• Title/Summary/Keyword: Slip Load

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Transformation Behavior of Ti-(45-x)Ni-5Cu-xCr (at%) (x = 0.5-2.0) Shape Memory Alloys

  • Im, Yeon-Min;Jeon, Young-Min;Kim, Min-Su;Lee, Yong-Hee;Kim, Min-Kyun;Nam, Tae-Hyun
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2011
  • Transformation behavior and shape memory characteristics of Ti-(45-x)Ni-5Cu-xCr (x=0.5-2.0) alloys have been investigated by means of electrical resistivity measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and thermal cycling tests under constant load. Two-stage B2-B19-B19' transformation occurred in Ti-(45-x)Ni-5Cu-xCr alloys. The B2-B19 transformation was separated clearly from the B19-B19' transformation in Ti-44.0Ni-5Cu-1.0Cr and Ti-43.5Ni-5Cu-1.5Cr alloys. A temperature range where the B19 martensite exists was expanded with increasing Cr content because decreasing rate of Ms (85 K / % Cr) was larger than that of Ms' (17 K / % Cr). Ti-(45-x)Ni-5Cu-xCr alloys were deformed in plastic manner with a fracture strain of 68% ~ 43% depending on Cr content. Substitution of Cr for Ni improves the critical stress for slip deformation in a Ti-45Ni-5Cu alloy due to solid solution hardening.

Characteristics of Flexural Behavior of Composite Section Consisting of Steel Girder with 80MPa High Strength Concrete on Compressive Flange (압축 플랜지에 80MPa급 고강도 콘크리트가 합성된 I형 강거더의 휨거동 특성)

  • Lee, Juwon;Yang, In-Wook;Lim, Eol;Ha, Tae-Yul;Lee, Kwan-Jong
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2017
  • Static loading test was performed on a composite girder with an I-shaped steel girder and SUPER concrete on the top of the steel in order to evaluate flexural behavior characteristics. Total length of the test specimen was 25m long and the depth was 786mm including compressive concrete section('casing' hereafter) with 80MPa strength. 4-point loading on simply-supported beam was applied up to 2,010kN. Results showed that yield strength at tensile steel was 2.7 times greater than service load and the ratio of ductility was 1.481. No cracks were found on the casing surface and the relative slip between different sections was insignificant.

Slope Stability Analysis Considering Reinforcing Effects of Geosynthetics (토목섬유의 보강효과를 고려한 사면안정해석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Mo;Kim, Hong-Tack;Lee, Hyung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2005
  • Generally, to evaluate a slope stability of the geosynthetic reinforced soil slope, the modified version of limit equilibrium method can be used. In most cases, resisting effects of reinforcement are dealt with considering an increased shear strength on the potential slip surface. However, it is not clear that the methods satisfy all three equilibrium equations. In this study, the new slope stability analysis method in which not only reinforcing effects of geosynthetics can be considered but also all three equilibrium equation can be satisfied is proposed. A number of illustrative examples, including published load test of large-scale reinforced retaining wall and centrifuge model tests on the geotextile reinforced soil slopes, are also analyzed. As a result, it is shown that the newly suggested method produces a relatively accurate factor of safety.

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Experimental and numerical study on static behavior of grouped large-headed studs embedded in UHPC

  • Hu, Yuqing;Zhao, Guotang;He, Zhiqi;Qi, Jianan;Wang, Jingquan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2020
  • The static behavior of grouped large-headed studs (d = 30 mm) embedded in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) was investigated by conducting push-out tests and numerical analysis. In the push-out test, no splitting cracks were found in the UHPC slab, and the shank failure control the shear capacity, indicating the large-headed stud matches well with the mechanical properties of UHPC. Besides, it is found that the shear resistance of the stud embedded in UHPC is 11.4% higher than that embedded in normal strength concrete, indicating that the shear resistance was improved. Regarding the numerical analysis, the parametric study was conducted to investigate the influence of the concrete strength, aspect ratio of stud, stud diameter, and the spacing of stud in the direction of shear force on the shear performance of the large-headed stud. It is found that the stud diameter and stud spacing have an obvious influence on the shear resistance. Based on the test and numerical analysis results, a formula was established to predict the load-slip relationship. The comparison indicates that the predicted results agree well with the test results. To accurately predict the shear resistance of the stud embedded in UHPC, a design equation for shear strength is proposed. The ratio of the calculation results to the test results is 0.99.

Application of Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Genetic Programming (GP) to design steel-concrete composite floor systems at elevated temperatures

  • Shariati, Mahdi;Mafipour, Mohammad Saeed;Mehrabi, Peyman;Zandi, Yousef;Dehghani, Davoud;Bahadori, Alireza;Shariati, Ali;Trung, Nguyen Thoi;Salih, Musab N.A.;Poi-Ngian, Shek
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.319-332
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    • 2019
  • This study is aimed to predict the behaviour of channel shear connectors in composite floor systems at different temperatures. For this purpose, a soft computing approach is adopted. Two novel intelligence methods, including an Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and a Genetic Programming (GP), are developed. In order to generate the required data for the intelligence methods, several push-out tests were conducted on various channel connectors at different temperatures. The dimension of the channel connectors, temperature, and slip are considered as the inputs of the models, and the strength of the connector is predicted as the output. Next, the performance of the ELM and GP is evaluated by developing an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Finally, the performance of the ELM, GP, and ANN is compared with each other. Results show that ELM is capable of achieving superior performance indices in comparison with GP and ANN in the case of load prediction. Also, it is found that ELM is not only a very fast algorithm but also a more reliable model.

Advanced analysis of cyclic behaviour of plane steel frames with semi-rigid connections

  • Saravanan, M.;Arul Jayachandran, S.;Marimuthu, V.;Prabha, P.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.381-395
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the details of an advanced Finite Element (FE) analysis of a plane steel portal frame with semi-rigid beam-to-column connections subjected cyclic loading. In spite of several component models on cyclic behaviour of connections presented in the literature, works on numerical investigations on cyclic behaviour of full scale frames are rather scarce. This paper presents the evolution of an FE model which deals comprehensively with the issues related to cyclic behaviour of full scale steel frames using ABAQUS software. In the material modeling, combined kinematic/isotropic hardening model and isotropic hardening model along with Von Mises criteria are used. Connection non-linearity is also considered in the analysis. The bolt slip which happens in friction grip connection is modeled. The bolt load variation during loading, which is a pivotal issue in reality, has been taken care in the present model. This aspect, according to the knowledge of the authors, has been first time reported in the literature. The numerically predicted results using the methodology evolved in the present study, for the cyclic behaviour of a cantilever beam and a rigid frame, are validated with experimental results available in the literature. The moment-rotation and deflection responses of the evolved model, match well with experimental results. This proves that the methodology for evolving the steel frame and connection model presented in this paper is closer to real frame behaviour as evident from the good comparison and hence paves the way for further parametric studies on cyclic behaviour of flexibly connected frames.

Experimental and numerical investigation on the behavior of concrete-filled rectangular steel tubes under bending

  • Zhang, Tao;Gong, Yong-zhi;Ding, Fa-xing;Liu, Xue-mei;Yu, Zhi-wu
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.78 no.3
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    • pp.231-253
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    • 2021
  • Pure bending loading conditions are not frequently occurred in practical engineering, but the flexural researches are important since it's the basis of mechanical property researches under complex loading. Hence, the objective of this paper is to investigate the flexural behavior of concrete-filled rectangular steel tube (CFRT) through combined experimental and numerical studies. Flexural tests were conducted to investigate the mechanical performance of CFRT under bending. The load vs. deflection curves during the loading process was analyzed in detail. All the specimens behaved in a very ductile manner. Besides, based on the experimental result, the composite action between the steel tube and core concrete was studies and examined. Furthermore, the feasibility and accuracy of the numerical method was verified by comparing the computed results with experimental observations. The full curves analysis on the moment vs. curvature curves was further conducted, where the development of the stress and strain redistribution in the steel tube and core concrete was clarified comprehensively. It should be noted that there existed bond slip between the core concrete and steel tube during the loading process. And then, an extensive parametric study, including the steel strength, concrete strength, steel ratio and aspect ratio, was performed. Finally, design formula to calculate the ultimate moment and flexural stiffness of CFRTs were presented. The predicted results showed satisfactory agreement with the experimental and FE results. Additionally, the difference between the experimental/FE and predicted results using the related design codes were illustrated.

Evaluation of Seismic Response of Masonry Walls Strengthened with Steel-bar Truss Systems by Non-linear Finite Element Analysis (비선형 유한요소 해석에 의한 강봉 트러스 시스템으로 보강된 조적벽체의 내진거동 평가)

  • Hwang, Seung-Hyeon;Yang, Keun-Hyeok;Kim, Sang-Hee;Lim, Jin-Sun;Im, Chae-Rim
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2021
  • The present study presents a nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) approach using the general program of Abaqus to evaluate the seismic response of unreinforced masonry walls strengthened with the steel bar truss system developed in the previous investigation. For finite element models of masonry walls, the concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) and meso-scale methods were considered on the basis of the stress-strain relationships under compression and tension and shear friction-slip relationship of masonry prisms proposed by Yang et al. in order to formulate the interface characteristics between brick elements and mortars. The predictions obtained from the FEA approach were compared with test results under different design parameters; as a result, a good agreement could be observed with respect to the crack propagation, failure mode, rocking strength, peak strength, and lateral load-displacement relationship of masonry walls. Thus, it can be stated that the proposed FEA approach shows a good potential for designing the seismic strengthening of masonry walls.

A Quantitative Physical Parameter for Detection of Ultimate Failure State of Soil Using CEL Method in Finite Element Analysis (CEL 기법을 이용한 유한 요소 해석에서 지반의 극한 파괴 상태 감지를 위한 정량적 물리량 기준)

  • Kim, Seongmin;Lee, Ju-Hyung;Jung, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2018
  • In order to use the limit equilibrium theory, it is necessary to find a slip line under the ultimate failure condition. The strength reduction method using the Lagrangian finite element method defines the ultimate failure state at a time when the numerical solution cannot converge within the certain number of the iteration. When the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) method is used, however, such definition is inappropriate because the numerical solution of the CEL method can converge even under the ultimate failure condition. In this study, an objective condition designating the ultimate failure state in the finite element analysis adopting the CEL method was proposed. In the problem of the bearing capacity of the undrained soft ground subjected to the strip footing loading, we found that the rate of the plastic dissipated energy is highly sensitive at the load of the theoretical limit of the ultimate failure state.

Experimental and numerical study on shear studs connecting steel girder and precast concrete deck

  • Xia, Ye;Chen, Limu;Ma, Haiying;Su, Dan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.71 no.4
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    • pp.433-444
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    • 2019
  • Shear studs are often used to connect steel girders and concrete deck to form a composite bridge system. The application of precast concrete deck to steel-concrete composite bridges can improve the strength of decks and reduce the shrinkage and creep effect on the long-term behavior of structures. How to ensure the connection between steel girders and concrete deck directly influences the composite behavior between steel girder and precast concrete deck as well as the behavior of the structure system. Compared with traditional multi-I girder systems, a twin-I girder composite bridge system is more simplified but may lead to additional requirements on the shear studs connecting steel girders and decks due to the larger girder spacing. Up to date, only very limited quantity of researches has been conducted regarding the behavior of shear studs on twin-I girder bridge systems. One convenient way for steel composite bridge system is to cast concrete deck in place with shear studs uniformly-distributed along the span direction. For steel composite bridge system using precast concrete deck, voids are included in the precast concrete deck segments, and they are casted with cast-in-place concrete after the concrete segments are erected. In this paper, several sets of push-out tests are conducted, which are used to investigate the heavier of shear studs within the voids in the precast concrete deck. The test data are analyzed and compared with those from finite element models. A simplified shear stud model is proposed using a beam element instead of solid elements. It is used in the finite element model analyses of the twin-I girder composite bridge system to relieve the computational efforts of the shear studs. Additionally, a parametric study is developed to find the effects of void size, void spacing, and shear stud diameter and spacing. Finally, the recommendations are given for the design of precast deck using void for twin I-girder bridge systems.