• 제목/요약/키워드: Slaughter Age

검색결과 173건 처리시간 0.021초

Nutritional Composition in Bone Extracts from Jeju Crossbred Horses at Different Slaughter Ages

  • Kim, Hee-Jin;Kim, Dongwook;Chae, Hyun-Seok;Kim, Nam-Young;Jang, Aera
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.486-493
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    • 2017
  • The effects of slaughter age (28, 32, or 38 mon) on the proximate composition, collagen content, fatty acid composition, amino acid content, and mineral contents of horse leg bone (femur and tibia) extracts (HLBE) obtained from Jeju crossbred horses (n=14) in Korea. HLBE was extracted for 24 h with boiling water. At those ages, the respective proximate compositions of the HLBE were found as follows: 5.20-6.42% crude protein; fat 0.61-1.65% crude; and 0.10-0.22% crude ash. At 32 and 38 mon, the HLBE showed higher levels of both crude protein and collagen than at 28 mon. The major fatty acids of the horse leg bone extract powder (HLBP) were palmitic acid and oleic acid. Palmitoleic acid and the essential fatty acids were higher in the HLBP at 38 mon compared to that at 28 mon. Nearly all the amino acids were found at higher levels in the HLBP at 38 mon than at 28 mon, except histidine. The P, K, Zn, Se and Fe contents in the HLBP increased significantly with age. These results suggest that some nutrients in the HLBE increase with age, and that extracts from horses older than 32 mon would be more nutritious for human consumers.

Ontogenetic Expression of Lpin2 and Lpin3 Genes and Their Associations with Traits in Two Breeds of Chinese Fat-tailed Sheep

  • Jiao, Xiao-Li;Jing, Jiong-Jie;Qiao, Li-Ying;Liu, Jian-Hua;Li, Liu-An;Zhang, Jing;Jia, Xia-Li;Liu, Wen-Zhong
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2016
  • Lipins play dual function in lipid metabolism by serving as phosphatidate phosphatase and transcriptional co-regulators of gene expression. Mammalian lipin proteins consist of lipin1, lipin2, and lipin3 and are encoded by their respective genes Lpin1, Lpin2, and Lpin3. To date, most studies are concerned with Lpin1, only a few have addressed Lpin2 and Lpin3. Ontogenetic expression of Lpin2 and Lpin3 and their associations with traits would help to explore their molecular and physiological functions in sheep. In this study, 48 animals with an equal number of males and females each for both breeds of fat-tailed sheep such as Guangling Large Tailed (GLT) and Small Tailed Han (STH) were chosen to evaluate the ontogenetic expression of Lpin2 and Lpin3 from eight different tissues and months of age by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Associations between gene expression and slaughter and tail traits were also analyzed. The results showed that Lpin2 mRNA was highly expressed in perirenal and tail fats, and was also substantially expressed in liver, kidney, reproductive organs (testis and ovary), with the lowest levels in small intestine and femoral biceps. Lpin3 mRNA was prominently expressed in liver and small intestine, and was also expressed at high levels in kidney, perirenal and tail fats as well as reproductive organs (testis and ovary), with the lowest level in femoral biceps. Global expression of Lpin2 and Lpin3 in GLT both were significantly higher than those in STH. Spatiotemporal expression showed that the highest levels of Lpin2 expression occurred at 10 months of age in two breeds of sheep, with the lowest expression at 2 months of age in STH and at 8 months of age in GLT. The greatest levels of Lpin3 expression occurred at 4 months of age in STH and at 10 months of age in GLT, with the lowest expression at 12 months of age in STH and at 8 months of age in GLT. Breed and age significantly influenced the tissue expression patterns of Lpin2 and Lpin3, respectively, and sex significantly influenced the spatiotemporal expression patterns of Lpin3. Meanwhile, Lpin2 and Lpin3 mRNA expression both showed significant correlations with slaughter and tail traits, and the associations appear to be related with the ontogenetic expression as well as the potential functions of lipin2 and lipin3 in sheep.

Reduction of slaughter age of Hanwoo steers by early genotyping based on meat yield index

  • Jeong, Chang Dae;Islam, Mahfuzul;Kim, Jong-Joo;Cho, Yong-Il;Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.770-777
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    • 2020
  • Objective: This study was conducted to determine early hereditary endowment to establish a short-term feeding program. Methods: Hanwoo steers (n = 140) were equally distributed into four groups (35/group) based on genetic meat yield index (MYI) viz. the greatest, great, low, and the lowest at Jukam Hanwoo farm, Goheung. All animals were fed in group pens (5 animals/pen) with similar feed depending on the growth stage. Rice straw was provided ad libitum, whereas concentrate was fed at 5.71 kg during the growing period (6 to 13 mo) and 9.4 kg during the fattening period (13 to 28 mo). Body weight (BW) was measured at two-month intervals, whereas carcass weight was determined at slaughtering at about 31 months of age. The Affymetrix Bovine Axiom Array 640K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip was used to determine the meat quantity-related gene in the blood. Results: After 6 months, the highest (p<0.05) BW was observed in the greatest MYI group (190.77 kg) and the lowest (p<0.05) in the lowest MYI group (173.51 kg). The great MYI group also showed significantly (p<0.05) higher BW than the lowest MYI group. After 16 and 24 months, the greatest MYI group had the highest BW gain (p<0.05) and were therefore slaughtered the earliest. Carcass weight was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the greatest and the great MYI groups followed by the low and the lowest MYI groups. Back-fat thickness in the greatest MYI group was highly correlated to carcass weight and marbling score. The SNP array analysis identified the carcass-weight related gene BTB-01280026 with an additive effect. The steers with the allele increasing carcass weight had heavier slaughter weight of about 12 kg. Conclusion: Genetic MYI is a potential tool for calf selection, which will reduce the slaughter age while simultaneously increasing carcass weight, back-fat thickness, and marbling score.

Preliminary Evaluation of Slaughter Value and Carcass Composition of Indigenous Sheep and Goats from Traditional Production System in Tanzania

  • Shija, Dismas S.;Mtenga, Louis A.;Kimambo, Abiliza E.;Laswai, Germana H.;Mushi, Daniel E.;Mgheni, Dynes M.;Mwilawa, Angello J.;Shirima, Eligy J.M.;Safari, John G.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2013
  • The aim of the pilot study was to evaluate slaughter characteristics and carcass composition of indigenous long fat tailed sheep and Small East African goats purchased from the auction markets slaughtered at 1.5 to 2 yrs of age and 20 kg to 25 kg live weight. The animals were slaughtered according to halal standard procedures. The left half carcasses were jointed into eight wholesale joints, and dissected into muscles, fat and bone, which were weighed separately. Sheep had greater (p<0.05) slaughter BW (22.29 kg vs 20.50 kg) and empty BW (20.17 kg vs 18.67 kg) than goats (p<0.05). Dressing percentages were lower (p<0.001) in sheep than goats when carcass weight was expressed as percentage of slaughter BW (42.31% and 47.15%) and empty BW (46.75% and 51.79%). Sheep carcasses had lower (p<0.001) proportion (66.18% vs 71.64%) of muscles and higher (p<0.001) proportion of fat (7.41% vs 3.44%) than goat carcasses. Sheep had proportionally lighter (p<0.001) shoulder (18.89% vs 22.68%) and heavier (p<0.05) proportion of chump (7.916% vs 6.76%) and main rib (8.12% vs 7.07%). Sheep had more (p<0.001) muscles in the leg (28.83% vs 27.08%) and main rib (7.62% vs 6.36%) than goats. Sheep had less (p<0.001) muscles (20.28% vs 23.56%) in shoulder joints when expressed as percentage of total muscle of carcasses. It is concluded that there are differences in sheep and goat both in terms of carcass and joint yields and composition. The present study also implies that there is need to consider setting different meat cuts and prices for these cuts when one takes into account the differences in muscle distribution within joints in sheep and goats.

The Effects of Pre-slaughter Stress and Season on the Activity of Plasma Creatine Kinase and Mutton Quality from Different Sheep Breeds Slaughtered at a Smallholder Abattoir

  • Chulayo, A.Y.;Muchenje, V.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제26권12호
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    • pp.1762-1772
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    • 2013
  • The objective of the current study was to determine the effect of pre-slaughter stress, season and breed on the activity of plasma creatine kinase (CK) and the quality of mutton. One hundred and seventy-three (173) castrated sheep from Dormer (DM), South African Mutton Merino (SAMM), Dorper (DP) and Blackhead Persian (BP) sheep breeds were used in the study. The animals were grouped according to age-groups as follows: Group 1 (6 to 8 months), Group 2 (9 to 12 months) and Group 3 (13 to 16 months). Blood samples were collected during exsanguinations using disposable vacutainer tubes for CK analysis. Representative samples of the Muscularis longissimuss thoracis et. lumborum (LTL) were collected from 84 castrated sheep, of different breeds (28 per breed) 24 h after slaughter. The following physico-chemical characteristics of mutton were determined; meat pH ($pH_{24}$), color ($L^*$, $a^*$ and $b^*$), thawing and cooking losses and Warner Braztler Shear Force (WBSF). The activity of plasma CK was significantly higher (p<0.001) in summer ($1,026.3{\pm}105.06$) and lower in winter ($723.3{\pm}77.75$). There were higher values for $L^*$ ($33.7{\pm}0.94$), $b^*$ ($11.5{\pm}0.48$) and WBSF ($29.5{\pm}1.46$) in summer season than in winter season; $L^*$ ($29.4{\pm}0.64$), $b^*$ ($10.2{\pm}0.33$) and WBSF ($21.2{\pm}0.99$). The activity of plasma CK was influenced by the type of breed with Dormer having the highest (p>0.001) levels ($1,358.6{\pm}191.08$) of CK. South African Mutton Merino had higher values for $pH_{24}$ ($5.9{\pm}0.06$), $L^*$ ($34.2{\pm}0.97$), $b^*$ ($12.2{\pm}0.50$) and WBSF ($26.8{\pm}1.51$) and Blackhead Persian had higher values ($35.5{\pm}2.17$) for cooking loss (CL%) than the other breeds. Computed Principal Component Analyses (PCA) on the activity of plasma CK and physico-chemical characteristics of mutton revealed no correlations between these variables. However, positive correlations were observed between $pH_{24}$, $L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$, CL% and WBSF. Relationships between pre-slaughter stress, CK activity and physico-chemical characteristics of mutton were also observed. It was therefore concluded that although mutton quality and creatine kinase were not related, pre-slaughter stress, season and breed affected the activity of creatine kinase and mutton quality.

Effect of stress during slaughter on carcass characteristics and meat quality in tropical beef cattle

  • Carrasco-Garcia, Apolo A.;Pardio-Sedas, Violeta T.;Leon-Banda, Gloria G.;Ahuja-Aguirre, Concepcion;Paredes-Ramos, Pedro;Hernandez-Cruz, Bertha C.;Murillo, Vicente Vega
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제33권10호
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    • pp.1656-1665
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    • 2020
  • Objective: This study aimed to determine the effects of stress during slaughter of beef cattle on physiological parameters, carcass, and meat quality at a Federal Inspection Type slaughterhouse located in the southeast of Mexico. Methods: A total of 448 carcasses of male Zebu×European steers with an average age of 36 months were included. Carcass assessment of presence of bruises and bruise characteristics was carried out on each half-carcass. Blood variable indicators of stress (packed cell volume, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, glucose, cortisol concentration) and meat quality parameters (pH, color, shear force, drip loss) were evaluated. Results: Of the 448 carcasses evaluated, 81% of the carcasses showed at least one bruise; one bruise was detected in 36.6% and two bruises in 27.0% of animals. Of the 775 bruises found, 69.2% of the bruises were grade 1 in region 3. Of the 448 carcasses studied, 69.6% showed hyperglycemia (6.91 mmol/L); 44.3% and 22.7% showed high (74.7 ng/mL) and extremely high (108.8 ng/mL) cortisol levels, respectively, indicative of inadequate handling of animals during preslaughter and slaughter. Of the carcasses evaluated, 90.4% had a pH ≥5.8 with an average of pH 6.3. In both pH groups, meat samples showed L values >37.0 (81.6%) and a shear force >54.3 N; meat pH≥5.8 group showed a drip loss of 2.5%. These findings were indicative of dark, firm, and dry (DFD) meat. According to principal component analysis, grades 1 and 2 bruises in region 3 and grade 1 bruises in region 5 were highly associated with cortisol, drip loss, and color parameters b and h and were negatively associated with L, a, and C. Conclusion: The bruises probably caused by stress-inducing situations triggered DFD meat. Appropriate changes in handling routines in operating conditions should be made to minimize stress to animals during the slaughter process to improve animal welfare and meat quality.

An Overview of Feathers Formation, Moults and Down Production in Geese

  • Kozak, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.881-887
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    • 2011
  • Feathers are one of the integument appendages that form the outer covering, or plumage, on birds. The goslings hatch with a downy coat of feathers formed in embryonic development. They moult the natal plumage into juvenile feathers between 3-5 weeks of age and than moult that juvenile plumage into adult plumage between 8-11 weeks of age. Feather weight of an adult goose makes up about 6.2% of its total body weight. Heritability of the feather production ability is relatively low ($h^2$ = 0.35). Within species or genotype, the quantity and composition of the plumage are affected by genetics (age, body weight or body surface area, feathering rate, sex) and environmental factors (nutrition and production system, weather, microclimate). After slaughter some 90-220 g marketable feathers can be obtained per goose. The yield of feathers and down from each hand-harvesting amounts to between 80 to 120 g per goose, depending upon the frequency and degree of completeness of the harvesting.

Energy Requirement of Rhode Island Red Hens for Maintenance by Slaughter Technique

  • Jadhao, S.B.;Tiwari, C.M.;Chandramoni, Chandramoni;Khan, M.Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제12권7호
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    • pp.1085-1089
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    • 1999
  • Energy requirement of Rhode Island Red (RIR) hens was studied by comparative slaughter technique. Seventeen hens above 72 weeks of age were slaughtered in batches. Batch I consisted of 5 hens which were slaughtered initially. Batch II comprised of six hens, which were fed ad libitum broken rice (BR)-based diet for 18 days. Record of feed intake, number of eggs laid and egg weight during the period was kept. These hens were slaughtered and body energy content was determined. Egg energy was consisted as energy deposited. Batch III consisting of six hens which were fed varying quantity of diet for 15 days, were slaughtered similarly as hens of batch II. Regression equation (body weight to body energy) developed on batch I was applied to batch II and developed on batch II was applied to batch III hens, to find out initial body energy content of hens. Egg energy (EE) was calculated according to formula: EE (kcal) = -19.7 + 1.81 egg weight (g). Regressing metabolisable energy (ME) intake on energy balance (body energy change + egg energy), maintenance ME requirement of hens was found to be $119.8kcal/kg\;W^{0.75}/d$. Multiple regression of ME required for production on energy retained as protein and fat (body plus egg energy) indicated that RIR hens synthesize proteins with an efficiency of 85.5 and fat with an efficiency exceeding 100 percent on BR based diet.

Effect of pre-slaughter fasting time on carcass yield, blood parameters and meat quality in broilers

  • Xuezhuang Wu;Yahao Zhou;Zhentao Lu;Yunting Zhang;Tietao Zhang
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2024
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pre-slaughter fasting time on carcass yield, meat quality, blood parameters and glucose metabolism in broilers. Methods: Four hundred and fifty Arbor Acres (AA) broilers at 42 days of age were divided into 5 groups with 6 replicates in each group and 15 chickens as one replicate. Following this period, broilers from each group were distributed among five groups according to preslaughter fasting period as 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 h. Results: With increasing fasting time, the carcass yield (p<0.01), the breast muscles yield (p<0.01) and the thigh yield (p<0.01) of the broilers were all linearly increased. With increasing fasting time, the L* values (p<0.01), cooking loss (p = 0.020), moisture content (p<0.01) in the leg muscles linearly downregulated, while the drip loss (p = 0.043), pH45 min (p<0.01) and pH24 h (p<0.01) were linearly upregulated. A trend for a lower (p = 0.071) shear force in the leg muscles was also observed in broilers fasted for longer time. Similar results were also found in breast muscles. The different fasting treatments did not influence the breast muscles glycogen content (p>0.10), while the increase of fasting time resulted in a linear decrease of the blood glucose (p = 0.021) and, more specifically, the glycogen content of the liver and leg muscles (p<0.001). With increasing fasting time, the aspartate transaminase (p<0.01), uric acid (p<0.01), and triglycerides (p<0.01) in serum linearly downregulated, while the alanine aminotransferase was linearly upregulated. Conclusion: The results of this study show a significant influence of fasting time on carcass yield and meat quality in broilers. Moderate fasting (8 to 12 h) before slaughter can reduce the weight loss of broilers. Prolonged fasting (≥16 h) increased body weight loss, decreased slaughtering performance and fluctuating blood indexes of broilers.

비교도체법에 의한 한우 거세우의 증체에너지 및 단백질 요구량 (Determination of Net Energy and Protein Requirements for Growth in Hanwoo Steers by Comparative Slaughter Experiment)

  • 김경훈;오영균;이상철;신기준;정완태;강수원;홍성구;주종철;백봉현
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2007
  • 200 두의 한우 거세우를 이용한 비교도체 시험에서 얻어진 자료로부터 유지를 위한 정미에너지 요구량(Net energy requirements for growth, NEg) 및 단백질 요구량(Net protein requirements for growth, NPg) 산출식을 도출하기 위해 본 실험을 수행하였다. 공시축은 6개월령에서 8두를 무작위 선발하여 도축하였고, 나머지 192두는 2개 처리에 임의 배치하였다. 농후사료 제한 급여구는 6~12개월령에 체중의 1.2~1.5%, 13~18개월령에는 체중의 1.7~1.8%로 제한 급여하였고, 19~30개월령에는 자유채식시켰다. 무제한 급여구는 6개월령부터 30개월령까지 전 사육기간 농후사료를 자유채식시켰다. 두 처리 모두 조사료는 볏짚을 자유채식시켰다. 8개월령부터 각 처리 8두씩 무작위 선발하여 2개월 간격으로 30개월령까지 도축하였다. 모든 조직 부위의 중량을 측정한 후, 일정비율의 시료를 채취하여 0~5℃ 상태로 실험실로 운반하여 단백질 및 지방 그리고 bomb caloriemeter로 calorie를 측정하였다. NEg와 NPg 요구량 산출 회귀식은 일본 육우사양표준(農林水産技術會議事務局, 2000)의 회귀식과 같은 변수로 구성되었고, NEg 산출식은 농후사료 제한 급여구에서 NEg = 0.05332×LBW0.75×DG 그리고 무제한 급여구에서 NEg=0.04912×LBW0.75×DG으로 결정되었다. NPg 요구량은 농후사료 제한 급여구는 NPg=DG×(224.7-0.251×LBW), 무제한 급여구는 NPg=DG×(210.1-0.214×LBW)로 결정되었다.