• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sensitivity evaluation

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Evaluation of Sensitivity of a Ferrous Particle Sensor with Variation of Viscosity in Gearbox Systems (기어박스에서 점도의 변화에 의한 철분마모센서의 감도 평가 )

  • Sung-Ho Hong
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 2024
  • This study evaluates the sensitivity of a ferrous particle sensor in response to changes in viscosity in a gearbox. Composed of various gears, the gearbox typically occurs significant ferrous wear due to gear contact. Condition monitoring is primarily implemented by measuring the number of ferrous wear particles in the lubricant. Gearboxes are critical in many systems, including wind turbines, for facilitating changes in speed and torque. Therefore, technology to monitor ferrous particles in gearboxes is essential. In this study, a simplified gearbox is numerically modeled to assess sensor sensitivity based on viscosity and sensor position. Three sensor positions are considered: one directly beneath the gear and two at locations farther from the gear. Analyses are conducted using lubricants with low viscosity and gear oil. Sensor sensitivity is defined by the number of ferrous particles adhering to the sensor, where more particles indicated higher sensitivity. The evaluation reveals that the position directly beneath the gear exhibits the highest sensitivity due to direct influence from the main flow. To achieve optimal sensitivity, sensors should be installed in the main flow path as determined by flow analysis. Evaluation of sensor sensitivity with changes in viscosity shows that a higher viscosity results in a lower sensor sensitivity. Therefore, for ease of analysis, performing an analysis under low-viscosity conditions is useful for understanding the main flow and for identifying the optimal location for proper sensor position.

Optimal Preform Design in Powder Forging by the Design Sensitivity (설계민감도를 이용한 분말단조 공정에서의 최적 예비성형체 설계)

  • 정석환;황상무
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1998.03a
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 1998
  • A derivative based approach to process optimal design in powder forging is presented. The process model, the formulation for process optimal design, and the schemes for the evaluation of the design sensitivity, and an iterative procedure for the optimization are described in detail. The validity of the schemes for the evaluation of the design sensitivity is examined by performing numerical tests. The capability of the proposed approach to deal with diverse process parameters and objective functions is demonstrated through applications to some selected process design problems.

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Evaluation of Visual Sensitivity according to Basic Figure and Color -Focused on the College Students of Daejeon and Daegu- (기초도형과 색에 따른 시각감성 평가 - 대전과 대구지역의 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Myo-Hyang;Yun, Chong-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.427-432
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    • 2004
  • We evaluate what kinds of differences are existed to the visual sensitivity of college students m Daegu and Daejeon. Evaluation used the produced basic pattern to change modeling element of figure, direction, proportion, and color. The results are as below. The circle is preferred to the figure sensitivity and the triangle in Daegu and triangle and quadrangle in Daejeon is disliked. The direction sensitivity shows the difference of preferences according to figure. The angle of $0^{\circ}$ and $90^{\circ}$ which could be felt stability is preferred in general. In proportion sensitivity, the basic figure 1:1 rectangular proportions are preferred. The color sensitivity I shows the differences of preference according to figure and there are difference to the area in the degree of aversion.

A Second-Order Design Sensitivity-Assisted Monte Carlo Simulation Method for Reliability Evaluation of the Electromagnetic Devices

  • Ren, Ziyan;Koh, Chang-Seop
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.780-786
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    • 2013
  • In the reliability-based design optimization of electromagnetic devices, the accurate and efficient reliability assessment method is very essential. The first-order sensitivity-assisted Monte Carlo Simulation is proposed in the former research. In order to improve its accuracy for wide application, in this paper, the second-order sensitivity analysis is presented by using the hybrid direct differentiation-adjoint variable method incorporated with the finite element method. By combining the second-order sensitivity with the Monte Carlo Simulation method, the second-order sensitivity-assisted Monte Carlo Simulation algorithm is proposed to implement reliability calculation. Through application to one superconductor magnetic energy storage system, its accuracy is validated by comparing calculation results with other methods.

Determining the Number of Risk Level Using Real-time Sensitivities in the Probabilistic Maritime Risk Evaluation (확률기반 해상위기평가에서 실시간 민감도를 이용한 위기수준의 단계 구분 수 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Gang, Sang-Guen
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.685-691
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    • 2014
  • The result of probabilistic maritime risk evaluation is represented by the probability(P=0.0~1.0) These results are shown by an index using Risk Acceptance Criteria(RAC) to base the evaluation generally to know the risk level easily. Current RAC is divided into 3 steps, 5 steps, 7 steps, etc. Despite need to evaluate whether the number of RAC for risk evaluation is reasonable, there is not a related research yet. In this study, It was proposed the evaluation method to determine the optimum index number of RAC using the Sensitivity distribution characteristics and the Sensitivity by the index number of RAC. As application result from the proposed method for probabilistic risk evaluation data obtained from the prior studies, It could be determined the optimum index number of RAC by Sensitivity below 10 times and confirmed that the proposed method is reasonable by this study.

Sensitivity Analysis for Allowable Operating Period Based on the Flaw Tolerance Evaluation of ASME BPVC Section XI Appendix L (ASME BPVC Section XI Appendix L의 결함허용평가에 따른 허용운전주기 민감도 분석)

  • Changsik Oh;Dooho Cho;Myung Jo Jhung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.126-136
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    • 2021
  • During operation of nuclear power plants, the fatigue assessment should be conducted repeatedly, considering changes of operating environments. For the case that cumulative usage factors (CUFs) may exceed the acceptance limit, flaw tolerance evaluation can be an alternative method to meet the regulatory requirements. In this respect, this paper analyzes the effects of the input variables for flaw tolerance evaluation based on ASME BPVC Section XI Appendix L. The reference analysis is performed for the example problem in NUREG/CR-6934. Then effects of the crack orientation, stress intensity factor solutions, thermal stress profiles, fatigue stress decomposition and fatigue crack growth curves are considered for the sensitivity analysis. The results show that the stress analysis considering the actual environment plays a crucial role in flaw tolerance evaluation.


  • Lee, Chun-Jin
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.631-638
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    • 1999
  • Sensitive testing has been widely employed for many years in connection with the development and evaluation explosives detonation devices and propellants. Perhaps its earliest and possibly most important implementation was in biological studies of dosage mortality and response to drugs. Recently sensitivity experiments has been employed in the evaluation of new materials subject to stress in various environments and in delineanation of unstable combustion regions in chemical propulsion systems. This paper discussed a sta-tistical development of sensitivity testing.

Sensitivity Analysis of the Criticality Evaluation Concerning Pyroprocess

  • Gao, Fanxing;Ko, Won-Il;Park, Chang-Je;Lee, Ho-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.271-272
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    • 2010
  • Sensitivity analysis by TSUNAMI clarifies the complex effects of key nuclides on the criticality probability quantitatively. As discussed above, the $K_{eff}$ of $UO_2$ fuel reaches the maximum value with 42w% concentration of intrusion water. The concentration of hydrogen affects the complexity of reaching criticality by its competition between the concentrations of $^{235}U$. Approximately if the weight percent of $H_2O$ in the mixture is less than 42%, the moderation effect of hydrogen surpasses its dilution effect on $^{235}U$. However, the importance of $^{235}U$ increases dramatically when the weight percent of water is bigger than 42%. In the sensitivity evaluation of $UO_2$ fuel employing TSUMAMI, there is a similar crosspoint of the sensitivity of $^{235}U$ and the sensitivity of $^1H$ where the criticality reaches summit. And the optimal water weight percent is determined to be 50%.

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Development of Evaluation Method of Fisheries Sensitivity to Ocean Environments in Korea Waters (해양환경 기반 한국 연근해 어장 민감도 평가 기술 개발)

  • Joo, HuiTae;Yoo, ManHo;Yun, Sang Chol;Kim, Chang Sin;Lee, Min Uk;Kim, Sangil;Park, Kyoung Woo;Hwang, Jae-Dong;Oh, Hyun Ju;Yun, Seok-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.508-516
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    • 2021
  • Although scientist have been reporting recently that changes in ocean environment influence the species composition, movements, and growth of fish in Korea waters. Previous studies on fish vulnerability owing to climate changes are insufficient to explain the effect of fluctuating ocean environments on fisheries ground. In this study, we suggested a method for the assessment of fisheries sensitivity to various factors in ocean environments in Korean waters. To evaluate the fisheries sensitivity, catch data (Chub mackerel, Hairtail, Common squid, small yellow croaker) from National federation of fisheries cooperatives in Korea (1991-2017) and oceanographic data from Korea Ocean Data Center (KODC; 1960-2017) were normalized using the z-score method. Thereafter, the fisheries sensitivity was calculated using the difference between the catch data and the oceanographic data. Finally, the fisheries sensitivity was evaluated based on evaluation grade ratings. Result revealed that in the south sea, variability in catch data was obviously higher than environmental fluctuation (evaluation grade 1), indicating that catch variability in response to environmental change is most sensitive in the south sea among Korean waters in 2017. These results would be helpful for fishery management and policy for sustainable yield in Korean waters.

Sensibility Evaluation on the Correlated Color Temperature in White LED Lighting (백색 LED 조명의 색온도에 관한 감성평가)

  • Jee, Soon-Duk;Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Choi, Kyoung-Jae;Park, Joung-Kyu;Kim, Chang-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the sensitivity evaluation of human beings in reacting to the correlated color temperature of the optical properties of white LED lighting. For the sake of this study, white light-emitting diode modules have been fabricated their correlated color temperature have been measured, test cabinets for the sensitivity evaluation have been constructed with the white LED modules, and their sensitivity reactions on the test cabinets have been evaluated and analyzed. The sensitivity reaction has been evaluated by the semantic differential method with 15 selected questions, and the reliability and the content validity of their lighting have been analyzed to 3 factors which foe the activity as the first factor, the stability as the second one, the potency as the third one, respectively. For the data analysis on the sensitivity reaction, the dependent variable is the score of the sensitivity evaluation and the independent one is the correlated color temperature of the test module. The results of this study is as follows: In the case of the sensitive evaluation on the activity and the potency in the white LED lighting compared with the fluorescent lamp, the subjects have made higher mark on $MA_3$ with 8,300[K], and in the factor of the stability, they have made higher mark on $MA_1$ with 3,800[K].