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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Satellite sensor

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Using ASTER TIR imagery to identify Heat Islands: A case study of New Jersey (ASTER 열적외선 이미지를 이용한 열섬 현상 탐지: 뉴저지를 사례로)

  • Park, Gwang yong;David W. Gwynn;David A. Robinson
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.56-56
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    • 2004
  • The ability to detect urban heat islands in satellite imagery is a function of spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. Imagery from the satellite-mounted Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor acquired since December 1999 allows us to view the Earth at a higher spectral resolution in the thermal infrared (TIR) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum than most other satellite systems (e.g., AVHRR, Landsat TM). (omitted)

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A study on possibility of land vegetation observation with Mid-resolution sensor

  • Honda, Y.;Moriyama, M.;Ono, A.;Kajiwara, K.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.349-352
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    • 2007
  • The Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC predicted that global warming is already happening and it should be caused from the increase of greenhouse gases by the extension of human activities. These global changes will give a serious influence for human society. Global environment can be monitored by the earth observation using satellite. For the observation of global climate change and resolving the global warming process, satellite should be useful equipment and its detecting data contribute to social benefits effectively. JAXA (former NASDA) has made a new plan of the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) for monitoring of global environmental change. SGLI (Second Generation GLI) onboard GCOM-C (Climate) satellite, which is one of this mission, provides an optical sensor from Near-DV to TIR. Characteristic specifications of SGLI are as follows; 1) 250 m resolutions over land and area along the shore, 2) Three directional polarization observation (red and NIR), and 3) 500 m resolutions temperature over land and area along shore. These characteristics are useful in many fields of social benefits. For example, multi-angular observation and 250 m high frequency observation give new knowledge in monitoring of land vegetation. It is expected that land products with land aerosol information by polarization observation are improved remarkably. We are studying these possibilities by ground data and satellite data.

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High-Resolution Satellite Image Super-Resolution Using Image Degradation Model with MTF-Based Filters

  • Minkyung Chung;Minyoung Jung;Yongil Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.395-407
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    • 2023
  • Super-resolution (SR) has great significance in image processing because it enables downstream vision tasks with high spatial resolution. Recently, SR studies have adopted deep learning networks and achieved remarkable SR performance compared to conventional example-based methods. Deep-learning-based SR models generally require low-resolution (LR) images and the corresponding high-resolution (HR) images as training dataset. Due to the difficulties in obtaining real-world LR-HR datasets, most SR models have used only HR images and generated LR images with predefined degradation such as bicubic downsampling. However, SR models trained on simple image degradation do not reflect the properties of the images and often result in deteriorated SR qualities when applied to real-world images. In this study, we propose an image degradation model for HR satellite images based on the modulation transfer function (MTF) of an imaging sensor. Because the proposed method determines the image degradation based on the sensor properties, it is more suitable for training SR models on remote sensing images. Experimental results on HR satellite image datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of applying MTF-based filters to construct a more realistic LR-HR training dataset.

Merging of Satellite Remote Sensing and Environmental Stress Model for Ensuring Marine Safety

  • Yang, Chan-Su;Park, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.645-652
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    • 2003
  • A virtual vessel traffic control system is introduced to contribute to prevent a marine accident such as collision and stranding from happening. Existing VTS has its limit. The virtual vessel traffic control system consists of both data acquisition by satellite remote sensing and a simulation of traffic environment stress based on the satellite data, remotely sensed data And it could be used to provide timely and detailed information about the marine safety, including the location, speed and direction of ships, and help us operate vessels safely and efficiently. If environmental stress values are simulated for the ship information derived from satellite data, proper actions can be taken to prevent accidents. Since optical sensor has a high spatial resolution, JERS satellite data are used to track ships and extract their information. We present an algorithm of automatic identification of ship size and velocity. It lastly is shown that based on ship information extracted from JERS data, a qualitative evaluation method of environmental stress is introduced.

Fine-image Registration between Multi-sensor Satellite Images for Global Fusion Application of KOMPSAT-3·3A Imagery (KOMPSAT-3·3A 위성영상 글로벌 융합활용을 위한 다중센서 위성영상과의 정밀영상정합)

  • Kim, Taeheon;Yun, Yerin;Lee, Changhui;Han, Youkyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_4
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    • pp.1901-1910
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    • 2022
  • Arriving in the new space age, securing technology for fusion application of KOMPSAT-3·3A and global satellite images is becoming more important. In general, multi-sensor satellite images have relative geometric errors due to various external factors at the time of acquisition, degrading the quality of the satellite image outputs. Therefore, we propose a fine-image registration methodology to minimize the relative geometric error between KOMPSAT-3·3A and global satellite images. After selecting the overlapping area between the KOMPSAT-3·3A and foreign satellite images, the spatial resolution between the two images is unified. Subsequently, tie-points are extracted using a hybrid matching method in which feature- and area-based matching methods are combined. Then, fine-image registration is performed through iterative registration based on pyramid images. To evaluate the performance and accuracy of the proposed method, we used KOMPSAT-3·3A, Sentinel-2A, and PlanetScope satellite images acquired over Daejeon city, South Korea. As a result, the average RMSE of the accuracy of the proposed method was derived as 1.2 and 3.59 pixels in Sentinel-2A and PlanetScope images, respectively. Consequently, it is considered that fine-image registration between multi-sensor satellite images can be effectively performed using the proposed method.

Study on the Coverage by COMS OCI FOV

  • Kang C. H.;Seo S. B.;Lim H. S.;Park D. J.;Ahn S. I.;Koo I. H.;Hyun D. H.;Yang H. M.;Choi H. J.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.336-339
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    • 2004
  • Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) has been developed by Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) since 2003. Ocean Color Imager (OCI) is the one of COMS payloads, which will monitor the marine environment around Korean peninsula routinely with the intermediate resolution. But considering COMS is to be located in the geostationary orbit, required geographical coverage is not positioned in the nadir direction of COMS but in specific location with horizontal and vertical offsets from the nadir. In this study, coverage by OCI Field Of View (FOV) is analyzed. First of all, OCI is modeled as the sensor which is a 2,500×2,500 sized 2-D CCD and the pixel resolution is about 500m. And then, OCI is simulated to be controlled to target the required coverage accurately. As a result of it, coverage by OCI FOV is determined. Finally, all coverages by OCI FOV are mapped.

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The Development and Validation of BASS(Bi-axis Analogue Sun Sensor) Stimuli Equipment for FM Polarity Test (2축 아날로그 태양센서 극성시험장치 개발 및 검증)

  • Park, Young-Woong;Lee, Sang-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.594-599
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    • 2017
  • In this thesis, the development and the verification of the test-aid are described, providing various attitude errors through the electric stimulus to the Sun sensor. This test-aid for 2-axis analogue Sun sensor is used for polarity test in the assembly stage for GK2 satellite. The test-aid used for GK2 satellite is for COMS satellite and, due to the failure risk, manufactured by domestic company. The characteristics of the COMS test-aid used for GK2 satellite and the manufactured test-aid are showed with similar through the several tests. In this thesis, there are conformed the capability for replacing of test-aid because the characteristics of the manufactured test-aid is acquired same as that of the COMS test-aid using the controller tuning functions.

Comparison of Orbit-attitude Model between Spot and Kompsat-2 Imagery (Spot 영상과 Kompsat-2 영상에서의 궤도 자세각 모델의 성능 비교)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes differences of performance when the orbit attitude model is applied to the respective images obtained from two different types of satellite. The one is Spot that rotates its pointing mirror and the other is Kompsat-2 that rotates its whole body when they obtain imagery for target. Our research scope is limited to the orbit-attitude model only as its good performance was proved in prior investigation. Model performances between two images were compared with sensor model accuracy and 3D coordinates calculation. The results show performances of the orbit-attitude model for each image type were different. For Spot imagery, the model required attitude angle to be included as adjustment parameters. For Kompsat-2 imagery, the model required high-order parameter for adjustment. This implies that satellite sensor model may be applied differently in accordance with platform's attitude control scheme and accuracy. Understanding of this information can be a base for improvement and development of model and application for new satellite images.

GOES-9 GVAR Imager Processing System Development by KARI

  • Ahn, S.I.;Koo, I.H.;Yang, H.M.;Hyun, D.H.;Park, D.J.;Kang, C.H.;Kim, D.S.;Choi, H.J.;Paik, H.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.31-33
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    • 2003
  • Recently, KARI developed in-house meteorological sensor processing system named MESIS for GOES GVAR 5-CH Imager for better KOMPSAT EOC mission operation. MESIS consists of antenna system, receiver, serial telemetry card, processing and mapping software, and 2 NT PC systems. This paper shows system requirement, system design, characteristic and test results of processing system. System operation concept and sample image are also provided. Implemented system was proven to be fully operational through lots of operations covering from RF signal reception to web publishing.

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Two Axis Attitude Control System Design of Momentum Biased Satellite (모멘텀 바이어스 인공위성의 2축 자세제어 시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Seung-U;Seo, Hyeon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2006
  • It is required to develop a highly reliable attitude & orbit control system of satellite that is less expensive as the technology of satellite design & integration is recently matured dramatically. To accomodate this kind of needs, the two axis attitude control method for wheel-based momentum-biased satellite system whose momentum bias vector points to a certain direction(sun direction), is developed using simple but reliable sensors and actuator: three axis magnetometer and coarse sun sensor are used as sensors, and magnetic torque bars are used as actuator. Classical PD type controller design methodologies are applied on a satellite system for the two axis control with the proper assumptions. Nonlinear simulation results are included to demonstrate the long term stability and the performance of closed-loop system design results.