• Title/Summary/Keyword: Security Screening

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Application of data fusion modeling for the prediction of auxin response elements in Zea mays for food security purposes

  • Nesrine Sghaier;Rayda Ben Ayed;Ahmed Rebai
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.45.1-45.7
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    • 2022
  • Food security will be affected by climate change worldwide, particularly in the developing world, where the most important food products originate from plants. Plants are often exposed to environmental stresses that may affect their growth, development, yield, and food quality. Auxin is a hormone that plays a critical role in improving plants' tolerance of environmental conditions. Auxin controls the expression of many stress-responsive genes in plants by interacting with specific cis-regulatory elements called auxin-responsive elements (AuxREs). In this work, we performed an in silico prediction of AuxREs in promoters of five auxin-responsive genes in Zea mays. We applied a data fusion approach based on the combined use of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory and fuzzy sets. Auxin has a direct impact on cell membrane proteins. The short-term auxin response may be represented by the regulation of transmembrane gene expression. The detection of an AuxRE in the promoter of prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) in Z. mays and the 3-fold overexpression of this gene under auxin treatment for 30 min indicated the role of POP in maize auxin response. POP is regulated by auxin to perform stress adaptation. In addition, the detection of two AuxRE TGTCTC motifs in the upstream sequence of the bx1 gene suggests that bx1 can be regulated by auxin. Auxin may also be involved in the regulation of dehydration-responsive element-binding and some members of the protein kinase superfamily.

"Liability of Air Carriers for Injuries Resulting from International Aviation Terrorism" (국제항공(國際航空)테러리즘으로 인한 여객손해(旅客損害)에 대한 운송인(運送人)의 책임(責任))

  • Choi, Wan-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.1
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    • pp.47-85
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    • 1989
  • The Fundamental purpose of the Warsaw Convention was to establish uniform rules applicable to international air transportation. The emphasis on the benefits of uniformity was considered important in the beginning and continues to be important to the present. If the desire for uniformity is indeed the mortar which holds the Warsaw system together then it should be possible to agree on a worldwide liability limit. This liability limit would not be so unreasonable, that it would be impossible for nations to adhere to it. It would preclude any national supplemental compensation plan or Montreal Agreement type of requirement in any jurisdiction. The differentiation of liability limits by national requirement seems to be what is occurring. There is a plethora of mandated limits and Montreal Agreement type 'voluntary' limits. It is becoming difficult to find more than a few major States where an unmodified Warsaw Convention or Hague Protocol limitation is still in effect. If this is the real world in the 1980's, then let the treaty so reflect it. Upon reviewing the Warsaw Convention, its history and the several attempts to amend it, strengths become apparent. Hijackings of international flights have given rise to a number of lawsuits by passengers to recover damages for injuries suffered. This comment is concerned with the liability of an airline for injuries to its passengers resulting from aviation terrorism. In addition, analysis is focused on current airline security measures, particularly the pre-boarding screening system, and the duty of air carriers to prevent weapons from penetrating that system. An airline has a duty to exercise a high degree of care to protect its passengers from the threat of aviation terrorism. This duty would seemingly require the airline to exercise a high degree of care to prevent any passenger from smuggling a weapon or explosive device aboard its aircraft. In the case an unarmed hijacker who boards having no instrument in his possession with which to promote the hoax, a plaintiff-passenger would be hard-pressed to show that the airline was negligent in screening the hijacker prior to boarding. In light of the airline's duty to exercise a high degree of care to provide for the safety of all the passengers on board, an acquiescene to a hijacker's demands on the part of the air carrier could constitute a breach of duty only when it is clearly shown that the carrier's employees knew or plainly should have known that the hijacker was unarmed. A finding of willful misconduct on the part of an air carrier, which is a prerequisite to imposing unlimited liability, remains a question to be determined by a jury using the definition or standard of willful misconduct prevailing in the jurisdiction of the forum court. Through the willful misconduct provision of the Warsaw Convention, air carrier face the possibility of unlimited liability for failure to implement proper preventive precautions against terrorist. Courts, therefore, should broadly construe the willful misconduct provision of the Warsaw Convention in order to find unlimited liability for passenger injuries whenever air carrier security precautions are lacking. In this way, the courts can help ensure air carrier safety and prevention against terrorist attack. Air carriers, therefore, would have an incentive to increase, impose and maintain security precautions designed to thwart such potential terrorist attacks as in the case of Korean Air Lines Flight No.858 incident having a tremendous impact on the civil aviation community. The crash of a commercial airliner, with the attending tragic loss of life and massive destruction of property, always gives rise to shock and indignation. The general opinion is that the legal system could be sufficient, provided that the political will is there to use and apply it effectively. All agreed that the main responsibility for security has to be borne by the governments. I would like to remind all passengers that every discovery of the human spirit may be used for opposite ends; thus, aircraft can be used for air travel but also as targets of terrorism. A state that supports aviation terrorism is responsible for violation of International Aviation Law. Generally speaking, terrorism is a violation of international law. It violates the soverign rights of the states, and the human rights of the individuals. I think that aviation terrorism as becoming an ever more serious issue, has to be solved by internationally agreed and closely co-ordinated measures. We have to contribute more to the creation of a general consensus amongst all states about the need to combat the threat of aviation terrorism.

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Some New Problems of International Aviation Security- Considerations Forcused on its Legal Aspects (최근국제항공보안대책(最近國際航空保安対策)의 제간제(諸間題) -특히 법적측면(法的測面)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Choi, Wan-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.5
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 1993
  • This article is concerned with the comment on "Some New Problems of International Aviation Security-Considerations Forcused on its Legal Aspects". Ever since 1970, in addition to the problem of failure to accept the Tokyo, Hague and Montreal Conventions, there has been also the problem of parties to them, failing to comply with their obligations under the respective treaties, in the form especially of nominal penalties or the lack of any effort to prosecute after blank refusals to extradite. There have also been cases of prolonged detention of aircraft, passengers and hostages. In this regard, all three conventions contain identical clauses which submit disputes between two or more contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of the respective conventions to arbitration or failing agreement on the organization of the arbitration, to the International Court of Justice. To the extent to which contracting States have not contracted out of this undertaking, as I fear they are expressly allowed to do, this promision can be used by contracting States to ensure compliance. But to date, this avenue does not appear to have been used. From this point of view, it may be worth mentioning that there appears to be an alarming trend towards the view that the defeat of terrorism is such an overriding imperative that all means of doing so become, in international law, automatically lawful. In addition, in as far as aviation security is concerned, as in fact it has long been suggested, what is required is the "application of the strictest security measures by all concerned."In this regard, mention should be made of Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention on Security-Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Intereference. ICAO has, moreover, compiled, for restricted distribution, a Security Manual for Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference, which is highly useful. In this regard, it may well be argued that, unless States members of ICAO notify the ICAO Council of their inability to comply with opecific standards in Annex 17 or any of the related Annexes in accordance with Article 38 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, their failure to do so can involve State responsibility and, if damage were to insure, their liability. The same applies to breaches of any other treaty obligation. I hope to demonstrate that although modes of international violence may change, their underlying characteristics remain broadly similar, necessitating not simply the adoption of an adequate body of domestic legislation, firm in its content and fairly administered, but also an international network of communication, of cooperation and of coordination of policies. Afurther legal instrument is now being developed by the Legal Committee of ICAO with respect to unlawful acts at International airports. These instruments, however, are not very effective, because of the absence of universal acceptance and the deficiency I have already pointed out. Therefore, States, airports and international airlines have to concentrate on prevention. If the development of policies is important at the international level, it is equally important in the domestic setting. For example, the recent experiences of France have prompted many changes in the State's legislation and in its policies towards terrorism, with higher penalties for terrorist offences and incentives which encourage accused terrorists to pass informations to the authorities. And our government has to tighten furthermore security measures. Particularly, in the case an unarmed hijacker who boards having no instrument in his possession with which to promote the hoax, a plaintiff-passenger would be hard-pressed to show that the airline was negligent in screening the hijacker prior to boarding. In light of the airline's duty to exercise a high degree of care to provide for the safety of all the passengers on board, an acquiescence to a hijacker's demands on the part of the air carrier could constitute a breach of duty only when it is clearly shown that the carrier's employees knew or plainly should have known that the hijacker was unarmed. The general opinion is that the legal oystem could be sufficient, provided that the political will is there to use and apply it effectively. All agreed that the main responsibility for security has to be borne by the governments. A state that supports aviation terrorism is responsible for violation of International Aviation Law. Generally speaking, terrorism is a violation of international law. It violates the sovereign rights of states, and the human rights of the individuals. We have to contribute more to the creation of a general consensus amongst all states about the need to combat the threat of aviation terrorism. I think that aviation terrorism as becoming an ever more serious issue, has to be solved by internationally agreed and closely co - ordinated measures.

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A Study on Developing Quality Control of Security Screening for Deterrence from Acts of Unlawful Interference - Focused on the Factors of Incheon International Airport (불법방해행위의 억지를 위한 보안검색 수준향상 방안 연구 - 인천국제공항 요인 분석)

  • Im, Sang-Hun;No, Yeong-Dong
    • 한국항공운항학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 2016
  • 현대의 항공테러는 단순한 항공기 납치뿐만 아니라 항공기의 공중 폭파, 항공기에 대한 미사일 공격, 공항과 승객에 대한 공격, 그리고 항공 외부 시설에 대한 공격 등 실로 다양한 형태로 자행되고 있다. 항공 교통에서의 불법 방해행위를 사전에 방지하기 위해서는 출발지의 보안 검색이 무엇보다도 중요하며, 이를 위해서 사전 예방적 선제적 항공보안관리 체계 전환, 출입부터 탑승까지 전 과정을 프로세스화한 점검활동 강화, 국제권고기준 항공보안장비 보유와 첨단화 등 미래 변화에 대한 능동적 대처뿐만 아니라 정확한 보안검색과 고객편의의 융합을 통해 세계 최고 공항으로 지향하며, 행동탐지기법의 도입을 통해 일상적이고 포괄적인 보안검색 운영의 약점을 보완하여 항공보안 강화의 토대를 마련해야 하고, 불법 방해행위의 억지를 위해 2015년부터 새롭게 실시하는 국제민간항공기구 상시 모니터링 제도의 항공보안 평가(USAP-CMA) 방식을 적극 검토하여 국정원 공항공사 항공사 등 관련기관 정보 공유, 지속적인 모니터링 및 국내 국제민간항공기구(ICAO) 인증 항공 보안평가관 등과 철저히 대비한 세부 대응 계획을 수립하고 항공보안 전문가 육성을 강구하여야 한다.

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Assessment of Thermal Hazard on Esterification Process in Manufacture of Concrete Mixture Agents by Multimax Reactor System (Multimax Reactor System을 이용한 시멘트 혼화제 제조시 에스테르화공정의 열적 위험성 평가)

  • Han, In-Soo;Lee, Keun-Won;Pyo, Don-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2009
  • The risk assessment of thermal hazard to identify chemical or process hazard during early process developments have been considered. The early identification of thermal hazards associated with a process, such as rapid heats of reaction, exothermic decompositions, and the potential for thermal runaways before any large scale operations are undertaken. This paper presents to evaluate the safe operating parameters/envelope for exist plant operations. The assessment of thermal hazard with operating conditions such as amount of process materials, inhibitor, and catalyst on esterification process in manufacture of concrete mixture agents are described. The experiments were performed by a sort of calorimetry with the Multimax reactor system as a screening tool. The aim of the study was to evaluate the thermal risk of process material and mixture in terms of safety security to be practical applications in esterification process. It suggested that we should provide the thermal hazard of reaction materials to present safe operating conditions with cause of accident through this study.

A study on the ATC(Available Transfer Capabilily) calculation using an Energy Function Method (에너지함수법을 이용한 가용송전용량(ATC) 계산에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyeon;Jeong, Sung-Won;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2008
  • Available transfer capability(ATC) quantifies the viable increase in real power transfer from one point to another in a power system. ATC calculation has predominantly focussed on steady-state viability. But ATC assessment with transient stability constraints has a dominant part in overall ATC calculation. ATC assessment requires a reputation of (n-1) security assessment with constraints of thermal limits, voltage stability and dynamic stability. An estimation of determinant contingency screening method is used for computing eigenvalue of Jacobian matrix. This paper proposed a methods to ATC calculation using energy function. Constraints is used thermal limits, voltage stability and transient stability.

A Comparative Study of Satisfaction of Chinese and Japanese Transit Passengers at Incheon International Airport (인천국제공항에서 환승하는 중국인.일본인의 환승만족도에 대한 차이분석)

  • Yoon, Han-Young;Park, Sung-Sik;Bang, Jang-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2011
  • This paper tried to find out what the main factors are to impact on satisfaction level of transit passengers at Incheon airport. Incheon airport has made lots of transit facilities and services to attract transit passengers from neighboring airports to increase transit rate as high as advanced foreign airports such as Heathrow, Schiphol and Hong Kong. A survey was performed on 450 transit passengers resting at airport transit lounge in airside area. According to the result, it was found out to be significant factors affecting satisfaction of transit that convenience of security screening, price of duty-free product, a direction board & signage and terminal orientation among Chinese transit passengers. On the other hands, it seemed that Japanese transit passengers thought diversity of airline routes, convenient transfer flight schedule, total transit time and terminal orientation are major variables affecting their satisfaction. Considering the effect of demographic factors, Chinese passenger's satisfaction was more affected by age, travel purpose, the number of travel per year and flight destinations. However, Japanese transit passenger's satisfaction was only affected by the flight destinations, especially willing to travel to North America and Europe.

A Study on Setting Direction of Managing the Building Facade on Street - With the Road on Border of Asian Culture Center in Gwangju - (가로변 건축물 파사드의 관리 방향 설정에 관한 연구 - 광주광역시 문화전당 경계부 가로를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sung-Jin;Kim, In-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2011
  • This study is to examine architectural designers' views on the correlations between components and contextual principle of the roadside building facade with the roadside building facade on the border of Asian Culture Center in Gwangju which is expected to undergo a great change by public policies. For setting direction of the roadside building management at the region examined, height of facade, advertisement/signboard, security of continuity through surface pattern management, nodes building, array of height by story, awning/arcade and locality of advertisement/signboard should be induced to design with locality and consideration of local characteristics with silhouette, window and external colors is needed for discrimination from other cities. Regarding the realization method important thing was found that the planning and implementation of architectural design guidelines, architectural aesthetics of the pre-hearing enhancement, active citizen participation, and then additional landscape screening system, incentive schemes, landscape designation of landscape zone was found to be a major realization system.

Development of Enhanced Contingency Screening and Selection Algorithm for On-line Transient Security Assessment (과도안전도 평가를 위한 개선된 상정고장 선택 및 여과 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim Yong-Hak;Song Sung-Geun;Nam Hae-Kon
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.306-314
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a new approach that is based on EEAC & only with network solutions for CS&S in the transient stability assessment is developed. The proposed CS&S algorithm in conjunction with EEAC to include the capability of performing on-line TSA without TDS is used to calculate the critical clearing time for stability index. In this algorithm, all generators are represented by classical models and all loads are represented by constant impedance load models. The accelerating & synchronizing power coefficient as an index is determined at its disturbance through solving network equation directly. As mentioned above, a new index for generator is generally used to determine the critical generators group. The generator rotor angle is fixed for non-critical generators group, but has equal angle increments for critical generators group. Finally, the critical clearing time is calculated from the power-angle relationship of equivalent OMIB system. The proposed CS&S algorithm currently being implemented is applied to the KEPCO system. The CS&S result was remarkably similar to TSAT program and SIME. Therefore, it was found to be suitable for a fast & highly efficient CS&S algorithm in TSA. The time of CS&S for the 139 contingencies using proposed CS&S algorithm takes less than 3 seconds on Pentium 4, 3GHz Desktop.

Digital X-Ray Technology and Applications (디지털 엑스선 기술과 응용)

  • Jeong, J.W.;Kang, J.T.;Kim, J.W.;Park, S.;Lee, M.L.;Song, Y.H.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • In modern times, X-ray imaging has become a necessary tool for early diagnosis, quality control, nondestructive testing, and security screening. X-ray imaging equipment generally comprises an X-ray generator and an image sensor. Most commercially available X-ray generators employ filament-thermionic electron-based X-ray tubes, thus demonstrating typical analog behavior, such as slow response and large stray X-rays. Furthermore, digital X-ray sources, which have been studied extensively using field electron emitters manufactured from nanometer-scale materials, provide fast and accurately controlled ultra-shot X-rays. This could usher in a new era of X-ray imaging in medical diagnosis and nondestructive inspections. Specifically, digital X-ray sources, with reduced X-ray dose, can significantly improve the temporal and spatial resolution of fluoroscopy and computed tomography. Recently, digital X-ray tube technologies based on carbon nanotubes, developed by Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, have been transferred to several companies and commercialized for dental imaging for the first time.