• Title/Summary/Keyword: Seedling characteristics

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Establishment strategy of a rare wetland species Sparganium erectum in Korea

  • Kim, Seo Hyeon;Nam, Jong Min;Kim, Jae Geun
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.202-212
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    • 2017
  • Background: To reveal establishment strategy of Sparganium erectum, we tried to find realized niche of adults through field survey and effects of water level on the establishment process through mesocosm experiments. Results: In the field survey, the height and coverage of community living in deeper water were greater than those of community living in shallow water. There was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in the means of water and soil properties between the two communities. In mesocosm experiments, we found no correlation between water levels and germination rates, but S. erectum seedlings have characteristics of post germination seedling buoyancy when S. erectum seeds germinated in inundation conditions. Shoot height, total leaf length, and survival rates of sinking seedlings in shallow water levels at -5, 0, and 5 cm were higher than those in deeper water levels at 10 and 20 cm. Floating seedlings established in water levels of 3 and 6 cm only. The seedlings could live up to 6 weeks in floating state but died if they were unable to establish. Conclusions: The water level around adult S. erectum communities in the field were different from the water level at which S. erectum seedlings can survive in the mesocosm experiments. The findings provided not only understanding of S. erectum habitat characteristics but also evidence to connect historical links between the early seedlings stage and adult habitat conditions. We suggested the logical establishment strategy of S. erectum based on the data.

Characteristics of Growth and Root Development of Peucedanum japonicum Seedling by Shading Rate and Container Size (차광율 및 육묘용기 크기에 따른 갯기름나물 유묘의 생장 및 뿌리 발달 특성)

  • Song, Ki Seon;Jeon, Kwon Seok;Yoon, Jun Hyuck;Kim, Chang Hwan;Park, Yong Bae;Kim, Jong Jin
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.384-390
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out in order to investigate the early growth and root development characteristics of Peucedanum japonicum container seedlings. The experiment was performed by containers (128 and 200 cavities containers) and shading levels (0%, 35%, 50% and 75% shading). Germination rate of P. japonicum seeds was getting higher in the lower shading level and the highest in the full sunlight (71.9%). Plant height was the highest under 50% shading of all containers. Fresh weight and dry weight of the shoot (leaves + stem) were the highest under 50% shading of all containers, too. Meanwhile, fresh weight and dry weight of the root per plant were the highest under the full sunlight of 128 cavities container such as 0.34 g and 0.03 g, respectively. Total root length, root project area and root surface area were higher under the full sunlight of 128 cavities container such as 234.5 cm, $6.6cm^2$ and $20.8cm^2$, respectively and the next higher was under 35% shading such as 201.7 cm, $5.9cm^2$ and $18.4cm^2$, respectively. A case of root volume was the highest with $0.15cm^3$ under the full sunlight. As a result of the surveying the whole experiment, it is concluded that the shoot and root of P. japonicum seedling grow nicely by maintaining 35% shading.

Effects of Elevated $CO_2$ on Maize Growth

  • Kim, Young-Guk;Cho, Young-Son;Seo, Jong-Ho;Kim, Sok-Dong;Shin, Jin-Chul;Park, Ho-Ki
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2008
  • The effects of $CO_2$ enrichment on growth of maize (Zea mays L.) were examined. Parameters analyzed include growth characteristics, yields, photosynthetic rates, evaporation rates and photosynthesis-related characteristics under elevated $CO_2$. The plants were grown in growth chambers with a 12-h photoperiod and a day/night temperature of $28/21^{\circ}C$ at the seedling stage and $30/23^{\circ}C$ from the silking stage. The plants were exposed to two elevated $CO_2$ of 500, 700ppm and ambient levels (350 ppm). Chalok 1 and GCB 70 germinated three days after seeding, and germination rates were faster in the elevated $CO_2$ than the control. Germination rates displayed significant differences among the $CO_2$ treatments. At the seedling stage, leaf area, top dry weight, and photosynthetic rates, and plant height indicated positive relationship with elevated $CO_2$ concentrations. At the $5{\sim}6$ leaf stage, $CO_2$ concentration also indicated positive relationship with plant height, leaf area, top dry weight, and photosynthetic rates. At the silking stage, increased plant height of Chalok 1 was noted in the $CO_2$ treatments compared to the control. No significant differences were noted for GCB 70, in which leaf area decreased but photosynthetic rates increased progressively with $CO_2$ concentration. Stomatal aperture was a little bigger in the elevated $CO_2$ than the control. $CO_2$ concentration was negatively related to stomatal conductance and transpiration rates, resulting in high water use efficiency.

Characteristics of Seed Structure and Seedling Development in Polygonatum odoratum Druce (둥굴레의 종자(種子) 구조(構造)와 출아(出芽) 특성(特性))

  • Kang, Jin-Ho;Kim, Dong-Il;Ryu, Yeong-Seop;Bae, Kee-Soo;Han, Kyung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.102-107
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    • 1998
  • Solomon's seal (Polygonatum odoratum) seedlings raised through its seeds can replace the rhizomes impelling higher cost for transplanting, This experiment was done to determine the seed characteristics and the germinating processes to give some information on bulk production of seedlings using the seeds. The external or internal morphology of seeds or seedlings grown in lab. or greenhouse was examined mainly with stereomicroscope. The external shape of Solomon's seal seed was hard seed-coat and orthotropous ovule with linear type embryo stretching to the center of seed. Germination proceeded through the several steps. The lower part of seed embryo having the primordia of bulbil and roots first grew before the bulbil and roots was developed from the primordia. The lower part of embryo was enlarged toward the endosperm of seed as soon as seed germinated. Then epicotyl was formed on the apex of bulbil. The epicotyl was elongated after at least 6-week chilling treatment for breaking its dormancy and the first leaf shape was affected by light intensity given during seedling emergence. The bulbil was the first organ of the rhizome used as tea or herb medicine.

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Clonal Selection in Early Potato Breeding Program and Determination of Plant Maturity by Using a Plug Culture System (감자(Solanum tuberosum L.)의 육종 초기세대에서 플러그 육묘법을 이용한 계통선발 및 숙기 구분)

  • Kim, Kwan-Soo;Cho, Hyun-Mook;Park, Young-Eun;Lim, Hak-Tae;Song, Yoong-Narm
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.329-333
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    • 2001
  • The study was performed to investigate the effect of a plug culture method in the early stage of a potato breeding program. The 105, 200 and 288-cell plug trays were used for raising potato seedlings. The % germination in plug trays ranged between 94 and 96%. Percent tuberization measured at 50 and 60, and 70 days after sowing was the greatest in 105-cell and 200-cell trays, respectively. However, tuberization was most delayed in 288-cell trays. Thus, it is considered that 105-cell tray is the most effective for the selection of early maturing plants. Plant maturity was determined by the morphological characteristics at the seedling stage of stolons cultured in plug trays. Most of seedlings with shorter stolons at seedling stage (1st generation) were the early-maturing, while most of seedlings with longer stolons were the late-maturing at the clonal stage (2nd generation). These results mean that the plant maturity in the early potato breeding program can be effectively grouped by observing the morphological characteristics of stolons after plug culture.

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Effects of Artificial Acin Rain on Seed Germination, Growth and Needle of Several Conifers(2) (인공산성우가 몇 침엽수종의 종자발아, 생장 및 침엽에 미치는 영향(2))

  • 김갑태;추갑철
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 1993
  • Artificial acid rain (pH 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0) and ground was treated on the seeded pots of 4 species to examine its effects on germination and survival rate, seedling growth and contact angles on needle surface. Artificial acid rain was prepared by diluting sulfuric acid with ground water and ground water (pH 6.5) was used as control. Artificial acid rain was sprayed to seeded pots two or three times per week for growing season, one times per week for winter seasons. About 5mm of artificial acid rain was treated each time from early April, 1991 to early October, 1993. Germination and survival rate, soil acidity, seedling growth and contact angles on the needle surface were measured and compared among the treatments. The results were summarized as follows ; Artificial acid rain might have positive effects on growth-related characteristics of the seedlings in the first and second year of acid rain treatment, and the effects were differed among four species. All growth-related characteristics of the seedlings in third year, however, decreased with decrease of pH values of artificial acid rain. This was considered to the results of acidic accumulation over soil buffer capacity. Needle injury and biomass (defoliation) was correlated with the pH values of artificial acid rain, and this character might be a good criteria for early diagnosis of acid rain injury. The differences of soil acidity were significant among the treatments for all species. Contact angles between needle surface and water droplet decreased with decrease of pH values of artificial acid rain. Measuring and comparing contact angles might be very good criteria for early diagnosis of acid rain injury.

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Characteristics of Seedling and Rhizome Propagation in Epimedium koreanum NAKAI (삼지구엽초 실생 및 지하경번식 특성)

  • Noh, Joon-Hyun;Kim, Young-Jin;Choi, Kang-Jun;Kim, Se-Won;Kim, Sung-Kyeong;Kim, Jong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to investigate propagation characteristics of seedling and rhizome in Epimedium koreanum NAKAI. Seed germination essentially needed after-ripening duration after harvesting for 250days and more by stratification. At $20^{\circ}C$ seed emergence days and root length were 8 and 0.46cm respectively. The above-ground part of E. koreanum grew until 60days after root cutting and the underground part of it grew after that time. The optimum amount of organic fertilizer was fermented cow-manure with husk 2,000kg/10a that showed $57.5cm^2$ in leaf area per plant, 6.2cm in new rhizome length, and 0.43% in icariin content, an index component of E. koreanum, while inorganic N-fertilizer made E. koreanum worse as it increased. In nutriculture extruded rice hull media was better for growth than perlite media at 1/2 NHRI solution.

Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Ginkgo biloba L. Seedlings and on Chemical Properties of the Tested Soil -I. Seed Germination and Growth (인공산성우(人工酸性雨)가 은행(銀杏)나무(Ginkgo biloba L.) 유묘(幼苗)의 생장(生長), 생리적(生理的) 특성(特性) 및 토양(土壤)의 화학적(化學的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 영향(影響) -I. 종자발아율(種子發芽率)과 생장(生長))

  • Kim, Gab Tae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.2
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 1987
  • Half-sib seeds and one-year-old seedlings of Ginkgo biloba were treated with various simulated acid rains (pH 2.0, pH 3.0, pH 4.0 and pH 5.0) to examine the effects of acid rain on seed germination and seedling growth. The seeds were sown in a pot ($4500cm^3$) containing one of three different soils (nursery soil, mixed soil and sandy soil) and the seedlings were grown in the same pots as the seeds. Simulated acid rain was made by diluting sulfuric and nitric acid solution ($H_2SO_4$: $HNO_3$ = 3:1, V/V) with tap water and tap water (pH6.4), and treated by 5mm each time for three minutes during the growing seasons (April to October 1985 and April to August 1986). Acid rain treatments were done three times per week to potted seeds and seedlings by spraying the solutions. The seed germination, seedling growth and physiological characteristics of potted seedlings were compared among three soil types as well as among the various pH levels. The results obtained in this study were as follows: 1. Seed germination of Ginkgo biloba decreased significantly at pH 2.0 level in the field test, and also at the levels of both pH 2.0 and pH 3.0 in the laboratory test, compared to that at control. 2. For two-year-old seedlings, total, top and root dry weights per seedling were significantly different among the three soil types and among the levels of pH, and shoot growth was different only among the levels of pH. 3. For one-year-old seedlings, height and total and stem-branch dry weights per seedling were significantly different among the levels of pH.

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Effect of N-Application Level According to Seedling Density on Tiller Development, Yield and Quality in Direct-Seeded Rice on Flooded Paddy Surface (벼 담수표면산파 시 입모밀도에 따른 시비 조절이 분얼발생, 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Nam-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Il;Park, Jeong-Hwa;Kim, Je-Kyu
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    • v.51 no.spc1
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2006
  • This research was carried out to determine the effect of controlling nitrogen application on tiller development, yield, and quality of rice under scanty or excess seedling stands in direct-seeded rice on flooded soil surface. Seedling stand was set to 3 levels: scanty $(60/m^2)$, optimum $(120/m^2)$, and excess $(200/m^2)$. In the scanty plot, additional 4 kg/10a nitrogen was applied at the 3rd leaf stage to promote tiller development. On the other hand, applying 3.3 kg/10a nitrogen at 5th leaf stage in the excess plot was omitted to suppress tillering. Maximum numbers of tillers per plant were 15.2 and 8.6 in scanty and excess plots, respectively, as compared with 9.8 in optimum plot. Productive tiller rate decreased with the increase in number of seedling stands. Regardless of seedling density, the first tiller developed on the 3rd node of rice stem from the bottom. The primary tillers developed at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 nodes in scanty plot, 3, 4, 5 nodes in optimum plot, and 3, 4 nodes in excess plot. The secondary tillers developed only in some portion of plants in scanty and optimum plots. The order of tiller emergence was negatively correlated to stem length, panicle length, non-productive tiller number, grain number per panicle, and fertility in scanty plot, and to perfect grain ratio in excess plot. In the optimum plot, however, the order of tiller emergence was not correlated to any of the mentioned characteristics. The perfect grain ratio of scanty plot was the highest because green-kerneled rice was a very small portion in the primary tillers as compared with those of optimum and excess plots. Yield indexes of scanty and excess plots were 99%, and 97%, respectively, of the yield (494 kg/10a) in optimum plot. In conclusion, when seedling stands are not at optimum level, rice yield and quality similar to optimum planting density level can be obtained by means of controlling nitrogen application.

Characteristics of Seedling Quality of Daphniphyllum macropodum 2-year-old Container Seedlings by Shading Level (굴거리나무 2년생 용기묘의 피음수준별 묘목품질 특성)

  • Song, Ki Seon;Choi, Kyu Seong;Sung, Hwan In;Jeon, Kwon Seok;An, Kyoung Jin;Kim, Jong Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.3
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    • pp.390-396
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out in order to closely examine quality index by shading level of 2-year-old (1-1 seedling) container seedling of Daphniphyllum macropodum which is known as the species of having shade tolerance that is evergreen broad leaved tree in the warm temperate region. The shading treatment was regulated with the shading level of full sunlight, and 35%, 55%, 75%, 95% of full sunlight. As a result of surveying growth according to the shading level, both height and root collar diameter were surveyed to be the highest with 45.1 cm and 8.22 mm, respectively, under 75% of shading. The next was surveyed to be 43.2 cm & 8.05 mm and 42.5 cm & 7.98 mm, respectively, in order of 35% and 55% in shading. Leaf, shoot, root, and whole dry mass production were the highest under 75% of shading. The next was higher in leaf, stem, and whole dry mass production under 55% of shading. A root was higher under 35% of shading in the next. H/D ratio was the range of 5.29~5.35 under the 35~75% shading that showed the relatively high height and root collar diameter. T/R ratio was the lowest with 1.17 under 35% of shading. It was 0.41 under 95% of shading as for LWR, 0.24 under 75%-95% of shading as for SWR, and 0.46 under full sun and 35% shading as for RWR. QI was the highest with 3.74 under 75% of shading. As a result of surveying the whole experiment, it is concluded that the production of D. macropodum seedling is more effective under 75% shading