• Title/Summary/Keyword: Settler

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Recovery of Copper from Synthetic Leaching Solution of Manganese Nodule Matte by Solvent Extraction-electrowinning Process (망간단괴 매트상 모의 침출용액으로부터 용매추출-전해채취 공정에 의한 구리의 회수)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ho;Park, Kyung-Ho;Nam, Chul-Woo;Yoon, Ho-Sung;Kim, Min-Seuk;Kim, Chul-Joo;Park, Sang-Woon
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2016
  • A scale-up test with a continuous solvent extraction and electro-winning system was carried out to separate and recover copper from a synthetic sulfuric acid solution (Cu 10.5 g/L, Co 2.0 g/L, Ni 15.0 g/L, Fe 0.2 g/L). The solution was introduced into mixer-settlers with four stages of extraction and two stages of stripping for continuous countercurrent solvent extraction to separate copper from nickel and cobalt. The loading was carried out using 40% LIX 84-I(v/v) as extractant with a phase ratio of A : O = 1 : 1. Meanwhile, the stripping was undertaken at a phase ratio of A : O = 1 : 1.5 using depleted electrolyte containing 35.0 g/L Cu and 180 g/L $H_2SO_4$ as stripping solution. The extraction and stripping efficiencies were found to be 96.7% and 91.0%, respectively. The copper composition of the stripped solution (pregnant electrolyte) was 50.0 g/L Cu with impurities of 25 ppm nickel, 5 ppm cobalt and 3 ppm iron. In the electro-winning process, copper metal of 99.833 purity was yielded with current efficiency of 98.9% and current density of $1.50A/dm^2$.

The Content and Underlying Intentions of the Inscribed Bricks Excavated from the Tomb of Jang Mui (장무이묘 출토 명문전의 내용과 작성 의도)

  • An Jeongjun
    • Bangmulgwan gwa yeongu (The National Museum of Korea Journal)
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    • v.1
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    • pp.74-95
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    • 2024
  • A vast body of inscribed bricks has been found connected to the mid-fourth-century Tomb of Jang Mui in Bongsan-gun, Hwanghae-do Province. After several inspections of the bricks conducted at the National Museum of Korea in 2023, these inscribed bricks were grouped into ten types. This paper interprets in detail the phrases written on these bricks from the Tomb of Jang Mui in an attempt to understand their characteristics and intentions. This detailed interpretation facilitates a rough understanding of how each phrase relates to the others and in what order the phrases would make full sentences. In terms of their contents, these inscribed bricks are presumed to have been produced to convey information about the construction of the tomb to viewers on the outside. In particular, they relate that a narrator referred to as a Jubu official named Jo was involved in the construction of the Tomb of Jang Mui. They can be compared to the inscribed bricks created in China during the Western Jin and Eastern Jin Dynasties that were produced not by family members of the tomb occupants, but by figures who participated in the construction of the tombs based on political and social connections to their occupants. During the mid-fourth century, funeral practices in the former lands of the Nangnang and Daebang Commanderies followed Chinese traditions with the permission of Goguryeo Kingdom. Many of the artifacts found inside these Chinese-style tombs and introduced to the public, including the murals, ink inscriptions, and inscribed bricks, are related to the desire of the family members of the tomb occupants to strengthen their bonds and to share emotions and goals with settler groups. The contents of the inscribed bricks discovered from the Tomb of Jang Mui can be observed in this context.

Development of New BNR Process Using Fixed-Biofilm to Retrofit the Existing Sewage Treatment Plant (고정생물막을 이용한 기존 하수처리장의 생물학적 영양염 제커 신공정개발)

  • Kim, Mi-Hwa;Lee, Ji-Hyung;Chun, Yang-Kun;Park, Tae-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1093-1101
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    • 2000
  • The object of this study was to develop new BNR process using fixed-biofilm which could be applied to retrofit the existing wastewater treatment plant or to introduce as tertiary treatment plant. To achieve complete denitrification from typical raw sewage in Korea, external carbon source must be supplied because $SCOD_{cr}/T-N(NH_4{^+}-N+NOx-N)$of raw sewage was lower than other countries. In this study, the ratio of $SCOD_{cr}/NH_4{^+}-N$ was 2.49 and the influent $NH_4{^+}$-N concentration during the experimental period was varied from 25 to 37 mg/L. To enhance nitrogen removal from the sewage, the two processes using fixed biofilm were adopted as R-Hanoxic/mid.settler/aerobic/anoxic/ aerobic) and R-2(aerobic/mid.settlerlanoxic/anoxic/aerobic), respectively. In the comparison of $NH_4{^+}$-N, T-N effluent quality and T-N removal efficiency in both processes without external carbon source, R-1 process was better than R-2 process for nitrogen removal from raw sewage. With respect to $SCOD_{cr}$/NOx-N ratio and total nitrogen removal in each anoxic reactor of two processes, R-1's was more effective than R-2's for distributing organic matters of raw sewage. In the both processes using fixed biofilm, the amount of required alkalinity to remove unit $NH_4{^+}$-N were 5.18 and 5.76($g{\cdot}CaCO_3/g{\cdot}NH_4{^+}-N_{removed}$), respectively and were lower than activated sludge BNR process(7.14).

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A Study of Korean American Women's Poetry in New York Area (재미한인 여성시 연구 : 뉴욕 지역을 중심으로 뉴욕 지역을 중심으로)

  • 최미정
    • The Korean Literature and Arts
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    • v.27
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    • pp.273-321
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics and meaning of the Korean American women's poetry in New York area. New York area poetry has been led by women poets from the very beginning of the paragraph. In this paper, set the starting point of "New York Literature" in 1991, and classified the poets who had started their activities in the past as a first generation, and poets who have been active since then, as second generation. The characteristics and meaning of women's poetry were examined by focusing on Kwak Sang-hee, Kim Jung-ki, Kim Song-hee, and Choi Jeong-ja in the first generation, Jo Seong-Ja, and Shin Ji-hye, An Young-ae, Bok Young-mi in the second generation. On the one hand, they share a common sentiment of immigrant women, while on the other they show a slightly different world recognition and identity for each poet. The characteristics of women's poetry in New York area are as follows: ① they express the nostalgia for their experience and home in a strange space, ② that they reveal their identity as a mother and a poet, ③ they show the experience of labor and other consciousness, and ④ shows the changing identity through Nomadistic thought and de-territorialization. Although the content of the prototypes of female poets differ slightly depending on the motive and timing of immigration, in the early days of immigration, mainly the nostalgia for their hometowns and the consciousness of the Gentiles have become a poetic theme, and the alienation ceremony, And as time passes it shows consciousness as a settler who regards America as their second hometown. In the 1990s, most of the first-generation women poets have been harsh with the process of adaptation and settlement, revealing the nostalgia for their hometowns. Jo Seong-Ja and Shin Ji-hye, who are doing their work in the 1990s as a settlement stage, are adapting easily to American society compared to their predecessors. They also show that they are able to overcome ethnicity and race, It shows the open vision and identity to overcome. If the first generation of immigrant women has been leading the flow of New York poetry since the liberation, it is meaningful that second generation of women's poetry can be used as a measure of future change and development of New York poetry.