• 제목/요약/키워드: SPSW

검색결과 25건 처리시간 0.015초

Investigation of performance of steel plate shear walls with partial plate-column connection (SPSW-PC)

  • Azandariani, Mojtaba Gorji;Gholhaki, Majid;Kafi, Mohammad Ali;Zirakian, Tadeh;Khan, Afrasyab;Abdolmaleki, Hamid;Shojaeifar, Hamid
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 2021
  • This research endeavor intends to use the implicit finite element method to investigate the structural response of steel shear walls with partial plate-column connection. To this end, comprehensive verification studies are initially performed by comparing the numerical predictions with several reported experimental results in order to demonstrate the reliability and accuracy of the implicit analysis method. Comparison is made between the hysteresis curves, failure modes, and base shear capacities predicted numerically using ABAQUS software and obtained/observed experimentally. Following the validation of the finite element analysis approach, the effects of partial plate-column connection on the strength and stiffness performances of steel shear wall systems with different web-plate slenderness and aspect ratios under monotonic loading are investigated through a parametric study. While removal of the connection between the web-plate and columns can be beneficial by decreasing the overall system demand on the vertical boundary members, based on the results and findings of this study such detachment can lower the stiffness and strength capacities of steel shear walls by about 25%, on average.

Numerical investigation of buckling-restrained steel plate shear wall under fire loading

  • Masoumi-Zahaneh, Fereydoon;Hoseinzadeh, Mohamad;Rahimi, Sepideh;Ebadi-Jamkhaneh, Mehdi
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the seismic behavior of an all-steel buckling-restrained (AB) steel plate shear wall (SPSW) with incline slits under fire and cyclic loading was investigated. ABSPSW was composed of two thin steel infill plates with a narrow distance from each other, which were embedded with incline slits on each plate. These slits were in opposite directions to each other. The finite element (FE) numerical model was validated with three test specimens and after ensuring the modeling strategy, the parametric study was performed by considering variables such as wall plate thickness, slit width, strip width between two slits, and degree of temperature. A total of 256 FE numerical models were subjected to coupled temperature-displacement analysis. The results of the analysis showed that the high temperature reduced the seismic performance of the ABSPSW so that at 917℃, the load-bearing capacity was reduced by 92%. In addition, with the increase in the temperature, the yield point of the infill plate and frame occurred in a small displacement. The average decrease in shear strength at 458℃, 642℃, and 917℃ was 18%, 46%, and 92%, respectively, compared to the shear strength at 20℃. Also, with increasing the temperature to 917℃, ductility increased by an average of 75%

Behavior of fully- connected and partially-connected multi-story steel plate shear wall structures

  • Azarafrooza, A.;Shekastehband, B.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제76권3호
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    • pp.311-324
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    • 2020
  • Until now, a comparative study on fully and partially-connected steel shear walls leading to enhancing strength and stiffness reduction of partially-connected steel plate shear wall structures has not been reported. In this paper a number of 4-story and 8-story steel plate shear walls, are considered with three different connection details of infill plate to surrounding frame. The specimens are modeled using nonlinear finite element method verified excellently with the experimental results and analyzed under monotonic loading. A comparison between initial stiffness and shear strength of models as well as percentage of shear force by model boundary frame and infill plate are performed. Moreover, a comparison between energy dissipation, ductility factor and distribution of Von-Mises stresses of models are presented. According to the results, the initial stiffness, shear resistance, energy dissipation and ductility of the models with beam-only connected infill plates (SSW-BO) is found to be about 53%, 12%, 15% and 48% on average smaller than those of models with fully-connected infill plates (SPSW), respectively. However, performance characteristics of semi-supported steel shear walls (SSSW) containing secondary columns by simultaneously decreasing boundary frame strength and increasing thickness of infill plates are comparable to those of SPSWs. Results show that by using secondary columns as well as increasing thickness of infill plates, the stress demands on boundary frame decreases substantially by as much as 35%. A significant increase in infill plate share on shear capacity by as much as 95% and 72% progress for the 4-story SSW-BO and 8-story SSSW8, respectively, as compared with non-strengthened counterparts. A similar trend is achieved by strengthening secondary columns of 4-story SSSW leading to an increase of 50% in shear force contribution of infill plate.

Seismic performance of composite plate shear walls with variable column flexural stiffness

  • Curkovic, Ivan;Skejic, Davor;Dzeba, Ivica;De Matteis, Gianfranco
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2019
  • Cyclic behaviour of composite (steel-concrete) plate shear walls (CPSW) with variable column flexural stiffness is experimentally and numerically investigated. The investigation included design, fabrication and testing of three pairs of one-bay one-storey CPSW specimens. The reference specimen pair was designed in way that its column flexural stiffness corresponds to the value required by the design codes, while within the other two specimen pairs column flexural stiffness was reduced by 18% and 36%, respectively. Specimens were subjected to quasi-static cyclic tests. Obtained results indicate that column flexural stiffness reduction in CPSW does not have negative impact on the overall behaviour allowing for satisfactory performance for up to 4% storey drift ratio while also enabling inelastic buckling of the infill steel plate. Additionally, in comparison to similar steel plate shear wall (SPSW) specimens, column "pull-in" deformations are less pronounced within CPSW specimens. Therefore, the results indicate that prescribed minimal column flexural stiffness value used for CPSW might be conservative, and can additionally be reduced when compared to the prescribed value for SPSWs. Furthermore, finite element (FE) pushover simulations were conducted using shell and solid elements. Such FE models can adequately simulate cyclic behaviour of CPSW and as such could be further used for numerical parametric analyses. It is necessary to mention that the implemented pushover FE models were not able to adequately reproduce column "pull-in" deformation and that further development of FE simulations is required where cyclic loading of the shear walls needs to be simulated.

Hysteretic performance of SPSWs with trapezoidally horizontal corrugated web-plates

  • Kalali, Hamed;Hajsadeghi, Mohammad;Zirakian, Tadeh;Alaee, Farshid J.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.277-292
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    • 2015
  • Previous research has shown that steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) are efficient lateral force-resisting systems against both wind and seismic loads. A properly designed SPSW can have high initial stiffness, strength, and energy absorption capacity as well as superior ductility. SPSWs have been commonly designed with unstiffened and stiffened infill plates based on economical and performance considerations. Recent introduction and application of corrugated plates with advantageous structural features has motivated the researchers to consider the employment of such elements in stiffened SPSWs with the aim of lowering the high construction cost of such high-performing systems. On this basis, this paper presents results from a numerical investigation of the hysteretic performance of SPSWs with trapezoidally corrugated infill plates. Finite element cyclic analyses are conducted on a series of flat- and corrugated-web SPSWs to examine the effects of web-plate thickness, corrugation angle, and number of corrugation half-waves on the hysteretic performance of such structural systems. Results of the parametric studies are indicative of effectiveness of increasing of the three aforementioned web-plate geometrical and corrugation parameters in improving the cyclic response and energy absorption capacity of SPSWs with trapezoidally corrugated infill plates. Increasing of the web-plate thickness and number of corrugation half-waves are found to be the most and the least effective in adjusting the hysteretic performance of such promising lateral force-resisting systems, respectively. Findings of this study also show that optimal selection of the web-plate thickness, corrugation angle, and number of corrugation half-waves along with proper design of the boundary frame members can result in high stiffness, strength, and cyclic performances of such corrugated-web SPSWs.