• Title/Summary/Keyword: Simulation Model and Analysis

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Analysis of Truck Platooning Operation Conditions Affecting Traffic Flow (교통류에 영향을 주는 화물차 군집주행 운영 조건 분석)

  • Jung, Harim;Lee, Young-taek;Park, Sangmin;Cho, Hyunbae;Yun, Ilsoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.106-117
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    • 2021
  • In Korea, interest in truck platooning is increasing because most cargo transportation is done by road. Truck platooning is the operation of two or more trucks in a row to form one platoon, which can increase road capacity and improve fuel efficiency. In this study, to analyze the effect of truck platooning on traffic flow, scenarios were created according to traffic conditions and truck platooning operating conditions. In order to understand the effect of the truck platooning operating conditions, correlation analysis was conducted with the average travel speed, the number of lane change disturbance, and the number of disturbance in the entry/exit section. As a result, the number of trucks in the platoon, the spacing of trucks in the platoon, and the spacing between platoons were found to have an effect on the average speed and the number of lane change disturbance In addition, the truck platooning ratio was found to have a strong correlation with the average travel speed and the number of lane change disturbance regardless of the LOS.

Study on Analysis of the Proper Ratio and the Effects of Low Impact Development Application to Sewage Treatment District (하수처리구역 내 LID 적용에 대한 적정비율 및 효과분석 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun Suk;Kim, Mi Eun;Kim, Jae Moon;Jang, Jong Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.12
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    • pp.1193-1207
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    • 2013
  • Increase of impervious area caused by overdevelopment has led to increase of runoff and then the problem of flooding and NPS were brought up. In addition, as decrease of base flow made groundwater level to decline, a stream that dries up is issued. low impact development (LID) method which is possible to mimic hydrological water cycle, minimize the effect of development, and improve water cycle structure is proposed as an alternative. As introduction of LID in domestic increases, the study on small watershed is in process mainly. Also, analysis of property of hydrological runoff and load on midsize watershed, like sewage treatment district, is required, the study on it is still insufficient. So, area applying LID practices from watershed of Dongrae stream is pinpointed and made the ratio and then expand it to watershed of Oncheon stream. Among low impact development practices, Green Roof, Porous Pavement, and Bio- retention are selected for the application considering domestic situations and simulated with SWMM-LID model of each watershed and improvement of water cycle and reduction of non-point pollution loads was analysed. Improvement of water cycle and reduction of non-point pollution loads were analyzed including the property of rainfall and soil over long term simulation. The model was executed according to scenario based on combination of LID as changing conductivity in accordance with soil type of the watershed. Also, this study evaluated area of LID application that meets the efficiency of conventional management as a criteria for area of LID practices applying to sewer treatment district by comparing the efficiency of LID application with that of conventional method.

A Study on Effectiveness of Safety Barriers Restraining Illegal Pedestrian Crossing on Exclusive Median Bus Corridor - Case Study at Sookmyung Women's University Bus Station - (중앙버스전용차로 분리형 횡단보도 무단횡단 억제시설 효과평가 - 숙명여대 입구 중앙버스정류소 횡단보도부를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Tae;Kim, Jun-Young;Bae, Hyun-Sik;Lee, Dong-Il
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2014
  • It has reported that a median bus-stop island on an exclusive median bus lane (EMBL) has shortened a crossing distance unit, encouraged a pedestrian's illegal crossing, and increased the number of accidents in the area. This study presents (1) the analysis of inappropriate pedestrian crossing patterns collected on exclusive median bus corridors and (2) the estimated performance of safety barriers restraining the occurrence of those. Total 19,649 pedestrian crossing data collected at the 'Sookmyung-university' median bus-stop, and the inappropriate pedestrian crossing patterns among those were grouped in terms of time and space violations. Physical safety barriers restraining illegal pedestrian crossings were considered as an alternative, and its performance in safety was quantified through microscopic simulation with conflict analyses by using surrogate safety assessment model. The findings suggest the number of conflicts reduced be 24.9 percentages compared to the one of the present condition when the physical safety barriers are placed at each of the eight ends of the EMBL pedestrian crossing.

Analysis of a Load Carrying Behavior of Shear Connection at the Interface of the Steel-Concrete Composite Beam (합성보 전단연결부의 구조거동에 대한 비교 분석)

  • Shin, Hyun Seop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.17 no.6 s.79
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    • pp.737-747
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    • 2005
  • The connection of the slab with the steel beam and thus, the transmission of shear force at the interface of the steel-concrete composite beams is achieved with shear connectors, in general, with shear studs. The composite action through these shear studs has a significant influence on the load carrying behavior of the composite beams. The load carrying capacity of studs is determined through push-out tests. At present, the transferability of this load carrying capacity of studs to composite beams, especially in cases of partial interaction, is being questioned by experimental and theoretical investigations. In this study, a finite element model for the simulation of the behavior of the standard push-out specimen and the composite beams without the implementation of the load-slip curve of the stud connectors from the push-out test is developed. The load carrying behavior of the studs in the composite beams is estimated and compared with the results of the push-out test. The reason for the difference in the load carrying behavior of the studs in the push-out test specimen and in the composite beams is found.

Traffic Impacts of Transit-oriented Urban Regeneration (TOD형 도시재생사업의 교통영향 분석)

  • Hwang, Kee Yeon;Cho, Yong Hak
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4D
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2008
  • Recently, TOD gains popularity as a traffic solution measure of high density urban regeneration projects. The purpose of this study is to investigate traffic impacts of high density TOD projects, and to identify the issues to be resolved. For a case study, it chooses Gangnamgucheong station in Gangnam area served by two subway lines, and designates 400m radius from the station as a site for high-density development. The MOEs chosen for this study is traffic volume, time, distance, speed, and mode share. The SECOM model is adopted for traffic simulation. The analysis results show that high-density TOD is an effective tool for traffic improvement even with only one station area being implemented. It is found that the traffic volume increases near the station in nature where high-density development occurs, but it declines overall in the rest of Gangam area. The total travel time and distance of passenger vehicles decline, meaning that the traffic condition becomes better than before. With regulation on parking supply, the improvement becomes more vivid. In terms of the changes of traffic speed, both alternatives show 4.1% increase in speed, but the difference between alternatives is not quite noticeable because of the induced vehicle demand driven to the streets with improved traffic condition. The mode share changes occur for the benefit of subway ridership, because the study station is equipped with two subway line services. When mixed with parking supply restriction, the impact becomes clearer.

Emprical Tests of Braess Paradox (The Case of Namsan 2nd Tunnel Shutdown) (브라이스역설에 대한 실증적 검증 (남산2호터널 폐쇄사례를 중심으로))

  • 엄진기;황기연;김익기
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 1999
  • The Purpose of this study is to test whether Braess Paradox (BP) can be revealed in a real world network. Fer the study, Namsan 2nd tunnel case is chosen, which was shut down for 3 years for repair works. The revelation of BP is determined by analyzing network-wise traffic impacts followed by the tunnel closure. The analysis is conducted using a network simulation model called SECOMM developed for the congestion management of the Seoul metropolitan area. Also, the existence of BP is further identified by a before-after traffic survey result of the major arterials nearby the Namsan 2nd tunnel. The model estimation expected that the closure of Namsan 2nd tunnel improve the network-wise average traffic speed from 21.95km/h to 22.21km/h when the travel demand in the study area and congestion Pricing scheme on Namsan 1st & 3rd tunnels remain unchanged. In addition, the real world monitoring results of the corridors surrounding Namsan 2nd tunnel show that the average speed increases from 29.53km/h to 30.37km/h after the closure. These findings clearly identify the BP Phenomenon is revealed in this case.

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Analysis of Wave Distribution at Nakdong River Estuary Depending on the Incident Wave Directions Based on SWAN Model Simulation (SWAN 모델을 이용한 낙동강 하구역의 입사파향별 파랑분포 특성)

  • Park, Soon;Yoon, Han-Sam;Park, Hyo-Bong;Ryu, Seung-Woo;Ryu, Cheong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2009
  • This study conducted numerical simulations to analyze the wave characteristics(distribution) depending on the directional changes of waves in the Nakdong river estuary by using SWAN(Simulating WAves Nearshore) model. The results from the tests are summarized as below. The wave height rates are generally highly distributed with the incident waves from the S, SSE, SSW, SE, SW in sequence. When the waves from the S, SSW, SSE directions are predominant, the bigger waves were observed in front of sandbars. According to the results of the wave steepness against the wave direction, at the east coast of Gadeok island(northwest of Nakdong estuary), where has mild seabed slopes, the wave height rates distribute in the range of 0.4~0.6; the wave height rates over the west coastal region of Dadeapo(southeast of Nakdong estuary) are 0.5~0.6. The wave height rate tends to be rapidly decreased over the east region of Nakdong river estuary rather than its west region.

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The Impact of US Monetary Policy upon Korea's Financial Markets and Capital Flows: Based on TVP-VAR Analysis (미국 통화정책이 국내 금융시장 및 자금유출입에 미치는 영향: TVP-VAR 모형 분석)

  • Suh, Hyunduk;Kang, Tae Soo
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.132-176
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    • 2019
  • We use a time-varying parameter vector auto regression (TVP-VAR) model to understand the impact of U.S. monetary policy normalization on Korean financial markets and capital accounts. The U.S. monetary policy is represented by the federal funds rate, term premium and credit spread. During the U.S. monetary contraction period of 2004 to 2006, changes in the federal funds rate presented negative pressure on Korean financial markets. The changes in federal funds rate also led to a simultaneous contraction in inward and outward capital flows. However, the effects of a federal funds rate shock has been reduced since 2015. On the other hand, the effects of U.S. term premiums is getting stronger after the period of quantitative easing (QE). The influence of the U.S. credit spread also significantly increased after the global financial crisis. Simulation results show that a rise in the U.S. credit spread, which can be triggered by a contractionary monetary policy, can pose a larger adverse impact on the Korean economy than a rise in the federal funds rate itself. As for capital flows, a U.S. monetary policy contraction causes an outflow of foreign investment, but the repatriation of overseas investment by Korean residents can offset this outflow.

Applicability Analysis of the HSPF Model for the Management of Total Pollution Load Control at Tributaries (지류총량관리를 위한 HSPF 모형의 적용성 분석)

  • Song, Chul Min;Kim, Jung Soo;Lee, Min Sung;Kim, Seo Jun;Shin, Hyung Seob
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2022
  • The total maximum daily load (TMDL) implemented in Korea mainly manages the mainstream considering a single common pollutant and river discharge, and the river system is divided into unit watersheds. Changes in the water quality of managed rivers owing to the water quality management in tributaries and unit watersheds are not considered when implementing the TMDL. In addition, it is difficult to consider the difference in the load of pollutants generated in the tributary depending on the conditions of the water quality change in each unit watershed, even if the target water quality was maintained in the managed water system. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the total maximum load management at tributaries to manage the pollution load of tributaries with a high degree of pollution. In this study, the HSPF model, a watershed runoff model, was applied to the target areas consisting of 53 sub-watersheds to analyze the effect of water quality changes the in tributaries on the mainstream. Sub-watersheds were selected from the three major areas of the Paldang water system, including the drainage basins of the downstream of the South Han-River, Gyeongan stream, and North Han-River. As a result, BOD ranged from 0.17 mg/L to 4.30 mg/L, and was generally high in tributaries and decreased in the downstream watershed. TP ranged from 0.02 mg/L - 0.22 mg/L, and the watersheds that had a large impact on urbanization and livestock industry were high, and the North Han-River basin was generally low. In addition, a pollution source reduction scenario was selected to analyze the change in water quality by the amount of pollution load discharged at each unit watershed. The reduction rate of BOD and TP according to the scenario changes was simulated higher in the watershed of the downstream of the North Han-River and downstream and midstream of the Gyeongan stream. It was found that the benefits of water quality reduction from each sub-watershed efforts to improve water quality are greatest in the middle and downstream of each main stream, and it is judged that it can be served as basic data for the management of total tributaries.

The Application of Operations Research to Librarianship : Some Research Directions (운영연구(OR)의 도서관응용 -그 몇가지 잠재적응용분야에 대하여-)

  • Choi Sung Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.4
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    • pp.43-71
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    • 1975
  • Operations research has developed rapidly since its origins in World War II. Practitioners of O. R. have contributed to almost every aspect of government and business. More recently, a number of operations researchers have turned their attention to library and information systems, and the author believes that significant research has resulted. It is the purpose of this essay to introduce the library audience to some of these accomplishments, to present some of the author's hypotheses on the subject of library management to which he belives O. R. has great potential, and to suggest some future research directions. Some problem areas in librianship where O. R. may play a part have been discussed and are summarized below. (1) Library location. It is usually necessary to make balance between accessibility and cost In location problems. Many mathematical methods are available for identifying the optimal locations once the balance between these two criteria has been decided. The major difficulties lie in relating cost to size and in taking future change into account when discriminating possible solutions. (2) Planning new facilities. Standard approaches to using mathematical models for simple investment decisions are well established. If the problem is one of choosing the most economical way of achieving a certain objective, one may compare th althenatives by using one of the discounted cash flow techniques. In other situations it may be necessary to use of cost-benefit approach. (3) Allocating library resources. In order to allocate the resources to best advantage the librarian needs to know how the effectiveness of the services he offers depends on the way he puts his resources. The O. R. approach to the problems is to construct a model representing effectiveness as a mathematical function of levels of different inputs(e.g., numbers of people in different jobs, acquisitions of different types, physical resources). (4) Long term planning. Resource allocation problems are generally concerned with up to one and a half years ahead. The longer term certainly offers both greater freedom of action and greater uncertainty. Thus it is difficult to generalize about long term planning problems. In other fields, however, O. R. has made a significant contribution to long range planning and it is likely to have one to make in librarianship as well. (5) Public relations. It is generally accepted that actual and potential users are too ignorant both of the range of library services provided and of how to make use of them. How should services be brought to the attention of potential users? The answer seems to lie in obtaining empirical evidence by controlled experiments in which a group of libraries participated. (6) Acquisition policy. In comparing alternative policies for acquisition of materials one needs to know the implications of each service which depends on the stock. Second is the relative importance to be ascribed to each service for each class of user. By reducing the level of the first, formal models will allow the librarian to concentrate his attention upon the value judgements which will be necessary for the second. (7) Loan policy. The approach to choosing between loan policies is much the same as the previous approach. (8) Manpower planning. For large library systems one should consider constructing models which will permit the skills necessary in the future with predictions of the skills that will be available, so as to allow informed decisions. (9) Management information system for libraries. A great deal of data can be available in libraries as a by-product of all recording activities. It is particularly tempting when procedures are computerized to make summary statistics available as a management information system. The values of information to particular decisions that may have to be taken future is best assessed in terms of a model of the relevant problem. (10) Management gaming. One of the most common uses of a management game is as a means of developing staff's to take decisions. The value of such exercises depends upon the validity of the computerized model. If the model were sufficiently simple to take the form of a mathematical equation, decision-makers would probably able to learn adequately from a graph. More complex situations require simulation models. (11) Diagnostics tools. Libraries are sufficiently complex systems that it would be useful to have available simple means of telling whether performance could be regarded as satisfactory which, if it could not, would also provide pointers to what was wrong. (12) Data banks. It would appear to be worth considering establishing a bank for certain types of data. It certain items on questionnaires were to take a standard form, a greater pool of data would de available for various analysis. (13) Effectiveness measures. The meaning of a library performance measure is not readily interpreted. Each measure must itself be assessed in relation to the corresponding measures for earlier periods of time and a standard measure that may be a corresponding measure in another library, the 'norm', the 'best practice', or user expectations.

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