• Title/Summary/Keyword: Single-ended Gate Mixer

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Single-bias GaAs MMIC single-ended mixer for cellular phone application (Cellular phone용 단일 전원 MMIC single-ended 주파수 혼합기 개발)

  • 강현일;이상은;오재응;오승건;곽명현;마동성
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.34D no.10
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 1997
  • An MMIC downconverting mixer for cellular phone application has been successfully developed using an MMIC process including $1 \mu\textrm{m}$ ion implanted gaAs MESFET and passive lumped elements consisting of spiral inductor, $Si_3N_4$ MIM capacitor and NiCr resistor. The configuration of the mixer presented in this paper is single-ended dual-gate FET mixer with common-source self-bias circuits for single power supply operation. The dimension of the fabricated circuit is $1.4 mm \times 1.03 mm $ including all input matching circuits and a mixing circuit. The conversion gian and noise figure of the mixer at LO powr of 0 dBm are 5.5dB and 19dB, respectively. The two-tone IM3 characteristics are also measured, showing -60dBc at RF power of -30dBm. Allisolations between each port show better than 20dB.

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Design and Fabrication of a Broadband RF Module for 2.4GHz Band Applications (2.4GHz 대역에서의 응용을 위한 광대역 RF모듈 설계 및 제작)

  • Yang Doo-Yeong;Kang Bong-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a broadband RF module is designed and tested for 2.4GHz band applications. The RF module is composed of a low noise amplifier (LNA) with a three stage amplifier, a single ended gate mixer, matching circuits, a hairpin line band pass filter and a Chebyshev low pass filter to convert the radio frequency (RF) into the intermediate frequency (IF). The LNA has a high gain and stability, and the single ended gate mixer has a high conversion gain and wide dynamic range. In the analysis of the broadband RF module, the composite harmonic balance technique is used to analyze the operating characteristics of an RF module circuit. The RF module has a 55.2dB conversion gain with a 1.54dB low noise figure, $-120{\sim}-60dBm$ wide RF power dynamic range, -60dBm low harmonic spectrum and a good isolation factor among the RF, IF, and local oscillator (LO) ports.

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HEMT Mixer for Phase Conjugator Applications in the LS Band (공액 위상변위기용 LS 밴드 HEMT 혼합기)

  • 전중창
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we have developed a frequency mixer which can be used as a microwave phase conjugator in the LS band retrodirective antenna system. The mixer as a phase conjugator must have an If signal of which frequency is nearly as high as that of an RF signal, so this fact brings difficulty in the combination of input signals and the design of impedance matching circuit. The circuit configuration is chosen to be of the gate mixer using a pseudomorphic HEMT device. The operating frequencies are 4.00 ㎓, 2.01 ㎓, and 1.99 ㎓ for LO, RF, and IF, respectively. Conversion gain is measured to be 12.5 ㏈ and 1 ㏈ compression point -34 ㏈m at the LO power of -7 ㏈m. The mixer fabricated in this research is the single-ended type, where RF leakage signal appears inevitably at the If port because RF and If frequencies are almost the same. The circuit topology suggested here can be applied directly to the design of balanced-type mixers and phase conjugators.

The Desing of GaAs MESFET Resistive Mixer with High Linearity (선형성이 우수한 GaAs MESFET 저항성 혼합기 설계)

  • 이상호;김준수;황충선;박익모;나극환;신철재
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, a GaAs MESFET single-ended resistive mixer with high linearity and isolation is designed. The bias voltage of this mixer is applied only gate of GaAs MESFET to use the channel resistance. The LO is applied the gate and the RF is applied the drain through 7-pole hairpin bandpass filter to obtain the proper isolation thru LO-RF. The IF is extracted from the source with short circuit and lowpass filter. Using extracted equivalent circuits for LO and RF, conversion loss is calculated and compared with result of harmonic balance analysis. Measured conversion loss of this S-band down converter mixer is 8.2~10.5dB by considering the measured 3.0~3.4dB RF 7-pole hairpin bandpass filter loss and IP3in is 26.5dBm at Vg=-0.85~-1.0V in distortion performance.

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