• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sleep duration and quality

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A Study on the Convergence of Sleep Patterns and Sleep Disturbance Factors of Inpatients Children Recognized by Care Providers (돌봄 제공자가 인식하는 입원아동의 수면양상 및 수면방해 요인에 대한 융합연구)

  • Park, So-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2020
  • This was a basic study to ascertain the changes in sleep patterns and the factors disrupting sleep in hospitalized children. The participants were children aged 6 years or younger who had been hospitalized in an advanced general hospital in a particular region. A total of 81 participants were included, and for data analysis using SPSS/WIN 21.0. The results showed that children's sleep duration decreased significantly after hospitalization compared to before (p<.001), and there were significant differences in sleep onset latency (p<.001) and frequency of sleep deprivation (p<.001). Factors perceived by the children's mothers to disrupt sleep included the child's health state, noise in the ward, nurses' treatments, and lighting in the ward. This study verified that children's sleep quality and duration decreases during hospitalization, demonstrating the need to prepare measures to improve sleep in hospitalized children based on an understanding of changes in sleep patterns and disrupting factors.

Quantitative and Qualitative Gradient of Pain Experience, Sleep Quality and Psychological Distress in Patients with Different Phenotypes of Temporomandibular Disorders

  • Choi, Hee Hun;Kim, Hye-Kyoung;Kim, Mee-Eun
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a mosaic of clinical signs and symptoms that can be regarded as a set of phenotypes that are affected by various factors including pain sensitivity, pain disability, sleep and psychological functioning. The aims of this study were to evaluate association of pain experience, sleep quality and psychological distress with different phenotypes of TMD patients. Methods: This retrospective study included a cohort (n=1,858; 63.8% for female, mean age=34.9±15.9 years) of patients with TMD. A set of self-administered questionnaires concerning pain interference (Brief Pain Inventory), pain disability (Graded Chronic Pain Scale), sleep quality (Pittsburg Sleep Questionnaire Index), psychological distress (Symptom Checklist-90 revised), and pain catastrophizing (Pain Catastrophizing Scale) were administered to all participants at the first consultation. All TMD patients were classified into four groups including TMD with internal derangement without pain (TMD_ID, n=370), TMD with joint pain (TMD_J, n=571), TMD with muscle pain (TMD_M, n=541) and TMD with muscle-joint combined pain (TMD_MJ, n=376). Results: The female ratio was particularly high in the group with TMD_MJ (p=0.001). The patients with muscle pain and both muscle and joint pain had longer symptom duration (p=0.004) and presented significantly higher scores in pain experience (p<0.001), subjective sleep quality (p<0.001), pain catastrophizing (p<0.001) and psychological distress (p<0.05) except for paranoid-ideation than the groups with only joint problems. Conclusions: The results of this study highlight the importance of multi-dimensional approach that consider pain disability, sleep quality, and psychological functioning in the management of TMD with muscle component. This study would contribute to a better understanding of interaction between heterogeneous TMD and multiple risk factors in order to build tailored treatment based on different phenotypes.

A Newly Designed Cervical Pillow Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (새로 디자인된 경부베개)

  • He, Jin-Gang
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1063-1073
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    • 1999
  • Objective: Poor head and neck support during sleep can exacerbate the neck pain. Based on the ideal sleep posture and pillow suggested by Cyriax, we designed a new cervical pillow and compared the degree of pain reduction, quality of sleep and pillow satisfaction with a low hospital pillow and a high pillow. Method: The newly designed pillow has a built-in pressure-adjustable air bag in the cervical area and provides normal cervical lordotic curve in supine position and maintains cervical and thoracic vertebrae to form a horizontal line in side-lying position. Thiry-four patients with cervical pain used low hospital pillows for the first week of 3-week randomized crossover design study. They were subsequently randomly assigned to use each of the other two pillows for 1-week period. Outcomes were measured using Visual analog scale, Sleep questionaire, a pillow satisfaction scale. Result: Compared with other 2 types of pillow, Subjects using the newly desinged pillow showed much reduced pain intensity, increased duration of sleep and better satisfaction. Conclustion: We desinged a cervical pillow with built-in pressure adjustable air bag and it can significantly reduce pain intensity and improve quality of sleep in patients with cervical pain.

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The Impact of Mental Health on Sleep Duration in Menopausal Women (폐경 여성의 정신건강이 수면시간에 미치는 영향)

  • Jin-Mi Kwak;Sang-Mi Kim
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.309-318
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    • 2024
  • Background: Sleep disorders in menopausal women can act as a factor that lowers the quality of life. This study aims to understand the effects of mental health, such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and stress, on sleep duration in menopausal women to contribute to the management of their mental health. Methods: Using data from the 2021 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we conducted a study on 549 naturally menopausal women aged 50-64 years. We applied frequency and weighted percentages, Rao-Scott chi-square tests, and logistic regression. Results: It was found that women with a university degree or higher had appropriate sleep duration (odds ratio [OR], 0.33; p=0.004). Women with mild depression were less likely to have appropriate sleep compared to those without depression (OR, 2.13; p=0.025). Additionally, women who experienced high levels of stress were less likely to have appropriate sleep compared to those with minimal stress (OR, 2.73; p=0.041). Conclusion: Depression and stress are related to sleep duration, and these mental health issues can lead to physiological problems due to their complex experiences. Therefore, individual attention and management of mental health are crucial, and it seems necessary to develop community-based treatment and prevention strategies.

The Relationship between Sleep Quality and Clinical Features of Adolescents with Temporomandibular Disorder

  • Park, Yang Mi;Lee, Sunhee;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Ahn, Yong-Woo;Jeong, Sung-Hee;Ok, Soo-Min
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Many researchers have established a connection between sleep disturbances and the symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) in adults, but there are a few studies targeted at adolescents with TMD. The aim of this study was to analyze the sleep pattern of adolescents with TMD and to determine the effect of poor sleep quality on their clinical symptoms. Methods: The subjects were composed of 47 adolescents with TMD. The sleep pattern and preliminary information of patients were measured by self-reported questionnaires; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Questionnaire for TMD analysis. TMD pain was scored using the Numerical Rating Scale. The Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test, Fisher's exact test and logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. Results: The poor sleeping group had statistically more females (25.00% males, 75.00% females) than the good sleeping group. As compared with that of good sleepers, sleep quality of poor sleepers was significantly worse in the items of subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep disturbances, daytime dysfunction and global PSQI score. The sleep time of adolescents was much longer during vacation ($7.20{\pm}1.38hours$) than during school days ($6.10{\pm}1.26hours$). Poor sleep of patients was associated with the pain in the ear or in front of the ear, in the face, jaw, throat or temple and in neck or back. Adolescents with pain in those areas had significantly higher proportion of poor sleepers than adolescents with no pain in those areas. Conclusions: The high ratio of girls in poor sleeping group could reflect the greater prevalence of TMD in women than in men. Pain in peri-temporomandibular joint areas, neck or back could negatively influence sleep quality of adolescents with TMD.

The Effects of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Sleep Disorder and Fatigue in Menopausal Women (이압요법이 갱년기 여성의 수면장애와 피로에 미치는 효과)

  • Ryu, Eun-Jin;Choi, So-Eun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.447-458
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of auricular acupressure therapy on sleep disorder and fatigue in menopausal women. Methods: The study design was a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 40~60 years old women, assigned to the experimental group (n=25) or the control group (n=27). Auricular acupressure using vaccaria seeds was administered to the experimental group. The sessions continued for 6 weeks. Outcome measures included Pittsburgh sleep quality index, sleep meter, sleep diary, fatigue assessment instrument, serum cortisol, and serum serotonin. Results: Menopausal women in the experimental group showed significant increases in deep sleep, light sleep, serotonin level and sleep duration compared with the control group. Also, the experimental group reported decreases in PSQI, sleep latency, awakening time, fatigue and cortisol level compared with the control group. Conclusion: Results show that auricular acupressure using vaccaria seeds is considered as an effective treatment for sleep disorder and fatigue in menopausal women. We conclude that it can be used as a nursing intervention method proven to reduce sleep disorder and fatigue in menopausal women.

Sleep Disturbance in Prostate Cancer Patients (전립선암환자의 수면장애)

  • Jun, Seong-Sook;Kim, Dong-Hee;Kim, Min-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate clinical characteristics and risk factors for sleep disturbance in patients with prostate cancer. Method: Participants were recruited from P hospital outpatient clinic from March 23 to April 20, 2006, and 101 participants completed a questionnaire assessing general and clinical characteristics, sleep quality, physical symptoms and psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression. The data was analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 program. Results: In this study, 29.7% of the patients reported sleep disturbance. Cancer diagnosis related factors which affected sleep disturbance were onset (55.3%) and aggravation (83.3%). Habitual sleep efficiency of patients with sleep disturbance was as follows: bedtime was 10 PM, wake-up time was 6AM, sleep duration was six hours and twenty minutes. Risk factors for the presence of sleep disturbance included metastasis, the presence of intestinal symptoms, depression and anxiety. Conclusion: Sleep disturbance is a frequent problem associated with prostate cancer and seems to be influenced by aggravation of illness and the presence of physical and psychological symptoms.

Effects of Foot Bath Therapy on Menopausal Symptoms and Sleep in Women in Their 50s (족욕요법이 50대 여성의 갱년기 증상 및 수면에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Gesam;Jeon, Yowon;Kim, Wonbin
    • Journal of Naturopathy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Purpose: This study was to study the effect of foot bathing on menopausal symptoms and sleep disorders in female subjects in their 50s with menopausal symptoms. Methods: After 12 weeks of foot bath therapy three times a week, pre- and post-menopausal signs were measured. Results: Subjects with hot flashes, heart discomfort, sleep problems, depression, irritability, anxiety, physical and mental fatigue, sexual problems, urination problems, vaginal dryness, and joint and muscle discomfort significantly improved after than before(p < .001). Subjective sleep quality, sleep incubation period, sleep duration, sleep disturbance score, sleep drug use, and sleep dysfunction significantly decreased after foot bath than before(p < .001). Habitual sleep efficiency increased considerably. Conclusions: The subjects showed overall improvement in menopausal symptoms and sleeping quality after a foot-bath. Therefore, foot bath therapy is evaluated as a natural healing therapy suitable for improving menopausal symptoms and sleep.

A Clinical Report of Two Patients with Insomnia by Korean Traditional Treatment and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (한방치료와 점진적 근육이완법으로 호전된 불면 환자 치험 2례)

  • Lee, Jin-Hwan;Kang, Hyun-Sun;Kim, Jin-Yi;Sung, Woo-Yong;Kang, Rae-Yeop
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This study was designed to report the effect of Korean traditional treatment and progressive muscle relaxation for insomnia. Methods : We treated two patients scored more than 15 point at insomnia severity index by korean traditional treatment and progressive muscle relaxation. Results : After treatment, sleep duration and sleep quality was improved. Insomnia Severity Index, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score were decreased. Conclusions : We may conclude that korean traditional treatment and progressive muscle relaxation is effective in patients with insomnia.

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Effects of musculoskeletal system problems on quality of life and depression in students preparing for university entrance exam

  • Kitis, Ali;Buker, Nihal;Unal, Ayse;Savkin, Raziye
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.192-196
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    • 2017
  • Background: This study was planned to investigate the relationship between musculoskeletal problems, depression, and quality of life in students preparing for university entrance exams. Methods: A total of 180 students were included in the study, 104 were female (57.77%), and 76 were male (42.22%). Students were reached through the cram schools ("dershane") in Denizli. Musculoskeletal system problems, depression status, and quality of life were determined with the Musculoskeletal-Postural Discomfort Scale (MDS), Boratav Depression Screen Scale (Bordepta), and Short Form-36 (SF-36), respectively. Demographic data, daily study, and sleep duration were also recorded. Results: Students have moderate musculoskeletal discomfort. Musculoskeletal disorders and depressive symptoms are more observed in female students than male students (P = 0.000). The SF-36 results were significantly negatively correlated with the MDS and Bordepta scores. A significant positive correlation was found between musculoskeletal disorders and depression status (r = 0.351, P = 0.000). Sleep duration was negatively correlated with the MDS and Bordepta (r = -0.209, P = 0.005; r = -0.148, P = 0.047, respectively) and positively correlated with the SF-36 role limitation/emotional and social functioning subscales (r = 0.225, P = 0.002 and r = 0.191, P = 0.010 respectively). Conclusions: Musculoskeletal problems and depression status negatively affects general health status especially in female students who are preparing for university entrance examinations. Students should be informed about musculoskeletal problems by healthcare professionals and the study room, tables, and chairs should be arranged ergonomically. Further studies might be determined that why musculoskeletal disorders and depression status are more widely among female students.