• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shading method

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Fast Partial Shading Analysis of Large-scale Photovoltaic Arrays via Tearing Method

  • Zhang, Mao;Zhong, Sunan;Zhang, Weiping
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1489-1500
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    • 2018
  • Partial shading analysis of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) arrays has recently become a theoretically and numerically challenging issue, and it is necessary for PV system designers. The main contributions of this study are the following: 1) A PSIM-based macro-model was employed because it is remarkably fast, has high precision, and has no convergence issues. 2) Three types of equivalent macro-models were developed for the transformation of a small PV sub-array with uniform irradiance to a new macro-model. 3) On the basis of the proposed new macro-model, a tearing method was established, which can divide a large-scale PV array into several small sub-arrays to significantly improve the efficiency improvement of a simulation. 4) Three platforms, namely, PSIM, PSpice, and MATLAB, were applied to evaluate the proposed tearing method. The proposed models and methods were validated, and the value of this research was highlighted using an actual large-scale PV array with 2420 PV modules. Numerical simulation demonstrated that the tearing method can remarkably improve the simulation efficiency by approximately thousands of times, and the method obtained a precision of nearly 6.5%. It can provide a useful tool to design the optimal configuration of a PV array with a given shading pattern as much as possible.

A Raster Image Scaling Method focused on Calligraphy (캘리그라피에 특화된 래스터 이미지 확대 방법)

  • An, Jihye;Park, Jinho
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2015
  • Recently, calligraphy has become popular because people focused on emotion. The strokes, dots, swoops, cracks and shading are the calligraphy factors for expressing various emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and delight. However, the emotion which is expressed by cracks and shading can be destroyed in the digital work when the calligraphy is used for a variety sizes of prints. Professionals work with high-resolution images which are obtained through the scanner, however normal users should work with low-resolution images taken with the smart phone for calligraphy image editing. We propose a raster image scaling method focused on calligraphy that maintains the emotion with cracks and shading, when normal users use the low-resolution calligraphy images in the digital work. The method recolors aliasing boundary of enlarged rasterized image. When recolored by our method, our method decreases aliasing by using the image gradient method, vivify calligraphy images, and maintains the emotion in cracks and shading by using the alpha value.

A Novel Partial Shading Detection Algorithm Utilizing Power Level Monitoring

  • Wellawatta, Thusitha;Seo, Young-Tae;Choi, Sung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.136-137
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    • 2017
  • Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) under partial shading condition (PSC) is a challenging process in the PV array system. The shaded PV panel makes different peak patterns on the P-V curve and misguides the MPPT algorithm. Various kinds of global MPP (GMPP) detecting algorithms are used to overcome this issue. Generally, too frequent execution of GMPP tracking algorithm reduces the achievable power of PV panel due to time spent on the scanning process. Thus, partial shading detection algorithm is essential for efficient utilization of solar energy source. While conventional method only detects fast shading patterns, the proposed algorithm always shows superb performance regardless of the speed of partial shading patterns.

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  • Lu, Hsien-Chang;Dai, Wen-Kai
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.145.1-149
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    • 1999
  • In Computer Graphics, Phong shading algorithm is essential and also sufficient for producing realistic images. In this paper, we propose an approach taking only two additions and one memory access for shading a pixel. A Phong-Shading table is used for storing the values of diffuse and specular components of the Phong reflection model. The intensity of a pixel can be obtained by table lookup. The performance of proposed method is almost the same as Gouraud shading.

Growth and Cut-Flower Productivity of Spray Rose as Affected by Shading Method during High Temperature Period (차광방법에 따른 고온기 절화용 스프레이 장미의 생장 및 절화 생산성)

  • Cheong, Dong-Chun;Lee, Jin-Jae;Choi, Chang-Hak;Song, Young-Ju;Kim, Hee-Jun;Jeong, Jong-Sung
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2015
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of shading materials (aluminum specific-shading screen and polypropylene non-woven fabric) and shading ratio (50% and 70%) on climatic changes, cut-flower quality, and yield of spray rose cultivars for export during high temperature periods. The daily cumulative solar radiations were higher with the aluminum specific-shading screen, especially with 50% shading compared to polypropylene non-woven fabric. Air temperature and root zone temperature within rockwool media greatly decreased with the aluminum specific-shading screen, but relative air humidity was not different among shading methods. Chlorophyll contents (SPAD values) were slightly higher with aluminum-specific shading screen than with polypropylene non-woven fabric, and were higher with 50% than with 70% aluminum specific-shading screen. Except for 'Lovely Lydia', marketable and exportable yields of all cultivars were higher with 50% than with 70% aluminum shading treatment. In addition, flowers talk length, stem diameter, number of node and 7ea-leaflet, and floret number tended to be better with aluminum specific-shading screen. Flower stalk length was higher with 70% than with 50% aluminum shading treatment. Chromaticity of petals slightly increased, and vase life was 0.5-2.5 days longer for each cultivar with aluminum specific-shading screen than with polypropylene non-woven fabric.

A Study on the Facial Image Synthesis Using Texture Mapping and Shading Effect (명암효과와 질감매핑을 이용한 얼굴영상 합성에 관한 연구)

  • 김상현;정성환;김신환;김남철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.913-921
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    • 1993
  • Texture mapping is mostly used as an image synthesis method in the model-based coding system. An image synthesis using this method uses only the texture information of a front face-view. Therefore, when the model is rotated, texture mapping may produce an awkward image in point of shading. In this paper. a new texture mapping method considering shading effect is studied, and also the ear's wireframe and changes of hair are suplemented for the relation. The experimental results show that the proposed method yields the synthesized images with reasonably natural quality.

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A Hybrid Rendering Model to support LOD(Level of Detail) (LOD(Level of Detail)를 지원하는 하이브리드 렌더링 모델)

  • Kim, Hak-Ran;Park, Hwa-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.509-516
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    • 2008
  • We propose the Hybrid Rendering model to support multi-resolution for computer graphics. LOD method for computer graphics system considering performance of device environment and end-user preference usually adopts mesh resolution, mipmap in texture rendering, or oct-tree data structure in ray tracing. The hybrid rendering model, as a local shading model combining Gouraud shading model and a flat shading model, applies a proper shading method to each of polygons consisting of an object. This method can be an effective alternative to reduce real-time rendering time so that it can be utilized in real time adaptive service of computer graphic contents among various device environments under ubiquitous environments.

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Modeling Method of the TRNSYS Considering of a Building Geometry (건물의 기하학적 형태를 고려한 TRNSYS 모델링 방법)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyuk;Choi, Won-Ki;Suh, Seung-Jik
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2009
  • TRNSYS 16 had just a wall area and azimuth as an input value about a building shape. So, a geometrical shape of a building was not considered in simulation using TRNSYS 16. In this study, we suggested the more appropriate modeling method for simulation considering of building geometry in TRNSYS 16. To suggest this method, we simulated energy needs affected by shading effect that caused by a geometrical shape of a building, and compared the result to the simulation result of non-shading environment.

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Characteristics of the Illuminance Distributions by Artificial Lighting in Different Shading Systems (쉐이딩 시스템에 따른 인공조명에 의한 조도분포 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Byoung-Chul;Choi, An-Seop
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.169-172
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    • 2009
  • Daylight responsive dimming system, which is one of the method for utilizing available daylight. continuously adjusts lighting output with an algorithm of the correlation of photosensor signal and workplane illuminance levels. This system must be related with shading systems which are to control penetrating daylight. The purpose of this research is to analyze illuminance distributions by artificial lighting in different shading systems. Lighting power is changed by 5 levels in nighttime for comparing correlation between illuminance and lighting power in different shading systems.

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The Compression of Normal Vectors to Prevent Visulal Distortion in Shading 3D Mesh Models (3D 메쉬 모델의 쉐이딩 시 시각적 왜곡을 방지하는 법선 벡터 압축에 관한 연구)

  • Mun, Hyun-Sik;Jeong, Chae-Bong;Kim, Jay-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2008
  • Data compression becomes increasingly an important issue for reducing data storage spaces as well as transmis-sion time in network environments. In 3D geometric models, the normal vectors of faces or meshes take a major portion of the data so that the compression of the vectors, which involves the trade off between the distortion of the images and compression ratios, plays a key role in reducing the size of the models. So, raising the compression ratio when the normal vector is compressed and minimizing the visual distortion of shape model's shading after compression are important. According to the recent papers, normal vector compression is useful to heighten com-pression ratio and to improve memory efficiency. But, the study about distortion of shading when the normal vector is compressed is rare relatively. In this paper, new normal vector compression method which is clustering normal vectors and assigning Representative Normal Vector (RNV) to each cluster and using the angular deviation from actual normal vector is proposed. And, using this new method, Visually Undistinguishable Lossy Compression (VULC) algorithm which distortion of shape model's shading by angular deviation of normal vector cannot be identified visually has been developed. And, being applied to the complicated shape models, this algorithm gave a good effectiveness.