• 제목/요약/키워드: Rural Revitalization

검색결과 162건 처리시간 0.02초

녹색농업관광 활성화를 위한 경관농업 육성방안에 관한 연구 - 일본의 사례를 중심으로 - (The Study on the Establishment of the Agricultural Landscape Conservation Policy for the Green Tourism)

  • 정철모;박미호
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2004
  • This study focus on the revitalization of green tourism by the agricultural landscape conservation policy. Today, agricultural landuse for food production is restricted by agricultural products import. In this context, agricultural land use policy should be paradigm shift to the consumers needs which accelerates the green tourism in the rural areas. This research screen the agricultural landscape conservation policy of Japan' system and construct the new policy implementation for agricultural landscape conservation in Korea. For this purpose, agricultural landscape guideline and support system should be established in line with the revitalization of green tourism and agricultural income diversification in the rural areas.

Current Issues and Rural Policies of Less-favored Areas in Japan

  • 중도강박
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2009
  • In Japan, the direct payment scheme for mountainous areas was introduced in order to enhance multifunctionality of less-favored areas in 2000. A comprehensive ex post assessment showed that the scheme effectively contributed to prevention of abandoned cultivated lands, maintenance and enhancement of multifunctionality of agriculture, continuous assistance for agricultural production, and revitalization of community. In 2005 a second round of the scheme started and urged encouraging core farmers, improving productivity, and reinforcing inter-village coalition as to promote autonomous and sustainable rural economies. A new different scheme such as 'measures to conserve and improve land, water and environment' was launched for strengthening conservation and management of rural resources over all areas in 2007. It covers one third of paddy fields with regards to maintenance of water facilities and practice of group eco-farming beyond less-favored area. A lot of public programs have been developed for rural revitalization recently. Additionally some have a complementary role to enlarging cultural multifunctionality in rural societies. We could interpret the institutional progress as an evolutionary path of rural development and environmental schemes for the past decade. Much experience of community works through the direct payment scheme for mountainous areas may have resulted in accumulation of social competence for elaboration of rural management..

Plan to Revitalize Local Economy through 6th Industry of Agriculture

  • Park, Sang youn
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2017
  • Although the $6^{th}$ industry of agriculture, the subject of this research, is a policy that is implemented nationwide, the result or its performance can vary depending on judgment and basic plan of the local government concerned. To overcome this, support of the central government and provincial governments is important, but each rural family, rural area or management unit also has to grasp the reality fast and overcome it through voluntary participation. In addition, local governments of the nation should operate this project efficiently by implementing required support and policies in each field. Local governments should also promote revitalization of local economy by providing help to rural families and management units that implement the $6^{th}$ industry of agriculture through expert consulting, matching of funding paths, and deregulation.

유휴농지의 활용방안 모색 및 사례 계획 (Exploring Practical Use and Case Planning of the Abandoned Farmlands)

  • 배승종;윤성수;박진선;윤홍일
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to propose the direction of practical use of the abandoned farmlands. To achieve this purpose, the main tasks of this research are : 1) investigating the precedent researches and several domestic and foreign case studies 2) examining the devices of managing and revitalizing of the abandoned farmlands, and 3) designing the abandoned farmlands revitalization cases in study areas. This research proposed several development directions and action 'plans for agricultural reuse and non-agricultural reuse of abandoned farmlands. In conclusion, this study is expected to use the basic policy information of the abandoned farmlands revitalization projects.

농어촌 뉴타운조성사업을 토대로 본 농촌 활성화를 위한 주거환경 정책 방향 (Review of Rural Housing Policies for Rural Revitalization Based on the Analysis of Rural Newtown Projects)

  • 박정아;최병숙;강인호
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.887-901
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to identify limitations and pending problems after reviewing the overall policies and status of rural Newtown projects, and to seek solutions to its problems. This study targeted the villages of 5 districts, which were developed as rural new-towns after 2009 and included the basic status and progress of the pilot districts. This study conducted a literature review to examine the basic status and progress of the pilot districts, and based on this, analyzed the demand prediction, site selection, project implementation, and housing and amenity facilities of the pilot districts. The study methods included literature reviews, on-site surveys, interviews with village representatives, and consultations with experts. According to the analysis results, a low occupancy rate of the Newtown project districts is because the prediction of occupancy demand was incorrectly completed before implementing the projects. Also, the eligibility for occupancy, such as age restriction and mandatory farming was too strict. Other problems included an absence of income generation support policies for rural returnees, a housing supply policy in disregard of agricultural characteristics, and a lack of understanding of maintenance of communal space, etc.

농촌경관 개선사업에 대한 주민인식 및 참여만족도 연구 - 금산읍 농촌중심지 활성화사업을 대상으로 - (Residents' Perception and Participation Satisfaction on Rural Landscape Improvement Projects - Focused on the Rural Revitalization Project in Geumsan -)

  • 박은영;이형숙
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • This purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and participation satisfaction of residents who participated in the rural landscape improvement project in Geumsan. The projects were conducted in three villages of Geumsan in 2018 and total 96 residents had participated. The results of the questionnaire survey on the participants showed that they usually have interests in community activities and actively participated. As a result of analyzing factors related to the change of residents' perceptions and satisfaction. It was found that there was significant difference in perception and satisfaction according to frequency of participation, not demographic factors. It is interesting that active interaction among residents during the projects and satisfaction on process are important factor for overall project satisfaction. For successful rural landscape improvement projects, it is necessary to encourage and support interaction and communication among residents. In addition, more various programs need to be developed to foster residents' attachment and sense of community.

농촌 공동체 협업활동의 사회연결망분석 - 충남 홍성군 홍동 지역을 중심으로 - (Social Network Anaylsis of Collaborative Activity in Rural Community - Case study of Hong-Dong area in Chungman Province, South Korea -)

  • 황바람
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2017
  • Rural development policy has changed from hardware based development to community revitalization. The purpose of this study is to analyze social network of collaborative activity among rural organizations as fundamental of community. The material used in this study is a record of collaborative activites in the community newsletter of Hong-Dong area. 161 of collaborative activities (links) and 75 of organizations (nodes) are investigated in network. 6 collaborative activity type ('Education', 'Socializing', 'Meeting', 'Culture', 'Event' and 'Labor') is classified. 'Socializing' is inclusive of approximately half of whole network (50.67%). Closeness centraization, degree centralization and betweenness centralization are measured on top in 'Education', 'Meeting' and 'Event' type. Scatter plot analysis using degree and betweenness centrality index, 'Maeul Revitalization Center', 'Balmak Library', 'Woori-Maeul Medical Co-op', 'Support Center for Female Farmers', 'Hongdong Middle School' and 'Mundang Sustainable Agriculture Education Center' are resulted as the core organization in network. Geographical distribution of collaborative activity is not only concentated in Hong-Dong Myeon but also networked with adjacent administrative district. This study finds its purpose in the detailed analysis of network characteristics of collaborative activity within Hong-Dong area which is representative developed rural community in Korea.

중심지 재생사업을 통한 농촌지역 청소년의 리더십 양성 - 일본 오이타 미에마치(三重町) 중심가로 재편계획을 사례로 - (Youth Leadership Training through Town Center Regeneration Project in Rural Area - Focused on the Reorganization Plan of Mie-machi Main Street, Oita -)

  • 정재훈
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2022
  • The study is to analyze the role of highschool youth group in a rural regeneration project. The process of youth group becoming subjective in resident participation plan was classified into isolation reduction, self-awareness, perspective-taking, subjectivity practice, and opinion expression. Isolation reduction is a stage in which youth group is gradually drawn into the community from a limited society of home and school, self-awareness is a stage in which they discover their thoughts, and view perspective-taking is a stage in which they objectify themselves and surroundings through communication with other members of the region, social experiment was analyzed as a practice of subjectivity that experiences leadership guiding the local community independently, and expressing opinions is a stage of representing the region and giving responsibility for the specific issue of the implementation plan. The study is also an analysis of how residents committee, local governments, and local research institutes perform both regeneration and community revitalization in rural areas. Therefore, the analysis of the cooperative organization of these institutions was conducted simultaneously. The leadership program was effectively linked to the project of rural regeneration. Since high school students themselves are family members of the local people, the process of accepting the project is unaffected, and the feasibility of the project is also increased, such as forming a positive atmosphere for the project and easing resistance to minority opinions.

지역경제활성화를 위한 향토산업육성사업의 추진모형 연구 (A Study on the Drive Model of Local Industry Promotion Project for the Revitalization of Local Economy)

  • 김영주;;손은일
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2012
  • This study postulates a study model to examine the effect on the local economy revitalization of a selection of local resources, the local innovation capability strengthening, the establishment of promotion system and the creation of revenues for the participant groups of the local industry promotion project. To accomplish study purposes, 169 response samples from 85 project groups which drive the local industry promotion project were verified using SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0. The results showed that firstly, the selection of local resources had a significant effect on the local innovation capability strengthening. Secondly, the local innovation capability strengthening had a significant effect on the establishment of promotion system. Thirdly, the establishment of promotion system had a significant effect on the creation of revenues. Fourthly, the selection of local resources didn't have an effect on the revitalization of local economy. Fifthly, both the local innovation capability strengthening and the establishment of promotion system didn't have an effect on the revitalization of local economy. Sixthly, the creation of revenues had a significant effect on the revitalization of local economy. According to the verifications of study model, the revitalization of local economy is achieved by inducing creation of revenues through the local innovation capability strengthening and the establishment of promotion system after the selection of local resources. From these results, this study presents suggestions, limits of study and directions in the future study.

충청남도 농촌 폐교자원의 효율적 활용을 위한 현황분석 - 폐교 운영자를 대상으로 - (Analysis on the Actual Conditions for Efficient Use of Rural Closed School in Chungchungnam-do - Focused on Closed School Operators -)

  • 장우석;정남수;권영현
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2013
  • School closings in rural area continue to occur due to drops in population in those areas. Many studies have been done in order to effectively utilize such closed schools. However, there is a lack of studies targeting operators of the closed facilities for revitalization. Therefore, the goal of this research is understanding the real operational status of and finding solutions for the closed schools after studying the current operational status of the closed schools by conducting surveys with their operators. The survey was performed with closed-school-operators in Chungcheongnam-Do as the target; and the analysis was conducted regarding the acquisition type of the closed schools (purchase, lease), building condition, repair and construction status, annual visitors, operational days, operational fees, seasonal ups and downs, operational profits, and satisfaction of local government support. The results showed that there were differences with visitors and operational days along acquisition types as well as low operational profits and seasonal ups and downs including dissatisfaction of local government support. In this study, institutional and political improvement measurements were suggested for the effective operation of the closed facilities based on the main results.