• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shell weight

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Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Breeding Value for Measurement Traits of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas at Nine Months Old (9개월령 참굴의 계측형질에 대한 유전모수 및 육종가 추정)

  • Park, Ki-Yeol;Kim, Hyun-Chul;Kim, Byoung-Hak;Choi, Nack-Joong;Moon, Tae-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.600-603
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    • 2009
  • Genetic and phenotypic parameter estimates for measurement traits were obtained from pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas at nine months old. For the growth-related traits among nine months old pacific oyster, heritabilities of shell length, shell height, shell width, total weight, body weight and shell weight were estimated as 0.4855, 0.5248, 0.0884, 0.7236, 0.7726 and 0.6957, respectively. Genetic correlations among the growth-related traits of pacific oyster at nines month old, shell length, shell height, shell width, total weight, body weight, shell weight were showing highly positive correlations. Breeding value on growth-related traits of pacific oyster at nine months old were estimated as shell length -7.044-11.870, shell height -11.380-18.370, shell width -1.234-2.831, total weight -8.339-17.140, body weight -1.813-3.507 and shell weight -4.422-8.837. The results show that there is quite substantial additive genetic variance for measurement traits in pacific oyster that can be exploited through selective breeding.

Egg Quality in Battery Cage and Free-Range Systems : with Reference to Comparison of Eggs Based on Price and Hens' Age (방사 사육과 배터리 사육 산란계에서 난질 : 난가와 산란계 주령에 따른 난질의 비교)

  • Kim, Dae-Woo;Kang, Seok-Min;Yang, Young-Rok;Kim, Ji-Min;Yoon, Hyung-Sook;Jeon, Jung-Hwan;Choi, Yang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2016
  • The main purpose of the current study was to compare quality of eggs 1) produced from hens housed in battery cages vs. free range, 2) from young vs. old hens, and 3) tagged with the lowest vs. the highest price in a local franchised mart. The ages of hens, at which their eggs were used for the analysis of quality, were 70 weeks old in the experiment 1, 22 and 47 weeks old in the experiment 2, and were unknown in the experiment 3. Eggs were analyzed for weight, albumen height, Haugh unit, shell color, shell strength, shell thickness, shell weight, yolk color, yolk weight, and egg white weight. In the experiment 1, significant differences were detected between two housing systems in shell color, shell weight, yolk color, and yolk weight (P<0.05), but not in egg weight, albumen height, Haugh unit, shell strength, shell thickness, and egg white weight (P>0.05). Although egg weight was slightly but not significantly higher in battery cages by 2.2 g than in free range, yolk weight was significantly higher in battery cage (P<0.05). On the contrary, shell color was greatly increased in free range system by 68.5% compared with battery cage. In the experiment 2, there were significant differences between young and old hens in egg weight, albumen height, Haugh unit, shell strength, shell weight, yolk color and yolk weight (P<0.05). Egg weight, shell weight, yolk color and yolk weight were increased in old hens than young hens while albumen height, Haugh unit, and shell strength were decreased. In the experiment 3, egg weight, albumen height, Haugh unit, shell weight, and egg white weight were significantly higher in the highest priced eggs than the lowest ones (P<0.05), whereas shell strength and yolk color were lower (P<0.05) but shell color, shell thickness and yolk weight were not different (P>0.05). So, egg freshness was clearly higher in the highest priced ones than in the lowest (P<0.05). Due to the limited information on raising and husbandry of laying hens whose eggs were tested for egg quality in the current study, the present results should be cautiously interpreted while contributing to the future study as a basis in this field.

Sexual Differences of Cocoon weight, Cocoon Shell Weight, and Cocoon Shell Percentage in the Sex- limited Silkworm Strains, Bombyx mori L., (한성계통의 전견중, 견층중, 견층비율에 대한 성차)

  • 이상몽;김삼은
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 1985
  • Using sexual differences between female and male as the indication of the degree of the physiological distrubance in the sex-limited larval marking strains or sex-limited egg colour strains, it was investigated whether the physiological distrubance caused y the translocated autosome fragment on the W-sex determination chromosome, have an effect on expression of the three quantitative characters; cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, and cocoon shell percentage in the female silkworm. The mean values of the ratios of female to male the above two experimental groups were 127%, 107%, 85%, in cocoon shell weight, and cocoon shell percentage, respectively. On the other hand, those from the three normal stains, namely the basic stock strains, white egg strains, and hybrids were 129% for cocoon weight, 110% for cocoon shell weight, and 85% for cocoon shell percentage, respectively. From the results, it comes to the conclusion that the translocated autosome fragment on the W-chromosome has no influences on the expression of the quantitative characters of the female silkworm because sexual differences of the sex-limited strains were very similar to those of the three normal strains.

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Line${\times}$Tester Analysis of Certain Quantitative Traits in Silkworm Bombyx mori L. under Optimum and Stress Rearing Conditions

  • Rao, P.Sudhakara;Datta, R.K.;Kumari, K.M.Vijaya;Palit, A.K.;Bhat, S.A.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2004
  • The combining abilities in the 5 newly evolved thermo tolerant breeds viz., SR6, SR7, SR8 SR9 and SR10 of silkworm Bombyx mori L. and their 15 hybrids were made in a line${\times}$tester crossing programme. Data were analysed for seven quantitative traits i.e., pupation rate, cocoon yield, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell ratio, filament length and raw silk percentage under optimum room temperature $(25{\pm}{1^{\circ}C})$ conditions (In case of high temperature $(36{\pm}{1^{\circ}C})$ stress conditions five economic traits except filament length and raw silk percentage) with 3 widely adapted testers i.e., KA, CSR2 and CC1 as lines (females) and testers (males) respectively. The performance at high temperature and low humidity conditions aye only taken into consideration for selecting the best lines/hybrids. Among the lines SR6 exhibited positive General combining ability (GCA) effects for pupation rate, cocoon yield, cocoon weight and cocoon shell ratio traits, followed by SR7 for pupation rate, cocoon yield and cocoon shell weight and cocoon shell ratio. Among testers, KA exhibited positive GCA effects for two quantitative traits cocoon yield, cocoon weight and CSR2 for cocoon shell weight and cocoon shell ratio under adverse temperature conditions. The hybrid SR6${\times}$CC1 and SR7${\times}$CSR2 exhibited significant positive Specific combining ability (SCA) effects for majority of the traits in high temperature stress conditions of rearing. The better parent value of heterosis(Heterobeltiosis) was exhibited by the hybrid SR6${\times}$CC1 for pupation rate, cocoon yield, cocoon weight and cocoon shell weight and SR7${\times}$CSR2 for all the trails evaluated under high temperature conditions. Based on the results, the lines SR6 and SR7 was judged as best combiners and the hybrids SR6${\times}$CC1 and SR7${\times}$CSR2 can be selected for commercial exploitation in tropical climate.


  • Kang, C.W.;Nam, K.T.;Olson, O.E.;Carlson, C.W.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.723-726
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    • 1996
  • A water loaded pressure device using water as the breaking force was developed to evaluate eggshell strength and compared with a dropping ball techniques. Further, relationships of shell thickness and weight of eggs to shell strength were also studied. Values for both of the shell strength measuring methods showed a highly significant correlation (p < 0.001) with shell thickness. The water loaded pressure method had a much higher simple correlation coefficient for shell thickness (r = + 0.786) than the dropping ball method (r = + 0.577). The shell strength measured by the water loaded pressure method appeared not to be correlated to egg weight. On the other hand, the negative sign of the standard partial regression coefficient and the partial regression coefficient of egg weight in the estimated multiple regression equation implied that for a given shell thickness a larger egg tended to have less shell strength than a smaller egg.

Manifestation of Hybrid Vigour and Combining Ability in Polyvoltine $\times$ Bivoltine Hybrids of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.

  • Rao, D.Raghavendra;Singh, Ravindra;Premalatha, V.;Kariappa, B.K.;Rekha, M.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2002
  • The general and specific combining abilities and hybrid vigour of seven polyvoltine breeds [BL24, BL62, BL6S, BL67, BL68, BL69, and Pure Mysore (PM)] with five bivoltine breeds (NB4D2, CSR2, CSR5, CSR18 and CSR19) were evaluated in a line ${times}$ tester design by analysing six quantitative traits viz., fecundity, yield 110,000 larvae both by number and weight, cocoon weight, shell weight and cocoon shell ratio. ANOVA estimates showed significant effects for all the traits indicating the role of both additive and non- additive gene actions. Estimation of GCA revealed that the breed BL67 exhibited significant positive effects toy all the six traits followed by BL68 for four important economic traits viz., fecundity, cocoon weight, shell weight and cocoon shell ratio. Among testers, CSR5 showed significant GCA effects for five traits whereas CSR2 exhibited for shell weight and shell ratio. Three hybrids viz., BL67${times}$ NB4D2, BL67 ${times}$CSR5 and BL67${times}$ CSR19 excelled in four quantitative traits for SCA. Majority of the hybrids expressed positive hybrid vigour for cocoon yield/10,000 larvae by weight, cocoon weight and shell weight. Four hybrids namely PM ${times}$ NB4D2, BL67 ${times}$NB4D2, BL67${times}$ CSR5 and BL67${times}$ CSR19 manifesting positive hybrid vigour for five economic traits were adjudicated as best Heterotic hybrids and recommended for commercial exploitation to increase the silk yield.


  • Chen, C.F.;Lee, Y.P.;Lee, Z.H.;Huang, S.Y.;Huang, H.H.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.433-440
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    • 1993
  • Means and standard errors of 285 Taiwan's local chicken and 429 Single Comb White Leghorn pullets at 35 wk of age were: egg weight (g) $48.3{\pm}0.3$, $54.6{\pm}0.3$, shell index $73.39{\pm}0.26$, $73.20{\pm}0.18$, shell color $15.23{\pm}0.40$, $0.88{\pm}0.27$, shell whiteness $72.61{\pm}0.57$, $90.00{\pm}0.35$, shell strength ($kg/cm^2$) $3.77{\pm}0.07$, $3.35{\pm}0.05$, shell thickness (mm) $0.38{\pm}0.003$, $0.38{\pm}0.002$, Haugh units $85.26{\pm}0.50$, $91.81{\pm}0.38$ and yolk percent (%) $30.17{\pm}0.18$, $27.32{\pm}0.16$ respectively. Theestimated heritabiliities of Taiwan's local chicken based on sire and dam components of variance were as follows: egg weight 0.20, shell index 0.1, shell color 0.87, shell whiteness 0.79, shell strength 0.37, shell thickness 0.14, Haugh units 0.24 and yolk percent 0.16. Genetic correlations based on sire and dam components of variance and covariance were also estimated. Generically, the shell index was positively correlated with egg weight, shell strength and yolk percent, and egg weight was negatively correlated with shell thickness, Haugh unit and yolk percent.

Esthnation of the Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations on Egg Compositional Trsaits in Korean Native Chicken (한국재래계의 난구성분에 대한 유전력 및 유전상관의 추정)

  • 한성욱;상병찬;이준현;정욱수;상병돈
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to estimate the heritabilities and genetic correlations on egg weight and egg compositional traits for breeding plan and selection in Korean native chicken. Data analyzed were the records of 46,908 eggs from 430 layers produced from 180 dam and 26 sire families, from April, 1994 to September, 1995. On egg weight and egg compositional traits at 1st egg, 300 and 500 days of age, the egg weights were 41.489, 49.544 and 52.770g ; the albumin weights were 25.953, 29.979 and 31.288g; the yolk weights were 11.091, 14.541 and 16.368g; shell weights were 4.472, 5.037 and 5.099g, respectively. The estimates of heritability of egg weights and egg compositional traits based on the variance of sires, dams and combined components at 300 days of age were 0.214, 0.226 and 0.720 for egg weight ; 0.307, 0.152 and 0.730 for albumin weight ; 0.124, 0.953 and 0.699 for yolk weight ; 0.047, 0.026 and 0.536 for shell weight. The genetic correlation coefficient between egg weight and albumen weight was 0.083~0.951 ; 0.310~0.507 between egg weight and yolk weight ; 0.242~0.523 between egg weight and shell weight ; 0. 237~0. 413 between albumen weight and yolk weight ; 0.232~0.449 between albumen weight and shell weight ; -0.264~0.239 between yolk weight and shell weight, respectively.

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The Effect of Storage Period and Temperature on Egg Quality in Commercial Eggs

  • Lee, Min Hee;Cho, Eun Jung;Choi, Eun Sik;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2016
  • Consumers demand fresh and high-quality eggs. Egg quality may be represented by shell color, shell weight, egg weight, shell thickness, shell density, albumen height, yolk color, albumen pH and viscosity. Various factors such as strain, age of hen, storage temperature, humidity, the presence of $CO_2$ and storage time affect egg quality. Therefore, we investigated the effects of storage time and temperature on egg quality to define the freshness of Korean market eggs. A total of 1,800 eggs were used for this experiment and were separated into 45 treatments with 40 eggs in each. The treatments were consisted of 15 storage periods (2 d to 30 d) and 3 storage temperatures ($2^{\circ}C$, $12^{\circ}C$, $25^{\circ}C$). Each egg was weighed and broken, and the height of the thick albumen, Haugh units (HU), egg shell color and yolk color were measured by a QCM+system. We also observed the physiochemical properties of eggs such as yolk pH, albumen pH and albumen viscosity. The egg weight, shell weight, albumen height, HU and albumen viscosity significantly decreased with increasing storage time and temperature. However, the albumen and yolk pH significantly increased with increasing storage period and temperature. The interaction effects between the storage period and temperature were significant for shell weight, shell density, egg weight, albumen height, HU, yolk color, yolk pH, albumen pH and albumen viscosity. In the analysis of the correlation with egg quality, the storage temperature exhibited a higher correlation coefficient than the storage period. In conclusion, storage time and temperature are the major factors affecting egg quality, but the storage temperature is a more sensitive determinant of egg quality deterioration compared with the storage period.

Study on Inheritance and Transgressions at Cocoon and Shell Weight Characters between Genetically Sex-limited Silkworm Bombyx mori L. Lines

  • Petkov N.;Petkov Z.;Grekov D.;Arnaudova K.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.75-78
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    • 2005
  • Inheritance of cocoon and shell weight characters in silkworm crosses between sex-limited at larva stage lines, including three (NIG$_{1}$ $\times$ TV$_{3/2}$ ,NIG$_{1}$ $\times$ TBV$_{2/24}$ and NIG$_{1}$ $\times$ B$_{2/6}$ ) from Japanese type and three (NIG$_{2}$ $\times$ B$_{2/6}$ ,TV$_{3/2}$ $\times$ NIG$_{1}$ and NIG$_{2}$ $\times$ TBV$_{2/24}$ ) from Chinese type was studied at Regional Centre for Scientific­Applied Service - Vratza during the period of 2000 ­2002. Inheritance of tested characters in F I was deter­mined through genetic parameters, additiveness (a), dominance (d) and their ratio (d/a). Degree and frequency of transgressions in F$_{2}$ were calculated also. Over dominance (d/a(>) 1) with bigger contribution of the parent with higher value was determined at inheritance tested characters. Transgressions obtained at cocoon and shell weight characters were positive and varied in wide limits. The productivity of parent's lines had defined the variability of genetic parameters for degree and frequency of transgressions. Combination of positive transgressions at cocoon and shell weight characters in F2 hybrid populations from sex-limited at larva stage allow us to select individuals with high productive potential for further use in selection programs.