• Title/Summary/Keyword: Semitendinosus tendon

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Cross-Pin and Interference Screw Femoral Fixation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction using Hamstring Tendon -Technical Note- (슬괵건을 이용한 전방십자인대 재건술시 횡고정 핀과 간섭나사를 이용한 대퇴터널 고정술 -수술 수기-)

  • In Yong;Bahk Won-Jong;Park Jong-Beom;Hong Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.60-63
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to introduce new femoral fixation technique using a cross-pin and a bioabsorbable interference screw in hamstring ACL reconstruction. Method : Semitendinosus and gracilis were harvested for quadrapled graft. After tibial tunnel had been made, femoral tunnel was made 35 mm in depth. Then the graft passed through the tunnels. Cross-pin was fixed through the drill hole which had been made through upper sleeve of the Rigidfix system. While pulling the graft, bioabsorbable interference screw was fixed through the anteromedial portal. Conclusion : We introduced the new femoral fixation technique using a cross-pin and a bioabsorbable interference screw as a good method with high fixation strength and tight graft-bone contact.

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Clinical Results of Anatomical Single Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Autogenous Quadriceps Tendon (자가 대퇴사두건을 이용한 해부학적 단일 다발 전방십자인대 재건술의 임상적 결과)

  • Park, Jin;Kim, Young Sin;Lee, Ju Hong;Wang, Seong Il;Park, Chan Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes and stability of anatomical single bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (SBACLR) with quadriceps tendon comparable to double bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (DBACLR). Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 28 consecutive patients (16 male, 12 female) who underwent SBACLR using quadriceps tendon from March 2009 (Group 1) and compared its clinical results to whom DBACLR with semitendinosus tendon for 53 patients (51 male, 2 female) from August. 2006 (Group 2). Mean age were 34.9 (range, 16-52) in Group 1 and 21.6 (range, 17-55) in Group 2. Mean follow up periods were 13.9 months (range, 12-20) in Group 1 and 36.2 months (range, 20-52) in Group 2. Lysholm score, International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) evaluation form and Tegner score were performed for evaluating the clinical outcome. Lachman test, pivot shift test and KT-1000 arthrometer (MEDmetric Corp., San Diego, CA, USA) were performed for stability. Results: There was no statistical significant difference between the two groups in terms of Lysholm score (Group 1: $85.9{\pm}2.6$, Group 2: $90.9{\pm}1.0$, P=0.226), IKDC score (P=0.345) and Tegner score (Group 1: $6.9{\pm}1.4$, Group 2: $7.1{\pm}1.3$, P=0.523). Nor was there statistical significance between the two groups in terms of KT-1000 arthrometer (Group 1: $1.5{\pm}1.1\;mm$, Group 2: $1.5{\pm}1.6\;mm$, P=0.457), Lachman test (P=0.547) and pivot shift test (P=0.073). Conclusion: Anatomical SBACLR with quadriceps tendon shows similar clinical outcomes and stability comparable to anatomical DBACLR with hamstring tendon.

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Diameter of Autologous Four Strand Hamstring Tendon for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (전방십자인대 재건술을 위해 채취한 네 가닥 자가 슬괵건의 직경)

  • Choi, Jun-Weon;Han, Sang-Ho;Kim, Eu-Gene;Kim, Jong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.148-152
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of the diameter of four strand autologous hamstring tendon and to identify the factors related to the diameter. Materials and Methods: Between December 2004 and July 2006, 66 patients underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using autologous hamstring tendon. Sixty one patients were male and the other 5 patients were female. Both semitendinosus and gracilis tendon were harvested in every case. Harvested two tendons were folded once together to create a four strand double loop graft and were passed through cylindrical sizer to measure their diameter. Parameters such as sex, age, height and weight were analyzed for their correlation with the diameter of the graft. Results: The diameter of the graft ranged from 6 mm to 10 mm. The graft with the diameter of 8 mm was most common and the average diameter of all the grafts was $7.85{\pm}0.92mm$. Seven patients (10.6%) had a graft with the diameter of 6 mm, which is considered too thin to be ideal one. No statistically significant correlation was found between age of the patient and the diameter of the graft. However, the diameter of the graft was significantly correlated with sex, height and weight of the patient. Female patients had a significant tendency to have thinner hamstring tendons. Both small height and light weight of the patients were correlated with thinner hamstring tendons significantly. Conclusion: Sex, height and weight of the patients were the factors that had a statistically significant correlation with the diameter of the graft. Being aware of the risk factors related with harvesting exceedingly thin hamstring tendon prior to anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, one can utilize wide range of options in selecting an optimal graft.

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Tibial Tunnel Enlargement following Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction (관절경하 전방십자인대 재건술 후 경골 터널 크기 변화)

  • Lee, Kwang-Won;Lee, Byeong-Ki;Ryu, Chang-Soo;Keum, Teok-Seop;Choy, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 1998
  • We retrospectively evaluated the changes in the diameter of the tibial tunnel over time following the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with a bone-patella tendon-bone(BPTB) autograft(25 cases) and quadruple semitendinosus(ST) graft(27 cases) in 52 patients at one year postoperatively. The changes in the geometry of the bony tunnel were measured with radiography. The demensions at final follow up were correated with the clinical results. An increased width of the tibial tunnel was noted in all cases. On the femoral side, however, no tunnel expansion was noted. In AP view, the average tibial tunnel enlargement in ST and BPTB graft groups were 1.30mm(13%) and 1.82mm(17%), respectively. In lateral view, the average tibial tunnel enlargement in ST and BPTB graft group was 1.30mm(13%) and 2.04mm(19%). The differences between two groups were not statistically significant, however, there was evidence of a borderline significance(P=0.0502). Although the tunnel enlargement does not appear to adversely affect the clinical outcome in the short term, the exact mechanism which are involved should be demonstrated. Furthermore histologic study is needed to evaluate graft replacements with emphasis on the graft-tunnel interface.

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Anatomical Observation on Components Related to Foot Gworeum Meridian Muscle in Human

  • Park, Kyoung-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study was carried out to observe the foot gworeum meridian muscle from a viewpoint of human anatomy on the assumption that the meridian muscle system is basically matched to the meridian vessel system as a part of the meridian system, and further to support the accurate application of acupuncture in clinical practice. Methods: Meridian points corresponding to the foot gworeum meridian muscle at the body surface were labeled with latex, being based on Korean standard acupuncture point locations. In order to expose components related to the foot gworeum meridian muscle, the cadaver was then dissected, being respectively divided into superficial, middle, and deep layers while entering more deeply. Results: Anatomical components related to the foot gworeum meridian muscle in human are composed of muscles, fascia, ligament, nerves, etc. The anatomical components of the foot gworeum meridian muscle in cadaver are as follows: 1. Muscle: Dorsal pedis fascia, crural fascia, flexor digitorum (digit.) longus muscle (m.), soleus m., sartorius m., adductor longus m., and external abdominal oblique m. aponeurosis at the superficial layer, dorsal interosseous m. tendon (tend.), extensor (ext.) hallucis brevis m. tend., ext. hallucis longus m. tend., tibialis anterior m. tend., flexor digit. longus m., and internal abdominal oblique m. at the middle layer, and finally posterior tibialis m., gracilis m. tend., semitendinosus m. tend., semimembranosus m. tend., gastrocnemius m., adductor magnus m. tend., vastus medialis m., adductor brevis m., and intercostal m. at the deep layer. 2. Nerve: Dorsal digital branch (br.) of the deep peroneal nerve (n.), dorsal br. of the proper plantar digital n., medial br. of the deep peroneal n., saphenous n., infrapatellar br. of the saphenous n., cutaneous (cut.) br. of the obturator n., femoral br. of the genitofemoral n., anterior (ant.) cut. br. of the femoral n., ant. cut. br. of the iliohypogastric n., lateral cut. br. of the intercostal n. (T11), and lateral cut. br. of the intercostal n. (T6) at the superficial layer, saphenous n., ant. division of the obturator n., post. division of the obturator n., obturator n., ant. cut. br. of the intercostal n. (T11), and ant. cut. br. of the intercostal n. (T6) at the middle layer, and finally tibialis n. and articular br. of tibial n. at the deep layer. Conclusion: The meridian muscle system seemed to be closely matched to the meridian vessel system as a part of the meridian system. This study shows comparative differences from established studies on anatomical components related to the foot gworeum meridian muscle, and also from the methodical aspect of the analytic process. In addition, the human foot gworeum meridian muscle is composed of the proper muscles, and also may include the relevant nerves, but it is as questionable as ever, and we can guess that there are somewhat conceptual differences between terms (that is, nerves which control muscles in the foot gworeum meridian muscle and those which pass nearby) in human anatomy.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Double Bundle Reconstruction with Hamstring Tendon Autografts - Technical Notes (자가 슬괵건을 이용한 전방 십자 인대 이준 다발 재건술 - 수술 술기 -)

  • Ahn, Jin-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Hak;Ahn, Hyung-Kwon;Kang, Hong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.222-231
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This article describes a double-bundle ACL reconstruction technique using a five-strand hamstring tendon autograft with conventional anteromedial bundle reconstruction and additional posterolateral bundle reconstruction. Operative technique: For the tibial tunnel, the conventional single tunnel technique is performed and for the femoral tunnel, the double tunnel technique is performed with the anteromedial and posterolateral bundle. After minimal notchplasty, the anteromedial femoral tunnel is prepared with leaving one milimeter of posterior femoral cortex within the over-the-top, which if positioned at the 11-o'clock orientation for the right knee or at the 1-o'clock position for the left knee. The posterolateral femoral tunnel that is located 5 to 7 mm superior to the inner margin of the lateral meniscus anterior horn at $90^{\circ}$ of flexion is prepared with tile outside-in technique using a 4.5 cannulated reamer. The graft material for the double bundle reconstruction is made of the conventional four-strand hamstring autograft in the anteromedial bundle and of a single-strand semitendinosus tendon in the posterolateral bundle. The anteromedial bundle is fixed with using a rigid fix system on the femoral side and the posterolateral bundle is fixed to tie with the miniplate from the outside femur. Then, with the knee in $10^{\circ}\;to\;20^{\circ}$ of flexion, a bioabsorbable screw is simultaneously applied to achieve tibial fixation with tensioning of both bundles. Conclusion: A double bundle reconstruction with five-strand hamstring autograft, which is designed with a favorable conventional anteromedial bundle and an additional posterolateral bundle to restore rotation stability, seems to be a very effective method for the treatment for ACL instabilities.

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