual data of 14,374 movies for each concept in contents ontology model. This movie metadata knowledge base is used to search the movie that is related to interesting metadata of user. And it can search the similar movie through relations between concepts. We also propose the architecture for movie recommendation. The proposed architecture consists of four components. The first component search candidate movies based the demographic information of the user. In this component, we decide the group of users according to demographic information to recommend the movie for each group and define the rule to decide the group of users. We generate the query that be used to search the candidate movie for recommendation in this component. The second component search candidate movies based user preference. When users choose the movie, users consider metadata such as genre, actor/actress, synopsis, keywords. Users input their preference and then in this component, system search the movie based on users preferences. The proposed system can search the similar movie through relation between concepts, unlike existing movie recommendation systems. Each metadata of recommended candidate movies have weight that will be used for deciding recommendation order. The third component the merges results of first component and second component. In this step, we calculate the weight of movies using the weight value of metadata for each movie. Then we sort movies order by the weight value. The fourth component analyzes result of third component, and then it decides level of the contribution of metadata. And we apply contribution weight to metadata. Finally, we use the result of this step as recommendation for users. We test the usability of the proposed scheme by using web application. We implement that web application for experimental process by using JSP, Java Script and prot$\acute{e}$g$\acute{e}$ API. In our experiment, we collect results of 20 men and woman, ranging in age from 20 to 29. And we use 7,418 movies with rating that is not fewer than 7.0. In order to experiment, we provide Top-5, Top-10 and Top-20 recommended movies to user, and then users choose interested movies. The result of experiment is that average number of to choose interested movie are 2.1 in Top-5, 3.35 in Top-10, 6.35 in Top-20. It is better than results that are yielded by for each metadata.

Edge to Edge Model and Delay Performance Evaluation for Autonomous Driving (자율 주행을 위한 Edge to Edge 모델 및 지연 성능 평가)

  • Cho, Moon Ki;Bae, Kyoung Yul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.191-207
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    • 2021
  • Up to this day, mobile communications have evolved rapidly over the decades, mainly focusing on speed-up to meet the growing data demands of 2G to 5G. And with the start of the 5G era, efforts are being made to provide such various services to customers, as IoT, V2X, robots, artificial intelligence, augmented virtual reality, and smart cities, which are expected to change the environment of our lives and industries as a whole. In a bid to provide those services, on top of high speed data, reduced latency and reliability are critical for real-time services. Thus, 5G has paved the way for service delivery through maximum speed of 20Gbps, a delay of 1ms, and a connecting device of 106/㎢ In particular, in intelligent traffic control systems and services using various vehicle-based Vehicle to X (V2X), such as traffic control, in addition to high-speed data speed, reduction of delay and reliability for real-time services are very important. 5G communication uses high frequencies of 3.5Ghz and 28Ghz. These high-frequency waves can go with high-speed thanks to their straightness while their short wavelength and small diffraction angle limit their reach to distance and prevent them from penetrating walls, causing restrictions on their use indoors. Therefore, under existing networks it's difficult to overcome these constraints. The underlying centralized SDN also has a limited capability in offering delay-sensitive services because communication with many nodes creates overload in its processing. Basically, SDN, which means a structure that separates signals from the control plane from packets in the data plane, requires control of the delay-related tree structure available in the event of an emergency during autonomous driving. In these scenarios, the network architecture that handles in-vehicle information is a major variable of delay. Since SDNs in general centralized structures are difficult to meet the desired delay level, studies on the optimal size of SDNs for information processing should be conducted. Thus, SDNs need to be separated on a certain scale and construct a new type of network, which can efficiently respond to dynamically changing traffic and provide high-quality, flexible services. Moreover, the structure of these networks is closely related to ultra-low latency, high confidence, and hyper-connectivity and should be based on a new form of split SDN rather than an existing centralized SDN structure, even in the case of the worst condition. And in these SDN structural networks, where automobiles pass through small 5G cells very quickly, the information change cycle, round trip delay (RTD), and the data processing time of SDN are highly correlated with the delay. Of these, RDT is not a significant factor because it has sufficient speed and less than 1 ms of delay, but the information change cycle and data processing time of SDN are factors that greatly affect the delay. Especially, in an emergency of self-driving environment linked to an ITS(Intelligent Traffic System) that requires low latency and high reliability, information should be transmitted and processed very quickly. That is a case in point where delay plays a very sensitive role. In this paper, we study the SDN architecture in emergencies during autonomous driving and conduct analysis through simulation of the correlation with the cell layer in which the vehicle should request relevant information according to the information flow. For simulation: As the Data Rate of 5G is high enough, we can assume the information for neighbor vehicle support to the car without errors. Furthermore, we assumed 5G small cells within 50 ~ 250 m in cell radius, and the maximum speed of the vehicle was considered as a 30km ~ 200 km/hour in order to examine the network architecture to minimize the delay.

Consumer's Negative Brand Rumor Acceptance and Rumor Diffusion (소비자의 부정적 브랜드 루머의 수용과 확산)

  • Lee, Won-jun;Lee, Han-Suk
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.65-96
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    • 2012
  • Brand has received much attention from considerable marketing research. When consumers consume product or services, they are exposed to a lot of brand related stimuli. These contain brand personality, brand experience, brand identity, brand communications and so on. A special kind of new crisis occasionally confronting companies' brand management today is the brand related rumor. An important influence on consumers' purchase decision making is the word-of-mouth spread by other consumers and most decisions are influenced by other's recommendations. In light of this influence, firms have reasonable reason to study and understand consumer-to-consumer communication such as brand rumor. The importance of brand rumor to marketers is increasing as the number of internet user and SNS(social network service) site grows. Due to the development of internet technology, people can spread rumors without the limitation of time, space and place. However relatively few studies have been published in marketing journals and little is known about brand rumors in the marketplace. The study of rumor has a long history in all major social science. But very few studies have dealt with the antecedents and consequences of any kind of brand rumor. Rumor has been generally described as a story or statement in general circulation without proper confirmation or certainty as to fact. And it also can be defined as an unconfirmed proposition, passed along from people to people. Rosnow(1991) claimed that rumors were transmitted because people needed to explain ambiguous and uncertain events and talking about them reduced associated anxiety. Especially negative rumors are believed to have the potential to devastate a company's reputation and relations with customers. From the perspective of marketer, negative rumors are considered harmful and extremely difficult to control in general. It is becoming a threat to a company's sustainability and sometimes leads to negative brand image and loss of customers. Thus there is a growing concern that these negative rumors can damage brands' reputations and lead them to financial disaster too. In this study we aimed to distinguish antecedents of brand rumor transmission and investigate the effects of brand rumor characteristics on rumor spread intention. We also found key components in personal acceptance of brand rumor. In contextualist perspective, we tried to unify the traditional psychological and sociological views. In this unified research approach we defined brand rumor's characteristics based on five major variables that had been found to influence the process of rumor spread intention. The five factors of usefulness, source credibility, message credibility, worry, and vividness, encompass multi level elements of brand rumor. We also selected product involvement as a control variable. To perform the empirical research, imaginary Korean 'Kimch' brand and related contamination rumor was created and proposed. Questionnaires were collected from 178 Korean samples. Data were collected from college students who have been experienced the focal product. College students were regarded as good subjects because they have a tendency to express their opinions in detail. PLS(partial least square) method was adopted to analyze the relations between variables in the equation model. The most widely adopted causal modeling method is LISREL. However it is poorly suited to deal with relatively small data samples and can yield not proper solutions in some cases. PLS has been developed to avoid some of these limitations and provide more reliable results. To test the reliability using SPSS 16 s/w, Cronbach alpha was examined and all the values were appropriate showing alpha values between .802 and .953. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted successfully. And structural equation modeling has been used to analyze the research model using smartPLS(ver. 2.0) s/w. Overall, R2 of adoption of rumor is .476 and R2 of intention of rumor transmission is .218. The overall model showed a satisfactory fit. The empirical results can be summarized as follows. According to the results, the variables of brand rumor characteristic such as source credibility, message credibility, worry, and vividness affect argument strength of rumor. And argument strength of rumor also affects rumor intention. On the other hand, the relationship between perceived usefulness and argument strength of rumor is not significant. The moderating effect of product involvement on the relations between argument strength of rumor and rumor W.O.M intention is not supported neither. Consequently this study suggests some managerial and academic implications. We consider some implications for corporate crisis management planning, PR and brand management. This results show marketers that rumor is a critical factor for managing strong brand assets. Also for researchers, brand rumor should become an important thesis of their interests to understand the relationship between consumer and brand. Recently many brand managers and marketers have focused on the short-term view. They just focused on strengthen the positive brand image. According to this study we suggested that effective brand management requires managing negative brand rumors with a long-term view of marketing decisions.

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