• Title/Summary/Keyword: Serum bile acid

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Retarding Effect of Dietary Fibers on the Glucose and Bile Acid Movement Across a Dialysis Membrane in Vitro (In Vitro법에 의한 식이섬유의 포도당 및 담즙산 흡수 지연 효과)

  • 이경숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.738-746
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    • 1996
  • In order to anticipate the physiological function of dietary fibers, glucose and bile acid retarding effects were experimented by using in vitro methods based on dialysis for commercial fibers and dietary fiber residue of food samples. The glucose retarding effect in commercial fibers increased in the order of alginic acid, guar gum, CM-cellulose, citrus pectin > apple pectin > $\alpha$-cellulose and the effect in food fiber residues increased in the order of sea mustard > Korean cabbage, apple > rice bran, barley, soybean, and tangerine. The bile acid retarding effect in commercial fibers increased in the order of citrus pectin, guar gum > CM-cellulose, alginic acid > apple pectin > $\alpha$-cellulose and the effect in food fiber residues increased in the order of barley, rice bran > sea mustard > tangerine > Korean cabbage, soybean > apple. The higher the retarding effect of glucose movement through the dialysis membrane, the more effective the control of the human blood glucose level. As the retarding effect of bile acid movement across the dialysis membrane increased, the human serum cholesterol level correspondingly reduced. Consequently these in vitro methods can be used as a preceding test before undertaking animal and human experiments to predict the physioloical effects of fiber residues from diverse food samples as well as commercially refined fibers.

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Highly Sensitive Luminescence Assessment of Bile Acid Using a Balofloxacin-Europium(III) Probe in Micellar Medium

  • Cai, Huan;Zhao, Fang;Si, Hailin;Zhang, Shuaishuai;Wang, Chunchun;Qi, Peirong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.4145-4149
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    • 2012
  • A novel and simple method of luminescence enhancement effect for the determination of trace amounts of bile acid was proposed. The procedure was based on the luminescence intensity of the balofloxacin-europium(III) complex that could be strongly enhanced by bile acid in the presence of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS). Under the optimum conditions, the enhanced luminescence intensity of the system exhibited a good linear relationship with the bile acid concentration in the range $5.0{\times}10^{-9}-7.0{\times}10^{-7}\;mol\;L^{-1}$ with a detection limit of $1.3{\times}10^{-9}\;mol\;L^{-1}$ ($3{\sigma}$). The relative standard deviation (RSD) was 1.7% (n = 11) for $5.0{\times}10^{-8}\;mol\;L^{-1}$ bile acid. The applicability of the method to the determination of bile acid was demonstrated by investigating the effect of potential interferences and by analyzing human serum and urine samples. The possible enhancement mechanism of luminescence intensity in balofloxacin-europium(III)-bile acid-SDBS system was also discussed briefly.

Serum Fat Soluble Vitamins in Bile Duct Ligated Rats (담도 결찰한 백서에 있어서 담즙산 및 UDCA 투여에 따른 혈중 지용성 비타민의 농도 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Sim, Jay-Geon;O, Myung-Ho;Kim, Kee-Hyuck
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: The aims of this study are to measure the serum levels of fat soluble vitamins (vitamin A and D) from bile duct ligated rats, and to evaluate the effect of oral bile acids administration to facilitate absorption of fat soluble vitamins. Methods: We measured serum ALT, total bilirubin, vitamin A, and vitamin D of Sprague-Dawley rats 1 week before and 4 weeks after experimental bile duct ligation. Rats were consisted with 3 groups. Group 2 had been fed bile acids and group 3 ursodeoxycholic acid after operation for 4 weeks. Multi-vitamin was given to all groups. Results: 1) Base line (mean value before duct ligation): ALT 74.2 IU, total bilirubin 0.26 mg/dL; vitamin D 13.01 ng/mL vitamin A $0.87\;{\mu}g/mL$, total bile acids $25.16\;{\mu}mol/L$. 2) Four weeks after ligation: ALT 100.7 IU, total bilirubin 2.58 mg/dL; vitamin D 7.89 ng/mL vitamin A $1.37{\mu}g/mL$, total bile acids $278.22\;{\mu}mol/L$. 3) 4 weeks after ligation, each group (group 1, group 2 and group 3) showed vitamin D (7.62, 8.10 and 7.99) ng/mL, vitamin A (1.68, 1.06 and 1.33) ${\mu}g/mL$, total bile acids (233.17, 345.80 and 268.57) ${\mu}mol/L$, which were statistically not significant. Conclusion: Serum level of vitamin A is increased after bile duct ligation although vitamin D is decreased. Oral administration of bile acids does not affect the serum levels of vitamin A and D in bile duct ligated rats.

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The etiologies of neonatal cholestasis (신생아 담즙정체의 원인질환)

  • Ko, Jae Sung;Seo, Jeong Kee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.9
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    • pp.835-840
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    • 2007
  • Any infant noted to be jaundiced at 2 weeks of age should be evaluated for cholestasis with measurement of total and direct serum bilirubin. With the insight into the clinical phenotype and the genotype-phenotype correlations, it is now possible to evaluate more precisely the neonate who presents with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Testing should be performed for the specific treatable causes of neonatal cholestasis, specifically sepsis, galactosemia, tyrosinemia, citrin deficiency and endocrine disorders. Biliary atresia must be excluded. Low levels of serum gamma-glutamyl transferase in the presence of cholestasis should suggest progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 1, 2, or arthrogryposis- renal dysfunction-cholestasis syndrome. If the serum bile acid level is low, a bile acid synthetic defect should be considered. Molecular genetic testing and molecular-based diagnostic strategies are in evolution.

Effects of Intravenous Administration of Taurocholate on Hepatic Monoamine Oxidase A and B Activities in Cholestatic Rats

  • Do Jun-Young;Kwak Chun-Sik
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.421-427
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    • 2004
  • The possible mechanisms of decreased monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B activities in cholestatic rat liver were studied. Hepatic and serum MAG activities were determined from the experimental rats with common bile duct ligation (CBDL). The Michaelis-Menten constants in these hepatic enzymes were also measured. The activities of mitochondrial MAO A and B, and mircosomal MAO B as well as their Vmax values were found to be decreased significantly in CBDL plus taurocholic acid (TCA) injected group than in the control group, such as CBDL alone groups. However, their Km values in the experimental groups did not vary. Serum MAO activity increased significantly in the CBDL plus TCA injected group than in the control group. The above results suggest that TCA represses biosynthesis of the MAO in the liver. The elevated activity of the serum MAO is believed to be caused by the increment of membrane permeability ofhepatocytes upon TCA mediated liver cell necrosis.

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The Effect of Inulin Supplementation on Blood Lipid Levels, and Fecal Excretion of Bile Acid and Neutral Sterol in Korean Postmenopausal Women (폐경 후 한국 여성에서 이눌린 보충이 혈중 지질 농도와 변 담즙산 및 중성 스테롤 배설에 미치는 영향)

  • 이은영;김윤영;장기효;강순아;조여원
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.352-363
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    • 2004
  • Lipid-lowering effects of the inulin have been demonstrated in animal, yet attempts to reproduce similar effects in humans have generated conflicting results. In this study, the lipid-lowering potential of inulin and especially its effect on bile acid and neutral sterol excretion were investigated in Korean postmenopausal women. Nineteen postmenopausal women were randomly divided into two groups in a double-blind parallel design and consumed one of two supplements for 12 weeks; placebo of 8g maltodextrins/sucrose mixture (placebo group) or 8g inulin (inulin group). There were no significant changes in body weight during the supplementation period in either inulin or placebo group. Dietary consumption of animal fat in both group tended to decrease after 12 weeks of experiment. Intake of cholesterol was lower in placebo group, whereas the decrease of cholesterol intake in inulin group did not reach statistical significance after 12 weeks. The levels of serum total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) were significantly decreased in both placebo (p<0.05) and inulin group (p<0.01) after supplementation for 12 weeks compared with the baseline. The levels of serum triglyceride (TG) and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) were not significantly affected by inulin supplements, but atherogenic index (AI) and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio (LHR) as a predictor for coronary heart disease were improved (p<0.01) significantly after inulin supplementation. Therefore, inulin supplement may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease via improving blood cholesterol level. Fecal weight and pH were not changed after 12 weeks of supplementation. There were no statistically significant changes for the fecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). In inulin group, fecal deoxycholic acid (DCA) was significantly lowered compared with the baseline (p<0.05) whereas other bile acids were not changed. During the 12 weeks of intervention, no differences were found in fecal excretion of neutral sterol in the two groups. In summary, dietary inulin decreases serum TC, LDL-C, AI, LHR and lowers excretion of fecal DCA in the Korean postmenopausal women. These results support the use of inulin for reducing risk factors for hyperlipidemic postmenopausal women. However, the exact mechanism (s) responsible for the blood lipid lowering action of inulin including altered fecal bile acid remain to be elucidated.

Effect of Ginseng Fraction Components on Plasma, Adipose and Feces 1 Steroids in Obese Rat Induced by a High Fat Diet (인삼 분획성분들이 고지방식이에 의해서 유도된 비만 Rat에서 혈장, 지방조직 및 변 Steroids에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Man-Jong;Sung, Tae-Soo;Choi, Cheong
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.404-415
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    • 1990
  • This study is conducted to evalute the effect of ginseng fraction component (ginseng extract solution, GES; ginseng protein, GP; ginseng saponin, GSA; ginseng residue, GR) upon hyperlipidemia and fatty liver induced by high fat administration. In doing so, the serum, liver and epididymal adpoid tissue have been examined for lipid components level and lipoprotein fraction. Feces bile acid and neutral sterol excretion have been also measured. 1'he results obtained from this study are as follows. 1. Serum, liver, epididymal lipid components of GP and GSA group were significantly lower than the controlgroup. 2. During the feeding experiment, VLDL and LDL increase while HDL decrease in all group. However the degree of VLDL and LDL increase and HDL decrease were signficantly small in GP and GSA group compared with control group. 3. In the excretion of bile acid and neutral sterol, all experiment group showed increased excretion in the comparison of control group.

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Effect of Naganjeon on the hepatoxicity of carbo tetrachloride in rats (난간전(煖肝煎)이 carbon tetrachloride로 유도(誘導)한 간중독(肝中毒) 흰쥐에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Jung, sung Yee;Park, Sun Dong
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.4
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the effect of Nanganjeon on serum reaction in $CCl_4$ treated rats. In this study, the experimental rats divided four group(Control group, $CCl_4$ group, Haeganjeon group, and Sample group) : Under the same condition, control group were administered water, sample group were administered Nanganjeon for 7days. And then, both $CCl_4$ group and sample group were injected to abdomen with $CCl_4$ for 1days. The change of GOT, GPT, ALP, LDH, and bile acid activity in blood serum. The obtained results are summarised as follows : 1. In the change of SGOT, SGPT contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased. 2. In the change of serum ALP contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased. 3. In the change of serum bile acid contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased. 4. In the change of serum LDH contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased.

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Effect of Whaganjeon on the hepatoxicity of carbon tetrachloride in rats (화간전(化肝煎)이 carbon tetrachloride로 유도(誘導)한 간중독(肝中毒) 흰쥐에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Yoo, Jung Won;Park, Sun Dong
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.4
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    • pp.313-325
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the effect of Whaganjeon on serum reaction in $CCl_4$ treated rats. In this study, the experimental rats divided four group(Control group, $CCl_4$ group, Whaganjeon group, and Sample group) : Under the same condition, control group were administered water, sample group were administered Whaganjeon for 7days. And then, both $CCl_4$ group and sample group were injected to abdomen with $CCl_4$ for 1days. The change of GOT, GPT, ALP, LDH, and bile acid activity in blood serum. The obtained results are summarised as follows : 1. In the change of SGOT, SGPT contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased. 2. In the change of serum ALP contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased. 3. In the change of serum bile acid contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased. 4. In the change of serum LDH contents, as compared with control group, sample group was significantly decreased.

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Dietary ε-Polylysine Decreased Serum and Liver Lipid Contents by Enhancing Fecal Lipid Excretion Irrespective of Increased Hepatic Fatty Acid Biosynthesis-Related Enzymes Activities in Rats

  • Hosomi, Ryota;Yamamoto, Daiki;Otsuka, Ren;Nishiyama, Toshimasa;Yoshida, Munehiro;Fukunaga, Kenji
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2015
  • ${\varepsilon}$-Polylysine (EPL) is used as a natural preservative in food. However, few studies have been conducted to assess the beneficial functions of dietary EPL. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanism underlying the inhibition of neutral and acidic sterol absorption and hepatic enzyme activity-related fatty acid biosynthesis following EPL intake. EPL digest prepared using an in vitro digestion model had lower lipase activity and micellar lipid solubility and higher bile acid binding capacity than casein digest. Male Wistar rats were fed an AIN-93G diet containing 1% (wt/wt) EPL or L-lysine. After 4 weeks of feeding these diets, the marked decrease in serum and liver triacylglycerol contents by the EPL diet was partly attributed to increased fecal fatty acid excretion. The activities of hepatic acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which are key enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis, were enhanced in rats fed EPL diet. The increased fatty acid biosynthesis activity due to dietary EPL may be prevented by the enhancement of fecal fatty acid excretion. The hypocholesterolemic effect of EPL was mediated by increased fecal neutral and acidic sterol excretions due to the EPL digest suppressing micellar lipid solubility and high bile acid binding capacity. These results show that dietary EPL has beneficial effects that could help prevent lifestyle-related diseases such as hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.