• Title/Summary/Keyword: Scale Factor Method

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Mixed Methods Research on the Characteristics and Factors of Faith in Early Childhood (유아기 신앙 특성 및 요인에 관한 혼합연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.175-206
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a mixed research method that collects and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data together was used to broaden the understanding of young children's faith. First of all, the contents of interviews with 18 research participants were divided into categories, and the frequency of each category was calculated. From 75 statements made in the interview, the importance of each was evaluated with a 5-point Likert scale. The means and standard deviations of the evaluation score were calculated, and sub-factors were identified through exploratory factor analysis. The frequency of categories mentioned in the qualitative interview was in the following order: faith manifested in difficulties, religious activities, Christian education at home, Christian education in the church, love and faith in God, and the formation of a Christian worldview (identity). The statement on the perception of God, theological concepts, religious activities, and Christian education at home and in the church received high scores. On the other hand, statements on developmentally difficult or abstract content, value judgment or conflict resolution based on the Word, and evangelism showed low scores. The sub-factors extracted through factor analysis were faith education through home and church, awareness of God and religious activities, identity based on the gospel, character based on the gospel, and overcoming a crisis through faith. In conclusion, the results of each of the mixed methods of looking at young children's faith were very similar-relationships with God, religious activities, Christian worldview (identity), Christian education at home and church were highlighted, even though various methods were used. This study is meaningful in that it suggests what and how to teach in early childhood Christian education.

A Pattern Analysis on the Possibility of Near Miss Connection in Construction Sites (건설현장의 아차사고 연결가능성에 대한 패턴분석)

  • Sang Hyun Kim;Yeon Cheol Shin;Yu Mi Moon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.216-230
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose is to prevent accidents by predicting disasters through the analysis of near-miss. Method: In this study, a near-miss literature review and data were collected at construction sites, and a questionnaire survey was conducted to use logistic regression analysis and decision tree analysis to classify the possibility of near-miss connection. Result: As a result of analyzing the effects of near-miss types on mental, physical, and safety habits and behaviors, the factor with a high influence on the body is the need for near-miss management, the type of job is electricity·information communication, and health status in order, and the mental factor is the construction scale The influence was high, and the factors with the highest influence on the habit behavior factors were analyzed in the order of experience, number of serious injuries, and occupation in order of illusion, inappropriate work instructions, and body parts. Through decision tree analysis, factors and patterns that affect the possibility of a near-miss being a surprise accident were identified. Conclusion: Construction site officials consider the observation of near-miss and mentally and physically. Specific management of the relevance of physical aspects to near-miss should be implemented, and a work environment in which serious accidents are reduced is expected through personnel allocation, work plans, work procedures and methods, and feedback so that inappropriate work instructions do not lead to near-miss.

A Study on the Consumer's Service Quality Perception Based on the Types of Life-style (소비자의 라이프스타일에 따른 서비스품질 지각 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yoon-Seo;Lee, Seung-In;Choi, In
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2009
  • For the last decades, service quality has been studied as one of the most important tools for a service company to compete with the other companies. Based on these past researches, it has been agreed that the service quality is a basic and powerful tool to create the competitive advantage. Due to similar reason, many service marketing practitioners have been also focused on the service quality to retain the existing consumers and collect the new consumers. However, service quality is subjectively perceived by individual consumers. Consumer evaluation of service quality can be different from each other. Especially consumers with one life-style may evaluate the service quality differently from the consumers with the other life-styles. Therefore we need to know whether there are differences in service quality perception on the categories of life-style. Life-style refers to a distinctive mode of living in its aggregate and broadest sense. It embodies the patterns that were developed and emerged from the dynamics of living in a society. Since the concept of life-style and its relationship to marketing was introduced in 1963 by William Lazer, methods of measuring the life-style and their application have been developed. Life-style has been usually used to segment the marketplace because it offers marketers a unique and important view of the market. When Life-style is combined with clustering methods, life-style segmentation can generate identifiable whole persons rather than isolated fragment. Life-style segmentation begins with people instead of products and classifies them into different life-style types, each characterized by a unique style of living based on a wide range of activities, interests, and opinions(Plummer, 1974). In this study we applies the life-style segmentation based on the AIO(Activities, Interests, and Opinions) to the consumers of the large discount stores. In Korea, the large discount store market has entered into maturity stage so that the market differentiation strategy is becoming a more critical issue to the marketing practitioners. One of the most important tools to differentiate from the competitors in large discount store market is continuously to provide service of better quality than competitors. This study tries to find answers about the following questions: 1) How can we categorize the consumer life-styles in the large discount store? 2) What are the characteristics of the categorized groups? 3) Are there any differences in service quality perception among the consumers with different life-styles 4) Are there any differences in consumer behavior among them in the large discount store? For the purpose, we collected survey data from consumers and analyzed the data with the SPSS package where we had $X^2$-test, factor analysis, ANOVA, MANOVA, and cluster analysis. The survey was made during one month in the April of 2008. Among the collected 306 copies of questionnaires, 281 copies were chosen as the effective samples for empirical analysis except 25 copies with wrong responses. To identify the life-style patterns, we used the measures employed by Kim and Kwon(1999), where 44 items on a seven-point scale were used to measure factors of the life-style patterns. The Principal Component Method was used for factor extraction, and the VARIMAX orthogonal factor rotation was employed. The 7 items showing low factor loading were eliminated. The results of the factor analysis suggested that nine factors of the life-style patterns were identified as follows: 1) the equality-of-sexes and pursuit-of-independence tendency 2) self-management tendency 3) sociable tendency 4) self-display tendency 5) degree of a dilettante life 6) pursuit-of-information tendency 7) bargain hunter tendency 8) TV preference tendency 9) pursuit-of-leisure tendency. Next, after the K-means cluster analysis was performed with nine factors of the life-style patterns, the life-styles of the respondents were classified into four groups which are named as the 'progressive practicality-oriented group', 'positive success-oriented group', 'sociable ostentation-oriented group', 'stable conservation-oriented group'. The analysis results for usage behavior between the market segments showed statistically significant differences in the frequency of usage, duration time in the store, consumer satisfaction, and loyalty. Also, we tried to investigate whether the large discount store consumers differently perceive the quality of service based upon the types of life-style. To measure the service quality of large discount store, we adapted several measurement models measuring the service quality such as SERVPERF, BCP, R-SERVPERF, R-BCP. MANOVA and One-Way ANOVA were performed to confirm the difference in service quality perception based on the market segments. The results have also shown significant differences between life-style types in service quality perception. These findings show that the large discount store marketers should consider consumer life-style as one of the most important market segments for marketing and understand the difference in service quality perception between life-style types. Our findings give important implications to marketers of large discount stores as well as life-style researchers. First, this study showed there were significant differences in consumer's service quality perception and usage behavior between the types of life-style. It provides evidence that the life-style approach can be a important basis in segmenting the large discount store market and will make consumers perceive the service quality high. Second, most previous researches on service quality have been in aggregate level. However, our results imply that the future research on service quality have to focus on segment level.

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Purification of Pig Muscle Stem Cells Using Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting (MACS) Based on the Expression of Cluster of Differentiation 29 (CD29)

  • Choi, Kwang-Hwan;Kim, Minsu;Yoon, Ji Won;Jeong, Jinsol;Ryu, Minkyung;Jo, Cheorun;Lee, Chang-Kyu
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.852-859
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    • 2020
  • The muscle stem cells of domestic animals are of interest to researchers in the food and biotechnology industries for the production of cultured meat. For producing cultured meat, it is crucial for muscle stem cells to be efficiently isolated and stably maintained in vitro on a large scale. In the present study, we aimed to optimize the method for the enrichment of pig muscle stem cells using a magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) system. Pig muscle stem cells were collected from the biceps femoris muscles of 14 d-old pigs of three breeds [Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc (LYD), Berkshire, and Korean native pigs] and cultured in skeletal muscle growth medium-2 (SkGM-2) supplemented with epidermal growth factor (EGF), dexamethasone, and a p38 inhibitor (SB203580). Approximately 30% of total cultured cells were nonmyogenic cells in the absence of purification in our system, as determined by immunostaining for cluster of differentiation 56 (CD56) and CD29, which are known markers of muscle stem cells. Interestingly, following MACS isolation using the CD29 antibody, the proportion of CD56+/CD29+ muscle stem cells was significantly increased (91.5±2.40%), and the proportion of CD56 single-positive nonmyogenic cells was dramatically decreased. Furthermore, we verified that this method worked well for purifying muscle stem cells in the three pig breeds. Accordingly, we found that CD29 is a valuable candidate among the various marker genes for the isolation of pig muscle stem cells and developed a simple sorting method based on a single antibody to this protein.

A Study on the Strategy for Creating Demand of Modular Construction through Case Analysis by Building Type (건물 유형별 사례분석을 통한 모듈러 공법 수요창출 방안 수립)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Kyung-Rai;Cha, Hee-Sung;Shin, Dong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 2013
  • It has been seriously difficult to create demand of modular construction because Korean modular method has been considered as container house or lightweight steel house. Actually, barrier factor of modular construction for activation was difficult to produce modular continuously in factories based on stable amount of demands. So, this research found successive factors of modular construction and proposed the method of demand creation through a plethora of case analysis by building types. In addition, this research found the scale of modular potential market. Owners will be able to use this strategy that is proposed in this research when they make a decision about construction system. Also, the modular construction can make potential market in Korea. As a result, modular system producer can make their business strategies and make continuous demand by conjugating the method of creating demand for modular construction which is proposed in this research.

Hull Form Development of an AFRAMAX Tanker with a Composite Stern Frameline Concept (복합선미선형 개념에 의한 AFRAMAX형 유조선 선형의 개발)

  • Ho-Chung Kim;Chun-Ju Lee;Su-Hyung Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1991
  • A hull form for an Aframax tanker whore form parameters cover the values of $C_B{\simeq}0.8,\;L/B{\simeq}5.5\;and\;B/d{\simeq}3.5$ has been developed by applying a composite stern frameline concept and its excellent performance has been evaluated through a series of model tests at the Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering. The tests showed that this concept was very much promising in the cases of wide breadth and shallow draught vessels and suitably applicable to the stern frameline shape. For the comparison, a hull form developed by Japanese 'H' yard has been selected and the performances of two hull forms were evaluated by model tests and theoretical calculations. The comparison shows that Daewoo hull form requires less effective power by 10% and less delevered power by 5-6% at both full load and ballast conditions. In addition, it is suggested that Hushes method can give better correlationthan Froude method because the full scale resistance extrapolated by Froude method would be very much optimistic in case of the hull form with very low value of form factor.

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Scaling Method of Earthquake Records for the Seismic Analysis of Tall Buildings (초고층 구조물의 지진해석을 위한 지진기록의 조정방법)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Park, Ji-Hyeong;Kim, Ook-Jong;Lee, Do-Bum;Ko, Hyun
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2008
  • In recent years, time history analysis has been the method generally used for the seismic analysis of tall buildings with damping devices. When T is the natural period of the first vibration mode of the structure, the sum of the spectral acceleration of the earthquake ground motion is usually adjusted to that of the design response spectrum in the period ranging from 0.2T to 1.5T to meet the requirements of design code. However, when the ground motion is scaled according to the design code, the differences in the responses obtained by response spectrum analysis (RSA) and time history analysis (THA) of the structures increase as the natural period of the structure becomes longer. When time history analysis is performed by using ground accelerations that are scaled according to the design code, base shear is similar to that obtained from RSA, but other responses, such as displacements, drifts and member forces, are underestimated compared to RSA. If these results are adjusted by multiplying with the scale-up factor, the scaled responses become much smaller. Therefore, a scaling method of ground motions corresponding with the design code is proposed in this study, as a way of assisting structural engineers in generating artificial ground motions.

A Comparative Study on the International Competitiveness of Korea-China Cultural Products Trade (한중 문화상품무역 국제경쟁력 비교 연구)

  • Zheng, Yingrong;Bae, Ki-Hyung;Li, Na
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.349-359
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    • 2022
  • At present, with the diversified development of the global economy, the trade of cultural products has become an important factor affecting the competition of comprehensive strength among countries. As a neighboring country to China, South Korea has a similar cultural development environment to China. As an important pillar of South Korea's economy, cultural product trade, its development experience has reference significance for China. This paper adopts literature research method, comparative analysis method and empirical analysis method to conduct research. The article firstly analyzes the export level of China and South Korea from the scale of the import and export of cultural products, and finds the difference between the import and export of cultural products between the two countries. Then, it compares and analyzes the insufficiency of China's cultural product trade structure and the advantage of Korea's cultural product trade structure. Finally, this paper uses the stochastic frontier gravity model to conduct empirical analysis and draws relevant conclusions about the trade potential of cultural products between China and South Korea. The research results show that: (1) the international competitiveness of cultural products trade in China and South Korea is relatively high, but the competitiveness of China's cultural products has been improved slowly; (2) compared with South Korea, China's cultural product exports are affected by trade inefficiency factors larger. (3) The improvement of government efficiency has a great effect on reducing the inefficiency of trade in China.

A study on Digital Agriculture Data Curation Service Plan for Digital Agriculture

  • Lee, Hyunjo;Cho, Han-Jin;Chae, Cheol-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose a service method that can provide insight into multi-source agricultural data, way to cluster environmental factor which supports data analysis according to time flow, and curate crop environmental factors. The proposed curation service consists of four steps: collection, preprocessing, storage, and analysis. First, in the collection step, the service system collects and organizes multi-source agricultural data by using an OpenAPI-based web crawler. Second, in the preprocessing step, the system performs data smoothing to reduce the data measurement errors. Here, we adopt the smoothing method for each type of facility in consideration of the error rate according to facility characteristics such as greenhouses and open fields. Third, in the storage step, an agricultural data integration schema and Hadoop HDFS-based storage structure are proposed for large-scale agricultural data. Finally, in the analysis step, the service system performs DTW-based time series classification in consideration of the characteristics of agricultural digital data. Through the DTW-based classification, the accuracy of prediction results is improved by reflecting the characteristics of time series data without any loss. As a future work, we plan to implement the proposed service method and apply it to the smart farm greenhouse for testing and verification.

EEPERF(Experiential Education PERFormance): An Instrument for Measuring Service Quality in Experiential Education (체험형 교육 서비스 품질 측정 항목에 관한 연구: 창의적 체험활동을 중심으로)

  • Park, Ky-Yoon;Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2012
  • As experiential education services are growing, the need for proper management is increasing. Considering that adequate measures are an essential factor for achieving success in managing something, it is important for managers to use a proper system of metrics to measure the performance of experiential education services. However, in spite of this need, little research has been done to develop a valid and reliable set of metrics for assessing the quality of experiential education services. The current study aims to develop a multi-item instrument for assessing the service quality of experiential education. The specific procedure is as follows. First, we generated a pool of possible metrics based on diverse literature on service quality. We elicited possiblemetric items not only from general service quality metrics such as SERVQUAL and SERVPERF but also from educational service quality metrics such as HEdPERF and PESPERF. Second, specialist teachers in the experiential education area screened the initial metrics to boost face validity. Third, we proceeded with multiple rounds of empirical validation of those metrics. Based on this processes, we refined the metrics to determine the final metrics to be used. Fourth, we examined predictive validity by checking the well-established positive relationship between each dimension of metrics and customer satisfaction. In sum, starting with the initial pool of scale items elicited from the previous literature and purifying them empirically through the surveying method, we developed a four-dimensional systemized scale to measure the superiority of experiential education and named it "Experiential Education PERFormance" (EEPERF). Our findings indicate that students (consumers) perceive the superiority of the experiential education (EE) service in the following four dimensions: EE-empathy, EE-reliability, EE-outcome, and EE-landscape. EE-empathy is a judgment in response to the question, "How empathetically does the experiential educational service provider interact with me?" Principal measures are "How well does the service provider understand my needs?," and "How well does the service provider listen to my voice?" Next, EE-reliability is a judgment in response to the question, "How reliably does the experiential educational service provider interact with me?" Major measures are "How reliable is the schedule here?," and "How credible is the service provider?" EE-outcome is a judgmentin response to the question, "What results could I get from this experiential educational service encounter?" Representative measures are "How good is the information that I will acquire form this service encounter?," and "How useful is this service encounter in helping me develop creativity?" Finally, EE-landscape is a judgment about the physical environment. Essential measures are "How convenient is the access to the service encounter?,"and "How well managed are the facilities?" We showed the reliability and validity of the system of metrics. All four dimensions influence customer satisfaction significantly. Practitioners may use the results in planning experiential educational service programs and evaluating each service encounter. The current study isexpected to act as a stepping-stone for future scale improvement. In this case, researchers may use the experience quality paradigm that has recently arisen.

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