• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shell weight

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The Effect of Phaseolus Angularis Shell on Soyang-in Metabolic Syndrome with Obesity (적소두(赤小豆) 외피(外皮)(Phaseolus angularis shell)의 고지방식이로 유도된 비만 동물모델에서 항비만, 항고지혈증 효과)

  • Kwak, Jin-young;Park, Jung-Hwan;Koh, Young-mee;Park, Jung-mi;Ahn, Taek-Won
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.136-153
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    • 2017
  • Objectives This experimental study was designed to investigate the effect of Phaseolus angularis shell on metabolic syndrome. Methods Each 5 C57BL/6J mice were randomly assigned to normal diet group, high-fat diet(HFD) control group, high-fat diet plus 15.6 mg/kg/day of Orlistat(HFD-Orlistat) group, high-fat diet plus 100mg/kg/day of Phaseolus angularis shell extract(HFD-PAS_E) group. Weight, the blood chemical and hematologic parameter was med. The mRNA expression was assayed through Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR). Results In HFD-PAS_E group, the body weight gain, weight of liver, and the level of LDL-Cholesterol were significantly decreased and the level of HDL-Cholesterol were significantly increased. The size of adipocyte in HFD-PAS_E group was smaller than HFD group's. In HFD-PAS_E group, the expression of leptin, PPAR-${\gamma}$, AP2/FABP4 mRNA in liver adipocyte tissue was decreased, the expression of Adiponectin, UCP-2 mRNA in liver adipocyte tissue was increased and the expression of Leptin, C/EBP-a, AP2/FABP4 mRNA in epididymal adipocyte tissue was decreased. Conclusion These results suggest that Phaseolus angularis shell has inhibitory effects on metabolic syndrome by reducing the body weight and the levels of lipid contents in high-fat-diet induced obese mice.

Performance of Newly Evolved Bivoltine Silkworm Hybrids of Bombyx mori with Reference to Hybrid Vigour

  • Reddy, N.Mal;Basavaraja, H.K.;Kumar, N.Suresh;Joge, P.G.;Kalpana, G.V.;Dandin, S.B.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2003
  • In the present study, hybrid vigour in terms of heterosis and over dominance of newly evolved bivoltine hybrids and their reciprocals raised from the promising newly evolved bivoltine breeds were calculated for the important parameters like pupation, cocoon yield, cocoon weight, shell weight, shell ratio, raw silk percentage, filament length and neatness. Through there was no significant difference among the hybrids for the characters pupation, cocoon yield and cocoon weight, the magnitude of heterosis and over dominance were varied significantly for these characters. However, significant differences were observed between new hybrids and control hybrid for the characters like cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell ratio, filament length and raw silk percentage. The results indicate that majority of new hybrids have shown higher heterosis and over dominance than control hybrid. The data also indicate that highest mean heterosis of all new hybrids was recorded for cocoon yield followed by filament length. Whereas highest mean over dominance was recorded for cocoon yield followed by cocoon weight. Negative mean heterosis and over dominance were recorded for the trait cocoon shell ratio. Based on the results, the importance of three hybrids viz., CSR2 ${\times}$ CSR4, CSR2 ${\times}$ CSR5 and CSR3 ${\times}$ CSR6 and their reciprocals (CSR4 ${\times}$ CSR2, CSR5 ${\times}$ CSR2 and CSR6 ${\times}$ CSR3) which exhibited significant heterosis and over dominance, for commercial exploitation was discussed.

A Study on the Thickness of Egg Shell and Egg Shell Membrane in Silky Fowl (오골계의 난각과 난각막의 두께에 관한 연구)

  • 하정기
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1983
  • This study was carried out to investigate the variabilities of the thickness of egg shell and shell membrane of silky fowl egg from April 11, 1983 to May 14, 1983. One hundred and twenty eggs used in this experiment were obtained from a Synanmyun silky fowl farm, Sanchungkun, Gyeongnam province. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Total items investigated for the silky fowl egg; egg weight, egg shell weight, egg shell thickness of sharp end, middle part, and blunt end, egg shell membrane thickness of snarp end, middle part, and blunt end, breaking strength, length of egg(L), width of egg(W), and L/W, were measured as 36.58${\pm}$0.446g, 4.53${\pm}$0.079g, 0.32${\pm}$0.006mm 0.32${\pm}$0.047mm, 0.30${\pm}$0.056mm, 0.050${\pm}$0.001mm, 0.050${\pm}$0.001mm, 0.053${\pm}$0.001mm, 3.06${\pm}$0.101kg, 4.80${\pm}$0.024mm, 3.82${\pm}$0.010cm, and 1.26${\pm}$0.005, respectively. 2. Correlation coefficients among 66 combinations of 12 items were estimated. The correlation coefficients relating to egg weight, egg shell weight, egg shell thickness of sharp end, middle part, and blunt end breaking strength, length of egg (L), width of egg (W), and L/W were largely to be highly significant but those related egg shell membrane thickness of sharp end middle part, and blunt end were not significant, sometimes showing inverse correlation

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목포 주변 해역 갯벌 조간대에 서식하는 종밋

  • 임현식;박경양
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 1998
  • Studies on the distribution and growth of the mud mussel, Musculista senhousia, were carried out in the mud-tidal flat near Mokpo from August 1996 to July 1997. The patch distribution of the mussel was observed in the middle part of the tidalflat during the study period. Annual mean density was 8,215${\pm}$1,394 ind./m2 and annual mean biomass was 1,966.43${\pm}$668.49 g TWwt/m2 in total wet weight, 760.04${\pm}$279.13 gMWwt/m2 in meat wet weight, 209.93 ${\pm}$ 49.41 gMDwt/m2 in meat dry weight, and 109.66${\pm}$58.78 gAFDW/m2 in ash-free dry weight. The monthly mean size of shell length varied from 11.00 mm to 16.97 mm. Relationship between shell length (SL) and shell height (SH) showed a positively significant regression (SH=0.482SL+0.791, R2=0.940, P<0.001). Regressions of total wet weight (TWwt) (TWwt=7.601${\times}$10-5SL3.052, R2=0.905, P<0.001), and meat wet weight (MWwt) (MWwt=1.127${\times}$10-5${\times}$SL3.404, R2=0.784, P<0.001) on shell length were positively allometric, with highly significant correlation coefficient. The relationships between SL and meat dry weight (MDwt), and AFDW were MDwt=9.813${\times}$10-6${\times}$SL2.928 (R2=0.421), and AFDW=1.015${\times}$10-5${\times}$SL2.922(R2=0.810), respectively. The condition factor of the mussel has been increased from March and formed a peak in July and August. It was sharply dropped in September. These results suggest that the gonadal development of the species commenced to be occurred in spring and that main spawning occurred between August and September.

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Evaluation of Methods Used in the Calculation of Condition Index Using the Mussel, Mytilus coruscus (Gould, 1861) Collected from Chuja Island, Cheju, Korea (추자도산 홍합, Mytilus coruscus (Gould, 1861) 의 Condition Index 산정에 대한 연구)

  • 강도형;최광식
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 1999
  • Condition indices (Cl) are considered to be useful measurements of the nutritive and health status of bivalves although studies on Cl of bivalves are limited due to the lack of a standard formula for calculating Cl. This study attempts to generate Cl of the mussel, Mytilus coruscus inhabiting along the coastal area of Chuja Island in Cheju using three primary formulas. the formulas used in this study: (1) Cl-vol= [tissue dry weight (g) 1000] /shell cavity volume (ml). (2) Cl-wt= [tissue dry weight (g) 1000] / internal shell cavity capacity (g). (3) Cl-size= tissue wet weight (g)/[shell length (mm)]$\^$3/. Monthly condition indices calculated with the three formulas are compared using ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test and Pearson correlation coefficient. In Chuja Island M. coruscus collected ranged from 50 to 180 mm in shell length. Monthly ranges of Cl-values were 67.48 to 140.61 (Cl-vol), 74.67 to 118.02 (Cl-wt) and 1.4 10$\^$-5) to 1.6 10$\^$-5/ (Cl-size). Cl-vol values in August were higher than two Cl-values in the other months. Monthly Cl-vol was significantly different from Cl-wt and Cl-size. (p<0.05). The results of this study suggest that volumetric condition index (Cl-vol) used in this study is acceptable as a standard measure to evaluate conditions of M. coruscus.

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A Study on the Growth of Pen Shell, Atrina pectinata japonica Transplanted into Duekryang Bay in Southern Korea I. Environmental Factors and Transplanted Effect on Different Shell Size Groups (득량만에 이식한 키조개, Atrina pectinata japonica의 성장에 관한 연구 I. 양식장 환경 및 각장 크기별 이식효과)

  • 양문호;최상덕;노용길;김성연;정춘구
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to investigate the enviromental quality and the growth of transplanted pen shell, Atrinna pectinata japonica. Followings are the results of growth of transplanted pen shell with respect to the shell size groups from the natural habitat (Usando) in May 1995, and cultivated upto November in the transplantated area (Soomoonri). The water depth of transplantated area andnatural habitat were 3m, 20~25m, respectively. The seawater temperature of the two culturing farms were ranged of 10.9~$27.8^{\circ}C.$, 8.5~$30.0^{\circ}C.$, respectively at the lowest in November adn the highest in July. The seawater salinity of the two areas were ranged of 29.54~35.26$^0\prime\infty$, 28.75~36.31$^0\prime\infty$, respectively at the lowest in July and the highest in November. The phosphoric acid ($PO_4$-P) of the two areas were 0.09~$1.14 ^{\mu}$g-at/l, 0.23~$1.33 ^{\mu}$g-at/l, respectively at the lowest in June and the highest in September. The bottom type of the two areas was a silty mud, 85.23% (82.17~87.26%) in natural habitat and 92.12% (90.76~92.94$^0\prime\infty$) in transplanted area. In this study area, phytoplankton were composed of 19 species. Of these 19 species, Skeletonema costatum was dominant species in seawater between natural habitat and transplantatied area, and 157 cells/ml, 165 cells/ml at August respectively. Stock of phytoplankton in transplantated area were more than those of natural habitat except June and November. The growth of shell length, shell height, total weight, soft part weight and posterior adductor muscle weight of pen shell on different size groups (SL 10, 10~15, 15~20, 20cm) were excellent in shell length of 10cm group, and 99.32%, 107.66%, 871.09%, 951.26% and 1,223.76%, respectively. The survival rate of pen shell was 98.10% in the shell length of 10cm groups, 90.35~94.76% in the others groups. The growth of shell length, total weight, soft part weight and posterior adductor muscle weight of pen shell in transplantated area were more 1.3, 2.6, 2.7 and 4.5 times than those of natural habitat.

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Relative static and dynamic performances of composite conoidal shell roofs

  • Bakshi, Kaustav;Chakravorty, Dipankar
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.379-397
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    • 2013
  • Conoidal shells are doubly curved stiff surfaces which are easy to cast and fabricate due to their singly ruled property. Application of laminated composites in fabrication of conoidal shells reduces gravity forces and mass induced forces compared to the isotropic constructions due to the high strength to weight ratio of the material. These light weight shells are preferred in the industry to cover large column free open spaces. To ensure design reliability under service conditions, detailed knowledge about different behavioral aspects of conoidal shell is necessary. Hence, in this paper, static bending, free and forced vibration responses of composite conoidal shells are studied. Lagrange's equation of motion is used in conjunction with Hamilton's principle to derive governing equations of the shell. A finite element code using eight noded curved quadratic isoparametric elements is developed to get the solutions. Uniformly distributed load for static bending analysis and three different load time histories for solution of forced vibration problems are considered. Eight different stacking sequences of graphite-epoxy composite and two different boundary conditions are taken up in the present study. The study shows that relative performances of different shell combinations in terms of static behaviour cannot provide an idea about how they will relatively behave under dynamic loads and also the fact that the points of occurrence of maximum static and dynamic displacement may not be same on a shell surface.

Age and Growth of the Brackish Water Clam, Corbicula japonica Prime on the West Coast of Korea (한국 서해산 일본재첩, Corbicula japonica Prime의 연령과 성장)

  • Ryu, Dong-Ki;Chung, Ee-Yung;Kim, Yeong-Hye
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2005
  • Samples of Corbicula japonica Prime of Jujin estuary in Gochang were collected from July 2000 to September 2001. Age of C. japonica was determined from the rings on the shell. The relationship between shell length and ring radius in each ring group was expressed as a regression line. Therefore, there is a correspondence in each ring formation. Based on the monthly variation of the marginal index (MI') of the shell, it is assumed that the ring of this species was formed once a year during the period of February and March. The relationship between shell length (SL; mm) and total weight (TW; g) was expressed by the following equation: TW = 1.0942 ${\times}10^{-4}SL^{3.3217}$ ($r^2$ = 0.9905). Shell length (SL) and shell height (SH; mm) was highly correlated with shell height as the following equation: SH = 0.9174 SL - 0.9935 ($r^2$ = 0.9885). The shell length (SL) - shell width (SW) relation was also expressed by the following equation; SW = 0.5925 SL - 1.1706 ($r^2$ = 0.9726). Growth curves for shell length and total weight fitted to the von Bertalanffy's growth curve were expressed as: $$SL_t = 46.4861[1-e^{-0.3383(t+0.0958)}]$$, $$TW_t = 34.54[1-e^{-0.3383(t+0.0958)}]^3.3217$$.

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Minimum-weight design of stiffened shell under hydrostatic pressure by genetic algorithm

  • Ghasemi, A.R.;Hajmohammad, M.H.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, optimization of cylindrical shells under external pressure to minimize its weight has been studied. Buckling equations are based on standard of ABS underwater vehicles. Dimension and type of circumferential stiffeners, and its distance from each other are assumed as variables of optimization problem. Considering the extent of these variables, genetic algorithms have been used for optimization. To study the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the shell and its fabrication according to the existing standards, geometrical and construction as well as stress and buckling constraints have been used in optimization algorithm and also penalty functions are applied to eliminate weak model. Finally, the best model which has the minimum weight considering the applied pressure has been presented.

Non-isothermal pyrolysis of cashew shell cake-bituminous coal blends

  • Park, Yoon Hwa;Park, Ho Young;Kim, Hyun Hee;Park, Sang Bin
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2018
  • This paper describes the non-isothermal pyrolysis of cashew shell cake (CSC) - bituminous coal blends. The blends exhibit two distinct stages in the thermogravimetric curves, which the first stage stems from CSC and the second one from the superposition of CSC and coal pyrolysis. The pyrolysis behavior of the blend was linearly proportional to the blending ratios. The overall behavior of the blends was evaluated in terms of the maximum rate of weight loss, characteristic temperatures, char yields, and the calculated and experimental thermogravimetric curves. The activation energies ranged up to 49 kJ/mol for the blends were obtained and used to evaluate the interaction in the blends. The present thermogravimetric study shows that there is no significant interaction between CSC and coal in the blends, and it was supported by the characteristic values which are linearly proportional to the weight percentages of cashew cake-shell in the blends. The no-interaction might be due to the fact that the main reaction zones are distinctively different for two constituents, so the additive rule is acceptable for describing pyrolysis behavior of the present blends.