• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shape Information of Buildings

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A Case Study on Application of Yeeki Feng Shui to The Buildings of City Center -Seoul Jongno-gu, A, B, C the Center of The Building (도심 빌딩의 이기적 풍수 적용사례에 관한 연구 -서울시 종로구 A, B, C빌딩을 중심으로-)

  • You, Chae-Myung;Cho, Sung-Je
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2014
  • There have been many existing researches on buildings of Yangtaek that applies Hyeongki Feng Shui, but not enough case studies on buildings applying Hyungong Feng Shui. In this study, which is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul applying Hyeonggohg Feng Shui A, B, C of the building you want to study the case. The result is as follows: first, the A building turned out to have the longest earth phase among the selected buildings. This also means the A building has the longest good luck. Second, the four Shape 'Wangsanwanghyanng' were identified Building A and B buildings. This means those buildings have a good feng shui, facing water with mountains at the back. Third, the Good or bad of the buildings judged by the Yeeki feng shui turned out to be "good". This result shows that those buildings have been well-formed in time and space with a good feng shui, and they are considered to have a great development in corporate growth.

Building Points Classification from Raw LiDAR Data by Information Theory (정보이론에 의한 LiDAR 원시자료의 건물포인트 분류기법 연구)

  • Choi Yun-Woong;Jang Young-Woon;Cho Gi-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.469-473
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    • 2006
  • In general, a classification process between ground data and non-ground data, which include building objects, is required prior to producing a DEM for a certain surface reconstruction from LiDAR data in which the DEM can be produced from the ground data, and certain objects like buildings can be reconstructed using non-ground data. Thus, an exact classification between ground and non-ground data from LiDAR data is the most important factor in the ground reconstruction process using LiDAR data. In particular, building objects can be largely used as digital maps, orthophotos, and urban planning regarding the object in the ground and become an essential to providing three dimensional information for certain urban areas. In this study, an entropy theory, which has been used as a standard of disorder or uncertainty for data used in the information theory, is used to apply a more objective and generalized method in the recognition and segmentation of buildings from raw LiDAR data. In particular, a method that directly uses the raw LiDAR data, which is a type of point shape vector data, without any changes, to a type of normal lattices was proposed, and the existing algorithm that segments LiDAR data into ground and non-ground data as a binarization manner was improved. In addition, this study proposes a generalized building extraction method that excludes precedent information for buildings and topographies and subsidiary materials, which have different data sources.

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Digital Restoration of Traditional Architectural Buildings Using Multimedia and Augmented Reality Technologies (멀티미디어 및 증강현실 기술을 이용한 전통목조건축물 디지털 복원)

  • Lee, Kang-Hun;Cho, Sae-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.206-212
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    • 2013
  • Information and Communications Technologies(ICT) represented by Multimedia, Virtual Reality and Network could be used as the better ways to preserve and restore the original shape of cultural contents. This paper presents the detailed methods of Multimedia and Virtual Reality technologies to digitally implement the traditional wooden buildings which are called as a typical 'Korean Cultural Content." We implemented a 3D modeling of architectural parts, realized a roof curve, and texture-mapped the material qualities of traditional wooden buildings by using Graphic techniques. In addition, the information, which is implemented by marker-based Augment Reality, for the traditional wooden buildings can be obtained through the mobile appliances such as a smart phone. We, also, presented how to practically use the implemented digital Korea traditional wooden buildings.

A Study on the Plan Characteristics and Unit Floor Type Through the Zoning Analysis of High-rise Residential Buildings (초고층 주상복합 건축물에서 조닝분석을 통한 단위세대 평면 유형 및 계획특성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Lee-Yong
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to understand the plan characteristics used in unit floor planning mainly with examples of mixed-use residential tall buildings. The study will extract plan characteristics mainly using the graph expressive technique with essential information of the zoning function of residential space, rather than merely analyzing the various construction floor plans by type. The research method involves studying a group of 50-story buildings (over 200 meters) which were built between 2002 and 2008. Among 6 high-rise residential buildings case, we extract the most preferred type from 34 types, And then we simply classify rooms in 3 zoning, the master, living and children's zones. Finally we analyze the correlation among 3 simple zone and then extract some model type. The results of this study revealed three main findings. First, using the 3 functional zones, the shape of the main building and the unit floor plan can be analyzed simply even when they appear to be complicated. Second, we can extract common features when we analyze the unit floor plan from the viewpoint of the penetrability among 3 zoning. Third, we can extract 2 types when we analyze the unit floor plan from the viewpoint of 3 connected functional zoning concepts.

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A Study on the Seismic Behavior of Small-Size Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Korea (국내 소규모 철근콘크리트 건축물의 내진거동 고찰)

  • Kim, Taewan;Eom, Taesung;Kim, Chul-Goo;Park, Hong-Gun
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2014
  • Since the execution of structural design by professional structural engineers is not mandatory for small-size buildings in Korea, structural design is conducted by architects or contractors resulting in concern about the seismic safety of the buildings. Therefore, the Korean Structural Engineers Association proposed dedicated structural design criteria in 2012. The criteria were developed based on a deterministic approach in which the structural members are designed only with information of story and span length of the buildings and without structural analyses. However, due to the short time devoted to their development, these criteria miss satisfactory basis and do not deal with structural walls popularly used in Korea. Accordingly, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport launched a research on the 'development of structural performance enhancement technologies for small-size buildings against earthquakes and climate changes'.. As part of this research, this paper intends to establish direction for the preparation of deterministic structural design guidelines for seismic safety of domestic small-size reinforced concrete buildings. To that goal, a typical plan of these buildings is selected considering frames only and frames plus walls, and then design is conducted by changing the number of stories and span length. Next, the seismic performance is analyzed by nonlinear static pushover analysis. The results show that the structural design guidelines should be developed by classifying frames only and frames plus walls. The size and reinforcement of structural elements should be provided in the middle level of the current Korean Building Code and criteria for small buildings by considering story and span length for buildings with frames only, and determined by considering the shape and location of walls and the story and span length as well for buildings with frames plus walls. It is recommended that the design of walls should be conducted by reducing the amount of walls along with symmetrically located walls.


  • Lu, Yi Hui;Trinder, John
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.248-250
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    • 2003
  • An automatic approach and strategy for extracting building information from aerial images using combined image analysis and interpretation techniques is described in this paper. A dense DSM is obtained by stereo image matching. Multi-band classification, DSM, texture segmentation and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are used to reveal building interest areas. Then, based on the derived approximate building areas, a shape modelling algorithm based on the level set formulation of curve and surface motion has been used to precisely delineate the building boundaries. Data fusion, based on the Dempster-Shafer technique, is used to interpret simultaneously knowledge from several data sources of the same region, to find the intersection of propositions on extracted information derived from several datasets, together with their associated probabilities. A number of test areas, which include buildings with different sizes, shape and roof colour have been investigated. The tests are encouraging and demonstrate that the system is effective for building extraction, and the determination of more accurate elevations of the terrain surface.

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3-D Modelling of Facility Using Digital Map and Aerial Photos (수치지도와 항공사진을 이용한 시설물 3차원 모델링)

  • 손홍규;최종현;김의명
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.303-308
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    • 2003
  • Facility management system has been studied recently due to its increasing demand. As a starting step it is necessary to create 3-D shape of the facility. In this study, we attempted to create 3-D shape of the buildings by fusing the raster and vector information. the raster information comes from stereo aerial photographs and the vector information comes from the existing 2-D digital map. GPS surveying and data conversion using ACAD and ARCINFO also performed to extract building height from stereo aerial photographs. Finally we could be able to perform semi-automatic 3-D building modeling with fusion of two sources of information.

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A Study on the Roles of Shape Properties in Evaluation of Aesthetics values on Shapes (형태속성이 미학 특성 인지 과정에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Cha Myung-Yeol
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.14 no.2 s.49
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2005
  • In estimating designed architectural buildings, many factors in various design domains such as function, structure, form, environment may be considered and then a building design might be selected or modified as final design from many possible design results. This paper proposed a method to obtain complexity values from two dimensional drawings which are floor plans or elevations. The Complexity values could be turned into esthetic values. The method has been developed based on information theory, shape pattern representation and cognitive theory. Results of measuring complexity value can make the computer evaluate and select final results produced from automatic design processes by the computer That is to say, aesthetic values based on order and chaos can be measured using complexity values and then some results having superior values can be selected as final result. Also some cognitive processes as perception of two dimensional drawings are discussed using shape representations. Aesthetic values could be varied in terms of shape properties such as size, individualities and knowledge as well as order and chaos.

Construction of Roads for Vehicle Simulator Using GIS Map (GIS 데이터를 이용한 차량 시뮬레이터용 도로 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 임형은;성원석;황원걸;주승원
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2004
  • Recently, vehicle simulators are widely used to evaluate driver's responses and driver assistance systems. It needs much effort to construct the virtual driving environment for a vehicle simulator. In this study, it is described how to make effectively the roads and the driving environment for a vehicle simulator. The GIS (Geographic Information System) is used to construct the roads and the environment effectively. Because the GIS is the integrated system of geographical data, it contains useful data to make virtual driving environment. First, the outline and centerline of roads is abstracted from the GIS. From the road outline, the road width is calculated. Using the centerline, the grid model of roads is constructed. The final graphic model of roads is constructed by mapping road image to the grid model according to the number of lanes and the kind of surface. Data of buildings from the GIS are abstracted. Each shape and height of buildings is determined according to kind of buildings, the final graphic model of buildings is constructed. Then, the graphic model of roadside tree is also constructed. Finally, the driving environment for driving simulator is constructed by converting the three graphic models with the graphic format of Direct-X and by joining the three graphic models.

Noise Simulation of Road Traffic in Urban Area Using LiDAR Data for U-City Construction (U-City 건설을 위한 LiDAR 자료를 이용한 도심지 도로교통소음 영향의 시뮬레이션 분석)

  • Cho, Jae-Myoung;Lee, Dong-Ha;Yun, Hong-Sic;Lee, Seung-Huhn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we have intended to precisely analyze the aspect of propagation and the extent of damage due to the traffic noise as hon as a main source of noise in urban area. The propagation of traffic noise has a strong relationship between distance and shape of surface. Thus, it is necessary to consider the distribution of buildings for estimating effects of noise in urban area because noise propagations will be affected by buildings. For this, we developed the DEM and DBM using the airborne LiDAR data in the study area and compared with results from the noise simulations using the each model. The extent of damage occurred by the traffic noise above 60 dB(A) from the case of DEM were shown at the 60% of a whole study area, whereas the extent from other case of DBM were shown at the 30% of a whole study area. Also, the extent of the noise levels between 45 dB(A) and 50 dB(A) will be generally recognized as calm environment was increased(the 0% to the 43%) in the case which simulated with building informations. These results indicated that the shape informations of buildings like a DBM is a essential source to simulate the propagation of traffic noise in urban area especially. With results in this study, the effect of traffic noise at a specific area will be easily and precisely estimated if we have the LiDAR data and a traffic census for Korea. Furthermore specific area's traffic noise simulation could be possible using only road traffic information once we have DBM data from LiDAR surveying. This also could be applied as a base data for noise pollution petitioning, traffic planning, construction, etc. in huge city planning projects like a U-City.