• Title/Summary/Keyword: Scale Factor Method

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Research on Types of Visual Rhythmic Sense in Typography (타이포그래피의 시각적 리듬감 유형 연구)

  • Jung, Yu-Kyung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2005
  • Typography in visual communication design is 'potential form' hidden within a space. Showing rhythm in typography is making 'aesthetic sense' in a graphic which has formative characteristics, the way of expression is very important. When the rhythm is recognized through visual stream, Rhythmic Sense is formed. The research will present a new form of the Visual Rhythmic Sense by analyzing typography works out positively. First of all, I researched works done by Fillippo Marinetti, Robert Massin, Wolfgang Weingart, and David Carson for their vigorous experimentalism in typography in forming visual rhythm. I used S.D. Scale method to analyze characteristics of visual image and VARIMAX for factor analysis reaching types of visual rhythm, which could be classified as following. (1) Synesthesia Rhythmic Sense (R-synesthesia) means that the senses are conveyed through 'visualization of auditory sense' and 'visualization of touch' (2) Simultaneous Rhythmic Sense (R-simultaneity) means that the time and space co-exist in one plane. (3) Connective Rhythmic Sense(R-connection) means that different factors (Within one plane) co-exist interacting with one another and creating a unified impression through such a process. (4) Artist Oriented Rhythmic Sense ($-artist) means that the artist interprets the content subjectively and expresses his/her impression, thereby, attracting a gaze of audience systematically and arbitrarily. (5) Reader Oriented Rhythmic Sense(R-reader) avoids the existing legibility formed through aggressive engagement of the reader.

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A Study of Burden and Social Support in Mothers of Handicapped Children (장애아 어머니의 부담감과 사회적지지에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Hoa-Yun;Kwon, Hye-Jeoung;Kim, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.439-452
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    • 1997
  • Mothers of handicapped children experience many problems and difficulties related to the child's prolonged dependency and demands for special care. Social support can be identified as stress-relieving factor, social support is considered to decrease the amount of negativeness in an individual or family. This study attempted to identify the level of burden and social support in mothers of children who are handicapped, and to determine whether social support is an effective strategy for burden relief in these mothers. The method used in the study was a correlational descriptive survey using a questionnaire. The subjects for the study were 42 mothers who have the handicapped children, between two to twelve years of age, being treated at S General Welfare House for Handicapped and S Rehabilitation Center in Seoul. The data were collected during 1 month from March 20 to April 20, 1996. The instruments used for this study was a structured questionnaire which was the Burden scale developed by Suh Mihae and Oh Kasil(1993) and the PRQ(Personal Resource Questionnaire) scale developed by Brandt & Weinert(1981). The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS computer program, yielding frequencies, percentiles, means, standard deviations, $x^{2}$-test, Pearson's correlation coefficienct, t-test and ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows ; 1)The range of age in the subjects was $29{\sim}44$ years, the range age in the handicapped children was $2{\sim}12$ years. 2) The mean score of burden, for the mothers of the handicapped children was 2.75(standard deviation was 0.47) of a possible total of 5. 3) The mean score of social support, for the mothers of the handicapped children was 4.99 (standard deviation was 0.59) of a possible total of 7. 4) There was an negative correlations hip between burden level and the social support, but there was no statistically significant correlationship between burden level and the social support(r = -.2252, p = .076) 5) In the general characteristics influencing on the burden level was significantly related with the sex(t = - 2.87, p = .007) and the degree of child's handicap level(F = 11.8680, p = .000l). In the general characteristics influencing on the social support was significantly related with the family(husband) support(F = 3.5199, p = .0240). There were significant differences in the mother's levels of burden depending upon the severity of child's handicap. In other words, the degree of mother's burden was directly proportionate to the degree of child's handicap level. There were significant differences in the mother's levels of social support depending upon the family(husband) support. In conclusion, on the basis of the results of this study, there was no statistically significant correlationship between burden level and the social support. Above results suggest that strategies for the intervention programs in diminishing the mother's burden and reinforcing the social support.

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Constitutional Limits of the Medical Fee Payment System and the Unconstitutionality of Fixed Payment System (진료수가제도의 헌법적 한계와 정액수가제의 위헌성 -헌법재판소 2020. 4. 23. 선고 2017헌마103 결정을 중심으로-)

  • Hyun, Doo-youn
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.69-105
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    • 2020
  • In the health care system, medical fee payment is a very important and basic factor. The National Health Insurance Act adopted a contract system, and the content of the contract is to be determined the unit price per relative value scale. Accordingly, in the National Health Insurance system, the costs of health care benefits are adjusted each year according to inflation or changes in economic conditions. On the other hand, in the Medical Care Assistance system, the Medical Care Assistance Act does not prescribe the method of determining the medical payment, and all matters are delegated to the Minister of Health and Welfare. Accordingly, the Minister has adopted a fixed-payment system for hemodialysis treatment since 2001. A constitutional petition was filed in 2017 against this fixed-payment system, and the Constitutional Court rejected the petition in 2020. In this study, we examine the meaning and content of the medical fee payment system, focusing on the above constitutional petition case, and present three principles as constitutional limits on the system. The first of its principles is the principle of legality, the second is the principle of prohibition of comprehensive delegation, and the third is the principle of proportionality. From that point of view, There are many unconstitutional elements in the fixed-payment system on hemodialysis.

Relationship of Participation in Jazz Dance to Body Image and Mental Healt (재즈댄스 참가와 신체상 및 정신건강과의 관계)

  • Choi, Sung-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.196-205
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of participation in jazz dance to body image and mental health in an attempt to make a contribution to the spread of jazz dance. The subjects in this study were 183 people who were selected by purposive sampling from a population of Seoul and Gyeonggi province residents who were at the Western age of 18 and up. The selected people took general education courses at colleges, attended cultural centers or fitness clubs, or learned dance for all. One instrument used in this study to assess their body image was Jourard and Secord(1954)'s Body Cathexis Scale, which was modified into six factors and 39 items. The other was Kim Gwang-il, et. al.(1978)'s 46-item inventory, which translated Rickles and Rock(l976)'s SCL-90 with 90 items to suit Korean circumstances. That inventory was modified into 31 items and four factors. For data handling, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis and path analysis were utilized. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The extent of jazz dance participation had an impact on their body image. Those who performed jazz dance more frequency had a better image about their health and the lower part of the body. 2. The level of jazz dance participation exerted an influence on their mental health. A longer participation term led to more interpersonal sensitivity, and a higher participation frequency was followed by more somatization. 3. Concerning the causal relationship of participation in jazz dance to body image and mental health, the participation frequency affected health, the image of the lower part of the body and somatization in the firsthand manner, and the image of the lower part of the body had a firsthand impact on interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, anxiety and depression. Accordingly, the image of the lower part of the body played a crucial role as a parameter in the relationship between the jazz dance participation frequency and mental health.

A Study on the Marker Tracking for Virtual Construction Simulation based Mixed-Reality (융합현실 기반의 가상건설 시뮬레이션을 위한 마커 추적 방식에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Ji-Woong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.660-668
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    • 2018
  • The main object of this study was to find a way to operate the marker for simulating a virtual construction using a MR(mixed reality) device. The secondary object was to find a way to extract the form-data from BIM data, and to represent the virtual object by the MR device. A tiny error of scale causes large errors of length because the architectural objects are very large. The scale was affected by the way that the camera of the MR device recognizes the marker. The method of installing and operating the marker causes length errors in the virtual object in the MR system. The experimental results showed that the error factor of the Virtual object's length was 0.47%. In addition, the distance between the markers can be decided through the results of an experiment for the multi-marker tracking system. The minimum distance between markers should be more than 5 m, and the error of length was approximately 23mm. If the represented virtual object must be less than 20mm in error, the particular mark should be installed within a 5 m radius of it. Based on this research, it is expected that utilization of the MR device will increase for the application of virtual construction simulations to construction sites.

Review of Non-invasive Interventions for Drooling Problems in Children With Cerebral Palsy: Trends and Analysis of Interventions for Drooling (신경발달장애 아동의 침흘림치료를 위한 비침습적 중재방법에 관한 고찰: 경향 및 중재방법 분석)

  • Jeon, Joo young;Park, Hae Yean
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2021
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze non-invasive treatments and drooling assessment methods in children with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities, who drool. Methods : This study searched two hundred papers published in 2005-2019. Forty-four papers were selected based on their abstract and title, and ten papers were finally selected following a secondary search. Results : The PEDro Scale of the selected papers was high with an average of seven points. As a result of analyzing the overall trends, the study participants were primarily patients with cerebral palsy, and recently, the therapeutic intervention of oral sensory exercise was more actively studied than behavioral modification. Studies of behavioral modification and oral sensory exercise intervention methods were found to have differences in participant age and, cognitive level, number of participants, research design, treatment time, and duration. Studies to confirming the frequency and severity of the drooling measurement method were found to be the main factor. Conclusion : This study analyzed typical behavioral modification and oral sensory exercise interventions as examples of non-invasive therapeutic interventions for children with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities and provided information to help select appropriate therapeutic intervention methods when planning non-invasive therapy using behavioral modification and oral sensory exercise therapy.

A Comparison of Pixel- and Segment-based Classification for Tree Species Classification using QuickBird Imagery (QuickBird 위성영상을 이용한 수종분류에서 픽셀과 분할기반 분류방법의 정확도 비교)

  • Chung, Sang Young;Yim, Jong Su;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.4
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    • pp.540-547
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to compare classification accuracy by tree species using QuickBird imagery for pixel- and segment-based classifications that have been mostly applied to classify land covers. A total of 398 points was used as training and reference data. Based on this points, the points were classified into fourteen land cover classes: four coniferous and seven deciduous tree species in forest classes, and three non-forested classes. In pixel-based classification, three images obtained by using raw spectral values, three tasseled indices, and three components from principal component analysis were produced. For the both classification processes, the maximum likelihood method was applied. In the pixel-based classification, it was resulted that the classification accuracy with raw spectral values was better than those by the other band combinations. As resulted that, the segment-based classification with a scale factor of 50% provided the most accurate classification (overall accuracy:76% and ${\hat{k}}$ value:0.74) compared to the other scale factors and pixel-based classification.

Differences of overall characteristics depending on Symptom Severity in Acute Stroke Patient (급성기 중풍 환자의 증상 경중에 따른 제반특성의 차이)

  • Woo, Su-kyung;Leem, Jung-Tae;Park, Su-kyung;Kwak, Seung-hyuk;Lee, Eun-chan;Park, Joo-young;Jung, Woo-sang;Moon, Sang-kwan;Cho, Ki-ho;Park, Sung-wook;Ko, Chang-nam
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2011
  • Objective : The aim of this study was to examine Differences of overall characteristics depending on Symptom Severity in Acute Stroke Patient Method : We studied hospitalized patients within 10days after their ictus who were admitted at Kyunghee University Oriental Medical Center from May 2011 to October 2011. We compared the general characteristics of acute stroke patient according to Scandinavian Stroke Scale score Result : The patient who had mild severity show significant difference for FBS, PP2, Homocysteine, Exercise, Tongue color, Mouth dryness, Chest discomfort, Constipation, Stool hardness. Conclusion : The above result contribute to predict severity of stroke symtoms according to risk factor and general condition of patients. Also, After occurrence of stroke, We will can block worsening of symptoms progression. Further studies will be needed to observation of follow up studies about progression of stroke among acute stroke patients with a serious disability.

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Olfactory Sensitivity Characteristics of Odors from Injection Molding Processing (사출성형 공정에서 유발되는 냄새의 후각 감성 특성)

  • Ryu, Young-Jae;Kim, Bo-Seong;Lee, Ye-Hyun;Kwak, Seung-Hyun;Seo, Sang-Hyeok;Ryu, Tae-Beum;Min, Byung-Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to explore olfactory sensitivity of odors from injection molding processing. To do this, the experiment was carried out in an injection molding factory, and participants were exposed to the environment where odor-substances (Formaldehyde, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene, Styrene) exist. In addition, we used the subjective scale using semantic adjectives as an olfactory sensitivity. As a result, the assessment structure of olfactory sensitivity was composed of eight factors (irritant, thermal, tense, unique, like-dislike, active, stable, masculine), and the main factor which was irritant characteristics explained 20% of the total olfactory sensibility. These results suggested that odors from injection molding processing would cause more negative emotional responses than the flavor which is mainly used in olfactory sensitivity. This study, as a basic study of the improvement in a factory environment for the efficiency of work, has limits in that it was conducted to the extent of identifying the olfactory sensitivity structure of those who were at a laboratory and who were exposed to the environment of odor substance induced in the injection molding processing. Therefore, for the method of removing malodorous substance, the effect of materials which can neutralize it, and the comparison of a direct performance in the environment where negative sensitivity structure exists, a series of studies which aim to improve the environment of injection molding factories, such as performance assessment in the environment of a factory and an office need to be conducted. It is expected that when these studies are put together, the improvement guidelines will be provided as a type that can maximize the effectiveness of work in the factory environment where injection molding processing is done.

Factors Influencing Perception of Good Death among the Community-dwelling Elderly (재가노인의 좋은 죽음에 대한 인지도와 가족지지의 영향)

  • Kim, Chun-Gill
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate perception of good death among the community-dwelling elderly and identify factors related to the perception. Methods: A questionnaire survey was carried out using a convenient sampling method (N=317). Data were analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: Participants scored an average of 3.35 on a 4-point scale for the perception level of good death. They scored higher on the factor of personal control that other factors affecting the perception. Good death was positively correlated with family support (r=0.252). Family support (${\beta}$=0.287) and gender (${\beta}$=0.197) significantly influenced the elderly's perception of good death. These variables accounted for 10.2% of the total variance. Conclusion: The results show that family support is an important factor for the perception of good death among the elderly. Therefore, family support should be carefully considered to ensure good death for more senior citizens. Our findings can be utilized to support programs such as death education for the elderly.