• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sequence Impedance

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Effective Harmonic Diagnose Tool for Power Quality Problems (전기품질개선을 위한 효율적인 고조파 진단 툴 개발)

  • 설용태;이의용
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2002
  • In this paper harmonic diagnose tool is described for electric evaluate the power quality at industrial power systems is described both simulation and experimental testing during various operation conditions. PTW (Power Tools for Windows) and harmonic measuring instrument are organized around personal computer and/or instrumentation study environments interconnected via RS-232. Unknown zero sequence impedance data of cable is calculated by the modified T&D and BICC method. IEEE standard is also used to estimate the transformer input data. the proposed system provides a flexible and effective environment to diagnose the power quality at industrial distribution systems by utilizing simulations and actual field data.

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A Study on the Fault Discrimination and Location Algorithm in Underground Transmission Systems Using Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy Inference (지중송전계통에서 Wavelet 변환과 퍼지추론을 이용한 고장종류판별 및 고장점 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Hong;Lee, Jong-Beom
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2006
  • The underground transmission lines is continuously expanded in power systems. Therefore the fault of underground transmission lines are increased every year because of the complication of systems. However the studies dealing with fault location in the case of the underground transmission lines are rarely reported except for few papers using traveling wave method and calculating underground cable impedance. This paper describes the algorithm using fuzzy system and travelling wave method in the underground transmission line. Fuzzy inference is used for fault discrimination. To organize fuzzy algorithm, it is important to select target data reflecting various underground transmission line transient states. These data are made of voltage and average of RMS value on zero sequence current within one cycle after fault occurrence. Travelling wave based on wavelet transform is used for fault location. In this paper, a variety of underground transmission line transient states are simulated by EMTP/ATPDraw and Matlab. The input which is used to fault location algorithm are Detail 1(D1) coefficients of differential current. D1 coefficients are obtained by wavelet transform. As a result of applying the fuzzy inference and travelling wave based on wavelet transform, fault discrimination is correctly distinguished within 1/2 cycle after fault occurrence and fault location is comparatively correct.

Pallidotomy Guided by MRI and Microrecording for Parkinson's Disease (파킨슨환자의 자기공명영상과 미세전극기록을 이용한 담창구 파괴술)

  • Lee, Kyung Jin;Son, Hyung Sun;Park, Sung Chan;Cho, Kyung Keun;Park, Hae Kwan;Choi, Chang Rak
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2001
  • Objective : The exact position of the lesion during the pallidotomy is critical to obtain the clinical improvement of parkinson's disease without damage to surrounding structure. Ventriculogrphy, CT(computed tomograpy) or MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) have been used to determine the initial coordinates of stereotactic target for pallidotomy. The goal of this study was to determine whether microelectrode recording significantly improves the neurophysiologic localization of the target obtained from MRI. Methods : Twenty patients were studied. They underwent a unilateral pallidotomy. Leksell frame was applied and T1 axial images parallel to the AC-PC(anterior commissure-posterior commissure) plane using a 1.5 Tesla MRI with 3mm slice thickness were obtained. Anteroposterior coordinate of target was chosen at 2mm in front of the midcommissural point and lateral coordinate between 19 and 22mm from the midline. The vertical coordinate was calculated on coronal slice using a fast spin echo inversion recovery sequence(FSEIR) related to the position of the choroidal fissure and ranged over 4-5mm below the AC-PC plane. Confirmation of the anatomical target was done on axial slices using the same FSEIR sequence . Microrecording was done at the pallidum contralateral to the symptomatic side using an electrode with a tip diameter of $1{{\mu}m}$ diameter tip and 1.1-1.4 mOhm impedance at 1000Hz. Electrophysiologic localization of the target was also confirmed intraoperatively by macrostimulation. Results : Microrecording techniques were reliable to define the transition from the base of the pallidum which was characterized by the disappearance of spike activity and by the change of the audible background activity. Signals from high amplitude neurons firing at 200-400Hz were recorded in the pallidal base. X, Y and Z coordinates of target obtained from the MRI were within 1mm from the X, Y, Z coordinates obtained with microrecording in 16 patients (80%), 15 patients(75%), 10 patients(50%) respectively. The difference of Y coordinate between on MRI and on microrecording was 4mm in only one patient. Conclusion : The MRI was accurate to localize the target within 1mm of the error from microrecording target in 70% of the patients. 4mm discrepancy was observed only once. We conclude that MRI alone can be used to determine the target for pallidotomy in most patients. However, microrecording technique can still be extremely valuable in patents with aberrant anatomy or unusual MRI coordinates. We also consider physiologic confirmation of the target using macrostimulation to be mandatory in all cases.

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Detection of flexural damage stages for RC beams using Piezoelectric sensors (PZT)

  • Karayannis, Chris G.;Voutetaki, Maristella E.;Chalioris, Constantin E.;Providakis, Costas P.;Angeli, Georgia M.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.997-1018
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    • 2015
  • Structural health monitoring along with damage detection and assessment of its severity level in non-accessible reinforced concrete members using piezoelectric materials becomes essential since engineers often face the problem of detecting hidden damage. In this study, the potential of the detection of flexural damage state in the lower part of the mid-span area of a simply supported reinforced concrete beam using piezoelectric sensors is analytically investigated. Two common severity levels of flexural damage are examined: (i) cracking of concrete that extends from the external lower fiber of concrete up to the steel reinforcement and (ii) yielding of reinforcing bars that occurs for higher levels of bending moment and after the flexural cracking. The purpose of this investigation is to apply finite element modeling using admittance based signature data to analyze its accuracy and to check the potential use of this technique to monitor structural damage in real-time. It has been indicated that damage detection capability greatly depends on the frequency selection rather than on the level of the harmonic excitation loading. This way, the excitation loading sequence can have a level low enough that the technique may be considered as applicable and effective for real structures. Further, it is concluded that the closest applied piezoelectric sensor to the flexural damage demonstrates higher overall sensitivity to structural damage in the entire frequency band for both damage states with respect to the other used sensors. However, the observed sensitivity of the other sensors becomes comparatively high in the peak values of the root mean square deviation index.

A Study on the Reverse-Power-Flow Phenomenon due to Transformer Wiring Types in Distribution System (배전계통에서 변압기 결선에 의한 역 조류현상에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Dong-Yeol;Ha, Bok-Nam;Jung, Won-Wook;Cha, Han-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2008
  • As the penetration of distributed generation systems is recently high, there have been metering errors, trips of protective devices in KEPCO distribution systems including an occurrence of false fault-indicator in distribution automation system. The cause of malfunctions was the reverse-power-flow phenomenon due to transformer wiring types. By the effect of the reverse-power-flow, each of phase's fundamental currents was added by about 3 times on the neutral line. A new method based on the analysis of the reverse-power-flow is proposed in this paper. Fault currents on each section were analyzed by the proposed method, and the effect of types of transformer wiring was examined experimentally. In order to reduce the malfunctions due to the reverse-power-flow, controlling the zero-sequence impedance of transformer was designed and verified by using PSCAD/EMTDC software.