• 제목/요약/키워드: Seismic time history analysis

검색결과 708건 처리시간 0.022초

배율조정 및 스펙트럼 맞춤 입력지반운동 모델에 대한 비선형 단자유도 시스템의 파손확률 (Failure Probability of Nonlinear SDOF System Subject to Scaled and Spectrum Matched Input Ground Motion Models)

  • 김동석;고현무;최창열;박원석
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2008
  • 비선형 구조계의 확률론적 지진해석 방법 중 대표적인 것은 지진 재해도 수준에 해당하는 입력지반운동 모델을 사용한 시간이력을 수행하여 그 응답의 확률분포를 예측하는 것이다. 이 연구에서는 널리 사용되고 있는 두 가지 입력지반운동 모델에 따른 구조계 응답의 분포특성 및 파손확률의 차이와 그 원인을 분석한다 입력지반운동 모델로는 실제 지진기록을 배율 조정하여 사용하는 배율조정 입력지반운동과 설계 응답스펙트럼에 상응하는 인공 지진기록을 사용하는 스펙트럼 맞춤 입력지반운동 두 가지를 고려한다. 동일한 지진재해도 수준을 고려한 해석결과 설계 응답스펙트럼에 상응하는 인공 지진기록을 사용한 입력지반운동 모델은 실제 지진기록을 배율 조정한 입력지반운동 모델보다 평균적으로 응답을 크게 평가하였고 이로 인해 파손확률 또한 더 큰 것으로 나타났다 이러한 경향은 연약한 지반에서 더욱 현저한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 입력지반운동 모델에 따른 파손확률의 차이는 스펙트럼 맞춤 입력지반운동의 목표로 사용된 도로교 설계기준의 설계 응답스펙트럼이 실제 지진기록의 응답스펙트럼보다 장주기로 갈수록 응답을 크게 평가하도록 보수적으로 만들어졌기 때문인 것으로 나타났다.

한국 남동해역 홀로세 해침퇴적층의 탄성파층서 및 퇴적역사 (Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Holocene Transgressive Deposits in the Southeastern Continental Shelf, Korea)

  • 유동근;김성필;이치원;박수철
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2011
  • 한국남동해역에서 취득된 탄성파 탐사자료의 분석에 의하면 연구해역에 분포하는 홀로세 해침퇴적층은 육지쪽으로 향하면서 후퇴퇴적층서를 보여주는 5개의 퇴적단위로 구성 된다. 대륙붕단을 따라 길게 발달하는 퇴적단위 I은 홀로세 해침초기에 연안환경 하에서 형성된 고해빈/연안퇴적층에 해당된다. 해침이 진행되는 동안 고수로는 하성 혹은 연안퇴적물에 의해 충진 되기 시작하였으며 대륙붕을 가로질러 분포하는 퇴적단위 II인 수로충진퇴적층을 형성하였다. 해침이 진행되면서 기존 퇴적층의 침식 및 재동에 의한 박층의 사질퇴적물이 퇴적되었으며 중간대륙붕에 넓게 분포하는 퇴적단위 III를 형성하였다. 해침중기 동안 현해수면수심 70-80 m 수준에서 해수면 상승속도가 둔화 내지 정체되면서 퇴적단위 IV를 구성하는 사퇴퇴적체가 생성되었다. 내대륙붕에 분포하는 퇴적단위 V는 해침 중기 및 후기에 하구환경 하에서 퇴적된 염하구퇴적단위에 해당된다. 상기특정을 갖는 해침퇴적체의 형성은 해침 기간 동안 상대적 해수면 상승 속도, 퇴적물 공급 및 시기에 따른 해양 퇴적기작의 상호 영향에 의해 조절되었다.

Plastic hinge length of RC columns considering soil-structure interaction

  • Mortezaei, Alireza
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제5권6호
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    • pp.679-702
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    • 2013
  • During an earthquake, soils filter and send out the shaking to the building and simultaneously it has the role of bearing the building vibrations and transmitting them back to the ground. In other words, the ground and the building interact with each other. Hence, soil-structure interaction (SSI) is a key parameter that affects the performance of buildings during the earthquakes and is worth to be taken into consideration. Columns are one of the most crucial elements in RC buildings that play an important role in stability of the building and must be able to dissipate energy under seismic loads. Recent earthquakes showed that formation of plastic hinges in columns is still possible as a result of strong ground motion, despite the application of strong column-weak beam concept, as recommended by various design codes. Energy is dissipated through the plastic deformation of specific zones at the end of a member without affecting the rest of the structure. The formation of a plastic hinge in an RC column in regions that experience inelastic actions depends on the column details as well as soil-structure interaction (SSI). In this paper, 854 different scenarios have been analyzed by inelastic time-history analyses to predict the nonlinear behavior of RC columns considering soil-structure interaction (SSI). The effects of axial load, height over depth ratio, main period of soil and structure as well as different characteristics of earthquakes, are evaluated analytically by finite element methods and the results are compared with corresponding experimental data. Findings from this study provide a simple expression to estimate plastic hinge length of RC columns including soil-structure interaction.

성능목표를 달성하기 위한 점탄성 감쇠기의 설계 (Design of Viscoelastic Dampers to Meet Performance Objectives)

  • 김진구;최현훈
    • 한국전산구조공학회논문집
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구에서는 비선형 정적해석법인 능력스펙트럼 법을 이용하여 성능목표를 만족하기 위하여 필요한 점탄성 감쇠기를 설계하는 절차를 제시하였다. 점탄성 감쇠기의 적정 크기를 구하기 위해 목표 변위에서 필요한 유효감쇠 비를 구한 다음 구조물의 이력거동에 의한 등가감쇠 비와 고유감쇠 비를 이용하여 필요한 감쇠기의 감쇠를 구하였다. 점탄성 감쇠기를 설치할 경우에는 구조물의 감쇠뿐만 아니라 강성도 변화하기 때문에 반복계산이 필요하게 된다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 단자유도계에서 구조물의 설계변수를 변화시키면서 제안된 방법의 타당성을 검증하였다. 또한 10층의 철골조 건물에 적용하고 지진응답을 구하였다. 제안된 방법에 따라 설계된 감쇠기를 설치하고 수행한 시간이력해석 결과에 의하면 고려된 설계변수에 관계없이 목표변위를 만족하는 것으로 나타났다.

Direct displacement based design of hybrid passive resistive truss girder frames

  • Shaghaghian, Amir Hamzeh;Dehkordi, Morteza Raissi;Eghbali, Mahdi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.691-708
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    • 2018
  • An innovative Hybrid Passive Resistive configuration for Truss Girder Frames (HPR-TGFs) is introduced in the present study. The proposed system is principally consisting of Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVDs) and Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs) as its seismic resistive components. Concurrent utilization of these devices will develop an efficient energy dissipating mechanism which is able to mitigate lateral displacements as well as the base shear, simultaneously. However, under certain circumstances which the presence of FVDs might not be essential, the proposed configuration has the potential to incorporate double BRBs in order to achieve the redundancy of alternative load bearing paths. This study is extending the modern Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) procedure as the design methodology for HPR-TGF systems. Based on a series of nonlinear time history analysis, it is demonstrated that the design outcomes are almost identical to the pre-assumed design criteria. This implies that the ultimate characteristics of HPR-TGFs such as lateral stiffness and inter-story drifts are well-proportioned through the proposed design procedure.

벽면의 유연성을 고려한 액체저장탱크의 동적해석 (Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks Considering Shell Flexibility)

  • 이창근;윤정방
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 1987
  • 직립원통형 액체저장탱크가 지진하중을 받을 때, 벽면 유연성이 벽면에 작용하는 유동압력에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구하였다. 탱크 구조물은 환(ring)형 유한요소를 사용하여 이상화하였으며, 유동에 대한 해는 Laplace 방정식을 이용하여 구하였다. 쉘-유체계의 운동방정식은 자유표면거동과 벽면유연성의 상관효과까지 포함하여 구성하였으며, 이에 따른 쉘 거동과 자유표면거동에 대한 자유진동모우드를 해석하는 방법이 개발되었다. 예제해석으로는, 구조적 특성이 다른 몇개의 저장탱크에 대해, 응답스펙트럼 해석법과 시간영역 해석법을 사용하여 동적응답을 구하였고, 그 결과들을 비교 분석하였다.

  • PDF

편심하중을 가한 고층건물의 아웃리거 댐퍼 시스템 제어성능평가 (Control Performance Evaluation of Outrigger Damper System of Eccentrically Loaded High-Rise Building)

  • 김수진;김수근;강호근;김현수;강주원
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2017
  • The demand for skyscrapers is increasing worldwide. Until now, various lateral resistance structures have been used for lateral displacement control of high-rise buildings. An outrigger damper system has been introduced recently to improve lateral dynamic response control performance further. However, a study of outrigger damper system is yet to be sufficiently investigated. In this study, time history analysis was performed to investigate the control performance of an outrigger damper system of high-rise building under eccentric loading. To do this, an actual scale 3-dimensional tall building model with an outrigger damper system was prepared. The control performance of the outrigger damper system was evaluated by varying stiffness and damping values. On the top floor torsional angle response to the earthquake load, was greatly affected by damping value. And the displacement response was affected greatly by the stiffness value and damping value of damper system. In conclusion, it is necessary to select the proper damping and stiffness values of the outrigger damper system.

Mechanics based force-deformation curve of steel beam to column moment joints

  • Kasar, Arnav A.;Bharti, S.D.;Shrimali, M.K.;Goswami, Rupen
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2017
  • The widespread damage to steel Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) in past major earthquakes have underscored the need to understand the nonlinear inelastic behaviour of such systems. To assess the seismic performance of steel MRF, it is essential to model the nonlinear force-deformation behaviour of beam to column joints. To determine the extent of inelasticity in a beam to column joint, nonlinear finite element analysis is generally carried out, which is computationally involved and demanding. In order to obviate the need of such elaborate analyses, a simplistic method to predict the force-deformation behaviour is required. In this study, a simple, mechanics driven, hand calculation method is proposed to obtain the forcedeformation behaviour of strong axis beam to column moment joints. The force-deformation behaviour for twenty-five interior and exterior beam to column joints, having column to beam strength ratios ranging from 1.2 to 10.99 and 2.4 to 22, respectively, have been obtained. The force-deformation behaviour predicted using the proposed method is compared with the results of finite element analyses. The results show that the proposed method predicts the force-deformation behaviour fairly accurately, with much lesser computational effort. Further the proposed method has been used to conduct Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analyses of two benchmark frames; close correspondence of results obtained with published results establishes the usefulness and computational accuracy of the method.

Summarized IDA curves by the wavelet transform and bees optimization algorithm

  • Shahryari, Homayoon;Karami, M. Reza;Chiniforush, Alireza A.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2019
  • Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), as an accurate method to evaluate the parameters of structural performance levels, requires many non-linear time history analyses, using a set of ground motion records which are scaled to different intensity levels. Therefore, this method is very computationally demanding. In this study, a new method is presented to estimate the summarized (16%, 50%, and 84% fractiles) IDA curves of a first-mode dominated structure using discrete wavelet transform and bees optimization algorithm. This method reduces the number of required ground motion records for the prediction of the summarized IDA curves. At first, a subset of first list ground motion records is decomposed by means of discrete wavelet transform which have a low dispersion estimating the summarized IDA curves of equivalent SDOF system of the main structure. Then, the bees algorithm optimizes a series of factors for each level of detail coefficients in discrete wavelet transform. The applied factors change the frequency content of original ground motion records which the generated ground motions records can be utilized to reliably estimate the summarized IDA curves of the main structure. At the end, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method, the seismic behavior of a typical 3-story special steel moment frame, subjected to a set of twenty ground motion records is compared with this method.

Seismic response of nuclear containment structures due to recorded and simulated near-fault ground motions

  • Kurtulus Soyluk;Hamid Sadegh-Azar;Dersu Yilmaz
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제87권5호
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    • pp.431-450
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    • 2023
  • In this study, it is intended to perform nonlinear time-history analyses of nuclear power plant structures (NPP) under near-fault earthquakes showing directivity pulse and fling-step characteristics. Simulation procedures based on cycloidal pulse and far-fault ground motions are also used to simulate near-fault motions showing forward-directivity and fling-step characteristics and the structural responses are compared with those of the recorded near-fault ground motions. Because it is aimed to determine specifically the pulse type characteristics of near-fault ground motions on NPPs, all the ground motions are normalized to have a PGA of 0.3 g. Depending on the obtained results it can be underlined that although near-fault ground motion has the potential to cause damage mostly on structural systems having larger periods, it may also have noticeable effects on the responses of rigid structures, like NPP containment buildings. On the other hand, simulated near-fault motions can help us to get an insight into the near-fault mechanism as well as an approximate visualization of the structural responses under near-fault earthquakes.