• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satellite photograph

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Shoreline-change Rates of the Barrier Islands in Nakdong River Estuary Using Aerial Photography and SPOT-5 Image (항공사진과 SPOT-5 위성영상을 이용한 낙동강 하구역 울타리섬들의 해안선 변화율)

  • Jeong, Sang-Hun;Khim, Boo-Keun;Kim, Beack-Oon;Lee, Sang-Ryong
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2013
  • Shoreline data of the barrier islands in Nakdong River Estuary for the last three decades were assembled using six sets of aerial photographs and seven sets of satellite images. Canny Algorithm was applied to untreated data in order to obtain a wet-dry boundary as a proxy shoreline. Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS 4.0) was used to estimate the rate of shoreline changes in terms of five statistical variables; SCE (Shoreline Change Envelope), NSM (Net Shoreline Movement), EPR(End Point Rate), LRR (Linear Regression Rate), and LMS (Least Median of Squares). The shoreline in Jinwoodo varied differently from one place to another during the last three decades; the west tail has advanced (i.e., seaward or southward), the west part has regressed, the south part has advanced, and the east part has regressed. After the 2000s, the rate of shoreline changes (-2.5~6.7 m/yr) increased and the east advanced. The shoreline in Shinjado shows a counterclockwise movement; the west part has advanced, but the east part has retreated. Since Shinjado was built in its present form, the west part became stable, but the east part has regressed faster. The rate of shoreline changes (-16.0~12.0 m/yr) in Shinjado is greater than that of Jinwoodo. The shoreline in Doyodeung has advanced at a rate of 31.5 m/yr. Since Doyodeung was built in its present form, the south part has regressed at the rate of -18.2 m/yr, but the east and west parts have advanced at the rate of 13.5~14.3 m/yr. Based on Digital Shoreline Analysis, shoreline changes in the barrier islands in the Nakdong River Estuary have varied both temporally and spatially, although the exact reason for the shoreline changes requires more investigation.

Exploring Optimal Threshold of RGB Pixel Values to Extract Road Features from Google Earth (Google Earth에서 도로 추출을 위한 RGB 화소값 최적구간 추적)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2010
  • The authors argues that the current road updating system based on traditional aerial photograph or multi-spectral satellite image appears to be non-user friendly due to lack of the frequent cartographic representation for the new construction sites. Google Earth are currently being emerged as one of important places to extract road features since the RGB satellite image with high multi-temporal resolution can be accessed freely over large areas. This paper is primarily intended to evaluate optimal threshold of RGB pixel values to extract road features from Google Earth. An empirical study for five experimental sites was conducted to confirm how a RGB picture provided Google Earth can be used to extact the road feature. The results indicate that optimal threshold of RGB pixel values to extract road features was identified as 126, 125, 127 for manual operation which corresponds to 25%, 30%, 19%. Also, it was found that display scale difference of Google Earth was not very influential in tracking required RGB pixel value. As a result the 61cm resolution of Quickbird RGB data has shown the potential to realistically identified the major type of road feature by large scale spatial precision while the typical algorithm revealed successfully the area-wide optimal threshold of RGB pixel for road appeared in the study area.

Research for Calibration and Correction of Multi-Spectral Aerial Photographing System(PKNU 3) (다중분광 항공촬영 시스템(PKNU 3) 검정 및 보정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun Kyung;Choi, Chul Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2004
  • The researchers, who seek geological and environmental information, depend on the remote sensing and aerial photographic datum from various commercial satellites and aircraft. However, the adverse weather conditions and the expensive equipment can restrict that the researcher can collect their data anywhere and any time. To allow for better flexibility, we have developed a compact, a multi-spectral automatic Aerial photographic system(PKNU 2). This system's Multi-spectral camera can catch the visible(RGB) and infrared(NIR) bands($3032{\times}2008$ pixels) image. Visible and infrared bands images were obtained from each camera respectively and produced Color-infrared composite images to be analyzed in the purpose of the environment monitor but that was not very good data. Moreover, it has a demerit that the stereoscopic overlap area is not satisfied with 60% due to the 12s storage time of each data, while it was possible that PKNU 2 system photographed photos of great capacity. Therefore, we have been developing the advanced PKNU 2(PKNU 3) that consists of color-infrared spectral camera can photograph the visible and near infrared bands data using one sensor at once, thermal infrared camera, two of 40 G computers to store images, and MPEG board to compress and transfer data to the computer at the real time and can attach and detach itself to a helicopter. Verification and calibration of each sensor(REDLAKE MS 4000, Raytheon IRPro) were conducted before we took the aerial photographs for obtaining more valuable data. Corrections for the spectral characteristics and radial lens distortions of sensor were carried out.

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Analysis of Coastline Changes in Yeongdong Region Using Aerial Photos and CORONA Satellite Images (항공사진과 CORONA 위성영상을 이용한 영동지역 해안선 변화 분석)

  • Ahn, Seunghyo;Kim, Gihong;Lee, Hanna
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.187-193
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    • 2022
  • In the Yeongdong region of Gangwon-do, coastal areas are important resources in terms of cultural, social and economic aspects. However, the coast of Gangwon-do is experiencing severe erosion, and it is concerned that its adverse effects will gradually increase. In this study, coastline changes of Yangyang and Gangneung in Gangwon-do were tracked and analyzed over a long period of time. In order to build time series image data, aerial photos from the 1940s to the present were mainly used, and data from CORONA satellite, which operated from the 1960s to the early 1970s, were collected and used together. Using 51cm resolution ortho image and 2m resolution Digital Elevation Model(DEM) as reference, ground control points were selected to perform geometric correction on the aerial photos and CORONA images. Subsequently, Canny edge detector applied to these images to extract the coastlines. As a result of analyzing the extracted and vectorized coastlines by overlaying them in chronological order, erosion and deposition occurring around the artificial structures and on the nearby beaches were observed. In this study, the effect of seasonal variation, tide, and various coastal management including the beach filling were not considered. Because coastal erosion is greatly affected by geographic factors, each local government must find its own solution. Continuous research and local data accumulation are required.

Comparison of Methodology and Accuracy of Digital Mapping of Forest Roads (수치임도망도 제작방법 및 정확도 비교)

  • Kim Tae-Geun;Yoon Jong-Suk;Woo Choong-Shik;Lee Kyu-Sung;Hong Chang-Hee
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.3 s.34
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    • pp.195-209
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    • 2005
  • Forest road has been an essential infrastructure for various forestry practices as well as for recreational use, disaster management, and local economics promotion. Since 1980s, extensive network of forest roads has been constructed as an national project in Korea. However, due to the minimal-budget of the project, accurate maps of forest road are not usually available. Although forest road map is a main thematic layer for the forest Geographic Information System (FGIS), its locational accuracy has not been sufficient for the practical applications and, therefore, the update of digital forest road maps is urgent. The objectives of this study is to compare ae methodology of generating and updating digital forest road maps from the aspects of the map accuracy and the efficiency of methods. Four mapping methods (GPS surveying, satellite imagery, ortho aerial photograph, and digital photogrammetry) were applied to generate the forest road maps over the study area of Mt. Oseo in Chungchungnam-do, which has a 35km forest roads distributed in national, public and private forests. The forest road Imp produced by digital photogrammetric method is the most accurate and comparable to GPS surveying although it required the greatest amount of labor time.

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Study on Characteristics of Snowfall and Snow Crystal Habits in the ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) Campaign in 2014 (2014년 대설관측실험(Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong: ESSAY)기간 강설 및 눈결정 특성분석)

  • Seo, Won-Seok;Eun, Seung-Hee;Kim, Byung-Gon;Ko, A-Reum;Seong, Dae-Kyeong;Lee, Gyu-Min;Jeon, Hye-Rim;Han, Sang-Ok;Park, Young-San
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2015
  • Characteristics of snowfall and snow crystal habits have been investigated in the campaign of Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong (ESSAY) using radiosonde soundings, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and a digital camera with a magnifier for taking a photograph of snowfall crystals. The analysis period is 6 to 14 February 2014, when the accumulated snowfall amount is 192.8 cm with the longest snowfall duration of 9 days. The synoptic situations are similar to those of the previous studies such as the Low pressure system passing by the far South of the Korean peninsula along with the Siberian High extending to northern Japan, which eventually results in the northeasterly or easterly flows and the long-lasting snowfall episodes in the Yeongdong region. In general, the ice clouds tended to exist below around 2~3 km with the consistent easterly flows, and the winds shifted to northerly~northwesterly above the clouds layer. The snow crystal habits observed in the ESSAY campaign were mainly dendrite, consisting of 70% of the entire habits. The rimed habits were frequently captured when two-layered clouds were observed, probably through the process of freezing of super-cooled droplets on the ice particles. The homogeneous habit such as dendrite was shown in case of shallow clouds with its thickness of below 500 m whereas various habits were captured such as dendrites, rimed dendrites, aggregates of dendrites, plates, rimed plates, etc in the thick cloud with its thickness greater than 1.5 km. The dendrites appeared to be dominant in the condition of cloud top temperature specifically ranging $-12{\sim}-16^{\circ}C$. However, the association of snow crystal habits with temperature and super-saturation in the cloud could not be examined in the current study. Better understandings of characteristics of snow crystal habits would contribute to preventing breakdown accidents such as a greenhouse destruction and collapse of a temporary building due to heavy snowfall, and traffic accidents due to snow-slippery road condition, providing a higher-level weather information of snow quality for skiers participating in the winter sports, and estimating more accurate snowfall amount, location, and duration with the fallspeed of solid precipitation.

Process Development for Optimizing Sensor Placement Using 3D Information by LiDAR (LiDAR자료의 3차원 정보를 이용한 최적 Sensor 위치 선정방법론 개발)

  • Yu, Han-Seo;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Choi, Sung-Ho;Kwak, Han-Bin;Kwak, Doo-Ahn
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2010
  • In previous studies, the digital measurement systems and analysis algorithms were developed by using the related techniques, such as the aerial photograph detection and high resolution satellite image process. However, these studies were limited in 2-dimensional geo-processing. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the 3-dimensional spatial information and coordinate system for higher accuracy in recognizing and locating of geo-features. The objective of this study was to develop a stochastic algorithm for the optimal sensor placement using the 3-dimensional spatial analysis method. The 3-dimensional information of the LiDAR was applied in the sensor field algorithm based on 2- and/or 3-dimensional gridded points. This study was conducted with three case studies using the optimal sensor placement algorithms; the first case was based on 2-dimensional space without obstacles(2D-non obstacles), the second case was based on 2-dimensional space with obstacles(2D-obstacles), and lastly, the third case was based on 3-dimensional space with obstacles(3D-obstacles). Finally, this study suggested the methodology for the optimal sensor placement - especially, for ground-settled sensors - using the LiDAR data, and it showed the possibility of algorithm application in the information collection using sensors.

A Study on Mapping 3-D River Boundary Using the Spatial Information Datasets (공간정보를 이용한 3차원 하천 경계선 매핑에 관한 연구)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyen-Cheol;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2012
  • A river boundary is defined as the intersection between a main stream of a river and the land. Mapping of the river boundary is important for the protection of the properties in river areas, the prevention of flooding and the monitoring of the topographic changes in river areas. However, the utilization of the ground surveying technologies is not efficient for the mapping of the river boundary due to the irregular surfaces of river zones and the dynamic changes of water level of a river stream. Recently, the spatial information data sets such as the airborne LiDAR and aerial images are widely used for coastal mapping due to the acquisition of the topographic information without human accessibility. Due to these advantages, this research proposes a semi-automatic method for mapping of the river boundary using the spatial information data set such as the airborne LiDAR and the aerial photographs. Multiple image processing technologies such as the image segmentation algorithm and the edge detection algorithm are applied for the generation of the 3D river boundary using the aerial photographs and airborne topographic LiDAR data. Check points determined by the experienced expert are used for the measurement of the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the generated 3D river boundary. Statistical results show that the generated river boundary has a high accuracy in horizontal and vertical direction.