• Title/Summary/Keyword: Simplified Equation

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Treatment of nitrobenzene-cotaminated Wastewater using Oxidation Reaction (산화제를 이용한 니트로벤젠 함유 폐수 처리)

  • 신진환;손종렬
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2002
  • This study explored for treatment processes by investigating the treatment efficiency and reaction mechanism through oxidation reaction using UV and $O_3$ as oxidant in compensate the wastewater containing nitrobenzene that is non biodegradable organic. Also by modeling these reactions, we try to step explanation of optimum reaction rate and reaction mechanism as the development of the computer program predictable the reaction rate by modeling the reaction. By using this model, after kinetic constant for each reaction from an experimental data is made an optimization and for hardly contribute to reaction rate in reaction kinetic equation is made an ignorance and suppose the simplified reaction mechanism, examined the propriety of computer simulation model and simplified reaction mechanism by comparing and inspecting the reaction kinetic constant and masstransfer coefficient. An investigation results for destructional treatment of nitrobenzene in the wastewater as non-biddegradable organic using UV, $O_3{\;}O_2{\;}H_2O_2-UV$ as oxidant.

Estimation of Total Acoustic Radiation Power of Submerged Circular Cylindrical Structure Using Surface Vibration Velocity (접수 원통형 구조물의 표면 진동속도를 이용한 총 방사음향파워 계산)

  • Han, Seungjin;Lee, Jongju;Kang, Myunghwan;Bae, Sooryong;Jung, Woojin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.236-239
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    • 2014
  • Most naval underwater weapon system can be simplified to a circular cylindrical structure which has vibrating machineries inside. In order to predict efficiently the total acoustic radiation power of cylindrical structure, surface velocity is measured and radiation efficiency of surface element is calculated. Then, they are substituted to the surface pressure in the simplified Helmholtz integral equation which assumes acoustic far-field and plane-wave approximation at the surface. Surface velocity and total acoustic radiation power for a submerged cylinder are measured in water-tank. In this example, it is found that total acoustic power output obtained from the prediction is in good agreement with that of measurement in mid-high frequency range.

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The Numerical Simulation of Ultrafine $SiO_2$ Particle Fabrication and Deposition by Using the Tube Furnace Reactor (튜브형 가열로 반응기를 이용한 초미립 $SiO_2$ 입자의 제조 및 증착에 대한 수치모사)

  • 김교선;현봉수
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.32 no.11
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    • pp.1246-1254
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    • 1995
  • A numerical model for fabrication and deposition of ultrafine SiO2 particles were proposed in the simplified horizontal MCVD apparatus using tube furnace reactor. The model equations such as energy and mass balance equations and the 0th, 1st and 2nd moment balance equations of aerosols were considered in the reactor. The phenomena of SiCl4 chemical reaction, SiO2 particle formation and coagulation, diffusion and thermophoresis of SiO2 particles were included in the aerosol dynamic equation. The profiles of gas temperature, SiCl4 concentration and SiO2 particle volume were calculated for standard conditions. The concentrations, sizes and deposition efficiencies of SiO2 particles were calculated, changing the process conditions such as tube furnace setting temperature, total gas flow rate and inlet SiCl4 concentration.

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Development of limit equilibrium method as optimization in slope stability analysis

  • Mendjel, D.;Messast, S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2012
  • The slope stability analysis is usually done using the methods of calculation to rupture. The problem lies in determining the critical failure surface and the corresponding factor of safety (FOS). To evaluate the slope stability by a method of limit equilibrium, there are linear and nonlinear methods. The linear methods are direct methods of calculation of FOS but nonlinear methods require an iterative process. The nonlinear simplified Bishop method's is popular because it can quickly calculate FOS for different slopes. This paper concerns the use of inverse analysis by genetic algorithm (GA) to find out the factor of safety for the slopes using the Bishop simplified method. The analysis is formulated to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equation and find the critical failure surface and the corresponding safety factor. The results obtained by this approach compared with those available in literature illustrate the effectiveness of this inverse method.

Simplified approach to estimate the lateral torsional buckling of GFRP channel beams

  • Kasiviswanathan, M.;Anbarasu, M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.77 no.4
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    • pp.523-533
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    • 2021
  • The present study investigates the lateral torsional buckling behaviour of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) simply supported channel beams subjected to uniform bending about their major axis. A parametric study by varying the sectional geometry and span of channel beams is carried out by using ABAQUS software. The accuracy of the FE models was ensured by verifying them against the available results provided in the literature. The effect of geometric nonlinearity, geometric imperfections, and the dependency of finite element mesh on the lateral torsional buckling were carefully considered in the FE model. Lateral torsional buckling (LTB) strengths obtained from the numerical study were compared with the theoretical LTB strengths obtained based on the Eurocode 3 approach for steel sections. The comparison between the numerical strengths and the design procedure proposed in the literature based on Eurocode 3 approach revealed disagreements. Therefore, a simplified improved design procedure is proposed for the safe design strength prediction of pultruded GFRP channel beams. The proposed equation has been provided that might aid the structural engineers in economically designing the pultruded GFRP channel beams in the future.

Mechanical behaviors of piezoelectric nonlocal nanobeam with cutouts

  • Eltaher, Mohamed A.;Omar, Fatema-Alzahraa;Abdraboh, Azza M.;Abdalla, Waleed S.;Alshorbagy, Amal E.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2020
  • This work presents a modified continuum model to explore and investigate static and vibration behaviors of perforated piezoelectric NEMS structure. The perforated nanostructure is modeled as a thin perforated nanobeam element with Euler-Bernoulli kinematic assumptions. A size scale effect is considered by included a nonlocal constitutive equation of Eringen in differential form. Modifications of geometrical parameters of perforated nanobeams are presented in simplified forms. To satisfy the Maxwell's equation, the distribution of electric potential for the piezoelectric nanobeam model is assumed to be varied as a combination of a cosine and linear functions. Hamilton's principle is exploited to develop mathematical governing equations. Modified numerical finite model is adopted to solve the equation of motion and equilibrium equation. The proposed model is validated with previous respectable work. Numerical investigations are presented to illustrate effects of the number of perforated holes, perforation size, nonlocal parameter, boundary conditions, and external electric voltage on the electro-mechanical behaviors of piezoelectric nanobeams.

Natural Frequency and Mode Shape Sensitivities of Damped Systems with Multiple Natural Frequencies (중복근을 갖는 감쇠 시스템의 고유진동수와 모드의 민감도)

  • 최강민;이종헌;이인원
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2001
  • A simplified method is presented for the computation of eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives associated with repeated eigenvalues. In the proposed method, adjacent eigenvectors and orthonormal conditions are used to compose an algebraic equation whose order is (n+m)x(n+m), where n is the number of coordinates and m is the number of multiplicity of the repeated eigenvalue. One algebraic equation developed can be computed eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives simultaneously. Since the coefficient matrix of the proposed equation is symmetric and based on N-space, this method is very efficient compared to previous methods. Moreover the numerical stability of the method is guaranteed because the coefficient matrix of the proposed equation is non-singular, This method can be consistently applied to both structural systems with structural design parameters and mechanical systems with lumped design parameters. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the finite element model of the cantilever beam and a 5-DOF mechanical system in the case of a non-proportionally damped system are considered as numerical examples. The design parameter of the cantilever beam is its width, and that of the 5-DOF mechanical system is a spring.

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Analysis on the Propulsion Force of an Ostraciiform Fish Robot with Elastically Jointed Double Caudal Fins and Effect of Joint Position on the Propulsion Force (탄성 조인트로 연결된 이중 꼬리 지느러미 오스트라키폼 물고기 로봇의 추진력 해석 및 조인트 위치가 추력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, I-Saac
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.274-283
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    • 2011
  • A simplified linearized dynamic equation for the propulsion force generation of an Ostraciiform fish robot with elastically jointed double caudal fins is derived in this paper. The caudal fin is divided into two segments and connected using an elastic joint. The second part of the caudal fin is actuated passively via the elastic joint connection by the actuation of the first part of it. It is demonstrated that the derived equation can be utilized for the design of effective caudal fins because the equation is given as an explicit form with several physical parameters. A simple Ostraciiform fish robot was designed and fabricated using a microprocessor, a servo motor, and acrylic plastics. Through the experiment with the fish robot, it is demonstrated that the propulsion force generated in the experiment matches well with the proposed equation, and the propulsion speed can be greatly improved using the elastically jointed double fins, improving the average speed more than 80%. Through numerical simulation and frequency domain analysis of the derived dynamic equations, it is concluded that the main reason of the performance improvement is resonance between two parts of the caudal fins.

A comparative study of low-complexity MMSE signal detection for massive MIMO systems

  • Zhao, Shufeng;Shen, Bin;Hua, Quan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1504-1526
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    • 2018
  • For uplink multi-user massive MIMO systems, conventional minimum mean square error (MMSE) linear detection method achieves near-optimal performance when the number of antennas at base station is much larger than that of the single-antenna users. However, MMSE detection involves complicated matrix inversion, thus making it cumbersome to be implemented cost-effectively and rapidly. In this paper, we first summarize in detail the state-of-the-art simplified MMSE detection algorithms that circumvent the complicated matrix inversion and hence reduce the computation complexity from ${\mathcal{O}}(K^3)$ to ${\mathcal{O}}(K^2)$ or ${\mathcal{O}}(NK)$ with some certain performance sacrifice. Meanwhile, we divide the simplified algorithms into two categories, namely the matrix inversion approximation and the classical iterative linear equation solving methods, and make comparisons between them in terms of detection performance and computation complexity. In order to further optimize the detection performance of the existing detection algorithms, we propose more proper solutions to set the initial values and relaxation parameters, and present a new way of reconstructing the exact effective noise variance to accelerate the convergence speed. Analysis and simulation results verify that with the help of proper initial values and parameters, the simplified matrix inversion based detection algorithms can achieve detection performance quite close to that of the ideal matrix inversion based MMSE algorithm with only a small number of series expansions or iterations.

The Strength of Square Steel Tubular Column to H-beam Connections - Focused on the connections with outside-type diaphragm - (각형강관 기둥 - H형강 보의 접합부 내력 평가 - 외측형 다이아프램 접합부를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Seong Do;Kim, Pil Jung;Kim, Kyu Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.16 no.1 s.68
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2004
  • This paper focused on square steel tubular column to H-beam connections (concrete filled tubular) with an outside-type diaphragm. Based on the yield line theory and the nonlinear static FEM analysis the specification equations were evaluated by comparing them with previous result of the simplified tensile experiment[please check. The yield line theory applied to the mechanical model theory revised by K. Morita, the nonlinear static FEM analysis using abaqus/standard, the ultimate strength equation in the specification equation using the factor for long-time loading, and the yield ratio according to material. The allowable strength in the specification equations applied the safety factors of 2.2 and 2.6 in the cases with and without filled concrete, respectively. Therefore, the evaluation of strength(for the previous result of the simplified tensile experiment in this study) was considered possible through the yield line theory, the nonlinear static FEM analysis, and the specification equations. Likewise, the specification equations were seen to be an underestimate of the previous result of the simplified tensile experiment. The strength and displaced mesh in the FEM analysis approximated the previous result of the simplified tensile experiment.