• 제목/요약/키워드: Site-specific labeling

검색결과 19건 처리시간 0.023초

Site-Specific Labeling of Proteins Using Unnatural Amino Acids

  • Lee, Kyung Jin;Kang, Deokhee;Park, Hee-Sung
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • 제42권5호
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    • pp.386-396
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    • 2019
  • Labeling of a protein with a specific dye or tag at defined positions is a critical step in tracing the subtle behavior of the protein and assessing its cellular function. Over the last decade, many strategies have been developed to achieve selective labeling of proteins in living cells. In particular, the site-specific unnatural amino acid (UAA) incorporation technique has gained increasing attention since it enables attachment of various organic probes to a specific position of a protein in a more precise way. In this review, we describe how the UAA incorporation technique has expanded our ability to achieve site-specific labeling and visualization of target proteins for functional analyses in live cells.

$Site-Specific^{99m}$Tc-Labeling of Antibody Using Dihydrazinoph-thalazine (DHZ) Conjugation to Fc Region of Heavy Chain

  • Jeong, Jae-Min;Lee, Jae-Tae;Paik, Chang-Hum;Kim, Dae-Kee;Lee, Dong-Soo;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제27권9호
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    • pp.961-967
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    • 2004
  • The development of an antibody labeling method with $^{99m}$Tc is important for cancer imaging. Most bifunctional chelate methods for $^{99m}$Tc labeling of antibody incorporate a $^{99m}$Tc chelator through a linkage to lysine residue. In the present study, a novel site-specific $^{99m}$Tc labeling method at carbohydrate side chain in the Fc region of 2 antibodies (T101 and rabbit anti-human serum albumin antibody (RPAb)) using dihydrazinophthalazine (DHZ) which has 2 hydrazino groups was developed. The antibodies were oxidized with sodium periodate to pro-duce aldehyde on the Fc region. Then, one hydrazine group of DHZ was conjugated with an aldehyde group of antibody through the formation of a hydrazone. The other hydrazine group was used for labeling with $^{99m}$Tc. The number of conjugated DHZ was 1.7 per antibody. $^{99m}$Tc labeling efficiency was 46-85% for T101 and 67∼87% for RPAb. Indirect labeling with DHZ conjugated antibodies showed higher stability than direct labeling with reduced antibodies. High immunoreactivities were conserved for both indirectly and directly labeled antibodies. A biodistribution study found high blood activity related to directly labeled T1 01 at early time point as well as low liver activity due to indirectly labeled T101 at later time point. However, these findings do not affect practical use. No significantly different biodistribution was observed in the other organs. The research concluded that DHZ can be used as a site-specific bifunctional chelating agent for labeling antibody with $^{99m}$Tc. Moreover, $^{99m}$Tc labeled antibody via DHZ was found to have excellent chemical and biological properties for nuclear medicine imaging.edicine imaging.

Chemical Modification of Transducin with Dansyl Chloride Hinders Its Binding to Light-activated Rhodopsin

  • Kosoy, Ana;Moller, Carolina;Perdomo, Deisy;Bubis, Jose
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.260-267
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    • 2004
  • Transducin (T), the heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protein in rod outer segments, serves as an intermediary between the receptor protein, rhodopsin, and the effector protein, cGMP phosphodiesterase. Labeling of T with dansyl chloride (DnsCl) inhibited its light-dependent guanine nucleotide binding activity. Conversely, DnsCl had no effect on the functionality of rhodopsin. Approximately 2-3 mol of DnsCl were incorporated per mole of T. Since fluoroaluminate was capable of activating DnsCl-modified T, this lysine-specific labeling compound did not affect the guanine nucleotide-binding pocket of T. However, the labeling of T with DnsCl hindered its binding to photoexcited rhodopsin, as shown by sedimentation experiments. Additionally, rhodopsin completely protected against the DnsCl inactivation of T. These results demonstrated the existence of functional lysines on T that are located in the proximity of the interaction site with the photoreceptor protein.

Neurospora crassa의 액포에 존재하는 arginine transporter의 표지방법 (Affinity labeling of the Vacuolar Arginine Transporter in Neurospora crassa)

  • 이연희
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 1989
  • 액포에 존재하는 arginine 운반체의 인식 특이성에 근거하여 NBZ arginyl diazomethane을 합성, affinity label로 사용하였다. 이 arginyl derivative는 ATP-dependent와 ATP-indepndent에 의한 arginine 운반작용을 억제하였다. 액포에의 결합은 비역가적이며, 강한 염기에 의해 분리되었다. Cysteine을 blocking 시키면, 결합은 일어나지 않았다.

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Synthesis of 18F-labeled 2-cyanobenzothiazole derivative for efficient radiolabeling of N-terminal cysteine-bearing biomolecules

  • Jung Eun Park;Jongho Jeon
    • 대한방사성의약품학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2021
  • This article provides an efficient 18F-labeling protocol based on a rapid condensation reaction between 2-cyanobenzothiazole (CBT) and N-terminal cysteine-containing biomolecules. The 18F-labeled CBT (18F-1) was prepared by radiofluorination of the tosylated precursor 4 with 18-crown-6/K+/[18F]F- complex. Using the purified 18F-1, 18F-labeled peptide (18F-7) and protein (18F-8) could be synthesized efficiently under mild conditions. This strategy would provide a convenient approach for rapid and site-specific 18F-labeling of various peptides and proteins for in vivo imaging and biomedical applications.

바이오접합과 자가결합을 이용한 박테리아 세포막의 위치 특이적 형광 표지 (Site-specific Dye-labeling of the Bacterial Cell Surface by Bioconjugation and Self-assembly)

  • 양이지;임성인
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제60권3호
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    • pp.398-406
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    • 2022
  • 그람음성균의 외막은 수많은 생물물리학적 및 생화학적 과정이 작용하여 생존력을 유지하도록 설계되어 있는 세포환경의 가장 바깥 층이다. 세포공학의 발전으로 인해 박테리아의 막 환경을 변경하는 등 유전정보를 원하는 대로 조작할 수 있게 되었고 이는 박테리아를 특정 목적에 적용시킬 수 있게 하였다. 그중 기능성 분자를 박테리아 외막에 표지하는 세포 표면공학은 숙주세포가 특정 외부물질이나 자극에 반응하도록 유도하는 전략 중 하나이다. 기능성 펩타이드 또는 단백질을 세포 표면에 표지하기 위한 방법으로 막 고정 모티프를 융합한 후 세포 내에서 발현하는 방법이 일반적으로 사용되고 있지만 이는 박테리아 시스템에서 발현할 수 없는 외인성 단백질이나 크기가 큰 단백질에는 적용할 수 없다는 한계점이 있다. 박테리아 외막의 구성요소에 자연적으로 존재하는 반응성 그룹과 기능성 물질을 화학접합하는 방법도 있으나 필수 구성 요소의 비특이적 변형으로 인해 세포의 생장이 저해되는 경우가 많다. 본 연구에서는 비천연아미노산 또는 자가결합 도메인을 사용해 대장균의 세포 표면을 부위 특이적으로 형광 표지하는 두 가지의 접근법을 수행하였다. 첫 번째 접근법은 화학선택적 반응성을 지닌 비천연아미노산이 삽입된 펩타이드를 대장균 표면에 발현하여 위치 특이적으로 형광염료를 접합시키는 방법이다. 두 번째 접근법은 자가결합능력을 지닌 이종 이량체 코일-코일에서 유래된 α-나선 도메인을 대장균 외막에 발현하고 녹색 형광 단백질이 융합된 상보적인 α-나선 도메인을 막 표면에 특이적으로 고정하는 방법이다. 제시된 방법들은 위치와 시간이 제어된 방식으로 박테리아 외막에 새로운 기능을 부여하는 방법론으로서 유용하다.

Consideration and factors for developing new radiopharmaceuticals

  • Kim, Dong Wook
    • 대한방사성의약품학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2020
  • Radiopharmaceuticals that can be consumed in specific disease site play a key role In order to diagnose and treat the diseases. In addition, radiopharmaceuticals can be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes depending on the type of the labeled radioactive isotope. Recently, theragnostic radiopharmaceuticals that can simultaneously diagnose and treat are developed. Therefore, the development of target-specific radiopharmaceuticals is a very important research topic in the field of molecular imaging and therapy. This review paper summarizes the basic considerations for the development of radiopharmaceuticals. For new researchers or students who are now beginning in the field of radiopharmaceuticals, we intend to assist in the development of radiopharmaceuticals by describing the definition of radiopharmaceuticals, the ideal radiopharmaceutical conditions, the considerations for developing new radiopharmaceuticals, the factors affecting the design of radiopharmaceuticals, the requirements of radioisotope labeling reactions, and finally the definition and importance of molar activity in radiopharmaceuticals.

NMR study of the interaction of T4 Endonuclease V with DNA

  • Lee, Bong-Jin;Im, Hoo-Kang;Hyungmi Lihm;Yu, Jun-Suk
    • 한국응용약물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국응용약물학회 1995년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.80-80
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    • 1995
  • T4 Endonuclease V (Mw 16,000) acts as a repair enzyme for UV induced pyrimidine dimers in DNA. Many researchers have studied the biochemical characteristics of the enzyme. However the precise action mechanism of T4 endo V has not fully elucidated yet. In our laboratory NMR spectroscopy technique is being used for the structural study of T4 endo V. Because of its low temperature stability and high content of ${\alpha}$-helix, the conventional $^1$H NMR technique was inapplicable. Therefore we utilized stable isotope labeling technique and so far prepared about 10 amino acid specific labeled proteins. The HSQC spectra of amino acid specific labeled proteins will help us to interpret the triple resonance 3D, 4D data which are under processing, We also studied the behaviors of specific amino acid residues whose roles might be critical. When the enzyme labeled by $\^$15/N-Thr was mixed with the substrate oligonucleotide (semispecific -TT- sequence), one crosspeak in its HSQC spectrum was completely desappeared, which means that one of seven Thr residues is in the binding site of the enzyme with DNA, This result is well consistent with previous report that implicated the Thr 2 residue in the activity of the enzyme. Similar studies were carried on the behaviors of Arg and Tyr residues.

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NMR Studies on the Structure of Human Annexin I

  • Han, Hee-Yong;Bang, Keun-Su;Na, Doe-Sun;Lee, Bong-Jin
    • 한국응용약물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국응용약물학회 1996년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.182-182
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    • 1996
  • Annexin I is a member of the annexin family of calcium dependent phospholipid binding proteins and has anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting phospholipase A$_2$ (PLA$_2$). Recent X-ray crystallographic study of annexin I identified six Ca$\^$2+/ binding bites, which was different types (type II, III) from the well-known EF-hand motif (type I). In this work, the structure of annexin I was studied at atomic level by using $^1$H, $\^$15/N and $\^$l3/C NMR(nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, and the effect of Ca$\^$2+/ binding on the structure of annexin I was studied, and compared with that of Mg$\^$2+/ binding, When Ca$\^$2+/ was added to annexin I, NMR peak change was occured in high- and low-field regions of $^1$H-NMR spectra. NMR peak change by Ca$\^$2+/ binding was different from that by Mg$\^$2+/ binding. Because annexin I is a larger protein with 35 kDa molecular weight, site-specific (amide-$\^$15/N, carbonyl-$\^$l3/C) labeling technique was also used. We were able to detect methionine, tyrosine and phenylalanine peaks respectively in $\^$13/C-NMR spectra, and each residue was able to be assigned by the method of doubly labeling annexin I with [$\^$13/C] carbonyl-amino acid and [$\^$15/N] amide-amino acid. In $\^$l3/C-NMR spectra of [$\^$13/C] carbonyl-Met labeled annexin I, we observed that methionine residues spatially located near Ca$\^$2+/ binding Sites Were Significantly effected by Ca$\^$2+/ binding. From UV spectroscopic data on the effect of Ca$\^$2+/ binding, we knew that Ca$\^$2+/ binding sites of annexin I have cooperativity in Ca$\^$2+/ binding. The interaction of annexin I with PLA$_2$ also could be detected by using heteronuclear NMR spctroscopy. Consequently, we expect that the anti-inflammatory action mechanism of annexin I may be a specific protein-protein interaction. The residues involved in the interaction with PLA$_2$ can be identified as active site by assigning NMR peaks effected by PLA$_2$ binding.

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NMR Studies on the Structure of Human Annexin I

  • Lee, Yeon-Hee;Han, Hee-yong;Oh, Jee-Young;Na, Doe-Sun;Lee, Bong-Jin
    • 한국응용약물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국응용약물학회 1997년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.86-86
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    • 1997
  • Human annexin I is a member of annexin family of calcium dependent phospholipid binding proteins, which have been implicated in various physiological roles including phospholipase A$_2$ (PLA$_2$) inhibition, membrane fusion and calcium channel activity. In this work, the structure of N-terminally truncated human annexin I (Δ-annexin I) and its interactions with Ca$\^$2+/, ATP and cAMP were studied at atomic level by using $^1$H, $\^$15/N, $\^$l3/C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy. The effect of Ca$\^$2+/ binding on the structure of Δ-annexin I was investigated, and compared with that of Mg$\^$2+/ binding. The addition of Ca$\^$2+/ to Δ-annexin I caused some changes in the high field and low field regions of $^1$H NMR spectra. Whereas, upon addition of Mg$\^$2+/ to Δ-annexin I, almost no change could be observed. Also we found that the binding ratio of ATP to Δ-annexin I is 1. Because Δ-annexin I is a large protein with 35 kDa molecular weight, site-specific (carbonyl-$\^$l3/C, amide-$\^$15/N) labeling technique was used to determine the interaction sites of Δ-annexin I with Ca$\^$2+/ and ATP. Assignments of all the histidinyl carbonyl carbon resonances have been completed by using Δ-annexin I along with its specific 1,2-subdomain. The carbonyl carbon resonances originating from His52 and His246 of Δ-annexin I were significantly affected by Ca$\^$2+/ binding, and some Tyr and Phe resonances were also affected. The carbonyl carbon resonances originating from His52 is significantly affected by ATP binding, therefore His52 seems to be involved in the ATP binding site of Δ-annexin I.

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