• 제목/요약/키워드: SPHERE irradiation experiment

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.016초

Advanced interpretation of the SPHERE irradiation experiment with neutronics and fuel performance codes

  • Marc Lainet;Lelio Luzzi;Alessio Magni;Davide Pizzocri;Martina Di Gennaro;Paul Van Uffelen;Arndt Schubert;Elio D'Agata;Vincenzo Romanello;Andrei Rineiski;Karl Sturm;Sander Van Til;Florence Charpin;Alexander Fedorov
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권11호
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    • pp.4734-4747
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    • 2024
  • The SPHERE experiment aimed at studying the behaviour of Minor Actinide-bearing Driver Fuel (U,Pu,Am)O2-x by comparing sphere-packed and pelletized fuels. The irradiation experiment was performed in the High Flux Reactor at Petten from August 2013 to April 2015, and was followed by post-irradiation examinations up to mid-2017. The present work consists in a new analysis of the SPHERE experiment, focusing on the pelletized fuel, by the means of both neutronics and fuel performance codes. This study is performed in the frame of the European Project PATRICIA. The adopted methodology and the main results achieved, assessed in particular against inert gas-related experimental data, are presented in the paper.

흡수선량지수결정(吸收線量指數決定)에 관한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) (Experimental Study on the Determination of Absorbed dose Index)

  • 전재식;노재식;노성기;하정우;유영수;이현덕
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.34-48
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    • 1982
  • 본 연구의 일차적 목적은 방사선 방호를 위하여 임의지점(任意地點)의 주변 방사선량의 수준을 특성(特性)짓는 방법의 하나로 ICRU가 정의(定義)한 흡수선량지수를 실측(實測)하는데 있는 바 이를 위한 실험은 에비실험과 본 실험의 두 단계로 나누어 수행하였다. 예비단계의 실험에서는 30cm 지름의 polyethylene구(球)를 사용한 반면 본 실험에서는 인체조직등가물질(人體組織等價物質)의 구(球)를 제작하였으며 두 실험 모두 $^{137}Cs$$^{60}Co$ 감마선장(線場)과 TRIGA Mark-II 원자로의 열중성자(熱中性子) column의 중성자공장(中性子工場)에서 행하여졌다. 감마선 흡수선량측정에는 TCD-700 $(^{7}LiF)$ chip을, 중성자선량측정에는 Au 방사화박(放射化薄)과 함께 TLD chip도 사용하였는데 이 경우에는 감마선의 기여를 판별해 내기 위하여 TLD-600 $(^{6}LiF)$과 TLD-700을 동시에 사용하였다. 감마선 조사(照射)의 경우 구(球) phantom내(內) 흡수선량의 이론적 해석은 Burlin의 공동이론(空洞理論)에서 유도된 Erlich의 방법을 썼으며, 중성자 선량해석에는 fluence-KERMA 변환방법을 사용하였다. 이들 선량에 관하여서는 특히 자세히 설명하였다. 해석에 실험결과는 모두 통계적으로 처리 분석하였으며 특히 심부선량분포(深部線量分布)는 규격화(規格化)한 값을 사용하여 도표(圖表)로 나타내는 한편, 결론에서는 방사선방호용 지수량(指數量) 실측(實測)의 가능성과 난점(難點)을 설명하고 해결하여야 할 문제점들을 언급(言及)하였다.

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    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제47권7호
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    • pp.939-944
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    • 2015
  • The calibration methods of neutron-measuring devices such as the neutron survey meter have advantages and disadvantages. To compare the calibration factors obtained by the shadow cone method and semi-empirical method, 10 neutron survey meters of five different types were used in this study. This experiment was performed at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI; Daejeon, South Korea), and the calibration neutron fields were constructed using a $^{252}Californium$ ($^{252}Cf$) neutron source, which was positioned in the center of the neutron irradiation room. The neutron spectra of the calibration neutron fields were measured by a europium-activated lithium iodide scintillator in combination with KAERI's Bonner sphere system. When the shadow cone method was used, 10 single moderator-based survey meters exhibited a smaller calibration factor by as much as 3.1-9.3% than that of the semi-empirical method. This finding indicates that neutron survey meters underestimated the scattered neutrons and attenuated neutrons (i.e., the total scatter corrections). This underestimation of the calibration factor was attributed to the fact that single moderator-based survey meters have an under-ambient dose equivalent response in the thermal or thermal-dominant neutron field. As a result, when the shadow cone method is used for a single moderator-based survey meter, an additional correction and the International Organization for Standardization standard 8529-2 for room-scattered neutrons should be considered.