• 제목/요약/키워드: Silkworms

검색결과 239건 처리시간 0.024초

연화병의 병원체를 경구 또는 피하접종했을 때에 출현하는 왜소잠에 관한 조사연구 (Studies on the Appearance of the Dwarfishness Silkworm caused by Peroral and Hypodermic Inoculation of the Flacherie Virus, Bombyx mori)

  • 윤종관;사기언
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 1975
  • Flacherie of all other silkworm diseases greatly affects cocoon crop as it is far-reaching and wide spreading. Fleacherie which kills silkworms caused by bacteria can be classified as bacterial digestive organ disease, and "Sotto" disease. Bacterial digestive organ disease is caused by the bacteria living in the silkworms alementary canal and a majority of flacherie belongs to this disease. Septicemia is caused by bacterias breeding in silkworms body fluid but its attach is comparatively limited during the larva period. "Sotto" disease is caused by eating mulberry leaves infected with bacteria which produce toxin and silkworms are intoxicated and killed by the toxin. The cause of flacherie is mainly due to a poor environment. The unclean and unsanitary silkworm rearing beds help bacterias breeding and bacteria enter silkworms body through mouth organ or skin. The present study is to investigate various causes of flacherie by means of pulverization of silkworm. Filtrated fluid is extracted by centrifuge and hypodermic of peroral inoculation-is given to young and medium silkworms of spring and autumn. The gained results of the experiment are summarized as follows: 1. Silkworms infected with flacherie were pulverized and their filtrated fluid was extracted by centrifuge and inspected under microscope to find polyhedron from the fluid. 2. The experimenting group of peroral inoculation. a) From the third day of peroral inoculation silkworms appetite generally decreased and ate less compared with the control group. b) After 7 days of the inoculation silkworms suffered from empty head, loose bowels and fainting. c) Some of the silkworms still ate but as were shown in Fig. 3 and 4 some dwarfish silkworms were found. d) There was no remarkable difference between 1st and 2nd instar inoculation groups. e) There was a tendency that the number of diseased silkworms was decerased as the increase of instars. 2. The experimental group of hypodermic inoculation a) Both of 3rd and 4th instar inoculation groups showed no remarkable singularity and the number of diseased silkworms decreased. b) The rate of diseased silkworms was comparatively low because the body fluid was acidy or toxin was hard soluble. Hypodermic inoculation could not give much harm to the silkworms compared to peroral inoculation.

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형광단백질 발현 유전자변형 누에(Bombyx mori )의 환경위해성 평가연구 (The Study of Environmental Risk Assessment for Fluorescent Genetically Modified Silkworms)

  • 김현정;정철의;구태원;이훈복
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제53권3호
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2014
  • 곤충(초파리, 모기, 누에)은 해충방제, 유용물질생산, 의학연구 등을 위해 유전자변형 곤충으로 개발되어 왔지만, 아직까지 국내에서 유전자변형 곤충에 대한 환경위해성 평가 등이 거의 실시 되지 못하고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 유전자변형 누에의 환경위해성 평가를 3가지 항목(이동성, 생존능력, 산란 및 부화율)으로 진행하였다. 첫째, 기본 사육 절차에서의 탈출가능성(이동성), 둘째, 사육환경으로부터 탈출시 생존 가능성(8개의 극한 환경조건; 고온, 저온, 건조, 습함, 먹이의 유무), 셋째, 비유전자변형 누에♀ ${\times}$ 비유전자변형 누에♂, 비유전자변형 누에♀ ${\times}$ 유전자변형 누에♂, 유전자변형 누에♀ ${\times}$ 비유전자변형 누에♂, 유전자변형 누에♀ ${\times}$ 유전자변형 누에♂으로부터 나온 산란 및 부화율을 비교 하였다. 유전자변형 누에와 비유전자변형 누에의 이동성은 통계적으로 차이가 없었으며, 산란 및 부화율 또한 통계적 차이가 없었다. 다만, 비유전자 변형 암수쌍에서 산란된 알의 부화율보다 유전자변형 누에♀와 비유전자변형 누에♂에서 산란된 알의 부화율이 통계적으로 낮은 결과를 보였다. 극한환경에서의 생존율 실험에서 상대적으로 유전자변형 누에가 비유전자변형 누에보다 생존율이 낮았으며, 특히 고온조건의 환경에서 통계적으로 생존율이 낮은 결과를 보였다. 저온 조건의 경우 누에 유충의 동면으로 인해 실험결과를 명확하게 얻을 수 없었다. 유전자변형 누에와 비 유전자변형 누에가 일부의 차이를 보였으나 모든 실험에서 유전자변형 누에의 값이 비유전자변형 누에보다 낮게 나타났으며, 결과적으로 이번 연구에서는 유전자변형 누에의 위해성은 비유전자변형 누에보다 적었다.

Mineral Compositions in the Feces of Some Silkworms

  • Kim, Iksoo;Kang, Pil-Don;Jang, Sung-Kee;Ryu, Kang-Sun;Kim, Doh-Hoon
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.75-78
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to investigate the mineral content of the feces of the $5^th$ instar larvae in a few silkworm species such as a parent domestic silkworm (Jam134), a hybrid (Kumok-jam), the Japanese oak silkworm, and the Chinese oak silkworm. The major minerals of all silkworms throughout all $5^th$ instar larval period are K, P, Mg and Ca, and the result is consistent with the previous study of the mineral content in the mulberry leaves. Although the calcium content decreased sharply at $7^th$ day of the $5^th$ instar, the crude protein content significantly increased at the same age in both domestic silkworms, suggesting a direct relationship between feeding behavior of the silkworms at the larval period and mineral/protein contents. However, this trend was not observed in both oak silkworms. In the comparison of the mineral content among silkworm species, two domestic silkworms were significantly higher in the calcium content compared with two oak silkworms, and the hybrid Kumok-jam was further higher significantly than the feces of parental Jam 143. Excluding the calcium content, overall no significant content variation in other minerals was observed among four silkworm species studied in this study.

오디용 뽕나무 시설재배 수형별 뽕잎생산량과 누에 사육량 분석 (Analysis of Mulberry Leaves Yields and Amount of Silkworms raising in the Mulberry Tree-shape of Vinyl-house)

  • 김동완;문형철;김은지;김정만
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.757-766
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 오디수확 후 버려지는 뽕잎을 이용하여 누에를 사육할 경우 추가 소득을 올릴 수 있다는 점을 고려하여 시설하우스 내 오디용 뽕나무 유인방법별 오디수확 후 뽕잎생산량과 적정누에 사육량을 구명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 먼저 오디용 뽕나무 수형별 뽕잎생산량을 조사한 결과, 뽕나무 1주당 관행은 4.75 kg 생산되는데 비해 T자형은 7.07 kg, Y자형은 6.55 kg으로 각각 49%와 38% 더 생산되었다. 그리고 오디용 뽕나무 시설재배에서 생산되는 뽕잎으로 누에 1상자를 사육할 때 소요되는 뽕잎량은 평균 302 kg으로 분석되었다. 한편 대부분 농가에서 선호하는 5령 3일 누에를 기준으로 오디용 뽕나무 시설재배 수형별 누에사육량을 분석한 결과, 10 a당 생산되는 뽕잎으로 관행 3.24 상자인 반면, T자형 4.17상자, Y자형은 3.83 상자였으며, 평균 3.74 상자 사육 가능한 것으로 분석되었다.

The changes of stresses and ecdysteroid biosynthesis gene expression levels in Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase mutant Bombyx mori

  • Jeong, Chan Young;Lee, Chang Hoon;Kim, Su Bae;Kang, Sang Kuk;Ju, Wan-Taek;Kim, Seong-Wan;Kim, Nam-Suk;Kim, Kee Young;Park, Jong Woo
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2021
  • Silkworms have long been bred with human history to produce silk. It has been with humans for longer than other industrial insects, and the silkworm variety has been continuously improved. Silkworms have been developed into the optimal form for producing high quality silk and pupae. Recently, the production of transgenic silkworms has further expanded the possibility of industrial value of silkworms. Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (KMO), which is a flavin enzyme, is known for its involvement in ommochrome pigment synthesis. In the field of mammals, including humans, previous studies have revealed the function and role of KMO, which is an important enzyme for various immune responses and cell protection. However, in the case of insects, the function of KMO has only been studied to be involved in the formation of pigment, and accordingly, KMO is used exclusively on screening for generation of transgenic insects as a marker. In this study, using KMO-edited silkworms, it was intended to discover the novel functions and roles of KMO in silkworms by identifying changes in the expression of various genes associated with stress and growth. The changes were observed in expressions of genes regulating on stresses to survive and those on ecdysteroid hormone between wild-type (WT) silkworms and kmo mutant silkworms. The loss of KMO, in particular, decreased the expression of the shadow (sad) gene, one of the Halloween genes in the synthesis of ecdysteroid. In conclusion, these results suggest that silkworm KMO is responsible for potential functions regarding stress response and ecdysteroid synthesis.

탈피 Hormone의 누에 숙화 촉진에 관한 연구 (Studies on the Accelerative Function for the Silkworm Maturation with Ecdysis Hormone)

  • 김윤식
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 1971
  • 1. Ecdysterone의 숙화 촉진작용은 5령 성식기이후에 유효하다. 2. Ecdysterone은 누에의 숙화를 촉진하고 또 초숙잠과 종숙잠간의 시차폭을 축소시킨다. 3. Ecdysterone의 숙화 촉진작용은 Ecdysterone의 식하량과 비례한다. 4. Dodecyl alcohol 주제의 DAT는 등족작용을 촉진한다. 5. Ecdysterone과 Dodecyl alcohol의 병용은 숙화와 등족을 촉진하여 자연상족을 가능케 하며 상족기술 개량에 공헌할 줄 믿는다.

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Enhanced silkworm antioxidant activity by feeding functional substances

  • Park, Jong Woo;Lee, Chang Hoon;Jeong, Chan Young;Kang, Sang Kuk;Kim, Seong-Wan;Kim, Nam-Suk;Kim, Kee Young
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2022
  • Silkworm food has been found to be effective for dementia, liver function, lowering blood sugar, and possesses antioxidant properties, which has been attracting attention as a health functional food. In this study, methods for enhancing the functionality of silkworms were explored and the production potential of high-functional silkworms was analyzed. For enhancing antioxidant activity, ascorbic acid, caffeic acid, laminarin, and glutathione were injected or fed to 5th instar silkworms, and the antioxidant activity of silkworm extract was comparatively analyzed. There was no significant change in polyphenol and flavonoid content, but it was confirmed that 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging ability, superoxide dismutase-like activity, and reducing power were slightly increased after injection of ascorbic acid, caffeic acid, and glutathione. To confirm the increase in antioxidant efficacy through feeding, an inducer was mixed with sucrose and sprayed on mulberry leaves. As a result, the growth rate of silkworms improved and all indicators of antioxidant activity were improved in silkworms fed with ascorbic acid and glutathione. Considering these results, producing high-functional silkworms was deemed possible.

토사불능잠의 출현기구에 관한 생리해부학적 연구 (Physioanatomical studies on mechanism in the process of becoming non-spinning silkworm(Bombyx mori))

  • 윤종관
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제8권
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 1968
  • 산견능률을 향상시키기 위해서는 불결견잠을 방제하는 일이 급선무라 할 수 있다. 그러므로 누에를 생리해부학적인 면에서 그 출현기구를 분석구명하여 이의 방제책을 한 자료로 삼으려 한 것이며 조사 연구내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 견사선에 이상이 없음에도 영견치 않는 누에의 토계부부근의 조직을 검사한 결과 토계관의 기부에 와 있는 신경, 기관 및 근육 등에서 다각체를 발견하였다. 2. 불토사잠중에서 농병에 의하는 것이 차지하는 비율이 상당히 높았다. 3. 5령의 누에에 향식 당일부터 8시간에 걸쳐 농즙을 접종한 결과 결견잠수에 있어서 접종이 늦을수록 많고 불결견잠수는 접종초기와 중기에 있어서는 큰 차가 없었지만 후기에 이르러 감소하는 경향이 있고 사육 및 족중폐잠수는 접종시기가 빠를수록 많았다. 4. 농병의 증세는 농즙 접종후 약 3일전후하여 농잠으로서의 특징을 나타내기 시작하였다. 그리고 농병잠이라하여도 영견능력이 있는 것은 상족직전에 접종된 것 중에서 영견개시후 발병되기 때문에 도중에서 토계불능케 되어 박피 또는 중피견 밖에 영견할 수 없는 것이고 또한 경도의 농병잠은 토계기능의 마비상태가 토계불능까지는 되지 않는 것으로 인정되였다. 5. 원종 교잡종을 합하여 44품종에 걸친 불결견잠 출현경향을 조사한 결과 교잡종에 비하여 원종이 불결견잠의 수가 많았고 원종에서도 일본종계통이 많았다. 6. 불결견잠의 견사선에 있어서는 중부계선에 파동이 많았다. 7. 정상숙잠과 농병불결견잠의 잠체 및 소화기의 크기를 비교한 결과 길이에 있어서는 큰 차 없지만 체건-동체 둘레 및 소화기의 나비에 있어서는 농병불결견잠의 것이 훨씬 컸다. 8. 5령 성식기에 낙하충격을 가한 결과 두부하위낙하보다는 경면하위낙하의 것이 또는 온돌과 마루바닥보다는 시멘트바닥에 낙하된 것이 충격이 컸다.

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Breeding of a Silkworm Variety for Synnemata Production of Isaria tenuipes

  • Kang, Pil-Don;Sung, Gyoo-Byung;Kim, Kee-Young;Kim, Mi-Ja;Hong, In-Pyo;Ha, Nam-Gyu
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.180-183
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted out to select a silkworm variety suitable for synnemata production of Isaria tenuipes. Four kinds of the mulberry silkworm varieties, Bombyx mori, were hybridized using a Japanese parental line and a Chinese parental line, and used to test for synemata formation in I. tenuipes. The larval period of normal silkworms was 22 hr longer than the silkworms inoculated with this fungus. Among the silkworm varieties tested, Hachojam had the shortest larval period with 23.02 days. The non-cocooning silkworm had a shorter larval period than the cocoon producing silkworms. The pupation rate of normal silkworms was about 9% higher than that of silkworms sprayed with I. tenuipes. Hachojam had the highest infection rate at 99.8%, but no significant difference was observed for the infection rate by silkworm variety. The production of synnemata was the best in JS171 $\times$ CS188 with an incidence rate of 99.3%, followed by Hachojam, and Chugangjam. The synnemata produced from Hachojam were the heaviest and showed white or milky-white in color.

견 Fibroin의 효소분해에 관한 연구 I. 인공사료조성에 의한 Fibroin 분해율의 차이 (The Studies on Hydrolysis of the silk Fibroin by Proteolytic Enzyme, Bombyx mori 1. Effect of Various Compositions of Artificial Diet for Silkworms on the Fibroin-Hydrolyzing)

  • 이용우;송기언;마석일;남중희
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 1975
  • 인공사료조성차이가 견층 fibroin의 효소분해에 미치는 영향을 구명코저 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 인공사료육잠견의 fibroin효소분해율은 상엽육잠견에 비하여 낮은 수준에 있다. 2. 인공사료의 soybean meal함량과 견층 fibroin효소분해율과는 거의 상관이 없었으나 견층 sericin함유량과는 부의 상관이 인정되었다. 3. 인공사료의 sucrose함량과 견층 sericin함유량과는 부의 상관이 있었으나 견층 fibroin효소분해율과는 상관이 인정되지 않았다. 4. 인공사요 육잠견의 자웅별로 fibroin효소 분해율에서는 유의차가 없었지만 Sericin함유량은 자>웅이었다. 5. 인공사료 조성에 있어서 상엽분말을 8%함유한 구는 10%구와 8%구에 methionine을 첨가한 구에 비하여 fibroin효소분해율이 높았다. 6. 1령부터 3령까지 인공사료와 4 및 5령은 상엽사육잠견의 fibroin효소분해율은 전령 인공사료육잠견에 비하여 높았다.

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