• Title/Summary/Keyword: STRATIFICATION

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Characteristics of Oceanographic Conditions in an Area Suitable for the Construction of Artificial Upwelling (인공 용승 구조물 설치에 적합한 해역의 해양환경 특성)

  • Cho Kyu-Dae;KIM Dong-Sun;PARK Sung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2003
  • To evaluate the oceanographic conditions for the artificial upwelling we measured vertical stratification coefficients, current speed distribution and grain size distribution of bottom sediment in the vicinity of Gukdo and Somaemuldo near Geojedo. There were a strong stratification between surface and bottom layers in summer, the stratification was weak from autumn to winter, and the water was well mixed during winter. In summer nutrient concentration of the bottom layer was 4 times higher than that of the surface layer. Underwater currents were strong in the bottom layer. We conclude that the oceanographic conditions in the area will meet the basic requirement for the construction of artificial upwelling.

A Numerical Study of Formation of Unsteady Vortex behind a Sphere in Stratified Flow (층상류 속에 있는 구 후류의 비정상 와류 형성에 관한 수치 해석)

  • Lee, Seung-Su;Yang, Kyung-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.715-720
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    • 2000
  • Stratified flow past a three-dimensional obstacle such as a sphere has been a long-lasting subject of geophysical, environmental and engineering fluid dynamics. In order to investigate the effect of the stratification on the near wake, in particular, the unsteady vortex formation behind a sphere, numerical simulations of stratified flows past a sphere are conducted. The time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a three-dimensional finite element method and a modified explicit time integration scheme. Laminar flow regime is considered and linear stratification of density is assumed under Boussinesq approximation. The computed results include the characteristics of the near wake and the unsteady vortex shedding. With a strong stratification, the separation on the sphere is suppressed and the wake structure behind the sphere becomes planar, resembling that behind a vertical cylinder.

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A Numerical Study on Turbulent Damping Effect due to Density Stratification of Cohesive and Noncohesive Sediment (점착성 및 비점착성 유사의 밀도성층화에 따른 난류 영향에 대한 수치연구)

  • Son, Min-Woo;Lee, Guan-Hong;Lee, Du-Han
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 2011
  • This numerical study aims to investigate the effect of cohesive sediment on turbulence structure due to density stratification. The transport model for cohesive sediment incorporated with flocculation model has been selected and calculates the concentration, fluid momentum, and turbulence. From the model results, it is known that suspension of sediment decreases turbulence intensity. It is also found that cohesive sediment has a relatively weak effect on turbulence damping compared to noncohesive sediment. The low settling velocity and more suspension of cohesive sediment are considered to be mechanisms of this behavior. Richardson number determined with results of this study quantitatively shows that cohesive sediment causes less stable density stratification condition and, as a result, the turbulence structure is less damped compared to the case of noncohesive sediment.

The Improvement of the Performance of Solar Cooling and Heating Systems (III) - Development of One Dimensional Analytic Model for the Evaluation of Stratification Coefficients - (태양열에 의한 냉방 및 난방시스템의 성능향상 (III) - 성층화계수의 예측을 위한 1차원 해석모델의 개발 -)

  • Yoo, J.K.;Ro, S.T.;Lee, J.S.;Chung, S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 1989
  • A one dimensional analytic model for the prediction of the stratification coefficient of a liquid-based solar heating system is developed. The stratification coefficient, $K_s$, is defined as the ratio of the actual useful energy gain to the energy gain that would be achieved if there were no thermal stratification in the storage tank. Previous studies incorporated only collector-side effects, but in this study both the collector and load-side effects are included for the overall performance evaluation.

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Allocation in Multi-way Stratification by Linear Programing

  • NamKung, Pyong;Choi, Jae-Hyuk
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.327-341
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    • 2006
  • Winkler (1990, 2001), Sitter and Skinner (1994), Wilson and Sitter (2002) present a method which applies linear programing to designing surveys with multi-way stratification, primarily in situation where the desired sample size is less than or only slightly larger than the total number of stratification cells. A comparison is made with existing methods both by illustrating the sampling schemes generated for specific examples, by evaluating sample mean, variance estimation, and mean squared errors, and by simulating sample mean for all methods. The computations required can, however, increase rapidly as the number of cells in the multi-way classification increase. In this article their approach is applied to multi-way stratification using real data.

Stratification of American Ginseng Seed: Embryo Growth and Temperature (미국삼 종자의 매장처리 : 배 성장과 온도)

  • John, T.A.Proctor;Dean, Louttit
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.171-174
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    • 1995
  • Freshly harvested American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) seeds were stratified at two locations over each of three years. Seed development and temperature in the stratification boxes were investigated until the seed was removed 12 months later and direct-seeded in the field. During stratification and seeding (14 months) three embryo stages were identified. In Stage I of 250 days (Sept. to mid-May) embryo length increased from about 0.5 to 1.0 mm: in Stage II of 100 days (mid-May to late Aug. when seeded) length increased to 2.0 mm and in Stage III (late Aug. to late Nov.) length increased to 5.3 mm. Excerpt split width could also be placed in three stages. Changes in embryo length correlated with embryo endosperm length ratio. Insertion compression tests showed that the excerpt softened rapidly in late Stage II and throughout Stage III. The stratification box temperatures at all depths (10, 25 and 50 cm) never exceeded -2$^{\circ}C$ even when the air temperatures dropped to -13$^{\circ}C$ and were, therefore not damaging to the seeds.

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Stratification and DO Concentration Changes in Chinhae-Masan Bay (진해ㆍ마산만의 성층화 및 DO 농도변화)

  • 조홍연;채장원;전시영
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.295-307
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    • 2002
  • Water temperature, salinity, and DO concentration were measured vertically in the Chinhae-Masan Bay over the course of 1 year. The characteristics of the stratification were analysed using the measured water temperature and salinity data. The vertical DO concentration changes were also analysed through consideration of the degree of stratification and the level of sediment pollution. The results of the analyses show that the thermal stratification appears just before April and disappears after October. The salinity differences between the surface and the bottom were 3.9(equation omitted), 9.3 (equation omitted), 4.3(equation omitted) in April, August, and October, respectively. The DO concentration change averaged over water depth was 2.6(mg/L) in April; 8.3(mg/L) in June: 5.9(mg/L) in August; 7.2(mg/L) in September; and 4.4(mg/L) in October. The DO concentration changes were closely related to the levels of contamination and also to the effect of the mass-transfer inhibition between the surface and bottom layers due to the thermal and density stratification.

Seed Germination Response to Temperature, Cold Stratification Period, and Gibberellin Treatment in Spiraea fritschiana

  • Kim, Hyun Jin;Lee, Ki Cheol;Kim, Hyun Jin;Kim, Yoon Jin
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.557-563
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    • 2016
  • To improve the germination of Spiraea fritschiana seeds for mass propagation, we evaluated the effect of a range of temperatures, cold stratification periods, and gibberellic acid ($GA_3$) treatments on three germination characteristics. Final germination percentage (FGP) increased as the temperature for seed germination increased, up to $30^{\circ}C$, while the mean germination time (MGT) and the mean number of days to 30% germination ($T_{30}$) decreased when seeds were germinated at $25-30^{\circ}C$. The optimum germination temperature of S. fritschiana seeds is approximately $30^{\circ}C$ considering FGP, MGT, and $T_{30}$ together. FGP increased with the duration of cold stratification up to a period of 6 weeks, but declined after 8 weeks of cold stratification, as prolonged cold stratification can induce dormancy with a resultant decline in germination. Pretreatment with 6-8 weeks of cold stratification or soaking seeds in distilled water or $500mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ $GA_3$ for 24 h accelerated and increased the germination of S. fritschiana seeds, regardless of temperature. However, further study might be required to evaluate the effect of $GA_3$ concentrations lower than $500mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ on the promotion of germination in S. fritschiana seeds.

A Study on the Use of Cluster Analysis for Multivariate and Multipurpose Stratification (군집분석을 이용한 다목적 조사의 층화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Woo;Yun, Seok-Hoon;Kim, Jin-Heum;Jeong, Hyeong-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 2007
  • This paper considers several stratification strategies for multivariate and multipurpose survey with several quantitative stratification variables. We propose three methods of stratification based on, respectively, the method of cumulative frequency square root which is the most popular one in univariate stratification, cluster analysis, and factor analysis followed by cluster analysis. We then compare the efficiency of those methods using the Dong-Eup-Myun data of the holding numbers of farming machines, extracted from the 2001 Agricultural Census. It turned out that the method based on cluster analysis with factor analysis would be a relatively satisfactory strategy.

Experimental Study on the Effective Use of Thermally Stratified Hot Water Storage System (열성층 온수저장시스템의 효율적 이용에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Pak, Ee-Tong
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.13 no.2_3
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 1993
  • The benefits of thermal stratification in sensible heat storage were investigated for residential solar applications. The effect of increased thermal useful efficiency of hot water stored in an actual storage tank due to stratification has been discussed and illustrated through experimental data and computer simulation, which were taken by changing dynamic and geometric parameters. When the flow rate was 8 liter/min and ${\Delta}T=40^{\circ}C$ was $40^{\circ}C$, the useful efficiency(${\eta}_u$) was about 90% in case of using a distributor, but not using a distributor the useful efficiency(${\eta}_u$) was about 82%. So these kinds of distributor would be recommendable for a hot water storage system and residential solar energy application to increase useful efficiency(${\eta}_u$). In the case of the uniform circular distributor, when the flow rate was 8 liter/min partial mixing was decreased and a stable stratification was obtained. Furthermore, if the distrbutor was manufactured so that the flow is to be the same from all perforations in order to enhance stratification, it might be predicted that further stable stratification and higher useful efficiency(${\eta}_u$) are obtainable.

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