• 제목/요약/키워드: Runner

검색결과 446건 처리시간 0.022초

소형 튜블러수차의 러너베인 깃 수의 영향 (Influence of the Number of Runner Vanes on Tubular-type Hydroturbine)

  • 남상현;김유택;최영도;이영호
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.908-914
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    • 2008
  • The world is facing a serious energy problem which destroying the environment. In addition, fossil fuel such as oil and coal that caused global warming and the environmental problems due to acid rain had been gradually exhausted. To solve this problem that has crisis of energy, it is necessary time and effort for research and development of renewable energy in the future. As alternative energy, small hydropower generation which has output of less or equal to 100kW is attracting considerable attention. This is because of its small, simple, renewable, and large amount of energy resources. By using a small hydropower generator of which main concept is based on using the different water pressure levels in pipe lines, energy which was initially wasted by use reducing of a valve at the end of the pipeline, is collected by turbine in the small hydropower generator. In this study, we investigated the influence of the number of runner vanes on the characteristics of tubular-type hydroturbine.

캠버각 변화에 따른 소수력 축류 프로펠러 수차의 유동 특성 연구 (Performance Characteristics of an Axial Propeller Small-hydro Turbine with Various Cambers of Runner Blade)

  • 변순석;김태윤;한상목;김정환;김윤제
    • 신재생에너지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this paper is to examine the hydraulically optimized camber of a blade. Prior studies have tried to determine the sound method of design on small-hydro turbines. These have appeared to realize a reasonably efficient small-hydro turbine. Nonetheless, specific and accurate design data have not as yet been established for the shape of the runner blade. Hence, this study examines the performance characteristic of an axial propeller turbine with 0~8% camber variations. The results of output power, efficiency, and pressure distribution of the turbine are graphically depicted. The definition of camber refers to the NACA airfoil. The commercial finite element analysis (FEA) packages, ANSYS, and CFX are used in this study. The results revealed the performance characteristics on small-hydro turbine and suggested a highly efficient section shape of the runner.

A study on the performance and internal flow of inline Francis turbine

  • Chen, Chengcheng;Inagaki, Morihito;Choi, Young-Do
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제38권10호
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    • pp.1225-1231
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents the performance characteristic of a Francis hydro turbine with an inline casing. This turbine is designed for city water supply system. Due to large changes in ground elevation with high points and low points, some systems may experience larger-than-normal required pressures in areas with low ground elevations. One way to dissipate these excess pressures is by the use of an inline-turbine instead of an inline-pressure reducing valve. For best applicability and minimal space consumption, the turbine is designed with an inline casing instead of the common spiral casing. As a characteristic of inline casing, the flow accesses to the runner in the radial direction, showing a low efficiency. The installation of vanes improves the internal flow and gives the positive encouragement to the output power. For the power transmission to the outside of the turbine casing from the runner axis, a belt passage is designed in the inline casing, as its influence, the region after the belt passage shows a relatively low output power. The clearance gap in the runner side space is considered, in which a small volume of flow is contracted into the clearance gap, forming the leakage flow. The leakage flow leads to a decrease in the efficiency.

다구찌 방법을 이용한 폴리아미드 성형품의 충전 불균형에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Filling Imbalance of Polyamide Molding by Taguchi Method)

  • 한규택;정영득;구양;김병탁;김형제;한성렬
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2004
  • Plastics is used to produce precise parts with an inclusion of a reinforcement material such as glass fiber or carbon fiber to improve the dimension accuracy. The plastic goods can be produced with inaccurate dimensions, low mechanical strength, or residual stress due to the over packing of cavity inside, if the filling balance of melt resin is not accomplished. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to design the runner system with the geometrical balance at the mold design stage. However, even if the balanced runner system is achieved, a severe filling imbalance is observed practically in a multi-cavity mold. In this study, experiments were performed with Taguchi method to achieve the filling balance in multi-cavity mold with a symmetric runner system, by the use of pure PA and PA with glass fiber 33%. The experimental results were investigated to understand the effect of related molding factors on the filling imbalance for two resins.

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새로운 3D 멧싱 기법으로 충전 불균형을 예측할수 있는 사출성형 CAE 활용 (Injection Molding 3D CAE Applications for Estimating Filling Imbalance Using a New Runner system meshing)

  • 고승우;정수정;서상훈;정영득
    • 한국금형공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국금형공학회 2008년도 하계 학술대회
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2008
  • Nowdays CAE has been used for almost all injection molding designs in order to find the best injection conditions. Almost all CAE use 2-D mesh, but the CAE with 2-D mesh can't indicate such as jetting, flow-mark and filling imbalance in multi cavity mold. In this study, we suggested a new 3D meshing. the method which can indicate the filling imbalance in geometrically balanced runner system with Mold Flow MPI 6.1 and we found out that the calculation times are saved. As a feasibility study, we verified that Melt Flipper, RC Pin etc appeared the balanced filling behaviors. of geometrically balanced runner system and Melt Flipper, filling imbalance was indicated more accurately.

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Air Layer Effect on the Performance Improvement of a Cross-Flow Hydro Turbine

  • Choi, Young-Do;Shin, Byeong-Rog;Lee, Young-Ho
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is not only to investigate the effects of air layer in the turbine chamber on the performance and internal flow of the cross-flow turbine, but also to suggest a newly developed air supply method. Field test is performed in order to measure the output power of the turbine by a new air supply method. CFD analysis on the performance and internal flow of the turbine is conducted by an unsteady state calculation using a two-phase flow model in order to embody the air layer effect on the turbine performance effectively. The result shows that air layer effect on the performance of the turbine is considerable. The air layer located in the turbine runner passage plays the role of preventing a shock loss at the runner axis and suppressing a recirculation flow in the runner. The location of air suction hole on the chamber wall is very important factor for the performance improvement. Moreover, the ratio between air from suction pipe and water from turbine inlet is also significant factor of the turbine performance.

폐쇄형 육묘 시스템에서 딸기의 러너플랜트 생산 증진에 적합한 광합성유효광량자속 (Improvement of Runner Plant Production by Increasing Photosynthetic Photon Flux during Strawberry Transplant Propagation in a Closed Transplant Production System)

  • 김성겸;정미선;박선우;김무정;나해영;전창후
    • 원예과학기술지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.535-539
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    • 2010
  • 국내 육성 품종인 '매향' 딸기의 육묘 기간 중 광합성유효광량자속의 환경 조절을 통하여 러너 및 러너플랜트의 발생과 생산 효율을 증대시키고자 하였다. 딸기 육묘에 이용된 증식체의 엽수와 관부 직경은 각각 $3.1{\pm}0.4$$7.0{\pm}1.1mm$였다. 광합성유효광량자속을 각각 140, 210 및 $280{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$로 설정한 9기의 인공광 이용형 육묘 모듈에서 35일 동안 육묘하였다. 러너플랜트 생산 효율은 증식체당 일일 0.27주로 처리구 중 유의하게 가장 높았으며 관행의 딸기 육묘 방식의 러너플랜트 생산 효율과 비교하여도 크게 증진되었음을 확인하였다. 폐쇄형 육묘 시스템을 활용하여 육묘 기간 중의 PPF를 $280{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$로 조절하면 국내 육성 품종인 '매향'의 러너 발생 및 러너플랜트 생산을 증진시킬 수 있음이 확인되었다. 따라서 최근 국내에서 육성된 신품종 딸기의 급속 보급을 위한 증식체계 구축에 본 연구 기술이 활용되면 육성된 품종의 조급 보급이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

고정밀 체결토크 성능 너트런너 시스템 개발 (Development of High Precision Fastening torque performance Nut-runner System)

  • 김윤현;김솔
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2019
  • 현재 자동차 산업과 함께 발전하고 있는 전자제품을 포함하는 전반적인 제조업 분야에서 초정밀 제어를 요하는 너트 체결기가 요구되고 있고 너트 체결시의 중요한 성능 요소는 체결력 부족에 의한 풀림과 과도한 체결에 의한 파손 및 강한 진동이나 외부 충격에 강건한 체결력 유지 등 조립 품질의 유지와 향상 및 제품 수명 보장을 위해 정확한 조임 토크, 각도 등이 요구된다. 현재 너트런너라는 제품명으로 판매되는 너트 체결기는 고토크 및 정밀토크제어, 정밀 각도제어 그리고 생산량 증대를 위한 고속운전 등의 특성들이 필요하며 고출력이 가능한 BLDC모터 및 너트체결기 전용의 정교한 토크제어에 필요한 고정밀 토크제어드라이버와 고속, 저속, 고응답의 정밀 속도 제어시스템의 개발이 요청되고 있으나 현재 고객이 요구하는 고정밀, 고토크 및 고속 작업특성을 만족시키지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 정확한 체결 토크 및 고속 회전에서도 저진동 및 저소음을 구현할 수 있는 d축, q축의 좌표변환에 의한 벡터제어와 토크제어기반의 BLDC모터 가변속 제어와 너트런너의 제어 기술을 제안하고 여러 실험을 통해 성능 결과를 분석하여 제안한 제어가 너트런너 성능을 만족하는지를 확인 하였다. 또한 일단 운전 체결 방식(One Stage 운전 체결 방식)으로 패턴을 프로그램하여 10,000[rpm] 고속 운전 후 목표 토크로 정확히 체결됨을 확인하였으며 토크 리플에 의한 가체결 토크 검출의 문제점도 외란관측기을 사용하여 해결하였고 실험을 통해 검증하였다.

Potential Benefits of Intercropping Corn with Runner Bean for Small-sized Farming System

  • Bildirici, N.;Aldemir, R.;Karsli, M.A.;Dogan, Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.836-842
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    • 2009
  • The objectives of this study were to evaluate potential benefits of intercropping of corn with runner bean for a smallsized farming system, based on land equivalent ratio (LER) and silage yield and quality of corn intercropped with runner bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in arid conditions of Turkey under an irrigation system. This experiment was established as a split-plot design in a randomized complete block, with three replications and carried out over two (consecutive) years in 2006 and 2007. Seven different mixtures (runner bean, B and silage corn sole crop, C, 10% B+90% C, 20% B+80% C, 30% B+70% C, 40% B+60%C, and 50% B+50%C) of silage corn-runner bean were intercropped. All of the mixtures were grown under irrigation. The corn-runner bean fields were planted in the second week of May and harvested in the first week of September in both years. Green beans were harvested three times each year and green bean yields were recorded each time. After the 3rd harvest of green bean, residues of bean and corn together were randomly harvested from a 1 $m^{2}$ area by hand using a clipper when the bean started to dry and corn was at the dough stage. Green mass yields of each plot were recorded. Silages were prepared from each plot (triplicate) in 1 L mini-silos. After 60 d ensiling, subsamples were taken from this material for determination of dry matter (DM), pH, organic acids, chemical composition, and in vitro DM digestibility of silages. The LER index was also calculated to evaluate intercrop efficiencies with respect to sole crops. Average pH, acetic, propionic and butyric acid concentrations were similar but lactic acid and ammonia-N levels were significantly different (p<0.05) among different mixtures of bean intercropped with corn. Ammonia-N levels linearly increased from 0.90% to 2.218 as the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio. While average CP content increased linearly from 6.47 to 12.45%, and average NDF and ADF contents decreased linearly from 56.17 to 44.88 and from 34.92 to 33.51%, respectively, (p<0.05) as the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, but DM and OM contents did not differ among different mixtures of bean intercropped with corn (p>0.05). In vitro OM digestibility values differed significantly among bean-corn mixture silages (p<0.05). Fresh bean, herbage DM, IVOMD, ME yields, and LER index were significantly influenced by percentage of bean in the mixtures (p<0.01). As the percentage of bean increased in the mixtures up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, yields of fresh bean (from 0 to 24,380 kg/ha) and CP (from 1,258.0 to 1,563.0 kg/ha) and LER values (from 1.0 to 1.775) linearly increased, but yields of herbage DM (from 19,670 to 12,550 kg/ha), IVOMD (from 12,790 to 8,020 kg/ha) and ME (46,230 to 29,000 Mcal/ha) yields decreased (p<0.05). In conclusion, all of the bean-corn mixtures provided a good silage and better CP concentrations. Even though forage yields decreased, the LER index linearly increased as the percentage of bean increased in the mixture up to a 50:50 seeding ratio, which indicates a greater utilization of land. Therefore, a 50:50 seeding ratio seemed to be best for optimal utilization of land in this study and to provide greater financial stability for labor-intensive, small farmers.