• 제목/요약/키워드: Six sigma process

검색결과 207건 처리시간 0.021초

6시그마 DMADOV 방법론을 이용한 정보화 전략계획수립 (Information Strategy Planning based on Six-Sigma DMADOV Methodology)

  • 김종호
    • 경영과학
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2008
  • Information strategy planning (ISP) pursues alignment of business strategy and IT (Information Technology) strategy as well as derivation of feasible and valuable IT projects. However, conventional ISP methodology hardly obtains the objectives because of its intrinsic shortcomings. Diverse ways are proposed for the improvement of the conventional methodology including, for example, combination of EA (Enterprise Architecture) with ISP. Meanwhile, six-sigma methodology which is characterized by quantification, scientific and systematic approach, customer orientation, process orientation has been gaining considerable attention and extending its application scope continuously. In this paper, an innovative ISP methodology is proposed by decomposing activities, methods, and tasks from conventional ISP process and reorganizing them into DMADOV six-sigma framework. In addition, the usefulness and applicability of the newly proposed methodology are provided using an electronics company example. The methodology enhance the possibility of producing future oriented and beneficial IT projects by associating IT strategy and the projects in the form of quantified causal relationship. Besides, it can also increase the objectivity of IT vision and strategy.

저장탄약신뢰성평가의 비기능시험 업무프로세스 개선을 이한 6시그마 적용 사례 연구 (A Case Study of Six Sigma for Improving Non-Function Test Process in the Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program)

  • 윤근식;김용화;봉하규;이종찬
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2006
  • This paper includes an example of applying Six Sigma to Non-function test process to improve the efficiency and reliability of the Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program (ASRP). By applying the DMAIC which is one of the Six sigma methods. we found out the vital few and as an improved version : effective redesign of check-sheets, pre-examination of technology, on-the-scene support system. As a result, we could enhance the reliability and reduce manpower and additional expenses.

녹색성장 실행을 위한 그린 6시그마 (Green Six Sigma for Green Growth Implementation)

  • 김동준;홍성훈;신완선
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.521-530
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    • 2010
  • Global regulatory pressures relating climate change and environmental responsibility are asking companies to find out the best way for sustaining their continuous business growths. It could be known that inadequate management for environmental issues are bad for business, negatively affecting brand image, causing unnecessary losses and costs for environmental preservation. For this reason, environmentally conscious green business growth has been recognized as an essential requirement for a company to stay in business. Many companies are looking for green business opportunities of improving their environmental and financial results, and struggling with how green fits into their business. In this paper, the Green Six Sigma, an environmentally conscious Six Sigma methodology, is presented as a way to find solutions for green growths. The Six Sigma is known as a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for achieving world-class performance in any process from manufacturing to transactional. In chronological order, the Six Sigma has been evolved from Motorola's quality-oriented methodology to GE's cost-oriented lean approach, and is being evolved and developed as an environment-oriented green growth approach. There is no doubt that the Green Six Sigma, as an engine of green growth, is a power tool for achieving competitive business performance and reducing the impact on the environment.

품질분임조와 6시그마 결합을 통한 공정개선 - 제조업 사례를 중심으로 - (A Study on Process Improvement by Incorporating the Concept of Six-Sigma into Quality Circle Activity)

  • 김재희;두희용
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.673-681
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    • 2007
  • 최근 새롭게 6시그마를 도입한 기업과 이미 장기간 품질분임조 활동을 진행해 왔던 제조업체를 중심으로 기존의 분임조 활동을 어떻게 6시그마와 연계시킬 것인지에 대한 논의가 활발한 상황이다. 본 연구는 품질분임조 활동과 6시그마를 결합한 절차를 실제 생산 공정 문제에 적용하고 그 효과를 입증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 즉, 품질개선 활동의 단계적 절차를 수행함에 있어, 문제정의(Define), 측정(Measure), 분석(Analyze) 등의 초기 단계에서는 6시그마의 절차를, 개선(Improve)과 관리(Control)에 해당하는 후반부에서는 PDCA사이클을 중심으로 한 품질분임조 기법을 활용하였다. 특히 개선대상 과제(테마)를 선정함에 있어 계층의사결정(AHP)을 활용함으로써 보다 합리적인 의사결정을 추구하였으며, 실험계획법을 통해 공정 개선을 위한 최적의 대안을 선정하기도 하였다. 제안된 절차의 적용결과 불량률이 현저히 감소하고 상당한 비용절감의 효과가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Brace Complement Center Pillar의 생산성 향상을 위한 6시그마 프로젝트사례 (A Case Study of Six Sigma Project for Improving Productivity of the Brace Complement Center Pillar)

  • 이민구;이광호
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2006
  • This paper considers a six sigma project for improving productivity of the brace complement center pillar. The project follows a disciplined process of fife phases: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. A process map is used to identify process input and output variables. Eleven key process input variables are selected by using X&Y matrix and FMEA, and finally eight vital few input variables are selected from analyze phase. The optimum process conditions of the vital few input variables are jointly obtained by maximizing productivity of the brace complement center pillar using DOE and alternative selection method.

검사/계측시스템의 능력분석을 포함한 비공정능력지수의 개발과 적용 (Development and Application of Process Incapability Index including Capability Analysis of Inspection or Gage System)

  • 민성진;김계완;류정현;윤덕균
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.118-132
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a process incapability index to provide manager with various information of process and to reduce cost. The introduced process incapability indices indicate information about mean and variance of manufacturing process and variance of inspection process to evaluate process capability using ratio of variance and difference between target and mean to specification. This model can be used by the scale of six sigma management.

가치창출형 식스시그마를 위한 개선의 기회 정의에 관한 연구 (A Study on Defining Improvement Opportunities for Value Creating Six Sigma)

  • 조태연;윤성필
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2008
  • Six sigma has been evolved into three generations. The first generation focused on eliminating or reducing defects as Motorola originally developed and applied. The second generation focused on reducing costs and improving process efficiency as GE extended the first generation. The next generation of six sigma such as D2MAIC(Discovery, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and ICRA(Innovate, Configure, Realize, Attenuate) has been discussed since the beginning of the 21st century. Although the third generation of six sigma emphasizes value creation, but there are few specific tools for its implementation. In this thesis, some tools for finding opportunities for value creation are suggested. It is explained and discussed with examples how the tools can be applied.

공급망 품질향상을 위한 6시그마 적용방법 (A Six Sigma Application Methodology for Supply Chain Quality Improvement)

  • 성수경;김준석;변재현
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2010
  • For the success of total six sigma innovation, it is necessary to improve the suppliers' quality in the supply chain. This paper presents the deployment and support system of six sigma innovation for supply chain quality improvement, with the application to an aerospace production company. The process of project selection, project implementation, financial effect verification, benefit sharing is presented. This paper will benefit the companies which are going to enhance all the companies in the supply chain via six sigma activities.

싱글PPM품질혁신을 위한 6시그마 드림공정 구축 : S사의 6시그마 활동 사례를 중심으로 (A Case Study of a Six Sigma Dream Process Construction for Single PPM Quality Innovation Movement)

  • 이경종
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2008
  • Goal of "Single PPM Quality Innovation Movement" is to achieve perfect quality through participation of all members in the production line to achieve zero defects. Six Sigma has been used by many leading corporations as a tool for Management Innovation. Recently, the number of small and medium sized companies implementing Six Sigma has increased. Therefore, this research introduces the case of "S" company which utilized Six Sigma and Single PPM together to effectively implement Single PPM Quality Innovation Movement. This paper describes issues identified during the Single PPM Quality Innovation Movement implementation and also suggests improvement plans.