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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Shading

검색결과 1,106건 처리시간 0.025초

Effect of Variety and Shading Material on Growth Characteristics and Ginsenoside Contents of 2-Year-Old Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) Grown in Imperfectly Drained Paddy Soil (배수약간불량 논토양에서 품종 및 해가림 피복물 종류가 2년생 인삼의 생육과 진세노사이드 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sung-Woo;Yeon, Byeong-Yeol;Kim, Chung-Guk;Shin, Yoo-Su;Hyun, Dong-Yun;Kang, Seung-Won;Cha, Seon-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.434-438
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    • 2008
  • To selection of optimal shading material, two-year-old ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) of new cultivar, 'Cheonpoong' (CP), and native species 'Hwangsookjong' (HS) were cultured under three kinds of shading materials such as three-layered blue and a one-layered black PE (polyethylene) net (TBSB), blue PE sheet (BS), and aluminium coated PE sheet (AS) in imperfectly drained paddy soil. Growth characteristics, yield and ginsenoside contents were investigated under three shading materials. Yield and ginsenoside contents of ginseng were distinctly affected by intensity and quality of sunlight penetrated through shading materials. Light transmission ratio, air and soil temperature according to shading materials were higher in order of BS, AS, and TBSB. However, ratio of aerial phase and porosity of the soil were higher in order of AS, BS, and TBSB, respectively. There was no significantly difference in the ratio of rusty colored root by shading materials. CP showed higher stem length, leaf area, and root weight than that of HS, while the former showed distinctly lower discolored leaf ratio than that the other. Eight kinds of ginsenosides content of CP were higher than that of HS in Rg1, Re, Rf, Rb1 and Rc except Rg2, Rb2, and Rb3. Total ginsenoside contents of CP was distinctly higher than that of HS. Total ginsenoside contents as affected by shading materials was higher in order of BS, TBSB, and AS in CP, while TBSB, BS, and AS in HS.

Effect of Shading Level of Nursing Bed on the Shoot Growth of Rooted Cuttings in Native Hydrangea serrata for. acuminata (육묘상의 차광정도가 자생 산수국 삽목묘의 신초생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seung Youn;Lee, Sung Chun;Park, Sung Tae;Rhee, Jung Chul;Lee, Taek Joo;Kim, Kwang Jin;Lee, Jeong Sik
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2008
  • This experiment was conducted to find out an adequate shading level (0, 55, 74, and 95%) on the shoot growth of rooted cuttings of native Hydrangea serrata for. acuminata. New shoot height (NSH), length and width of leaf, and stem diameter under 55% shading were the greatest. Net photosynthetic rate under 55% shading was the greatest, while intercellular CO2 concentration was the least in this treatment. The greatest content of photosynthetic pigments (total chlorophyll, carotenoid) was observed in leaves grown under a 74%, followed by a 55% shading level. Leaf stomata were observed on the abaxial surface, but those on adaxial surface in all shading treatments were not observed. In 95% shading, decreased stomatal density and development were observed. Higher stomatal density and development, however, were observed in 55% shading. Therefore, it is concluded that a 55% shading level was the optimum for growth of new shoots of rooted cuttings of native H. serrata for. acuminata.

Energy Consumptions and Daylight Illumination levels of a Multi-beded Patient Room according to the Window Shapes and Shading (창의 형태 및 차양 계획에 따른 다인 병실의 에너지소비량과 주광조도의 평가 및 분석)

  • Choi, Changdae;Kwon, Soonjung;Kim, Sunsook
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2012
  • Window and shading designs have a great influence on energy consumption and daylighting in buildings. As far as energy is concerned, small window area is advantageous. But it is not good to the patient healing in hospital. So it is important to find out the optimum window shape which is favorable for both energy consumption and patient healing. In this study, annual energy consumption and daylight illumination levels were analyzed according to the window shapes and shading devices for a multi-beded patient room in hospitals. The simulations were conducted for 19 different cases by COMFEN 4.0 computer simulation program. The results of this paper are as follows. First, window to wall area ratio and shading devices have great influences on annual energy consumption. But it is a problem in that they decrease significantly daylight level in bed room. Second, considering the same energy consumption, reducing the width of window rather than the hight of window is desirable for the secure of daylight level. Third, increase of the number of horizontal shade is not desirable in south face of the building for the energy consumption and daylight level. Fourth, sun shade is not necessary in north face of the building for the energy consumption and daylight level.

A Study on the 3 Dimension Graphics Accelerator for Phong Shading Algorithm (Phong Shading 알고리즘을 적용한 3차원 영상을 위한 고속 그래픽스 가속기 연구)

  • Park, Youn-Ok;Park, Jong-Won
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2010
  • There are many algorithms for 2D to 3D graphic conversion technology which have the high complexity and large scale of iterative computation. So in this paper propose parallel algorithm and high speed graphics accelerator architecture using Park's MAMS(Multiple Access Memory System) for Phong Shading, one of many 3D algorithms. The Proposed SIMD processor architecture is simulated by HDL and simulated and got 30 times faster result. It means any kinds of 3D algorithm can make parallel algorithm and accelerated by SIMD processor with Park's MAMS for real time processing.

Structural Improvement of the Shading Structures against Meteorological Disasters in Ginseng Fields (인삼재배 해가림시설의 기상재해와 구조개선대책)

  • 남상운
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2003
  • In order to set up structural improvement strategy against meteorological disasters of the shading structures in ginseng fields, structural safety analyses as well as some case studies of structural damage patterns were carried out. According to the results of structural safety analysis, allowable safe snow depth for type B(wood frame with single span) was 25.9 cm, and those for type A(wood frame with multi span) and type C and D (steel frame with multi span) were 17.6 cm, 25.8 cm, and 20.0 cm respectively. So types of shading structures should be selected according to the regional design snow depth. An experiential example study on meteorological disasters indicated that a strong wind damage was experienced once every 20 years, and a heavy snow damage once every 9.5 years. The most serious disasters were caused by heavy snow and it was found that a half break and complete collapse of structures were experienced by about 70% of snow damage. In addition to maintenance, repair and reinforcement, it is also recommended that improved model of shading structures for ginseng cultivation should be developed as a long term countermeasures against meteorological disasters.

The prediction of reduction ranges of daylight illuminance in small office for sky and shading conditions (천공 및 차양조건에 따른 소규모 사무실의 주광 조도 감소범위 예측)

  • Jang, Seo Yeon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the distributions of daylight illuminance in a small office space under clear and cloudy sky conditions. Three shading conditions using Venetian blinds were applied for the analysis of daylight illuminance. Computer simulations using the Lightscacpe were conducted for the daylight conditions applied to the office space. Results indicate that the illuminance differences between clear and cloudy sky for south-facing conditions were greater than those for north-facing conditions. The differences in December and June were the greatest and smallest, respectively. For the north-facing conditions, the daylight illuminance at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00 in June and September under the cloudy sky was higher than those under the clear sky conditions. For all daylight conditions, the biggest amount of illuminance reduction occurred when the shading device conditions were changed from the no blind to the 45 degree blinds. As the distance from window increased, the shading effect that occurred when the shading device conditions were changed from the horizontal blind to the 45 degree blinds increased.

Application of Stereo Vision for Shape Measurement of Free-form Surface using Shape-from-shading (자유곡면의 형상 측정에서 shape-from-shading을 접목한 스테레오 비전의 적용)

  • Yang, Young-Soo;Bae, Kang-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2017
  • Shape-from-shading (SFS) or stereo vision algorithms can be utilized to measure the shape of an object with imaging techniques for effective sensing in non-contact measurements. SFS algorithms could reconstruct the 3D information from a 2D image data, offering relatively comprehensive information. Meanwhile, a stereo vision algorithm needs several feature points or lines to extract 3D information from two 2D images. However, to measure the size of an object with a freeform surface, the two algorithms need some additional information, such as boundary conditions and grids, respectively. In this study, a stereo vision scheme using the depth information obtained by shape-from-shading as patterns was proposed to measure the size of an object with a freeform surface. The feasibility of the scheme was proved with an experiment where the images of an object were acquired by a CCD camera at two positions, then processed by SFS, and finally by stereo matching. The experimental results revealed that the proposed scheme could recognize the size and shape of freeform surface fairly well.

Analysis of Power Variation and Design Optimization of a-Si PV Modules Considering Shading Effect (음영효과를 고려한 a-Si PV모듈의 출력 변화 및 최적 설계조건에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Jun-Oh;Jung, Tae-Hee;Kim, Tae-Bum;Kang, Ki-Hwan;Ahn, Hyung-Keun;Han, Deuk-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.102-107
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    • 2010
  • a-Si solar cell has relatively dominant drift current when compared with crystalline solar cell due to the high internal electric field. Such drift current make an impact on the PV module in the local shading. In this paper, the a-Si PV module output characteristics of shading effects was approached in terms of process condition, because of the different deposition layer of thin film lead to rising the resistance. We suggested design condition to ensure the long-term durability of the module with regard to the degradation factors such as hot spot by analyzing the module specification. The result shows a remarkable difference on module uniformity for each shading position. In addition, the unbalanced power loss due to power mismatch of each module could intensify the degradation.

Growth Reaction of Some Ground Cover Plant in Korean Native Greening according to Shading Levels (몇 가지 자생 지피식물의 차광에 따른 생장반응)

  • Kim, Gui Soon;Lee, Jeong Sik
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research was to select the native shade tolerance plant which grows well from landscape objective of the urban. Seven species native ground cover plants were evaluated on the growth and chloropyll under 0, 40, 60, 90% shading treatments. Hosta longipes was showed the quite good growth from 60% level of natural light. The plant growth of Liriope platyphylla was good within 144.2μmolm2s1 intensity which is 90% shade level of natural light. But, Dryiopteris crassirhizoma was judged with shade tolerance plant which grow quite well from shading condition level of 60% degree. Carex siderosticea was showed the highest plant length and plant width in 40% shading of natural light more than at conditon too much shading. Hosta longipes, Liriope platyphylla, Dryiopteris crassirhizoma, and Carex siderosticea were as shade tolerance plant with increases chlorophyll content well to overcome a light restrictive condition and is adapted to seem with the result.

Influence of shading and polyethylen vinyl mulching on growth and yield of Cinidium officinale Makino (차광(遮光), 비닐피복(被覆)이 궁궁이(천궁(川芎))의 생육(生育) 및 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Hwang, Hyung-Baek;Kim, Jae-Chul;Choi, Jang-Soo;Choi, Boo-Sull
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.156-164
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    • 1995
  • The study was carried out to elucidate the influenced of shading and mulching with polyethylen vinyl on growth and yield of Cinidium officinale Makino, and improve the cultivation method of those medicinal plants in northern area of Gyeong-buk province, Korea. Top fresh weight of Cinidium officinale Makino was increased by both 35 % and 55% shading compared to the non-shadingand decreased by 75 % shading, but that of Ligusticum chuanxing Hart. Was decreased by the shading tested The summer wilt of Cinidium officinale Makino severely occurred in non-shading but greatly reduced by 55 % or 75 %shading, while no difference was observed in Ligusticum chuanxing Hort, between the shading and the non-shading. Dry root yield Cinidium officinale Makino was increased by 17 % and 19 % in 35 % and 55 % shading levels, respectively, compared to the dry root yield(254kg/10a) in non-shading. However, it was decreased in Ligusticum chuaxing Hort. by the shading. Emergence ratio of Cinidium officinale Makino was increased by black polyethylen vinyl mulch but decreased by transparent polyethylen vinyl mulch, compard to non-mulch. Polyethylen vinyl mulch increa­sed the top fresh weight of Cinidium officinale Makino Especialy black polythylen vinyl mulch was very effective on increasing the top fresh weight. Dry root yield of Cinidium officinale Makino was increased by 32 % and 30 %, respectively, compared to the non-shading.

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