• Title/Summary/Keyword: Small-bowel

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Results of Radiotherapy for the Uterine Cervical Cancer (자궁경부암의 방사선치료성적)

  • Kim, Chul-Yong;Choi, Myung-Sun;Suh, Won-Hyuck
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1988
  • One hundred fifty-four patients with the carcinoma of the uterine cervix were studied retrospectively to assess the result and impact of treatment at Department of Radiation Oncology, Korea University, Hae-Wha Hospital from Feb 1981 through Dec. 1986. Prior to radiotherapy, the patients were evaluated and staged by recommendation of FIGO including physical examination, pelvic examination, cystoscopy, rectosigmoidoscopy, chest X-ray, IVP. Ba enema. Also, an additional pelvic CT scan was obtained for some of the patients. The patients were treated by radiotherapy alone or adjuvant postoperative irradiation; in case of radiation therapy only, whole pelvic irradiation was given with Co-60 teletherapy unit via AP and PA parallel opposing fields or 4-oblique fields, 180 cGy per day, 5 days per week and intracavitary insertion was performed. In satges Ia, Ib, and IIa with small primary lesion, external irradiation was initially given to pelvis up to $2,000\~3,000\;cGy/2frac{1}{2}\;-3frac{1}{2}$ weeks and then intracavitary insertion was performed using Fletcher-Mini-Declos Applicator with cesium-137 cources and followed by external irradiation of $1,000\~2,000\;cGy/1frac{1}{2}\;-2frac{1}{2}$weeks via AP and PA parallel opposing fields with midline shield to spare of bladder and rectum. However, if the primary lesion is large, external irradiation was given without midline shield. More than stages IIb, the patients were treated by external beam irradiation up to 5,400cGy/30f for 6 weeks via 4-oblique portals and at the dose of 5,040cGy/28f the field was cut 5cm from the top margin for spare of small bowel, and followed by intracavitary irradiation, If there was residual tumor an additional dose of $900\~l,200cGy/5\~7f$ was given to parametrium and/or residual tumor area. Total dose of radiation to A and B-point were as follows; A-point; In early stages, Ia, Ib, IIa; $8,000\~9,000$ B-point $5,000\~6,000 cGy$ A-point; In advanced stages IIb, IIIa, IIIb; $9,000\~10,000$ B-point $60,000\~7,000cGy$ The results were obtained and as fellows; 1 The patients distribution according to FIGO staging system were stage Ia 6, Ib 27, IIa 28, IIb 54, IIIa 12, IIIb 18, and stage IVa 9. 2. Value of CT scan were demonstration of cervix tumor mass, parametrial and pelvic side wall tumor spread, pelvic and inguinal lymph nodes metastases, and hydronephrosis. Three dimensional quantitative demonstration of tumor volume is also important in planning radiation therapy. Another advantage of CT scan was detection of recurrent tumor after radiation or surgery. 3. Local control rate of tumor according to the size was $91.3\%$ for less than 5cm in size and $44.6\%$ in tumor over 5cm (p<0.0068). 4. Thirty out of 50 recurrent sites has locoregional failures and 17 cases has distant metastases. And the para-aortic lymph nodes were the most common site for distant metastases. 5. The most common complication was temporal rectal bleeding which was controlled most by conservative management. However, 4 patients required for endoscopic cauterization. 6. The 5-year survival rates showed; stage la and Ib $95\%,\;stage\;IIa\;81\%\;stage\;lIb\;67\%,\;stage\;IIIa\;37.7\%,\;stage\;IIIb\;23\%$ and 3-year survival rate of stage IVa showed $11.6%$, retrospectively.

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Early and Midterm Results of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy ${(LVEF{\leq}35%)}$ (허혈성 심근질환(좌심실박출지수${\leq}$35%) 환자에서 관상동맥우회술의 조기와 중기 결과)

  • Cho Sung-Woo;Lee Young-Tak;Choi Jin-Ho;Kim Si-Wook;Park Kay-Hyun;Park Pyo-Won;Sung Ki-Ick
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.8 s.265
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    • pp.604-610
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    • 2006
  • Background: Recent improvements in interventional procedure and medical therapy for congestive heart failure result in an increase of number of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy considered for coronary artery bypass grafting. We retrospectively review the results of CABG in these patients with decreased LV function to know the early and mid-term follow-up results. Material and Method: Between January 2001 and June 2005, 1,143 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and 144 of these patients had preoperative left ventricular function of equal to or less than 35% ${(LVEF{\leq}\;35%)}$. There were off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) in 66 cases (45.8%), on-pump beating heart coronary artery bypass grafting in 34 cases (23.6%) and conventional coronary artery bypass grafting in 44 cases (30.6%). The combined operations including mitral annuloplasty were 48 cases in thirty five patients (24.3%). Result: The mean number of dstal anastomosis were $3.5{\pm}1.3$. The median postoperative duration of stay in intensive care unit and hospital was 2 days and 8 days, respectively. There were 6 early death (4.2%) and causes of deaths were ventricular tachycardia in 5 patients, small bowel infarction in one patient. Mean follow-up time was $21{\pm}14$ months $(4{\sim}54\;months)$. The 1-year was $95{\pm}2%$ and 3-year survival rate was $83{\pm}7%$, the 1-year and 3-year cardiac event-free survival were ${88{\pm}3%\;and\;69{\pm}7%}$, respectively. Conclusion: Based on satisfactory early and mid-term results in our study, CABG should be carried out as actively as possible in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Postoperative aggressive management for ventricular arrhythmia would be helpful for better results.

Survey on Radiotherpv Protocols for the Rectal Cancers Among the Korean Radiation Oncologists in 2002 for the Development of the Patterns of Care Study of Radiation Therapy (방사선치료 Patterns of Care Study 개발을 위한 2002년 한국 방사선종양학과 전문의들의 직장암 방사선치료 원칙 조사연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Dae-Yong;Kim, Young-Ho;Kim, Woo-Chul;Kim, Chul-Yong;Sung, Jin-Shil;Son, Seung-Chang;Shin, Hyun-Su;An, Young-Chan;Oh, Do-Hum;Oh, One-Yong;Yu, Mi-Ryung;Yu, Hung-Jun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.44-65
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : To conduct nationwide surgery on the principles In radiotherapy for rectal center, and develop the framework of a database of Korean Patterns of Care Study. Materials and Methods : A consensus committee was established to develop a tool for measuring the Patterns in radiotherapy Protocols for rectal cancer. The Panel was composed of radiation oncologists from 18 hospitals in Seoul Wetropolltan area. The committee developed a survey format to analyze radiation oncologist's treatment principles for rectal cancer. The survey items developed for measuring the treatment principles were composed of 1) 8 eliglblllty criteria, 2) 20 Items for staging work-ups and prognostic factors, 3) 7 Items for principles of combined surgery and chemotherapy, 4) 9 patient set-ups, 5) 19 determining radiation fields, 6) S radiotherapy treatment pians, 7) 4 physicalilaboratory examination to monitor a patient's condition during treatment, and 8) 10 follow-up evaluations. These items were sent to radiation oncoioglsts In charge of gastrolntestlnal malignancies in all hospitals (48 hospitals) In Korea to which 30 replies were received (63$\%$). Results : Most of the surrey Items were replied to without no major between the repliers, but with the fellowing items only 50$\%$ of repliers were in agreement : 1) Indications of preoperative radiation, 2) use of endorectal ultrasound, CT scan, and bone scan for staging work-ups, 3) principles of combining chemotherapy with radiotherapy, 4) use of contrast material for small bowel delineation during simulation, 5) determination of field margins, and 6) use of CEA and colonoscopy for follow-up evaluations. Conclusions : The Items where considerable disaggrement was shown among the radiation oncologists seemed to make no serious difference In the treatment outcome, but a practical and reasonable consensus should be reached by the committee, with logical processes of agreement. These Items can be used for a basic database for the Patterns of Care Study, which will survey the practical radiotherapy Patterns for rectal cancer in Korea.

Clinical review of Typhoid Fever Patients (장티브스에 관한 임상적 관찰)

  • 최정신
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.60-71
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    • 1976
  • The author reviewed the medical records of 96 typhoid fever patients who were diagnosed, admitted, and treated at Sea grave Memorial Hospital from January 1 , 1973 through August 31, 1975. Diagnosis was determined by clinical observation, aerology and bacteriology, eighty patients were treated medically, the remaining 16 patients required surgical intervention. The following results were obtained: 1) The age distribution of the patients revealed that 33.3% wert between 10 and 19 years old 21.9% were between 20 and 29, and 19.8% were between 30 and 39. The majority of patients were from these more active age groups. Male to female sex ratio was 1.3 : 1 2) Seasonal distribution was observed. Most illness occurred in the summer and autumn month 5. 3) 84. 3%of the patients came from farm families. 4) Duration between onset and admission averaged 16.0 days. The group without compilations was admitted after an average of 15. 1 days; The group with complications was ad-matted after an average of 19.4 days. 5) Methods of treatment before admission were as follows: 10.4% at medical clinics, 61, 5% at pharmacies (antibiotics 47.9%, other. drugs 13.5%), 7.3% by herb medications, 20.8% had no treatment. 6) Main clinical symptoms were as follows: fever 93.8%, headache 47.9%, abdominal pain 47.9%, chills 38.5%, cough 36.5%, general weakness 26.0%, nausea e vomiting 24.0% and generalized pain 21.9%. 7) Temperature of patients on admission: 22.9% were 39f or more, 67.6% were between 37℃ and 38℃, and 9.4% were 37℃ or less. 8) Occurrence of intensional bleeding after onset of disease averaged 9.3 days; perforation occurred at an average of 19. 1 days. 9) Interval between onset of major complication and surgical intervention averaged 2.8 days. 10) Among the 68 patients who underwent the bacteriological test the positive rate was 44.1% (30). The positive ,ales to, each separate culture method were as follows: 20.4% in the blood culture, 40.4% in the stool culture and 6.7% in the urine culture. Among these bacteriological positive patients 15 patients had a negative results or less than 160 titer of vidal reaction. 11) The initial vidal test of the total group showed a counts of 160 titer or more in 60.4% and less than 160 titer in 39.6%, 12) W. B. C. Counts in the uncomplicated group indicated that 32.5% were 6,000/㎣ or less, 47.5% were between 6,000 and 10,000, arid 20.0% were 10,000/㎣ or more. In the complicated group, 37.6% were 6,000/㎣ or less, 25,0% were 6,000-10,000/㎣ and 37.6% were 10,000/㎣ or more. 13) Duration of hospital stay of the patients averaged 6.4 days in the uncomplicated group and 12.7 days in the complicated group. 14) Subdiaphragmatic free air simple X-ray was found in 91.7% of the perforated cases. 15) Duration of antibiotic therapy until an febrile state was attained averaged 4.8 days in the uncomplicated group and 6.5 days in the complicated group. 16) Operative procedures were as follows: one layer simple closure of their perforation with or without debasement in 56.3%, drainage only in 6.3%, small bowel resection with primary anastomosis in 18.8% , externalization in 6.3%, cholecystectomy in 6.3%, The clinical findings of this study suggest the following recommendations. According to Top's report; 1% of typhoid fever patients treated with chlorarnphenicol and 2% of patients treated with other drugs become chronic carriers. Therefore, importance should be given to the strict control of these carriers. Immunization, improvement of sanitation and living standards are all needed for the prevention and treatment of disease, but a more serious problem is a lack of knowledge on the part of patients and their families. Thus it is most urgent to enlighten the citizens about the transmission and hygiene related to contagious disease. Legal restriction of sale of antibiotics at drug stores without a physician's prescription is an urgent matter for public health administrators. An even more important nursing responsibility is the reemphasis on health education both in the clinical setting and in the home.

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Effect of CT Contrast Media on Radiation Therapy Planning (Head & Neck Cancer and Prostate Cancer) (CT조영제가 방사선치료계획(두경부, 전립선)에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Jaeuk;Han, Manseok;Kim, Minjeong;Kang, Hyeonsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2016
  • This study is to evaluate the effect of a Contrast Media (CM) on dose calculations and clinical significance in Radiation (Electromagnetic wave) Therapy (RT) plans for head & neck (H&N) and prostate cancer. Pinnacle 8.0 system was used to measure the change of Electron Density (ED) of the tissue for CM. To determine the effect of dose calculation due to CM, we did the RT planning for 30 patients. To compare the ED and dose calculations of RT plans, 3D CRT and IMRT plans were do with pinnacle and Tomotherapy planning system. Mean difference of ED between enhanced and unenhanced CT was less than 4%: H&N Target Volume (TV) 2.1%, parotid 1.9%, SMG 3.6%, tongue 0.9%, spinal cord 0.3%, esophagus 2.6%, mandible 0.1% and prostate TV 0.7%, lymph node 1.1%, bladder 1.2%, rectum 1.5%, small bowel 1.2%, colon 0.6%, penile bulb 0.8%, femoral head -0.2%. The dose difference between RT plan using CM and without CM showed an increase of dose in TV. The rate of increase was less than 2.5% (3D CRT: H&N 0.69~2.51%, prostate 0.04~1.14%, IMRT: H&N 0.58~1.31%, prostate 0.36~1.04%). RT plans using a CM has the insignificant effect on the organs and TV, so this error is allowable clinically. However, the much more accurate plan is possible as to image fusion (CM and without CM images) to ROI contour and when dose calculation, use the without CM image. Using the fusion of 'ROI import' perform calculations on without CM, it will be able to reduce the error (1~3%) caused by the CM.

Intravenous immunoglobulin for severe gastrointestinal manifestation of Henoch-Schönlein purpura refractory to corticosteroid therapy (스테로이드 치료에 반응하지 않는 심한 위장관 증세의 Henoch-Schönlein 자반증 환아에서 정맥 면역글로불린 치료)

  • Yang, Hye Ran;Choi, Won Jung;Ko, Jae Sung;Seo, Jeong Kee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.7
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    • pp.784-789
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : $Henoch-Sch{\ddot{o}}nlein$ purpura(HSP) is a systemic vasculitis involving small vessels of skin, gastrointestinal(GI) tract and kidney. Digestive involvement of HSP can be serious with massive GI bleeding, perforation, and intussusception. However, some patients do not respond to conventional corticosteroid therapy. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for serious digestive manifestations not responding to steroid. Methods : From April 1999 to January 2005, 22 children diagnosed as HSP with severe GI symptoms were included. Initially, all patients were treated with intravenous methylprednisolone. IVIG 2 g/kg of body weight was infused in children refractory to steroid therapy. Clinical data were reviewed retrospectively. Results : Among 22 children, 12 children underwent IVIG therapy. The mean duration of corticosteroid therapy was $5.61{\pm}4.9$ days before IVIG therapy, and 11 of 12 patients experienced disappearance of GI manifestations after the initiation of IVIG infusion. In one patient, IVIG was ineffective in relieving abdominal pain, but melena subsided. Comparison of the duration of hospitalization between IVIG group and corticosteroid group revealed no significant difference($12.8{\pm}7.6$ days vs. $13.2{\pm}7.8$ days, P=0.777). But, the total duration of abdominal pain decreased in IVIG group although the difference between two groups was not significant($8.8{\pm}8.1$ days vs. $14.8{\pm}16.9$ days, P=0.306). Among 10 children treated with steroid only, 2 children were operated for bowel perforation and intussusception. In contrast, there was no perforation in 12 children who underwent IVIG therapy. Conclusion : IVIG could be the alternative therapy to corticosteroids in children with severe digestive manifestations of HSP.

Colon Perforation during Air Enema Reduction of Intussusception (소아 장중첩증에서 공기 주입 정복술 시행 도중 발생한 장천공)

  • Kim, Yong Kuk;Im, Hae Ra;Lee, Gwang Hoon;Han, Soo Jin;Sun, Yong Han;Ryoo, Eell;Cho, Kang Ho;Tchah, Hann;Lee, Hak Soo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Although air enema reduction has been known as a good method of diagnosis and treatment of intussusception, it could develop colon perforation. However, there have been few studies about this complication. So we analyzed the risk factors of colon perforation during air enema reduction in patients with intussusception. Methods : We reviewed the charts of 12 colon perforation patients during air enema reduction of intussusception, who were admitted to Gil Medical Center from Jan. 1990 to Dec. 2001. Their age, sex, major symptoms, length of time till hospital visit, types of intussusception, operative findings and pathologic reports were reviewed. Results : Among 657 cases, 596 patients(90.7%) were successfully treated, but 12 patients(1.83%) failed in air enema reduction and had colon perforation. In patients with colon perforation the male to female ratio was 11 : 1, and average age was 5.3 months. The most common symptom at the time of hospital visit was vomiting(91.7%). Cyclic irritability(75.0%), bloody stool(75.0%) and abdominal mass(41.7%) were also noted. The average length of time between symptom onset and hospital visit was 44.7 hours. Types of intussusception were predominantly ileocolic, ileocecal, and ileoileocolic. The site of perforation was most commonly found at the proximal part of intussusception including ascending colon(50%) and transverse colon(50%). Most cases were uncomplicated, and had a single perforation. Pathologic reports showed hemorrhagic necrosis and mesenteric laceration at the site of colon perforation. Complications of colon perforation were tension pneumoperitonium(58.3%), requiring immediate decompression. Conclusion : The chance of colon perforation during air enema reduction increases in cases with small bowel obstruction on simple abdominal x-ray of a patient younger than 6 months, delay in time till hospital visit and higher air pressure during reduction. Therefore more careful investigation is needed in these cases.

Combined Treatment of Residual, Recurrent and Unresectable Gastric Cancer (수술후 잔존 위암, 재발성 위암 및 절제 불가능한 위암의 병용 요법)

  • Bae, Hoon-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 1990
  • A series of 25 patients with residual, recurrent, and unresectable gastric cancer received various combination of surgery, radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy (CT), and hyperthermia (HT). They were placed into 7 categories; 1) CT and HT-14 patients; 2) RT and HT-15 patients; 3) surgery, RT and HT-2 patients; 4) surgery, RT, HT and CT-1 patient; 5) RT, HT and CT -1 patient; 6) RT and CT-1 patient; 7) RT alone-1 patient. Three patients had curative resection. 21 patients received irradiation with tightly contoured portals to spare as much small bowel, kidney and marrow as possible. Hyperthermia was applied regionally once or twice a week for 23 patients using 8 MHz radiofrequency capacitive heating device (Thermotron RF-8). HT was given approximately 30 min after RT 7 patients were treated with CT: 4 patients received HT and concomitant Mitomycin-C; 3 patients received HT and sequential 5-FU+Adriamycin+Mitomycin-C. There was not any treatment related deaths. There was also no evidence of treatment related problems with liver, kidney, stomach, or spinal cord except only one case of transient diabetic ketoacidosis. The tumor response was evaluable in 22 patients. None achieved complete remission.11 ($50\%$) achieved partial remission. The response rate was correlated with total radiation dose and achieved maximum temperature. 9 of 14 ($64\%$) received more than 4000 cGy showed partial remission; especially, all 3 patients received more than 5500 cGy achieved partial response.8 of the 12 patients ($67\%$) who achieved maximal temperature more than $41^{\circ}C$ showed partial response in comparing with $25\%$ (2 of 8 patients, below $41^{\circ}C$). The numbers of HT, however, was not correlated with the response. 3 of the 25 patients ($12\%$) remain alive. The one who was surgically unresectable and underwent irradiation alone is in progression of the disease with distant metastases. The remaining two patients with curative resection are alive with free of disease, 24 and 35 months, respectively. The median survival by response are 11.5 months in responders and 4.6 months in non-responders.

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A Clinical Analysis of Abdominal Stab Wounds (복부 자상의 치료 방법에의 접근)

  • Park, Ji-Yeon;Chung, Min;Lee, Yeong-Don;Lee, Jung-Nam;Lee, Woon-Ki;Park, Yeon-Ho;Baek, Jung-Heum;Park, Heung-Gyu;Kim, Keon-Kuk;Kang, Jin-Mo;Choi, Sang-Tae;Lee, Won-Suk;Park, Seung-Youn
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: A classic approach to abdominal stab wounds has been a routine laparotomy for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment. However, management protocols for abdominal stab wounds are still contentious in most trauma centers. We examined the relationship between the character of the stab wound and the injured intraabdominal organs by retrospectively analyzing the medical records of patients with abdominal stab wounds admitted to Gil hospital, and the findings for our patients are then confronted with a review of the literature. We aimed to propose proper management protocols to approach abdominal stab wounds. Methods: The medical records of all 80 patients sustaining abdominal stab wounds, admitted at the Department of Surgery, Gil Hospital, Gachon Medical School, from January 2004 to December 2008 were retrospectively reviewed. All the abdominal stab wounds were collated based on the site and the character of the injury, investigations performed on admission, results of investigations, operations performed and findings at the time of the operation. Results: The most prevalent age group was patients in their forties and the average age of the patients was 41 years for both genders. The stab wounds were most commonly located at the periumbilical area (16.9%), followed by the epigastric area (15.6%), and 18.2% of the patients had multiple wounds. The most commonly eviscerated organ was the omentum (9 out of 16 cases); 61.7% of non-eviscerated patients underwent a therapeutic laparotomy while 81.3% of eviscerated patients underwent a therapeutic laparotomy. The small bowel was the most commonly injured organ (22.7%, 17 out of 75 injuries). The review revealed a relatively common diaphragmatic injury in abdominal stab wound patients (8 cases, 10.5%). The average hospital stay was 11 days. Conclusion: This review revealed commonly eviscerated and injured intraabdominal organs in abdominal stab wound patients and their relationship with a therapeutic laparotomy. Although the management is still controversial, the authors suggest indications for an immediate laparotomy and a protocol for managing abdominal stab wounds. Hemodynamic instability and peritoneal irritation signs are definite indicators for an immediate laparotomy, but the review revealed intraabdominal organ evisceration alone not to be a statistically significant factor. In addition, the authors suggest that abnormal CT findings can be valuable for making a decision on management of hemodynamically stable stab wound patients. Further study may clarify a role for a more selective approach to operative intervention and for a more extensive use of selective observation.

Intestinal Atresia - The Second National Survey (선천성 장폐쇄증 2차 조사 - 대한소아외과학회 회원을 주 대상으로 한 전국조사 -)

  • Kim, Seong-Chul;Kim, D.Y.;Kim, S.Y.;Kim, I.K.;Kim, I.S.;Kim, J.E.;Kim, J.C.;Kim, H.Y.;Park, K.W.;Park, W.H.;Park, J.Y.;Seo, J.M.;Seol, J.Y.;Oh, S.M.;Oh, J.T.;Lee, N.H.;Lee, M.D.;Lee, S.K.;Lee, S.C.;Chung, S.Y.;Jung, S.E.;Jeong, Y.J.;Jung, P.M.;Choi, K.J.
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2010
  • The members of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons conducted a retrospective study of two hundred and twenty-two cases of intestinal atresia for the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009. Seventeen hospitals were involved. There were 76 duodenal, 65 jejunal, and 81 ileal atresias (3 colonic). The male to female ratio was 0.85:1 in DA and 1.34:1 in JIA. Ninety-four patients(43.3 %) were premature babies (DA 40.3 %, JA 64.6 %, IA 28.8 %), and 70 babies (32.0 %) had low birth weight (DA 38.7 %, JA 44.4 %, IA 16.0 %). Antenatal diagnosis was made in 153 cases (68.9 %). However, 27 infants (17.6 %) with antenatal diagnosis were transferred to the pediatric surgeon's hospitals after delivery. Maternal polyhydramnios was observed in 81 cases (36.59 %) and most frequent with proximal obstruction. In forty-four cases (19.8 %), only simple abdominal film was taken for diagnostic study. The associated malformations were more frequently observed in DA - 61.8 % in DA and 22.6 % in JIA. Meconium peritonitis, small bowel volvulus and intussusception were more frequently associated with ileal atresia. The overall mortality rate was 3.6 %. (Abbreviations: DA;duodenal atersia, JA;jejunal atresia, JIA;jejunoileal atresia, IA;ileal atrsia).

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