Effects of Elevated $CO_2$ on Maize Growth

  • Published : 2008.03.31


The effects of $CO_2$ enrichment on growth of maize (Zea mays L.) were examined. Parameters analyzed include growth characteristics, yields, photosynthetic rates, evaporation rates and photosynthesis-related characteristics under elevated $CO_2$. The plants were grown in growth chambers with a 12-h photoperiod and a day/night temperature of $28/21^{\circ}C$ at the seedling stage and $30/23^{\circ}C$ from the silking stage. The plants were exposed to two elevated $CO_2$ of 500, 700ppm and ambient levels (350 ppm). Chalok 1 and GCB 70 germinated three days after seeding, and germination rates were faster in the elevated $CO_2$ than the control. Germination rates displayed significant differences among the $CO_2$ treatments. At the seedling stage, leaf area, top dry weight, and photosynthetic rates, and plant height indicated positive relationship with elevated $CO_2$ concentrations. At the $5{\sim}6$ leaf stage, $CO_2$ concentration also indicated positive relationship with plant height, leaf area, top dry weight, and photosynthetic rates. At the silking stage, increased plant height of Chalok 1 was noted in the $CO_2$ treatments compared to the control. No significant differences were noted for GCB 70, in which leaf area decreased but photosynthetic rates increased progressively with $CO_2$ concentration. Stomatal aperture was a little bigger in the elevated $CO_2$ than the control. $CO_2$ concentration was negatively related to stomatal conductance and transpiration rates, resulting in high water use efficiency.



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