• 제목/요약/키워드: Sandy

검색결과 1,832건 처리시간 0.026초

불포화 사질토의 도로함몰 특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on Road-Subsidence Characteristics in Unsaturated Sandy Soils)

  • 권기철
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to identify the road-subsidence mechanism in unsaturated sandy soils. METHODS : A series of soil chamber tests were conducted under various conditions. RESULTS : The cavity-expansion characteristics in unsaturated sandy soils due to seepage were affected by the outlet size, seepage intensity, relative density, and fine content. CONCLUSIONS : In unsaturated sandy soils, the cavity-expansion speed was affected by the outlet size, relative density, seepage intensity, and clay content; however, the cavity-expansion shape was very similar. As the outlet size and seepage intensity increased, the cavity-expansion speed increased. As the relative density increased, the cavity-expansion speed increased because of a sudden decrease in shear strength, resulting from the increased saturation (reduction of matric suction). The cavity expanded faster with the increasing clay content, up to a certain threshold. It expanded at a slower rate once it passed the threshold. Finally, it reached a stable state where the cavity did not expand due to seepage.

보강흙벽돌의 일축압축 강도특성분석 (Unconfined Compressive Strength of Reinforced Soil Brick)

  • 장병욱;강상욱;박영곤
    • 한국농공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농공학회 1999년도 Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Conference The Korean Society of Agricutural Engineers
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    • pp.594-598
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    • 1999
  • To analyze the characteristics of unconfined compressive strength of reinforced soil bricks made of clayey and sandy mixed with cement, lime, staple fiber and their combinatioin , a series of unified comparessive tests was performed. The resutls are summarized as follows ; 1) Reinforcing effect of reinforced clayed soil and that of soil brick of sandy soil mixed with cement and staple fiber is 8 times greater than no reinforced sandy sol. Therefore, the reinforcing effect seems to be greater in sandy soil than in clayey soil . 2) Lime shows a negative reinforcing effect in clayed soil but a little reinforcing effect in sandy soil. 3) It is appeared that strain at failure of soil brick reinforced with staple fiber is greater than that of unreinforced brick regrardless of soil's type.

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우리나라 답토양(畓土壌)의 실용적분류(実用的分類)에 관(関)한 연구(硏究) -제1보(第一報) 사질답(砂質畓) 분류(分類)에 관(関)하여 (Studies on the Interpretative Classification of Paddy Soils in Korea I : A Study on the Classification of Sandy Paddy Soils)

  • 정연태;양의석;박래경
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.128-140
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    • 1982
  • 저위(低位) 생산답중(生産畓中)에서 분포면적(分布面積)이 가장 넓고 개량(改良)의 효과(効果)가 큰 사질답(砂質畓)의 분포상태(分布状態) 및 실용적(実用的) 분류(分類)와 더불어 현재(現在) 널리 쓰이고 있는 답류형별(畓類型別) 분류체계(分類体系)의 개선(改善)을 위한 사질답(砂質畓) 유형분류(類型分類) 시안(試案)을 시도(試圖)하여 본 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 현재(現在) 이용(利用)되고 있는 기준(基準)에 의(依)한 사질답(砂質畓)의 잠재생산력(潜在生産力)은 보통답(普通畓)의 86%이었고 생산력(生産力)의 변이정도(変異程度)가 커서 유형재분류(類型再分類)의 필요성(必要性)이 있었다. 2. 현재(現在) 이용(利用)되고 있는 답유형(畓類型) 구분기준중(区分基準中) "사질답(砂質畓)"은 토성(土性)이 사질(砂質)이더라도 습답(湿畓)인 경우(境遇)와 염농도(塩濃度)가 높은 경우(境遇)에는 제외(除外)되고 있으므로 "객토대상지(客土対象地)" 추천(推薦)이 복잡(複雜)하고 제염(除塩)되거나 배수조건(排水條件) 변화시(変化時)에 유형(類型)을 변경분류(変更分類)해야 하였다. 3. 본(本) 연구(硏究)에서 제안(提案)한 사질답분류(砂質畓分類) 시안(試案)에서는 토성(土性)이 사질(砂質)인 모든 답토양(畓土壌)을 포함(包含)시켰으며 수량(收量)에 영향(影響)이 큰 특성(特性)을 기준(基準)하여 개(個)의 아형(亜型)(산화용탈형(酸化溶脫型) 사질답(砂質畓); 건답형(乾畓型), 산화환원중간형(酸化還元中間型) 사질답(砂質畓); 반습답형(半湿畓型), 환원집적형(還元集積型) 사질답(砂質畓); 습답형(湿畓型), 환원염해형(還元塩害型), 사질답(砂質畓), 염해형(塩害型))으로 재분(再分)하였고 각아형(各亜型)은 토성계별(土性系別)로 토양통(土壌統)과 연결(連結)할 수 있었다. 그러므로 시안(試案)의 분류단계(分類段階)는 형(型)(사질답(砂質畓))-아형(亜型)(4개(個))-토성계(土性系)(5등급(等級))-토양통(土壤壌)(48개통(個統))으로 되었다. 4. 시안(試案)과 같이 사질습답(砂質湿畓)과 사질염해답(砂質塩害畓)을 사질답(砂質畓)의 일부(一部)에 포함(包含)시켜 생산력(生産力)의 변이정도(変異程度)를 검정(検定)해 본 결과(結果)는 현행(現行) 체계(体系)에 의(依)한 것보다 개선(改善)되엇다. 5. 전국(全国)의 사질답(砂質畓) 면적(面積)은 409,902ha로서 총(総) 답면적(畓面積)의 32.3%에 해당(該当)되며 시안(試案)대로 분류(分類)하면 38.9%(492,982ha)에 달(達)하였고 절대면적(絶対面積)이 많은 지역(地域)은 경기(京畿)(88,923ha), 전북(全北)(69,717ha), 경북(慶北)(55,390ha) 순(順)이었고 답면적(畓面積) 전체(全体)에 대(対)한 상대적(相対的) 비율(比率)이 높은 지역(地域)은 강원(江原)(58.9%), 경기(京畿)(50.5%), 충북(忠北)(48.5%), 전북(全北)(41.0%)의 순(順)이며 시안(試案)에 의(依)하면 사질답(砂質畓) 면적(面積)은 더욱 높아져서 강원도(江原道)의 경우(境遇)에는 71.4%가 사질질답(砂質質畓)에 해당(該当)되었다. 6. 사질답(砂質畓)은 답토양(畓土壌) 적성등급(適性等級)의 3급지(級地)(69.1%)와 4급지(級地)(29.2%)에 대부분(大部分)이 해당(該当)되었으며 3급지중(級地中)에서는 "3사질(砂質)"(53.3%), 4급지중(級地中)에서는 "4경사(傾斜)"(16.0%)에 해당(該当)하는 토양(土壌)이 가장 많았다. 토성계(土性系)(Texture family)별(別)로는 사양질계(砂壌質系)(Coarse loamy family)가 59.2%로 대부분(大部分)이었고 징사(徵砂) 사양질계(砂壌質系)(Coarse silty)인 것도 전체(全体)의 16.1%에 달(達)하였다. 7. 시안(試案)에 의(依)한 사질답(砂質畓) 아형별(亜型別) 면적(面積)은 반습답형(半湿畓型) 사질답(砂質畓)(酸化還元中間型)이 49.6%(245,012ha)로 가장 많았고 그 다음으로 건답형(乾畓型) 사질답(砂質畓)(산화용탈형(酸化溶脫型))이 33.5%(64,890ha)이었고 습답형(湿畓型)(14.0%)과 염해형(塩害型)(2.9%)도 그 분포면적(分布面積)은 83,081ha에 달(達)하였다.

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수중 모래퇴적물에서 차주파수 음파의 비선형 산란 (Nonlinear Scattering of Difference Frequency Acoustic Wave in Water-Saturated Sandy Sediment)

  • 김병남;이강일;윤석왕;최복경
    • 한국음향학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국음향학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집 제23권 1호
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    • pp.347-348
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    • 2004
  • Nonlinear scattering of difference frequency acoustic wave in a water-saturated sandy sediment was investigated. Difference frequency acoustic wave was observed to be scattered due to the nonlinearity of water-saturated sandy sediment when the collinear acoustic waves with two different fundamental frequencies are incident on the sediment. The pressure level of the difference frequency acoustic wave was 6 dB higher than the background noise level. It seems very useful to evaluate the nonlinear parameter of water-saturated sandy sediment without disturbing the sediment. Such nonlinear acoustic response of water-saturated sandy sediment can be used as background acoustic data for estimating the gas void fraction in marine gassy sandy sedimen.

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사질토 지반의 상대다짐도 및 토층에 따른 연직지중응력 분포 특성 (Characteristics of Vertical Stress Distribution in Sandy Soil According to the Relative Compaction and Composition of the Soil Layer)

  • 남효석;이상호
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제52권2호
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the vertical stress properties in sandy soil according to changes of foundation condition in soil bin compacted three layers. The following conclusions and comparisons have been made based on careful analysis from theoretical and experimental methods. : When sandy soil subjected to circular uniform load, the vertical stress increments ($\Delta\sigma_z$) was increased as load increasing, the maximum values of $\Delta\sigma_z$ was achieved at the point loading axis, and $\Delta\sigma_z$ was not shown over at a distance of three times of loading plate width (B). The vertical stress increments were achieved largely at 80 % relative compaction (Rc) compared to 95 % relative compaction due to stress concentration in sandy soil. When sandy soil subjected to circular uniform load, the $\Delta\sigma_z$ differences between theoretical and experimental values as load increased were more increased and its maximum differences were achieved at stress axis. When gravel surface macadamized over sandy soil subjected to load, the $\Delta\sigma_z$ was concentrated to load axis as load increasing, so that macadamization will be decreased load transmission.

Quick Response 기반의 Moss-Customization 구현을 위한 점포유형에 관한 소비자 태도 연구 (Consumers' Attitude on Textile for Quick Response based Mass-Customization in Marketing Channels)

  • 신상무;이효정
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제26권11호
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    • pp.1527-1576
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    • 2002
  • Quick Response based Mass-Customization can be produced and distributed customized goods and services on mass basis in apparel e-business. Because consumers can: t touch and feel the apparel products in e-business, they tend to have the negative buying behavior. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of consumer's texture sensibility of apparel products based on marketing channels (on-line/off-line). Two types of questionnaires for on-line and of f-line were used to assess consumer sensibility on apparel fabric. The 8 swatches were selected in regard to the previous literatures. 205 questionnaires for each type (on-line/off-line) were distributed. Statistical devices were t-test, mean and standard deviation with SPSS10.0. The result of this study was showed that there were partially significant differences on consumers' texture sensibility on apparel products between on-line and off-line. Under on-line environment, consumers perceived corduroy as warm, strong, and sandy. taffeta as warm, sandy, and glossy, denim as sandy, and warm, organza as sandy, and thin, satin as sandy, dense, and modern, chiffon as sandy, and flat, velvet as warm, and soft, single jersey as warm, soft, and comfortable. Therefore, apparel firms cooperating based Mass-Customization in e-business have to pay attention to the differences on consumers’ texture sensibility of on-line apparel products from those of off-line.

한반도 동해안의 모래해안 발달과 암석 분포 사이의 상관성 (The Relation between Sandy Shore Distribution and Basic Rock in the East Coast of the Korean Peninsula)

  • 김영래
    • 한국지형학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2018
  • The distribution and size of sandy beaches along eastern Korea has a close relationship with the presence of granite rocks. In general, elongated and wide beaches with abundant sands are likely to develop along the coasts where granitic basic rocks comprise the dominant geology or where a large amount of sands are supplied by streams from inland granitic rocks. Small sandy beaches, in contrast, appear in non-granitic rocks (i.e., under sedimentary and/or metamorphic geology). Hence, large beaches are observed continuously along the shore of Gangwon-do, of which coasts consist predominantly of granitic geology. Such continuity declines from Samcheok city to Pohang city. The rock of Gyeonbuk-do is commonly known as sedimentary, deposited between the late Triassic and the early Tertiary Periods. Because few sands are supplied from the upstream areas, sandy beaches unlikely develop along the coasts of the province, only showing a sporadic, discontinuous distribution under Bulguksa granite, granitic gneiss, and some volcanic rocks. Erosion was rarely observed in the beaches where granitic rocks are distributed, whereas merely five beaches seemed to have undergone some level of erosion in non-granitic regions. This is presumably because a larger amount of sands than that which had been eroded away was replenished in areas under granitic geology, while under non-granitic geology having a deficit in sands, no large sandy beaches had formed at first.

살균토양(殺菌土壤), 자연토양(自然土壤) 및 Glucose-peptone으로 개량(改良)한 토양조건(土壤條件)이 Helminthosporium victoriae와 Mortierella n. sp.에 미치는 정균작용(靜菌作用) (The Nature of Fungistasis in Sterile and Glucose-peptone Amended Soil on Helminthosporium victoriae and Mortierella n. sp.)

  • 이민웅;최혜정
    • 한국균학회지
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 1982
  • 공시(供試)한 6개지역(個地域)의 토성(土性)은 Colwood와 Capac이 양질토(良質土)이고 Gilford와 Ceresco는 사질식양토(砂質埴壤土)이며 Sission은 식양토(埴壤土)이고 Spinke는 사질토(砂質土)이었다. 토양산도(土壤酸度)는 Gilfold사질식양토(砂質埴壤土)가 6.6이고 기타는 $5.4{\sim}5.9$의 범위로 나타났으며 유기물함량(有機物含量)은 Gilford토양(土壤)이 제일 많이 함유하고 있었다. 일반세균수(一般細菌數)는 Gilford토양에서는 다른 토양(土壤)에서 보다 통제적으로 많았고 사상균수(絲狀菌數)에서도 Gilford와 Colwood토양(土壤)이 다른 토양보다 통계적으로 더 많았다. 방선균(放線菌)의 밀도(密度)를 보면 Gilford와 Ceresco의 토양(土壤)에서 많았고 혐기성(嫌氣性) 세균(細菌)의 수(數)는 Ceresco, Capac및 Colwood에서 많았으며 번대로 사질식양토(砂質埴壤土)인 Gilford에서는 적었다. $^{14}C-glucose$를 첩가한 토양(土壤)에서의 미생물(微生物)의 호흡량(呼吸量)은 Ceresco, Spinks, Colwood, Sission, Capac 및 Gilford의 순(順)으로 적었다. 공시균주(供試菌株) Helminthosporium victoriae(# 418)와 Mortierella n. sp.에 대한 자연토양(自然土壤), 살균토양(殺菌土壤)및 glucose와 peptone을 농도별(濃度別)(mg/g 토양(土壤))로 첨가한 토양(土壤)에서의 발아율(發芽率)을 보면 자연토양(自然土壤)에서는 $0{\sim}5%$이고 살균토양(殺菌土壤)에서는 $90{\sim}98%$이었다. 토양(土壤)에 첨가(添加)된 영양물(營養物)의 농도(濃度)에 따라 공시균(供試菌)의 발아(發芽)정도는 달랐다. 일반적으로 Capac과 Gilford에서는 Spinks토양(土壤) 보다 발아(發芽)에 필요한 영양물(營養物)을 더 많이 요구(要求)하였으며 특히 Mortierella는 H. victoriae보다 발아(發芽)에 있어서 더 많은 량(量)의 영양물(營養物)을 요구(要求)하였다.

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지면에 조성된 조립사질 토양이 석조문화재의 훼손에 끼치는 영향 (Influence of Coarse Grained Sandy Soil in Ground on Deterioration of Stone Cultural Properties)

  • 도진영
    • 한국광물학회지
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    • 제19권1호통권47호
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2006
  • 석조문화재 주변의 환경적인 요인은 다양한 형태의 손상을 불러일으킨다. 본 연구에서는 여러 환경 요인 중에서 지면에 조성된 조립사질 토양이 석조문화재의 손상에 끼치는 영향을 불국사 다보탑을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 복잡한 구조를 지닌 불국사다보탑의 주변 지면에는 조립사질토양이 조성되어 있고, 주변은 회랑으로 둘러싸여 있다. 경주의 거센 바람과 수많은 관람객으로 인하여 지면의 토양이 부유되어 복잡한 석탑의 부재 사이에 침착되고 있다. 조립사질토양이 석탑의 손상에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위하여 조립사질 토양과 석탑 주변에 떨어진 풍화편을 채취하여 X-선 회절분석, 편광현미경 및 전자현미경으로 광물조성과 조직을 관찰하였으며, IC와 ICP-AES를 이용하여 수용성 염성분을 분석하였다. 조립사질토양과 풍화편에서는 스멕타이트 뿐만 아니라, 일라이트, 카올리나이트가 검출되었는데, 이들은 수분과 접촉시 팽창을 하여 암석에 압력을 가중시킨다. 풍화편과 조립사질 토양에서는 또한 NaCl 염이 검출되었는데, 이 염은 점토광물에 나트륨이온을 제공하여서, 또는 상대습도 평형을 떨어뜨려서 점토광물의 팽창을 증진시킨다. 분석결과는 조립사질토양이 풍화된 석조문화재의 사이트환경으로는 적절치 못함을 보여준다.

The Effect of Soil Textures on the Flowering characteristics and Green Manure Yield of Crimson Clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) in Upland Soil

  • Cho, Hyeoun-Suk;Seo, Myung-Chul;Park, Tea-Sun;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Sang, Wan-gyu;Shin, Pyeong;Lee, Geon Hwi
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2017년도 9th Asian Crop Science Association conference
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    • pp.367-367
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    • 2017
  • Crimson clover, a legume crop, is a landscape crop and green manure crop that can be sowing in spring and autumn. Its red flower blooms in May, and serves various roles such as landscape composition, weeds suppressing, prevention of soil loss and nutrient on sloping land and supplying nitrogen and organic matter in soil. Thus, in order to utilize this crop in agriculture land, we evaluated the growth characteristics of crimson clover cultivated in four different soil textures, sand, sandy loam, loam, and clay loam. The nitrogen content of crimson clover was 15.8 g kg-1 and C/N rate was 20.3. Its growth was good in sandy loam and loam. Its plant height was 42.5 cm in sandy loam and 49.5 cm in loamy, respectively, which are approximately 20 cm longer than the sand and clay loam. The crimson clover in sandy loam and loam bloomed about seven days earlier than those in sand and clay loam. Regarding number of flower per hill and flower length, there were no difference between soil textures. Dry weight of crimson clover was 2.5 Mg ha-1, 2.3 Mg ha-1 each in sandy loam and loam. Therefore, it was approximately 0.8 ~ 1.1 Mg ha-1 higher than dry weight of sand and sandy loam. Plant height and dry weight of crimson clover was increased late harvest time. Nitrogen contribution were higher in loam and clay loam, when it was respectively 51.3 kg ha-1, 53.5 kg ha-1. Therefore, according to flowering properties and dry weight, the growth and development of crimson clover was finest in sandy loam and loam.

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