• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sensor Data Acquisition Model

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Revising Passive Satellite-based Soil Moisture Retrievals over East Asia Using SMOS (MIRAS) and GCOM-W1 (AMSR2) Satellite and GLDAS Dataset (자료동화 토양수분 데이터를 활용한 동아시아지역 수동형 위성 토양수분 데이터 보정: SMOS (MIRAS), GCOM-W1 (AMSR2) 위성 및 GLDAS 데이터 활용)

  • Kim, Hyunglok;Kim, Seongkyun;Jeong, Jeahwan;Shin, Incheol;Shin, Jinho;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.132-147
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    • 2016
  • In this study the Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) sensor onboard the Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) sensor onboard the Global Change Observation Mission-Water (GCOM-W1) based soil moisture retrievals were revised to obtain better accuracy of soil moisture and higher data acquisition rate over East Asia. These satellite-based soil moisture products are revised against a reference land model data set, called Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS), using Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) matching and regression approach. Since MIRAS sensor is perturbed by radio frequency interferences (RFI), the worst part of soil moisture retrieval, East Asia, constantly have been undergoing loss of data acquisition rate. To overcome this limitation, the threshold of RFI, DQX, and composite days were suggested to increase data acquisition rate while maintaining appropriate data quality through comparison of land surface model data set. The revised MIRAS and AMSR2 products were compared with in-situ soil moisture and land model data set. The results showed that the revising process increased correlation coefficient values of SMOS and AMSR2 averagely 27% 11% and decreased the root mean square deviation (RMSD) decreased 61% and 57% as compared to in-situ data set. In addition, when the revised products' correlation coefficient values are calculated with model data set, about 80% and 90% of pixels' correlation coefficients of SMOS and AMSR2 increased and all pixels' RMSD decreased. Through our CDF-based revising processes, we propose the way of mutual supplementation of MIRAS and AMSR2 soil moisture retrievals.

Analysis of Data Characteristics by UAV LiDAR Sensor (무인항공 LiDAR 센서에 따른 데이터 특성 분석)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Lee, Keun-Wang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2020
  • UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are used widely for military purposes because they are more economical than general manned aircraft and satellites, and have easy access to the object. Recently, owing to the development of IT technology, UAV equipped with various sensors have been released, and their use is increasing in a wide range of fields, such as surveying, agriculture, meteorological observation, communication, broadcasting, and sports. An increasing number of studies and attempts have made use of it. On the other hand, existing research was related mostly to photogrammetry, but there has been a lack of analytical research on LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging). Therefore, this study examined the characteristics of a UAV LiDAR sensor for the application of a geospatial information field. In this study, the performance of commercialized LiDAR sensors, such as the acquisition speed and the number of echoes, was investigated, and data acquisition and analysis were conducted by selecting Surveyor Ultra and VX15 models with similar accuracy and data acquisition distances. As a result, a DSM of each study site was generated for each sensor, and the characteristics of data density, precision, and acquisition of ground data from vegetation areas were presented through comparison. In addition, the UAV LiDAR sensor showed an accuracy of 0.03m ~ 0.05m. Hence, it is necessary to select equipment considering the characteristics of data for effective use. In the future, the use of UAV LiDAR may be suggested if additional data can be obtained and analyzed for various areas, such as urban areas and forest areas.

Absolute Atmospheric Correction Procedure for the EO-1 Hyperion Data Using MODTRAN Code

  • Kim, Sun-Hwa;Kang, Sung-Jin;Chi, Jun-Hwa;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2007
  • Atmospheric correction is one of critical procedures to extract quantitative information related to biophysical variables from hyperspectral imagery. Most atmospheric correction algorithms developed for hyperspectral data have been based upon atmospheric radiative transfer (RT) codes, such as MODTRAN. Because of the difficulty in acquisition of atmospheric data at the time of image capture, the complexity of RT model, and large volume of hyperspectral data, atmospheric correction can be very difficult and time-consuming processing. In this study, we attempted to develop an efficient method for the atmospheric correction of EO-1 Hyperion data. This method uses the pre-calculated look-up-table (LUT) for fast and simple processing. The pre-calculated LUT was generated by successive running of MODTRAN model with several input parameters related to solar and sensor geometry, radiometric specification of sensor, and atmospheric condition. Atmospheric water vapour contents image was generated directly from a few absorption bands of Hyperion data themselves and used one of input parameters. This new atmospheric correction method was tested on the Hyperion data acquired on June 3, 2001 over Seoul area. Reflectance spectra of several known targets corresponded with the typical pattern of spectral reflectance on the atmospherically corrected Hyperion image, although further improvement to reduce sensor noise is necessary.

Design of C-EPS (Column type - Electric Power Steering) Simulator and Development of Control Algorithm (C-EPS (C-type Electric Power Steering) 시뮬레이터 설계 및 제어 알고리즘 개발)

  • Park, Myung-Wook;Moon, Hee-Chang;Kim, Jung-Ha;Crane III, Carl D.
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.566-571
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    • 2010
  • EPS (Electric Power Steering) is important device for improving vehicle's dynamics and static performances. This paper deals with simulator design for C-EPS (Colum type-EPS), development assist and returnability control algorithm. First, C-EPS system model was simply designed because EPS system is complex control system that has many unknown variables. These parameters were simplified through assumptions. Second, C-EPS simulator was designed for development of control algorithm. This simulator has SAS (Steering Angle Sensor), dual torque sensor, dual load cell for measuring rack force, dual linear actuator for generating tire force and Data Acquisition System. Using this simulator, control methods ware tested. Third, control algorithm was designed for torque assist and returnability. Assist torque map and returnability torque map were found by lots of simulation test. These torque maps were tuned for EPS actuator control. The simulation result was compared with non-EPS system result. In this research, the C-EPS simulator was designed for development of control algorithm about torque assistant and returnability. Using this simulator, control algorithm was improved.

Biological smart sensing strategies in weakly electric fish

  • Nelson, Mark E.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2011
  • Biological sensory systems continuously monitor and analyze changes in real-world environments that are relevant to an animal's specific behavioral needs and goals. Understanding the sensory mechanisms and information processing principles that biological systems utilize for efficient sensory data acquisition may provide useful guidance for the design of smart-sensing systems in engineering applications. Weakly electric fish, which use self-generated electrical energy to actively sense their environment, provide an excellent model system for studying biological principles of sensory data acquisition. The electrosensory system enables these fish to hunt and navigate at night without the use of visual cues. To achieve reliable, real-time task performance, the electrosensory system implements a number of smart sensing strategies, including efficient stimulus encoding, multi-scale virtual sensor arrays, task-dependent filtering and online subtraction of sensory expectation.

Dextrous sensor hand for the intelligent assisting system - IAS

  • Hashimoto, Hideki;Buss, Martin
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1992.10b
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 1992
  • The goal of the proposed Intelligent Assisting System - IAS is to assist human operators in an intelligent way, while leaving decision and goal planning instances for the human. To realize the IAS the very important issue of manipulation skill identification and analysis has to be solved, which then is stored in a Skill Data Base. Using this data base the IAS is able to perform complex manipulations on the motion control level and to assist the human operator flexibly. We propose a model for manipulation skill based on the dynamics of the grip transformation matrix, which describes the dynamic transformation between object space and finger joint space. Interaction with a virtual world simulator allows the calculation and feedback of appropriate forces through controlled actuators of the sensor glove with 10 degrees-of-freedom. To solve the sensor glove calibration problem, we learn the nonlinear calibration mapping by an artificial neural network(ANN). In this paper we also describe the experimental system setup of the skill acquisition and transfer system as a first approach to the IAS. Some simple manipulation examples and simulation results show the feasibility of the proposed manipulation skill model.

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Merging of Satellite Remote Sensing and Environmental Stress Model for Ensuring Marine Safety

  • Yang, Chan-Su;Park, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.645-652
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    • 2003
  • A virtual vessel traffic control system is introduced to contribute to prevent a marine accident such as collision and stranding from happening. Existing VTS has its limit. The virtual vessel traffic control system consists of both data acquisition by satellite remote sensing and a simulation of traffic environment stress based on the satellite data, remotely sensed data And it could be used to provide timely and detailed information about the marine safety, including the location, speed and direction of ships, and help us operate vessels safely and efficiently. If environmental stress values are simulated for the ship information derived from satellite data, proper actions can be taken to prevent accidents. Since optical sensor has a high spatial resolution, JERS satellite data are used to track ships and extract their information. We present an algorithm of automatic identification of ship size and velocity. It lastly is shown that based on ship information extracted from JERS data, a qualitative evaluation method of environmental stress is introduced.

The collecting of 3dimensional data from the way of pulse generating at the M/C (펄스지령법에 의한 머시닝센터상의 3차원 형상정보 수집)

  • 강효석;임한석;김선호;안중환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.04b
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    • pp.396-399
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    • 1995
  • In this study, Acquisition system is proposed to acquire 3 dimensional data of the free surface model using direct pulse control to machining center. Todo this, I/F to connect between manual operating handle and computer is made, and 3 dimensional shape measuring algorithm using Z-map is applied. The 3 dimensional shape data of the free surface model measured by laser displacement sensor and electric touch probe are achieved directly. Performance of the proposed system is evaluated through measurement of various shape model.

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Automated texture mapping for 3D modeling of objects with complex shapes --- a case study of archaeological ruins

  • Fujiwara, Hidetomo;Nakagawa, Masafumi;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1177-1179
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the ground-based laser profiler is used for acquisition of 3D spatial information of a rchaeological objects. However, it is very difficult to measure complicated objects, because of a relatively low-resolution. On the other hand, texture mapping can be a solution to complement the low resolution, and to generate 3D model with higher fidelity. But, a huge cost is required for the construction of textured 3D model, because huge labor is demanded, and the work depends on editor's experiences and skills . Moreover, the accuracy of data would be lost during the editing works. In this research, using the laser profiler and a non-calibrated digital camera, a method is proposed for the automatic generation of 3D model by integrating these data. At first, region segmentation is applied to laser range data to extract geometric features of an object in the laser range data. Various information such as normal vectors of planes, distances from a sensor and a sun-direction are used in this processing. Next, an image segmentation is also applied to the digital camera images, which include the same object. Then, geometrical relations are determined by corresponding the features extracted in the laser range data and digital camera’ images. By projecting digital camera image onto the surface data reconstructed from laser range image, the 3D texture model was generated automatically.

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  • Shin Dongseok;Kim Moon-Gyu;Kwak Sunghee
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.729-732
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes a time-spatial domain model for simulating raw data acquisition of space-borne SAR system. The position, velocity and attitude information of the platform at a certain time instance is used for deriving sensor-target model. Ground target is modelled by a set of point scatters with reflectivity and two-dimensional ground coordinates. The signal received by SAR is calculated for each slow and fast time instance by integrating the reflectivity and phase values from all target point scatters. Different from frequency domain simulation algorithms, the proposed time domain algorithm can provide fully physical modelling of SAR raw data simulation without any assumptions or approximations.

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