• 제목/요약/키워드: Scale Factor Method

검색결과 1,018건 처리시간 0.031초

모유수유 임파워먼트 측정도구 개발 (A Study on the Development of the Korean Breastfeeding Empowerment Scale)

  • 김윤미;박영숙
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.360-367
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure breastfeeding empowerment for the Korean mother, and to test the validity and reliability of the instrument. Method: The items of instruments used was based on literature review. Nineteen item scales were developed with five domains. In order to test reliability and validity of the scale, data was collected from 99 mothers who were within 4weeks, postpatum and 88 mothers who had had children within 1 year. Data was collected between September 2nd and 24th by a self-reported questionnaire. Result: The results were as follows: As a result of factor analysis three times, 19 items were selected from the total of 24 items. Five factors evolved by factor analysis, which explained 65.7% of the total variance. The first factor 'breastfeeding skill' explained 34.1%, the 2nd factor 'group empowerment' 10.6%, the 3rd factor 'breastfeeding will' explained 7.8%, the 4th factor 'social policy empowerment' 7.0%, and the 5th factor 'adherence to exclusive breastfeeding' 6.2%. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of this scale was .8781. Conclusion: The study supports the reliability and validity of the scale. Because the main concept of breastfeeding empowerment was breastfeeding skill, there were distinct differences in the dimensions of breastfeeding empowerment scales.

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산후우울 사정을 위한 도구 개발 연구 (A Study on the Development of a Postpartum Depression Scale)

  • 배정이
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.588-600
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    • 1997
  • Postpartum depression is one of the most serious problems in maternal health because it affects not only the mother but also her family. Postpartum depression disturbs the maternal-infant interaction and attachment. However, most postpartum depression patients ignore this problem and do not seek treatment. Many clinicians and researchers realiza there is a need to develop a postpartum depression scale. Thus, this study has been designed to development of a postpartum depression scale. Data were collected through a survey over a period of three months. Subjects who participated in the study were 167 Korean mothers in their postpartum period. The author used a convenience sampling method. The analysis of the data was done with SPSS PC/sup +/ for descriptive statistics, item analysis and factor analysis. Initially 62 items were generated from the interview data of eight postpartum depression patients and from a literature review. This preliminary scale was analyzed for reliability and validity. The results of this analysis are as follows. 1. Initially 62 items were analyzed through the Index of Content Validity(CVI) and 48 items were selected. 2. Seven factors were extracted through the principal component analysis, and these contributed 61% of the variance in the total score. Finally 46 items in the scale loaded .41∼ .84 on one of seven factors. 3. Each factor was labeled. Factor 1 was labeled 'emotional phenomena-emotional upset' and included 13 items, factor 2 was labeled' cognitive phenomena-self concept disturbance' and included seven items, factor 3 was labeled 'relationship to baby-negative feeling' and included six items, factor 4 was labeled 'relationship to baby- overload' and included eight items, factor 5 was labeled 'negative maternal identity' and included five items, factor 6 was labeled 'biophysiological phenomena-disturbance of physical functioning' and included four items, and factor 7 was labeled' interpersonal relationship phenomena-blamed others' and included three items. 4. Cronbach Coefficient Alpha for internal consistency was .95 for the total 46 items. Finally, the author suggests that this scale could be adequately applied in assessing the postpartum depression of mothers during the postpartum period. The results of this study can contribute to designing an appropriate postpartum depression prevention strategy.

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한국아동의 일상적 스트레스 척도의 개발 (Development of Daily Hassles Scale for Children in Korea)

  • 한미현
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the Daily Hassles Scale for children in Korea. The subject were 444 children of 184 fourth graders and 260 sixth graders selected form five elementary schools in Seoul(217 male and 227 female). A questionnaire consisting of 90-item daily hassles scale, demographic questions, and some additional questions was used as a methodological instrument. statistics used for data analysis were X2, cramer's V, factor analysis, multi-regression, Pearson's r, Cronbach's α. The major findings of this study were as follows. 1) 87 items of the 90-item scale were acceptible through item discriminant method. The discriminant coefficients of the items(Cramer's V) ranged form .28 to .73. 2) 6 factors(parents, home environment, friends, studies, teachers & school, the surroundings) were extracted from factor analysis. Multi-regression analysis conducted to reduce the length of scale have drawed 42 items for 'the Daily Hassles Scale for Children in Korea'. The correlation between this scale and the Quality of Life Scale(Olson & Barnes, 1982) was conducted to test the criterion-related validity, and the coefficient was significant(r=-.52, p<.001).3) Finally, reliability coefficients(Cronbach'α) of this scale was. 85.

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시설 노인의 건강보존에 관한 도구 개발 (Scale Development on Health Conservation of the Institutionalized Elderly)

  • 성기월
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a health conservation scale with high validity and reliability for institutionalized elderly. Method: The process of development of this scale was as follows. A conceptual framework composed of 4 phases of health conservation of institutionalized elderly was identified based on the literature review with elderlies and discussions with experts in health conservation. A total of 75 items, on a 4-point scale were developed. Through reliability testing and factor analysis, 57 preliminary items were selected. By means of internal consistency of the 57 items, 18 items whose inner-items correlation coefficient was below .40 were deleted. Through factor analysis, 2 items whose factor loading was below .40 were deleted. Finally 37 items remained. To verity the 37 items, factor analysis, reliability testing, and correlation was done. Data were collected from 207 institutionalized elderly subjects in Daegu, Kyungpook, Busan, and KyungNam Province from August. 2003 to February. 2004. Result: In the result of factor analysis of the 37 items, 4 factors were extracted. These factors were labeled as ‘personal integrity’, ‘conservation of energy', ‘structural integrity’, and ‘social integrity'. These factors included 4 phases of health conservation. Cronbach's Alpha of 37 the items was .9424 and the correlation coefficient of HPLP was .723. Conclusion: The researchers recommend the following: An explorative study on the variables related to health conservation is needed for criterion validity of this scale. Studies on health conservation of different age groups, and subjects are needed for verification.

노인의 생의 의미 측정 도구 개발 (Development of Elderly Meaning in Life (EMIL) Scale)

  • 최순옥;김숙남;신경일;이정지;정유진
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.414-424
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop elderly meaning in life scale with high validity and reliability. Method: The process of development of this scale were as follows. A conceptual framework composed of 4 phases of meaning in life of elderly was identified based on the literature review and interviews with elderlies and discussion with experts in meaning in life. Total 62 items, 4-points scale were developed. Through reliability testing, factor analysis, 40 preliminary items were selected. By means of internal consistency of 40 items, 2 items whose inner-items correlation coefficient was below .30 were deleted. Through factor analysis 1 item whose factor loading was below .30 was deleted. Finally 37 items were remained. To verify 37 items, factor analysis, reliability testing, LISEREL were done. Data were collected from 320 elderly subjects in Busan-KyungNam and Jeonla Province from May to June in 2002. SPSS WIN. 10.0 Program was used. Result: The result of factor analysis of 37 items, 8 factors were extracted. These factors were labeled as ‘self- awareness and self-acceptance’, ‘contentedness with life’, ‘purpose in life’, ‘love in family’, ‘role awareness’, ‘futuristic aspiration’, ‘commitment’, and ‘experience of love’. These factors included 4 phases of the meaning in life. Cronbach's Alpha of 37 items was .908 and correlation coefficient of PIL was .75. Conclusion: The researchers recommend the follows: The explorative study on the variables related to meaning in life are needed for criterion validity of this scale. The studies on meaning in life of different age groups, subjects are needed for reverification.

보건교사의 교사효능감 척도 개발 (Development of a Teacher-Efficacy Scale for Health Education Teachers)

  • 이충란;권낙원
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.247-259
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a teacher-efficacy scale which is adequate for heath education teachers. Method: A preliminary questionnaire was made based on the hypothetical factors. A total of 364 health education teachers answered to the preliminary test, and the potential factors of teacher-efficacy were checked out by exploratory factor analysis (EFA). In the main test 378 health education teachers answered, the factor structure was drawn by EFA, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to test and the fitness of the factor model. Results: Through the preliminary test, 5 potential factors were found, which were instruction, health-service, administrative task, interpersonal relationship, and community connection. Also, 48 items were reduced to 31 items. Through the main test, from the 34 items were extracted 4 factors with 24 items, And then teacher-efficacy scale was developed, which included the subscales of instruction efficacy, health-service efficacy, task-interpersonal efficacy, and community connection efficacy. Conclusion: Different from that for other subject teachers, the factor structure for health teachers had 4 factors with 24 items. The scale developed in this study is consistent with health teachers' work areas, and for this reason, has significance as a adequate and valid scale to measure teacher-efficacy of health education teachers.

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격자형 선폭들의 투영변화비를 이용한 카메라 교정 파라메터 추정 (Camera calibration parameters estimation using perspective variation ratio of grid type line widths)

  • Jeong, Jun-Ik;Choi, Seong-Gu;Rho, Do-Hwan
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2004년도 학술대회 논문집 정보 및 제어부문
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    • pp.30-32
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    • 2004
  • With 3-D vision measuring, camera calibration is necessary to calculate parameters accurately. Camera calibration was developed widely in two categories. The first establishes reference points in space, and the second uses a grid type frame and statistical method. But, the former has difficulty to setup reference points and the latter has low accuracy. In this paper we present an algorithm for camera calibration using perspective ratio of the grid type frame with different line widths. It can easily estimate camera calibration parameters such as lens distortion, focal length, scale factor, pose, orientations, and distance. The advantage of this algorithm is that it can estimate the distance of the object. Also, the proposed camera calibration method is possible estimate distance in dynamic environment such as autonomous navigation. To validate proposed method, we set up the experiments with a frame on rotator at a distance of 1, 2, 3, 4[m] from camera and rotate the frame from -60 to 60 degrees. Both computer simulation and real data have been used to test the proposed method and very good results have been obtained. We have investigated the distance error affected by scale factor or different line widths and experimentally found an average scale factor that includes the least distance error with each image. The average scale factor tends to fluctuate with small variation and makes distance error decrease. Compared with classical methods that use stereo camera or two or three orthogonal planes, the proposed method is easy to use and flexible. It advances camera calibration one more step from static environments to real world such as autonomous land vehicle use.

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동적 신뢰성 해석 기법의 수치 안정성에 관하여 (On the Numerical Stability of Dynamic Reliability Analysis Method)

  • 이도근;옥승용
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2020
  • In comparison with the existing static reliability analysis methods, the dynamic reliability analysis(DyRA) method is more suitable for estimating the failure probability of a structure subjected to earthquake excitations because it can take into account the frequency characteristics and damping capacity of the structure. However, the DyRA is known to have an issue of numerical stability due to the uncertainty in random sampling of the earthquake excitations. In order to solve this numerical stability issue in the DyRA approach, this study proposed two earthquake-scale factors. The first factor is defined as the ratio of the first earthquake excitation over the maximum value of the remaining excitations, and the second factor is defined as the condition number of the matrix consisting of the earthquake excitations. Then, we have performed parametric studies of two factors on numerical stability of the DyRA method. In illustrative example, it was clearly confirmed that the two factors can be used to verify the numerical stability of the proposed DyRA method. However, there exists a difference between the two factors. The first factor showed some overlapping region between the stable results and the unstable results so that it requires some additional reliability analysis to guarantee the stability of the DyRA method. On the contrary, the second factor clearly distinguished the stable and unstable results of the DyRA method without any overlapping region. Therefore, the second factor can be said to be better than the first factor as the criterion to determine whether or not the proposed DyRA method guarantees its numerical stability. In addition, the accuracy of the numerical analysis results of the proposed DyRA has been verified in comparison with those of the existing first-order reliability method(FORM), Monte Carlo simulation(MCS) method and subset simulation method(SSM). The comparative results confirmed that the proposed DyRA method can provide accurate and reliable estimation of the structural failure probability while maintaining the superior numerical efficiency over the existing methods.

Optimal SVM learning method based on adaptive sparse sampling and granularity shift factor

  • Wen, Hui;Jia, Dongshun;Liu, Zhiqiang;Xu, Hang;Hao, Guangtao
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.1110-1127
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    • 2022
  • To improve the training efficiency and generalization performance of a support vector machine (SVM) in a large-scale set, an optimal SVM learning method based on adaptive sparse sampling and the granularity shift factor is presented. The proposed method combines sampling optimization with learner optimization. First, an adaptive sparse sampling method based on the potential function density clustering is designed to adaptively obtain sparse sampling samples, which can achieve a reduction in the training sample set and effectively approximate the spatial structure distribution of the original sample set. A granularity shift factor method is then constructed to optimize the SVM decision hyperplane, which fully considers the neighborhood information of each granularity region in the sparse sampling set. Experiments on an artificial dataset and three benchmark datasets show that the proposed method can achieve a relatively higher training efficiency, as well as ensure a good generalization performance of the learner. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.

영·유아 기질측정 척도(IBQ)의 타당화에 관한 일 연구 (A Study on the Validation of the IBQ Scale)

  • 위영희
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to validate the IBQ scale (Infant Behavior Questionnaire; Rothbart, 1981). This study examined the validity, reliability and overall tendency of temperamental traits on the IBQ scale. The subjects were 453 mothers with 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 15- and 18-month-old infants (232 boys and 221 girls) living in Seoul and Chongju. The IBQ scale, was composed of 56 items (5-point Likert scales), was administered to mothers, using the interview method. Factor analysis revealed that a 6- factor solution was the best fit for the IBQ scale; positive emotionality, attention persistence, approach or withdrawal, negative emotionality, dis tractability and activity. Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ ranged from .61 to .79 for the subscales and .79 for the total scale. It was concluded that the IBQ scale in general is acceptable for use in Korea.

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