• 제목/요약/키워드: Sloshing

검색결과 339건 처리시간 0.022초

Sloshing suppression by floating baffle

  • Kang, Hooi-Siang;Md Arif, Ummul Ghafir;Kim, Kyung-Sung;Kim, Moo-Hyun;Liu, Yu-Jie;Lee, Kee-Quen;Wu, Yun-Ta
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.409-422
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    • 2019
  • Sloshing is a phenomenon which may lead to dynamic stability and damages on the local structure of the tank. Hence, several anti-sloshing devices are introduced in order to reduce the impact pressure and free surface elevation of liquid. A fixed baffle is the most prevailing anti-sloshing mechanism compared to the other methods. However, the additional of the baffle as the internal structure of the LNG tank can lead to frequent damages in long-term usage as this structure absorbs the sloshing loads and thus increases the maintenance cost and downtime. In this paper, a novel type of floating baffle is proposed to suppress the sloshing effect in LNG tank without the need for reconstructing the tank. The sloshing phenomenon in a membrane type LNG tank model was excited under sway motion with 30% and 50% filling condition in the model test. A regular motion by a linear actuator was applied to the tank model at different amplitudes and constant period at 1.1 seconds. Three pressure sensors were installed on the tank wall to measure the impact pressure, and a high-speed camera was utilized to record the sloshing motion. The floater baffle was modeled on the basis of uniform-discretization of domain and tested based on parametric variations. Data of pressure sensors were collected for cases without- and with-floating baffle. The results indicated successful reduction of surface run-up and impulsive pressure by using a floating baffle. The findings are expected to bring significant impacts towards safer sea transportation of LNG.

해양플랜트에 병렬 계류된 LNG 운반선의 거동에 슬로싱이 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Sloshing on the Responses of an LNG Carrier Moored in a Side-by-side Configuration with an Offshore Plant)

  • 이승재
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.16-21
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    • 2010
  • During the loading/offloading operation of a liquefied natural gas carrier (LNGC) that is moored in a side-by-side configuration with an offshore plant, sloshing that occurs due to the partially filled LNG tank and the interactive effect between the two floating bodies are important factors that affect safety and operability. Therefore, a time-domain software program, called CHARM3D, was developed to consider the interactions between sloshing and the motion of a floating body, as well as the interactions between multiple bodies using the potential-viscous hybrid method. For the simulation of a floating body in the time domain, hydrodynamic coefficients and wave forces were calculated in the frequency domain using the 3D radiation/diffraction panel program based on potential theory. The calculated values were used for the simulation of a floating body in the time domain by convolution integrals. The liquid sloshing in the inner tanks is solved by the 3D-FDM Navier-Stokes solver that includes the consideration of free-surface non-linearity through the SURF scheme. The computed sloshing forces and moments were fed into the time integration of the ship's motion, and the updated motion was, in turn, used as the excitation force for liquid sloshing, which is repeated for the ensuing time steps. For comparison, a sloshing motion coupled analysis program based on linear potential theory in the frequency domain was developed. The computer programs that were developed were applied to the side-by-side offloading operation between the offshore plant and the LNGC. The frequency-domain results reproduced the coupling effects qualitatively, but, in general, the peaks were over-predicted compared to experimental and time-domain results. The interactive effects between the sloshing liquid and the motion of the vessel can be intensified further in the case of multiple floating bodies.

Numerical investigation on the effect of baffles on liquid sloshing in 3D rectangular tanks based on nonlinear boundary element method

  • Guan, Yanmin;Yang, Caihong;Chen, Ping;Zhou, Li
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.399-413
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    • 2020
  • The numerical simulation of liquid sloshing in the three-dimensional tanks under horizontal excitation and roll excitation was carried out, and the inhibition effect of different baffles on the sloshing phenomenon was investigated. The numerical calculations were carried out by the nonlinear Boundary Element Method (BEM) with Green's theorem based on the potential flow, which was conducted with the governing equation corresponding to the boundaries of each region. The validity of the method was verified by comparing with experimental values and published literatures. The horizontal baffle, the vertical baffle and the T-shaped baffle in the sloshing tanks were investigated respectively, and the baffles' position, dimension and the liquid depth were provided and discussed in detail. It is drawn that the baffle shape plays a non-negligible role in the tank sloshing. The vertical baffle is a more effective way to reduce the sloshing amplitude when the tank is under a horizontal harmonic excitation while the horizontal baffle is a more effective way when the tank is under a roll excitation. The amplitude of free surface elevation at right tank wall decreases with the increasing of the horizontal baffle length and the vertical baffle height. Although the T-shaped baffle has the best suppression effect on tank sloshing under horizontal excitation, it has limited suppression effect under roll excitation and will complicate the sloshing phenomenon when changing baffle height.

슬로싱이 멤브레인 타입 LNG 화물창의 수직벽면 열전달계수에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Sloshing on the Heat Transfer Coefficient of the Vertical Walls in a Membrane Type LNG Cargo Containment System)

  • 김민창;김태훈;유화롱;김창현;한용식;도규형
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제61권5호
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    • pp.334-342
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    • 2024
  • In this study, sloshing effects on the heat transfer coefficient of the vertical walls in a membrane type LNG cargo containment system (CCS) were analyzed. To develop correlations of the heat transfer coefficient incorporating sloshing effects, experiments were conducted to measure the heat transfer coefficient of an oscillating vertical plate. Based on experiments, two different correlations were developed which are each applicable to vertical and horizontal oscillations. Using the developed correlations, the heat flow rate penetrated into the vertical walls in KC-1 CCS was investigated under sloshing conditions. The results showed that the penetrated heat flow rate increases with the sloshing speed, which is defined as the product of the sloshing amplitude and the frequency. The maximum increase ratio of the heat flow rate was found to be about 7.5% at the sloshing speed of 10m/s. Also, it was found that the penetrated heat flow rate more increases when the CCS oscillates in the perpendicular direction to the vertical walls, than the parallel direction to the vertical walls. This study suggests that the increase in wall heat transfer coefficients has to be considered when evaluating the boil-off rate of CCSs that are shaking due to sloshing.

병진운동하는 사각형 유체저장탱크 내부의 슬로싱 특성 연구 (A Study on the Sloshing of the Rectangular Tank Partially Filled with Fluid Under Translational Motion)

  • 이영신;김현수;이재형;고성호
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제13권8호
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    • pp.591-597
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    • 2003
  • The oscillation of the fluid caused by external motions is called sloshing, which occurs in moving vehicles with contained fluid masses, such as the oil tankers, railroad cars, aircraft and rockets. Natural frequencies of fluid are much lower than that of solid structures, and the deformation caused by the excitation that is less than 1st natural frequency of fluid is very large. For the reason of that, sloshing characteristics under the ekcitation that is less than the 1st natural frequency must be studied prior to the consideration of natural frequencies of fluid. The experimental devices are constructed to simulate the translation motion. The rectangular tanks are made to study the sloshing characteristics under external excitation. The changes of water height are measured using an analogue camcorder and MPEG board, and those are compared to each other through a standard deviation. From the results of experiments, the sloshing is greatly influenced by the length of the rectangular tank than the width of that under the periodic translational motion in the length direction. The rapid amplification of sloshing by resonance is also confirmed experimentally.

액체 슬로싱 제어를 위한 입력성형 (Input Shaping for Control of Liquid Sloshing)

  • 김동주;홍성욱;김경진
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제28권9호
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    • pp.1018-1024
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    • 2011
  • Liquid sloshing occurs when a partially filled liquid tank is subjected to undesirable external forces or acceleration/deceleration for positioning control. Installation of baffles is still the most popular way to suppress the sloshing, but recent successes of input shaping in reducing structural vibrations may give a possible alternative. We aim at investigating the applicability of input shaping to sloshing suppression by numerically solving fluid motions in a rectangular tank. The tank is partially filled with water and it is suddenly put into a sequence of horizontal motions of acceleration and constant speed. The flow is assumed to be two-dimensional, incompressible, and in viscid, and a VOF two-phase model is used to capture the free surface. Results show that the sloshing can be successfully suppressed by shaping the input, i.e., the velocity or acceleration profile of tank. Three different input shapers (ZII, ZVD, and two-mode convolved ZV shapers) are tested and compared in this study Among them, the convolved ZV shaper shows a best performance to eliminate the sloshing almost completely.

액체 연료의 슬라슁과 상호작용하는 우주 탐사선의 자세 운동 분석 (Analysis of Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics Interacting with Liquid Fuel Sloshing)

  • 진재현;김수겸
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제45권12호
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    • pp.1059-1068
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    • 2017
  • 우주 탐사선은 다량의 액체 연료를 탑재하는데, 절반 이상을 넘는 경우가 많다. 이러한 경우, 액체 연료의 슬라슁 현상이 탐사선의 자세 안정성에 영향을 주기 때문에 탐사선 설계에 슬라슁 현상을 고려해야 한다. 본 논문에서는, 액체 연료의 슬라슁 현상과 이와 상호작용하는 탐사선의 동적 거동을 분석한 결과를 제시한다. 이를 위하여 탐사선의 기동이 액체 연료의 슬라슁 현상을 일으키는 모델과 슬라슁에 의한 반력 힘과 모멘트가 탐사선에게 전달되는 모델을 개발하였다. 모델리카 언어로 작성한 시뮬레이션 프로그램을 이용하여 탐사선의 거동을 분석하였다.

사각통에서의 슬로싱에 대한 전산유체역학적 연구 (A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis on Sloshing in Rectangular Tank)

  • 곽영균;이영신;고성호
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2002년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.99-102
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    • 2002
  • The present study describes a numerical analysis for simulation of the sloshing of flows with free-surface which contained in a rectangular tank The SOLA-VOF (Volume of fluid) method uses a fixed mesh for calculating the motion of flow and the free-surface. This Eulerian approach enables the VOF method to use only a small amount of computer memory for simulating sloshing problems with complicated free-surface contours. The VOF function, representing the volume fraction of a cell occupied by the fluid, is calculated for each cells, which gives the locating of the free-surface filling any some fraction of cells with fluid. Using SOLA-VOF method, the study describes visualization about simulation of the sloshing of flows and damping effect by baffle. Translation and pitching motion of the forms have been investigated The time-dependent changes of free-surface height are used for visualization subject to several conditions such as fluid height horizontal acceleration, sinusoidal motion, and viscosity. The free-surface heights were used for comparing wall-force, which is caused by sloshing of flows. Baffle was Installed to reduce the force on the wall by sloshing of flows. Damping effects was extensively expressed under the conditions such as baffle shape and position.

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Analytical and experimental study on natural sloshing frequencies in annular cylindrical tank with a bottom gap

  • Lee, H.W.;Jeon, S.H.;Cho, J.R.;Seo, M.W.;Jeon, W.B.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제57권5호
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    • pp.877-895
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    • 2016
  • This paper is concerned with the analytical derivation of natural sloshing frequencies of liquid in annular cylindrical tank and its verification by experiment. The whole liquid domain is divided into three simple sub-regions, and the region-wise linearized velocity potentials are derived by the separation of variables. Two sets of matrix equations for solving the natural sloshing frequencies are derived by enforcing the boundary conditions and the continuity conditions at the interfaces between sub-regions. In addition, the natural sloshing frequencies are measured by experiment and the numerical accuracy of the proposed analytical method is verified through the comparison between the analytical and experimental results. It is confirmed that the present analytical method provides the fundamental sloshing frequencies which are in an excellent agreement with the experiment. As well, the effects of the tank radial gap, the bottom flow gap and the liquid fill height on the fundamental sloshing frequency are parametrically investigated.

Prediction of Extreme Sloshing Pressure Using Different Statistical Models

  • Cetin, Ekin Ceyda;Lee, Jeoungkyu;Kim, Sangyeob;Kim, Yonghwan
    • Journal of Advanced Research in Ocean Engineering
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the extreme sloshing pressure was predicted using various statistical models: three-parameter Weibull distribution, generalized Pareto distribution, generalized extreme value distribution, and three-parameter log-logistic distribution. The estimation of sloshing impact pressure is important in design of liquid cargo tank in severe sea state. In order to get the extreme values of local impact pressures, a lot of model tests have been carried out and statistical analysis has been performed. Three-parameter Weibull distribution and generalized Pareto distribution are widely used as the statistical analysis method in sloshing phenomenon, but generalized extreme value distribution and three-parameter log-logistic distribution are added in this study. Additionally, statistical distributions are fitted to peak pressure data using three different parameter estimation methods. The data were obtained from a three-dimensional sloshing model text conducted at Seoul National University. The loading conditions were 20%, 50%, and 95% of tank height, and the analysis was performed based on the measured impact pressure on four significant panels with large sloshing impacts. These fittings were compared by observing probability of exceedance diagrams and probability plot correlation coefficient test for goodness-of-fit.