• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satellite data

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Estimating the Variations of Tidal Flat Areas after the Seawall Construction from Topographic Maps, Hydrographic Charts, and Satellite Images (지형도, 해도 및 위성영상을 이용한 방조제 축조 후의 간석지 면적 변화 추정)

  • Gang, Mun-Seong;Park, Seung-U;Kim, Sang-Min
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.597-604
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    • 2001
  • The objective of the paper was to estimate the changes in acreages of tidal flats after the seawall construction at the Asan Bay and the Chunsu Bay from topographic maps, hydrographic charts, and Landsat TM images. The tidal floats from topographic maps published in one year differ significantly from that in the other, which appears to be attributed to the tide levels at the time of photographing. The hydrographic charts showed that tidal flats increase at rates of 22.3 ha/yr at the Asan Bay and 56.6 ha/yr at the Chunsu Bay after the dike construction. Applying the ISODATA method of unsupervised classifications for the Landsat TM images, the tidal flats were identified, and the resulting acreages for each image estimated. The resulting tidal flats increased at the rates of 21.3 ha/yr at the Asan Bay and 47.3 ha/yr at the Chunsu Bay during twelve years after the dike construction. It was found that the rates of the annual increases from the two data are very close and the differences result from the coastal lines at the charts and the TM images.

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Development of Spatial Landslide Information System and Application of Spatial Landslide Information (산사태 공간 정보시스템 개발 및 산사태 공간 정보의 활용)

  • 이사로;김윤종;민경덕
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and apply spatial landslide information system using Geographic information system (GIS) in concerned with spatial data. Landslide locations detected from interpretation of aerial photo and field survey, and topographic , soil , forest , and geological maps of the study area, Yongin were collected and constructed into spatial database using GIS. As landslide occurrence factors, slope, aspect and curvature of topography were calculated from the topographic database. Texture, material, drainage and effective thickness of soil were extracted from the soil database, and type, age, diameter and density of wood were extracted from the forest database. Lithology was extracted from the geological database, and land use was classified from the Landsat TM satellite image. In addition, landslide damageable objects such as building, road, rail and other facility were extracted from the topographic database. Landslide susceptibility was analyzed using the landslide occurrence factors by probability, logistic regression and neural network methods. The spatial landslide information system was developed to retrieve the constructed GIS database and landslide susceptibility . The system was developed using Arc View script language(Avenue), and consisted of pull-down and icon menus for easy use. Also, the constructed database can be retrieved through Internet World Wide Web (WWW) using Internet GIS technology.

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Detection and Analysis of Post-Typhoon, Nabi Three-Dimensional Changes in Haeundae Sand Beach Topography using GPS and GIS Technology (GPS·GIS 기법을 활용한 태풍 후 해운대 해빈지형의 3차원 변화 탐지 및 분석)

  • Hong, Hyun-Jung;Choi, Chul-Uong;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2006
  • As beaches throughout Korea have suffered great losses of sand due to artificial developments and meteorological phenomena, particularly typhoons, it is necessary to monitor beaches that are prone to erosion continuously, establish and enforce a comprehensive plan to attack coastal erosion with the object of the long-term management. However, debates and temporary measures, not based on accurate coastal zone surveys and analyses, have been established up to now. Therefore, with Haeundae sand beach as a case study, we proposed methods to collect accurate spatial data of the coastline and the sand beach through GPS survey. And we detected and analyzed topographic changes resulting from Typhoon Nabi quantitatively and qualitatively, by using GIS technique. Results showed a mean elevation of 1.95 m, a total area of 53,441 $m^2$, and a total volume of 104,639 $m^3$ after Typhoon Nabi. Mean elevation rose 0.06 m between the pre- and the post-typhoon surveys by a protective shore wall. However, strong winds and north-northeast surges brought by the typhoon caused erosion of the area and the volume, by 3,096 $m^2$ and 2,320 $m^3$. Accurate spatial databases of coastal zones based on integrated GPS GIS techniques and quantitative and qualitative analyses of topographical changes will help Korea develop systematic and effective countermeasures against coastal erosion.

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Analysis of Surface Temperature Characteristics by Land Surface Fabrics Using UAV TIR Images (UAV 열적외 영상을 활용한 피복재질별 표면온도 특성 분석)

  • SONG, Bong-Geun;KIM, Gyeong-Ah;SEO, Kyeong-Ho;LEE, Seung-Won;PARK, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.162-175
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the surface temperature of surface fabrics using UAV TIR images, to mitigate problems in the thermal environment of urban areas. Surface temperature values derived from UAV images were compared with those measured in-situ during the similar period as when the images were taken. The difference in the in-situ measured and UAV image derived surface temperatures is the highest for gray colored concrete roof fabrics, at $17^{\circ}C$, and urethane fabrics show the lowest difference, at $0.3^{\circ}C$. The experiment power of the scatter plot of in-situ measured and UAV image derived surface temperatures was 63.75%, indicating that the correlation between the two is high. The surface fabrics with high temperature are metal roofs($48.9^{\circ}C$), urethane($43.4^{\circ}C$), and gray colored concrete roofs($42.9^{\circ}C$), and those with low temperature are barren land($30.2^{\circ}C$), area with trees and lawns($30.2^{\circ}C$), and white colored concrete roofs($34.9^{\circ}C$). These results show that accurate analysis of the thermal characteristics of surface fabrics is possible using UAV images. In future, it will be necessary to increase the usability of UAV images via comparison with in-situ data and linkage to satellite imagery.

The Research on the Management Plan of Geological Heritage in Korea using GIS (지리정보를 활용한 한국의 지질유산 정보화 구축 및 관리방안 제시)

  • Lee, SooJae;Lee, MoungJin
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.103-123
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    • 2015
  • To provide effective management policy of geo-heritages, concept of Korean geo-heritage has been organized based on geo-diversity, geo-conservation, geo-tourism, and earth-heritage. In addition, current status of geo-heritage in Korea has been grasped, and categorized. In case GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates exist, spatial information was constructed as GIS (Geographic Information System). Geo-heritages were classified into a total of six categories of natural monument, scenic site, coastal sand-dune, natural cave, world nature heritage, and other types of geo-heritage. By mapping 991 geo-heritages scattered nationwide using geographical information, all statuses can now be readily identified and enable the analysis of the distribution tendencies and correlation with topography. This study was aimed at searching the political connection based on quantitatively organized and analyzed geo-heritages, which have not been mapped thus far. In addition, this study organized data that have existed only in literature, and presented example verification. Moreover, these can be used as guidelines for the future search, discovery, registration and management of geo-heritage. If additional geo-heritages are discovered in field studies or with satellite images, then more correlations may be identified and help facilitate the research on geo-heritages management plans.

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Analysis of Snowfall Development Mechanism over the Korean Peninsula due to Polar Low (극저기압에 의한 한반도 강설 발달기구 분석)

  • Kim, Jinyeon;Min, Ki-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.645-661
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    • 2013
  • The synoptic, thermodynamic, and dynamic characteristics of a heavy snowfall event that occurred in Seoul metropolitan area on 27 to 28 December 2010 was investigated. During this period there was a distinctive case that was identified as a polar low. We analyzed surface and upper level weather charts, snowfall amount, sea surface temperature, satellite imagery, sounding, and the National Center for Environmental Prediction global $1^{\circ}{\times}1^{\circ}$ reanalysis data. The polar low developed in an area where there was strong baroclinicity in the lower level aided by strong conditional instability due to 925 hPa warm air advection and 700 hPa cold air advection. The development mechanism of polar low is due, in part, to the tropopause folding, which advected stratospheric air increasing potential vorticity in mid-level and inducing cyclonic vorticity and convergence in low-level. Eventually clouds developed and there were snowfall total of 10 cm in Seoul metropolitan area and as much as 20 cm in southern parts of Korea. During the snowfall development, there was a $-45^{\circ}C$ cold core at 500 hPa and shortwave maintained $3-5^{\circ}$ separation with surface trough, which favored the development of polar low located in the warm sector and cyclonic advection area. The height of the dynamical tropopause lowered to 700 hPa during the peak development and increase in potential vorticity allowed strong vertical motion to occur. Overall, there was a close relationship between the development of snowfall and tropopause undulation. The heaviest snowfall occurred east of the tropopause folding where strong cyclonic vorticity, vertical motion, and moisture advection all coincided while the polar low was passing through the Korean peninsula.

Groping for Cooperative Space Activities in the Northeast Asia (동북아시아에서의 우주협력의 모색)

  • Rhee, Sang-Myon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.75-103
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to suggest to tackle the problem of poor cooperation in space activities, by re-examining the nature of the competitive political environment, and by building up a normative overarching framework, One of the most acute problems that hampers regional cooperation is the U.S. influence as represented in the MTCR, a supplier's cartel, as was evidenced in the ill-fate of the 2001 launch contract between China and Korea the next year. Notably China, the third space power in the world, has not been allowed to join the MTCR despite her application in June 2004. A possible reconciliation between China and the MTCR over her application for a partnership would set a cornerstone in building up a cooperative environment in the Northeast Asia. Just as the Helsinki process was an overarching norm building framework, comprising human rights, security and environmental issues, it would be desirable that a future peace framework in Northeast Asia dealing with the pending issues of Korean peninsula should also comprise of such broad issues as one relating to cooperation in space activities in the region. South Korea could tap expertise from her neighbor China. When South Korea become an independent space power either with her own technology or otherwise, she would be in a better position to play a role as a balancer in coordinating between the two neighboring space giants. It is remarkable that the Japanese led APRSAT has contributed much in establishing Sentinel Asia as a part of the Disaster Management Scheme, in that each participant, whether it be a state agency, or a private entity like a university or a research institute, can tap the common data to contribute to the common good of safety.

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A Comparative Analysis of CRM Strategies and Establishment Examples of the National Media Corporations in Korea (국내 미디어기업의 CRM 구축 및 적용 전략 비교 연구 - 신문사, 유료방송사, 통신 기업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hee-Kyung;Park, Joo-Yeun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.45
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    • pp.341-383
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    • 2009
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the media field is a specialcustomer-centered management method based on the information technology in order to build a long-term relationship with customers, users or subscripted people of media services. The purpose of this study is to examine and compare the various strategies and the characteristics of customer relationship managements of domestic media corporations in the era of the digital convergence. The data is analyzed by in-depth interviews with the CRM managements of newspapers, cable & satellite broadcasters and telecommunication corporations. The result of the study shows that the practicing CRM in the media field has an influence on the management performance and the management's support influences the practice of CRM. CRM is practiced differently according to the scale of the media corporations and revenue. Also the study presents that media corporations which wanted to improve CRM are going through trials and errors caused by the lack of experience of the CRM market in Korea. Therefore this study would provide CRM strategy for CRM marketers in Korea. Furthermore, this study presents concepts to media corporations which do not apply to CRM yet, and theoretical backgrounds which do. Finally, the implication of the study, limitations and problems are explained and discussed.

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WRF Numerical Study on the Convergent Cloud Band and Its Neighbouring Convective Clouds (겨울철 동해상의 대상수렴운과 그 주위의 대류운에 관한 WRF 수치모의 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Jin;Lee, Jae Gyoo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed atmospheric conditions for the convergent cloud band (Cu-Cb line) in developing stage and its neighbouring convections formed over the East Sea on 1 February 2012, by using synoptic, satellites data, and WRF numerical simulation output of high resolution. In both satellite images and the WRF numerical simulation outputs, the Cu-Cb line that stretched out toward northwest-southeast was shown in the East Sea, and cloud lines of the L mode were aligned in accordance with the prevailing surface wind direction. However, those of the T mode were aligned in the direction of NE-SW, which was nearly perpendicular direction to the surface winds. The directions of the wind shear vectors connecting top winds and bottom winds of the moist layers of the L mode and the T mode were identical with those of the cloud lines of L mode and T mode, respectively. From the WRF simulation convection circulations with a convergence in the lower layer of atmosphere and a divergence above 1.5 km ASL (Above Sea Level) were identified in the Cu-Cb line. A series of small sized vortexes (maximum vortex: $320{\times}10^{-5}s^{-1}$) of meso-${\gamma}$-scale formed by convergences was found along the Cu-Cb lines, suggesting that Cu-Cb lines, consisting of numerous convective clouds, were closely associated with a series of the small vortexes. There was an absolute unstable layer (${\partial}{\theta}/{\partial}z$ < 0) between sfc and ~0.3 km ASL, and a stable layer (${\partial}{\theta}/{\partial}z$ > 0) above ~2 km ASL over the Cu-Cb line and cloud zones. Not only convectively unstable layers (${\partial}{\theta}_e/{\partial}z$ < 0) but also neutral layers (${\partial}{\theta}_e/{\partial}z{\approx}=0$) in the lower atmosphere (sfc~1.5 km ASL) were scattered around over the cloud zones. Particularly, for the Cu-Cb line there were convectively unstable layers in the surface layer, and neutral layers (${\partial}{\theta}_e/{\partial}z{\approx}=0$) between 0.2 and ~1.5 km ASL over near the center of the Cu-Cb line, and the neutralization of unstable layers came from the release of convective instability.

Characteristics of Greenup and Senescence for Evapotranspiration in Gyeongan Watershed Using Landsat Imagery (Landsat 인공위성 이미지를 이용한 경안천 유역 증발산의 생장기와 휴면기 분포 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Minha;Hwang, Kyotaek;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.1B
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2011
  • Evapotranspiration (ET) from the various surfaces needs to be understood because it is a crucial hydrological factor to grasp interaction between the land surface and the atmosphere. A traditional way of estimating it, which is calculating it empirically using lysimeter and pan evaporation observations, has a limitation that the measurements represent only point values. However, these measurements cannot describe ET because it is easily affected by outer circumstances. Thus, remote sensing technology was applied to estimate spatial distribution of ET. In this study, we estimated major components of energy balance method (i.e. net radiation flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux) and ET as a map using Mapping Evapo-Transpiration with Internalized Calibration (METRIC) satellite-based image processing model. This model was run using Landsat imagery of Gyeongan watershed in Korea on Feb 1, 2003 and Sep 13, 2006. Basic statistical analyses were also conducted. The estimated mean daily ETs had respectively 22% and 11% of errors with pan evaporation data acquired from the Suwon Weather Station. This result represented similar distribution compared with previous studies and confirmed that the METRIC algorithm had high reliability in the watershed. In addition, ET distribution of each land use type was separately examined. As a result, it was identified that vegetation density had dominant impacts on distribution of ET. Seasonally, ET in a growing season represented significantly higher than in a dormant season due to more active transpiration. The ET maps will be useful to analyze how ET behaves along with the circumstantial conditions; land cover classification, vegetation density, elevation, topography.