• Title/Summary/Keyword: Service Zone

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A Study about coordinate schemes of radio and TRS(Trunked Radio System) in subway (지하철 무선통신설비와 주파수 공용 전화방식의 연계방안에 관한 연구)

  • Ea Yong;Kim Meung-Su;Lee Beung-Song
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10c
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    • pp.210-215
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    • 2003
  • At present, communication network for subway is making use of the train radio system for main network and normally established a base station every three subway station. It is talk over the telephone between a locomotive and the traffic control for careful train service. Besides, mobile telephone equipment is using for service improve and convenience to passengers such as 011, 016, 017, 019 and what not. However, the train radio system has been occurring a various problems when a state of emergency because it is able to compose only one communication route each base station zone. We could have improving like this problems through induce the TRS(Trunked Radio System), though because have been able to compose multilateral communication route in case of linking with LCX(Leaked Coaxial) cable which is established. Therefore, we could be able to a fitting meet the emergency as train firing etc.. and efficient use of limited frequency resources.

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Detection of residual sulfamethazine in serum, urine and muscle of slaughtered pigs (도축돈의 혈청, 뇨 및 근육에서 sulfamethazine 잔류 조사)

  • 추금숙;오언평;최인열;송희종;채효석
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 1997
  • This study was undertaken to determined the sulfamethazine residues In urine, serum and muscle of slaughtered pigs(n: 230) by the method of TLC, EEC-4-plate and HPLC. 1. Inhibition diameter characteristics of reference bacterial substance by EEC-4-plate method and antibacterial inhibition zone was appeared sulfonamides in BS pH 7.2 2. Residual sulfamethazine was detceted from 7 serum(3.04%) and 10 urine(4.35%) by TLC test and concentration of residues was higher In urine than serum. 3. Residual sulfamethazine was detected from 9 muscle(3.91%) by EEC-4-plate method. 4. Positive samples by TLC test and EEC-4-plate method were exceed 0.1ppm quantitative analysis from 7 muscle(3.04%).

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Analytical model of corrosion-induced cracking of concrete considering the stiffness of reinforcement

  • Bhargava, Kapilesh;Ghosh, A.K.;Mori, Yasuhiro;Ramanujam, S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.749-769
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    • 2003
  • The structural deterioration of concrete structures due to reinforcement corrosion is a major worldwide problem. Service life of the age-degraded concrete structures is governed by the protective action provided by the cover concrete against the susceptibility of the reinforcement to the corrosive environment. The corrosion of steel would result in the various corrosion products, which depending on the level of the oxidation may have much greater volume than the original iron that gets consumed by the process of corrosion. This volume expansion would be responsible for exerting the expansive radial pressure at the steel-concrete interface resulting in the development of hoop tensile stresses in the surrounding cover concrete. Once the maximum hoop tensile stress exceeds the tensile strength of the concrete, cracking of cover concrete would take place. The cracking begins at the steel-concrete interface and propagates outwards and eventually resulting in the through cracking of the cover concrete. The cover cracking would indicate the loss of the service life for the corrosion-affected structures. In the present paper, analytical models have been developed considering the residual strength of the cracked concrete and the stiffness provided by the combination of the reinforcement and expansive corrosion products. The problem is modeled as a boundary value problem and the governing equations are expressed in terms of the radial displacement. The analytical solutions are presented considering a simple 2-zone model for the cover concrete viz. cracked or uncracked. A sensitivity analysis has also been carried out to show the influence of the various parameters of the proposed models. The time to cover cracking is found to be function of initial material properties of the cover concrete and reinforcement plus corrosion products combine, type of rust products, rate of corrosion and the residual strength of the cover concrete. The calculated cracking times are correlated against the published experimental and analytical reference data.

The Experimental Study of Full-scale Optimized Composite Beam (OCB) Reinforced with Open Strands (노출강연선으로 보강된 하이브리드 건축용 OCB보의 실물모형 재하실험연구)

  • Lee, Doo-Sung;Kim, Tae-Kyun;Chae, Gyu-Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2015
  • The building structure is planned to maximize the use of space in recent. It was developed of a hybrid OCB (Optimized Composite Beam) for trying to take advantage of the maximize space. The OCB is composed of the steel h-beam section reinforced by open strands in negative moment zone and the psc concrete section in positive zone. Flexural behaviors of typical architectural bybrid OCB section was investigated. The 15 m OCB specimen was tested under three point static loading system. Following results are obtained from the tests; 1) The OCB with 15 m span develop initial flexural crackings under the 171% of full service loading. 2) Overall deflections of OCB under the service loads are less than those of the allowable limit in KCI Code provision. 3) The crack patterns, failure mode and ultimate load capacity of test specimen and F.E. model in this paper and they are compared to each other. The OCB is verified of structural reliability from the experimental results.

Range Query Processing of Distributed Moving Object Databases using Scheduling Technique (스케쥴링 기법을 이용한 분산 이동 객체 데이타베이스의 범위 질의 처리)

  • Jeon, Se-Gil;Hwang, Jae-Il;Nah, Youn-Mook
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.6 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the location-based service for moving customers is becoming one of the most important service in mobile communication area. For moving object applications, there are lots of update operations and such update loads are concentrated on some particular area unevenly. The primary processing of LBS application is spatio-temporal range queries. To improve the throughput of spatio-temporal range queries, the time of disk I/O in query processing should be reduced. In this paper, we adopt non-uniform two-level grid index structures of GALIS architecture,which are designed to minimize update operations. We propose query scheduling technique using spatial relationship and time relationship and a combined spatio-temporal query processing method using time zone concepts to improve the throughput of query processing. Some experimental results are shown for range queries with different query range to show the performance tradeoffs of the proposed methods.

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Development of Hybrid OCB Beam for the Long-span Building Structures (장경간 건축구조를 위한 하이브리드 OCB보의 개발)

  • Lee, Doo-Sung;Kim, Sang-Yeon;Kim, Tae-Kyun
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2015
  • The building structure in Korea is planned to maximize the use of space in recent. The hybrid OCB(Optimized Composite Beam) beam is developed to take advantage of using the space. The OCB beam is composed of the steel H-beam section reinforced by open strands in negative moment zone and the pretensioned PSC concrete section in positive zone. Flexural behavior of typical architectural hybrid OCB beam section was investigated by F.E.M. The 15m, 20m, 30m OCB models were tested on nonlinear material and geometry under static loading system. Following results are obtained from the analysis; 1)The OCB beam develop initial flexural cracking over full service loading. 2)Overall deflections of OCB beam under the service loads are less than those of the allowable limits in KCI Code(2012). 3)The ultimate load capacity get over the nominal strength of the OCB main section. The OCB beam is verified of structural reliability from the finite element analysis.

A Study on the Composition and Design Characteristic in the Lobby of the Special Hospital - Focused on the Woman Special Hospital - (전문병원 로비공간의 구성요소 및 디자인적 특성에 관한 연구 - 여성전문병원을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2006
  • In according as the social action of women is active, the average life span is longer than male, not only woman's social position is higher, but also the construction of the more professional woman special hospital Is increased. In occasion to the recent woman special hospital, give medical treatment about pediatrics and the breast surgery as well, and the sphere is increasing as compose the variety network, from the health medical center to check the woman's physical to the postpartum care center. The trend of the lobby is arranged the more service area as the concept of the woman hospital is changed, the sphere is increasing. Accordingly, this study research and analyze the service zone and design elements on the focus the lobby of the internal woman special hospital, have an intention of guideline about the interior design of the after woman hospital. As the subject of study, selected the hospital that lobby serves to show the identity of total space, and the woman special hospital that is introduced to the relation journal with architecture or interior design, is opened after 2000 years, below the 100 bed. As the study method, understand the composition of lobby space through floor analysis, examination by the visit, analyzed the arrangement constituent, the design trend. The direction of lobby space mentioned in the study result is that secure the publicness, guarantee the privacy zone, and is important that the adequate arrangement of commercial space contribute to client's mental stability, desire that inflected as the more positive communication place.

A Study on the Characteristics of the Current Situation of the Child Care Centers for the Children with Disability in Japan - Focus on the 'Day Service for Children' in Tokyo - (일본 장애아 요육시설의 설치 및 이용현황의 특성에 관한 연구 - 일본 동경권의 '아동 데이서비스'를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hee-Won
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.224-232
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    • 2010
  • This paper aims to identify the characteristics and the current situation of the architectural characteristics, children's characters using facilities, and status of management and utilization by surveying 'Day Service for Children' in Tokyo-do. First, About the status of management and utilization, 'Day Service for Children' is operated by a local government, NPO corporate group and social welfare corporate. There are not big differences of the care program or running hours depending on operating principals but there are differences depending on staff organization, number of children and space constitution. Also, infants ratio at 'Day Service for Children' is high for the purpose of detecting disability early and supporting their development early. They have diverse disabilities but developmental disabilities' ratios high and most children are using both this facility and normal nursery centers together. Samples for proper child care based on status of space constitutions were installing lock, raising door knobs and using softer floor materials which are for children's safety. For the problem of space utilization, most comments were about lack of space which is not enough for teaching and training materials. Therefore, as an example, observation rooms for parents and teachers were sometimes used as storages and it changes teachers' moving direction, staying area and behavior zone. The programs of 'Day Service for Children' are divided to group teaching and private one. It will be the best if they have separate spaces such as group class room, private class room and play room. When they were operated by NPO corporate group or Social welfare corporate, there are many cases that their space was not properly zoned for each activity.

A Study on the Opening of Commercial Arbitration Services in China: Focusing on the Provision of Arbitration Services by Foreign Arbitration Institutions through Commercial Residence in China (중국의 상사중재서비스 개방에 관한 연구 - 외국중재기관의 중국 내 상업적 주재를 통한 중재 서비스 제공을 중심으로)

  • Ha, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2020
  • The leading foreign arbitration agencies have established a representative office in China since 2015 to improve their arbitration agencies' problem being neglected by foreign parties. The Chinese government has enacted a system in which mediation services can be provided in China. The Chinese government seems to expect that if foreign arbitration agencies enter China and compete with Chinese arbitration agencies, Chinese arbitration agencies will also have an opportunity to develop through competition. In addition, it seems to reflect the expectation of Chinese parties that rather than using a foreign arbitration agency under foreign countries as the arbitration site to settle disputes, it would be more advantageous to arbitrate in China as the arbitration site with a foreign arbitration agency. The Chinese government has adopted a strategy to gradually open China's commercial arbitration service market to foreign arbitration agencies. Regarding the scope of arbitration services, China opened an arbitration service market limited to non-profit activities and foreign arbitration agencies in 2015 and then opened it to commercial activities in 2019. Also, the provision of arbitration services by foreign arbitration agencies is limited to foreign-invested companies registered in the Shanghai Pilot Trade Zone and parties in China, which are the counterparties of disputes between them. It will take a little more time to see how much the Chinese government will expand the number of parties that can use foreign arbitration agencies in the future.

Ecosystem Service Matrix applying to Baekdu-daegan Songnisan and Hannamgeumbukjeongmaek Boeun-gun area (백두대간 속리산 권역 및 한남금북정맥 보은군 권역에 대한 생태계 기능 산정 매트릭스 방법의 적용)

  • Kim, Sung-Yeol;Moon, Geon-Soo;Kim, Su-Jin;Kwon, Hyuksoo;Choi, Jaeyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the applicability of Ecosystem Service Matrix method in Songnisan and Hannamgeumbukjeongmaek Boeun-gun area. The assessment was carried out with 25 land cover types by 7 ecosystem values. The research area was divided by 30m x 30m cell unit and the each cell value was classified into 5 grades. The total number of cell under the investigation was 433,910 units in Songnisan and 84,975 in Boeun-gun. Class I and II area were widely spread and Class V area is narrowly distributed inside of Class III area in Songnisan. I area, II area and separately managed zone belong to Ecological Zoning map and Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map(Environment + Ecology) were assessed Class I in Ecosystem service matrix. In conclusion, Ecosystem Service Matrix assessment based on land cover map is a rapid assessment methodology which reflecting ecosystem functions in a larger area. If it is supported with more ecosystem functions, the more precise nature value can be calculated.