• Title/Summary/Keyword: Site Effects

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A site-specific CFD study of passing ship effects on multiple moored ships

  • Chen, Hamn-Ching;Chen, Chia-Rong;Huang, Erick T.
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.43-77
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    • 2019
  • A local-analytic-based Navier-Stokes solver has been employed in conjunction with a compound ocean structure motion analysis program for time-domain simulation of passing ship effects induced by multiple post-Panamax class ships in the exact condition of a real waterway. The exact seabed bathymetry was reproduced to the utmost precision attainable using the NOAA geophysical database for Virginia Beach, NOAA nautical charts for Hampton Roads and Norfolk harbor, and echo sounding data for the navigation channel and waterfront facilities. A parametric study consists of 112 simulation cases with various combinations of ship lanes, ship speeds, ship heading (inbound or outbound), channel depths, drift angles, and passing ship coupling (in head-on or overtaking encounters) were carried out for two waterfront facilities at NAVSTA Norfolk and Craney Island Fuel Terminal. The present paper provides detailed parametric study results at both locations to investigate the site-specific passing ship effects on the motion responses of ships moored at nearby piers.

Potential Effects of Organizational Fairness on Organizational Effectiveness: Based on Moderating Effects from the Collectivism Propensity of Construction Site Managers (조직공정성이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향: 건설현장 관리자의 집단주의 성향에 대한 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyeon;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.291-302
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to determine potential moderating effects on organizational fairness and one's collectivism propensity as determinants of organizational effectiveness of construction site managers. In particular, this study sought to verify if site managers' collectivism propensity could have moderating effects on relationships between organizational fairness and organizational effectiveness, so that it could find out the importance of moderating effects on organizational fairness and site managers' collectivism propensity. In order to meet these goals, this study selected organizational fairness as a factor that affects organizational effectiveness. Organizational fairness can be divided broadly into distributive fairness and procedural fairness. And this study also selected organizational commitment and job satisfaction as variables of organizational effectiveness, which result from organizational fairness and collectivism propensity of site manager. Moreover, this study selected the collectivism propensity of site manager as a variable that moderates potential effects on organizational fairness and effectiveness. As a result, this study could come to the following findings in detail: First, it was found that organizational fairness had significant effects on organizational effectiveness, which was demonstrated in the result of relevant hypothesis test. Secondly, it was found that construction site managers' collectivism propensity had no moderating effect upon relationships between organizational fairness and effectiveness.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2005
  • The program of site survey in western China has been initiated by the National Astronomical Observatories of China(NAOC) toward large telescope facilities. The program is carried out in aspects of remote studies and local surveys. The preliminary results show that the eastern Pamirs and Ali area in Tibet may be the best candidates for further monitoring. The site survey group of NAOC will proceed to set up site testing stations on the selected sites and perform monitoring and campaign in 2005.

Seismic Zonation on Site Responses in Daejeon by Building Geotechnical Information System Based on Spatial GIS Framework (공간 GIS 기반의 지반 정보 시스템 구축을 통한 대전 지역의 부지 응답에 따른 지진재해 구역화)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2009
  • Most of earthquake-induced geotechnical hazards have been caused by the site effects relating to the amplification of ground motion, which is strongly influenced by the local geologic conditions such as soil thickness or bedrock depth and soil stiffness. In this study, an integrated GIS-based information system for geotechnical data, called geotechnical information system (GTIS), was constructed to establish a regional counterplan against earthquake-induced hazards at an urban area of Daejeon, which is represented as a hub of research and development in Korea. To build the GTIS for the area concerned, pre-existing geotechnical data collections were performed across the extended area including the study area and site visits were additionally carried out to acquire surface geo-knowledge data. For practical application of the GTIS used to estimate the site effects at the area concerned, seismic zoning map of the site period was created and presented as regional synthetic strategy for earthquake-induced hazards prediction. In addition, seismic zonation for site classification according to the spatial distribution of the site period was also performed to determine the site amplification coefficients for seismic design and seismic performance evaluation at any site in the study area. Based on this case study on seismic zonations in Daejeon, it was verified that the GIS-based GTIS was very useful for the regional prediction of seismic hazards and also the decision support for seismic hazard mitigation.

Effects of Group Breedling of Herons of Pine Community (백로와 왜가리 집단번식이 소나무군집에 미치는 영향)

  • Mun, Hyeong-Tae;Sam-Rae Cho
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 1996
  • Effects of group breeding of herons on pine community were studied at Pomaeri, in Yangyang, Kangwon Province, Korea. This site has been protected as a Natural Monument (No. 229) since 1970. Herons have used this habitat as a breeding site from] anuary to October every year. In 1995, more than 500 herons were observed in this habitat. Many big pine trees are dying or already dead due to group inhabitation of herons, and no pine saplings were found at forest floor in this habitat. Nutrient contents of soil in this habitat were much higher than those in control plot. This must be due to the addition of feces from herons and of thin twigs and other organic materials from the canopy and bird nests. Species composition of herb layer in this habitat was quite different from that in control plot. Breeding site was dominated by Humulus japonicus. Persiearia perJohata, Persicaria thunbergii. and Commelina communis. which are indicator species of soil eutrophication.

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Evaluation of Site-specific Seismic Response Characteristics at Town Fortress Areas Damaged by Historical Earthquakes (역사 지진 피해 발생 읍성 지역에 대한 부지 고유의 지진 응답 특성 평가)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Chung, Choong-Ki;Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Jae-Kwan
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.1 s.50
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2007
  • In order to evaluate the local site effects at two town fortress areas in Korea where stone parapets were col-lapsed by historical earthquakes, site characteristics were assessed using site investigations such as borehole drillings and seismic tests. Equivalent-linear site response analyses were conducted based on the shear ways velocity ($V_s$) profiles and geotechnical characteristics determined from site investigations. The study sites are categorized as site classes C and B according to the mean $V_s$ to 30 m ranging from 500 to 850 m/s, and their site periods are distributed in the short period range of 0.06 to 0.16 sec, which contains the natural period of fortress wall and stone parapet. From the results of site response analyses in the study areas, for site class C indicating most of site conditions, contrary to site class B, the short-period (0.1-0.5 sec) and mid-period (0.4-2.0 sec) site coefficients, $F_a$ and $F_v$ specified in the Korean seismic design guide, underestimate the ground motion in short-period band and overestimate the ground motion in mid-period band, respectively, due to the high amplification in short period range, which represent the site-specific seismic response characteristics. These site-specific response characteristics indicate the potential of resonance in fortress walls during earthquake and furthermore could strongly affect the collapse of parapets resulted from seismic events in historical records.

Identifying the Service Quality Factors for Web site: A Comparison of Web site Types

  • Fan, Qing-Ji;Kim, Won-Kyum
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of e-service quality factors on customer satisfaction and behavior intention by Web site types. Difference and moderating effect resulting from the type of web site users about an association with reaction of satisfaction and those component concepts are also one of the aims in the study. As a result, the study found that factors of web site service quality variables had positive impacts on customer satisfaction. And customer satisfaction also had a positive impact on relationship intention and word of mouth intention. Furthermore, through the comparative analysis, we found that the service quality differed on the effects of customer satisfaction by web site types. According to those results, marketing managers should develop different service strategies based on different web site types.

An Analysis of Environmental and Economic Benefits of Green Roof in Jung-Gu, Daegu (대구시 중구의 옥상녹화를 통한 환경 및 경제적 편익 분석)

  • Kim, Soo-Bong;Chang, Jung-Keun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.603-610
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    • 2007
  • Recent urban sprawl has destroyed various kinds of green space in tile city. It has affected duality of people's life in the city, as well as urban ecosystem. Recent study shows the possibilities of roofs as green spaces in urban central site where the land costs are generally high. This research focuses on Jung-Gu district in Daegu Metropolitan city as a study area and calculates possible area of green roof using 2002 Autocad program based on aerial photographs and land registration maps. And the purpose of this research is to analyze environmental and economic effects of green roof. The environmental effects are as follows. It is expected that $91,106m^2$ green spaces, 12.13 % of study site, will be added if green roof is performed in the study site. It is assumed that the expanded areas could reduce the highest temperature to $0.5-1.0^{\circ}C$ during the summer in terms of environmental effect. And the following shows the economic effects. If green roof and greening urban central site are created as a same size of $91,106m^2$, it will be expected that the costs of green roof will be much more in-expensive than about 98 billions won. It will be also found that the expense of cooling energy can be saved out about 8 millions won per day in summer, if grass planting is accomplished on the possible areas of green roof in the study site. Therefore, it is desirable to take legal supports such as enacting regulations to activate green roof for more environmental and economic effects. For instance, green roof for public institutions, school and model area selection are desirable method to publicize the effect of greening program for citizen's participation.

Seismic behavior of steel cabinets considering nonlinear connections and site-response effects

  • Tran, Thanh-Tuan;Nguyen, Phu-Cuong;So, Gihwan;Kim, Dookie
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents experimental and numerical studies on the seismic responses of the steel cabinet facility considering the nonlinear behavior of connections and site-response effects. Three finite element (FE) models with differences of type and number of connections between steel plates and frame members have been developed to demonstrate adequately dynamic responses of structures. The screw connections with the bilinear force-deformation relationship are proposed to represent the inelastic behavior of the cabinet. The experiment is carried out to provide a verification with improved FE models. It shows that the natural frequencies of the cabinet are sensitive to the plate and frame connectors. The screw connections reduce the free vibration compared to the weld one, with decreased values of 2.82% and 4.87% corresponding to front-to-back and side-to-side directions. Additionally, the seismic responses are investigated for various geological configurations. Input time histories are generated so that their response spectrums are compatible with a required response spectrum via the time-domain spectral matching. The results indicate that both site effects and nonlinear behavior of connections affect greatly on the seismic response of structures.

A study on effects of resting facility on the Reduction of Disasters in Construction Projects (건설 사업장 휴게시설이 재해감소에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Min;Kang, Kyung-sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2017
  • This researcher selected basic variable to investigate the effective relations of establishment and management of resting facility on reduction of constructional disasters and safety accidents and improvement of working efficiency for construction workers. Based on the measured variables, this researcher investigated phenomenon, recognition and satisfaction for using and demanding resting facility by long-term construction in construction site for workers of huge construction site in Seoul, conducted survey of total 219 questionnaires so as to grasp implications of workers' resting facility demanded in long-term huge construction site and effects on reduction of disasters and conducted structural equation analysis. As a result, resting faciity factor, management factor, and hygienic service factor were significant and resting and food factors were not significant. Therefore, it's expected to reduce personal disaster by improving quality of constructional resting facility, hygienic service, and resting facility management and especially, resting facility management factor makes lots of effects on prevention of personal disasters, so it was a strongly main factor. By suggesting the guideline of establishment and management service of proper resting facility through this research, positive recognition and constructional disaster reduction can be expected in construction site.