• Title/Summary/Keyword: School resilience

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Relevant Variables of Children's School Adjustment (아동의 학교생활적응 관련 변인 연구)

  • Jung, Mi Young;Moon, Hyuk Jun
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2007
  • Variables studied in relation to children's school adjustment were child's sex, grade, and ego-resilience maternal employment, parents' age, parents' academic background, mother's emotional expressiveness, and monthly household income and perception of social support. Subjects were 548 4th, 5th and 6th grade students and their mothers. Results showed that children's school adjustment varied by child's grade in school and ego-resilience, parents' age, father's academic background, mother's emotional expressiveness and monthly household income. Children with higher ego-resilience, whose mothers showed more positive emotional expressiveness and who perceived more social support from peers, family, and teachers showed higher adjustment to school life. Among these, support of peers was the most significant variable.

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Social Supports and Ego-Resilience of Children (사회적 지지와 아동의 자아탄력성)

  • Kang, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2006
  • This study examined the relationship between social supports and the ego-resilience of school-aged children. The Social Supports Scale is composed of three factors: social supports from family, friend, and teacher. The subjects were 438 school-aged children. The main results were as follows. First, the level of social supports was generally high, with the highest level being from family. Second, the level of ego-resilience was also generally high. Finally, all social supports from family, friend, and teacher had positive influences on ego-resilience. The most influential factor was social supports from friend. The implications of these results were discussed.

Effect of Elementary School Students' Emotional Intelligence according to the Participation of After-School Music Activities on School Adaptation: Mediating Effects of Self-Resilience, Positive Human Relationships, and Depression (방과 후 음악활동 참여 여부에 따른 초등학생의 정서지능이 학교적응에 미치는 영향: 자아탄력성, 긍정적 대인관계, 우울의 매개효과)

  • Song, Min-gyo;Choi, Jin-oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.354-368
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to verify whether there were significant differences in the levels and relationships of emotional intelligence, school adaptation, self-resilience, positive human relationships, and depression between elementary school students who participated in after-school music activities and those who did not. The participants of this study were 379 fourth, fifth, and sixth grade elementary school students in the Capital Area and Gyeongnam Province participated in after-school music activities and 368 students who did not, totaling 747 students. For research analysis, t-test and multi-group analysis were performed, and the analyzed results are as follows. First, the level of emotional intelligence, self-resilience, positive human relationships, and school adaptation were higher in the participating group and the level of depression was lower than the group that did not participate. Second, as a result of multiple group analysis, the participating group had stronger influences on the paths of [emotional intelligence→self-resilience], [emotional intelligence→positive human relationship], [emotional intelligence→depression], [emotional intelligence→school adaptation], and [self-resilience→school adaptation] than those of non-participating group. Third, the participating group showed mediating effects from self-resilience, positive human relationships, and depression in the relationship between emotional intelligence and school adaptation. On the other hand, the non-participating group manifested significant mediating effects only from self-resilience and depression variables in the relationship between emotional intelligence and school adaptation.

Mediating Effect of Ego Resilience on the Relation between Parental Neglect and Abuse and School Life Adjustment in Adolescents (부모의 방임 및 학대와 청소년의 학교생활적응 간의 관계에서 자아탄력성의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Ha
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.413-423
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    • 2017
  • This study was examined to confirm the mediating effect of ego resilience on the relation between parental neglect and abuse and school life adjustment in adolescents. For this research, this study used the 4th-year data from the Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey(KCYPS)' 4th grader in elementary school and analyzed 2,092 1st grade of middle school students. Data was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, Pearson coefficient correlation and hierarchical analysis. To examine the mediating effect, the study used sobel test. The findings ]were as follows. First, parental neglect and abuse negatively effected adolescents' school life adjustment. Second, adolescents' ego resilience has a partial mediating effect on the relation between parental neglect and adolescents' school life adjustment. Third, adolescents' ego resilience has a partial mediating effect on the relation between parental abuse and adolescents' school life adjustment. These results suggest that home, school, and local community need to make an effort to improve ego resilience of adolescents, who are suffering from parental neglect and abuse, for school life adjustment.

The effect of sociality on school adjustment among middle school students from formally broken families, focusing on the mediating role of ego-resilience (한부모가정 중학생의 사회성이 학교적응에 미치는 영향 -자아탄력성의 매개 효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4421-4428
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    • 2013
  • This study was designed to find out what influences sociality on school adjustment among middle school students from formally broken families, and whether ego-resilience may have a mediating effect on the relationship between sociality and school adjustment. The participants were 147 middle school students from formally broken families in D city. Data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 18.0. version. As a result, both sociality(r=.716) and ego-resilience(r=.706) had significant influence on school adjustment. And also their ego-resilience played a mediating role between sociality and school adjustment. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and apply programs for improving the students' sociality and ego-resilience that can influence school adjustment.

The Effects of Parent-Adolescent Intimacy and Parent-Adolescent Communication on Male and Female Middle School Students' Resilience (부모와의 친밀감과 의사소통이 남녀 중학생의 회복탄력성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jong Hwa;Mun, Young Hee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to identify the effect parent-adolescent intimacy and parent-adolescent communication on the resilience in male and female middle school students. Data were collected by 276 middle school students using a self-questionnaire. With SPSS 21.0, frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Communication with father and intimacy with father were identified as factors influencing the resilience of male middle school students, and communication with father and intimacy with mother were identified as factors influencing the resilience of female middle school students. Communication with fathers has been identified as a factor influencing the resilience of middle school boys and girls, so it is necessary to develop and apply educational programs for positive communication between middle school students and fathers. It is necessary to develop and apply an intervention program to improve intimacy between male middle school students and fathers and intimacy between female middle school students and mothers.

Effects of Maternal Employment, Child's Internet Immersion, Resilience and Parent-Child Relationships on Their School Life Adjustment (어머니의 취업여부, 아동의 인터넷 몰입정도, 탄력성, 부모-자녀관계가 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, You Jung;Moon, Hyuk Jun
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2013
  • This study examined the effect of maternal employment, child's internet immersion, resilience and parent-child relationships on their school life adjustment. The participants in this study consisted of 306 5th and 6th grad students from two elementary schools located in Seoul and Gyeong-gi. Data analysis was conducted by t-tests, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study were as follows. First, school life adjustment was higher in non-employed mother than amongst employed mother. Second, the relationship between the factors showed that a lower internet immersion, the higher resilience, the parent-child's intimacy-support and allowance-provision was associated with a higher a school life adjustment. Third, the strongest predictors of child's school life adjustment were the intimacy-support of parent-child relationships and spontaneity of resilience.

The study on the school resilience of grandparent-grandchildren family adolescent through mediation effect of protective factor (보호요인의 매개효과를 통한 조손가족 청소년의 학교 적응유연성에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yoo-Mee;Lee, Yun-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.41-68
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    • 2009
  • Grandparent-grandchildren family adolescents(GGFAs) need to be well discussed because they tend to be more influenced by the negative surroundings than ordinary family adolescents. Over the past few years, several studies have been made on the correlation between the risk factor, the protective factor and the school resilience of GGFAs, but these studies have the limit to explain the only correlation between the one factor and the school resilience. So the purpose of this study was to examine not only the direct effect between the risk factor and the protective factor, but also the parametric path and effect that the one factor has influence on the correlation between the another factor and the school resilience of GGFAs. We investigated the 328 GGFAs in Korea, and the analytic method used was the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). The followings are the results of this paper. It was found that the model adaptability had a considerable validity by inspecting the SEM, which showed not only the direct effect between the risk factor, protective factor and the school resilience of GGFAs, but also the mediation effect by the protective factor. The risk factors - the indifference of teacher, the negative attachment relationship, melancholy, uneasiness etc - had a negative influence on the school resilience of GGFAs. The protective factors - the supporss etteacher, self-esteem etc - had a positive influence on the school resilience of GGFAs. The protective factors were found to reduce the negative influence on the school resilience of GGFAs.

The Influence of Parenting Attitudes on Adolescents' School Adjustment : Mediating Effects of Ego Resilience and Care (부모양육태도가 청소년의 학교적응에 미치는 영향 : 자아탄력성과 배려심의 매개효과)

  • Noh, Miwha;Heo, MiJeong;Choi, Youn Shil
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the study is to explore how parenting attitudes, ego resilience, and care affects adolescents' adjustment to school so as to provide a necessary basic guideline needed to seek various intervention methods. To achieve this end, the study referred to the 2014 Annual Report of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. By using both SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19.0, the study yielded the following results. First, the study showed that parenting attitudes, ego resilience, care, and school adjustment all have a positive correlation. Second, by conducting path analysis in order to verify the mediating effect of ego resilience and care with regards to the relationship between parenting attitudes and school adjustment, the direct influence that parenting attitudes had on school adaptation was shown to be relevant. Third, adolescents' ego resilience and care have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between parenting attitudes and school adaptation. Therefore, together with intervention in actual school settings, assessing various factors that would aid the recovery of adolescents' characters and pursuing a positive reinforcement of character by finding protective factors would enable this study to be used as a basic guideline that would prevent adolescents' maladjustment to school and social deviance as well as aid the growth of their characters.

A study on longitudinal interaction of resilience of adolescents in poverty: psychological resilience, social resilience, school resilience (빈곤 청소년의 적응유연성 영역간 종단적 상호관계 : 심리, 사회, 학교 영역을 중심으로)

  • Jwa, Hyun-suk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.247-278
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    • 2010
  • There are three main purposes of this study: (a) to investigate the developmental trajectories of psychological resilience, social resilience, and school resilience of adolescents in poverty, (b) to identify the longitudinal relationship of three resiliences and (c) to examine the protective factors that help adolescents to develop successfully in the face of poverty. Data were drawn from Korea Youth Panel Survey(KYPS), a longitudinal panel study on Middle school students in the second grade. Sample consists of 648 adolescents in poverty who particiipated in the KYPS. Latent Growth Curve Model(LGM) was used to analyze intraindividual changes in resiliences and interindividual differences in these changes. And AMOS 7.0 and SPSS 15.0 were used. In this study, it is concluded that the resilience of adolescents in poverty is the construct that has uni-dimensionality and multi-dimensionality at the same time. Therefore, in order to improve resilience of adolescents in poverty, protective factors associated with each resilience have to be increased. Those findings have provided various theoretical and practical implications for social workers and professionals helping adolescents in poverty.