• Title/Summary/Keyword: Role-Sharing

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A Knowledge Management System for Supporting Development of the Next Generation Information Appliances (차세대 정보가전 신제품 개발 지원을 위한 지식관리시스템 개발)

  • Park, Ji-Soo;Baek, Dong-Hyun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.137-159
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    • 2004
  • The next generation information appliances are those that can be connected with other appliances through a wired or wireless network in order to make it possible for them to transmit and receive data between them and to be remotely controlled from inside or outside of the home. Many electronic companies have aggressively invested in developing new information appliances to take the initiative in upcoming home networking era. They require systematic methods for developing new information appliances and sharing the knowledge acquired from the methods. This paper stored the knowledge acquired from developing the information appliances and developed a knowledge management system that supports the companies to use the knowledge and develop their own information appliances. In order to acquire the knowledge, this paper applied two methods for User-Centered Design in stead of using the general ones for knowledge acquisition. This paper suggested new product ideas by analyzing and observing user actions and stored the knowledge in knowledge bases, which included Knowledge from Analyzing User Actions and Knowledge from Observing User Actions. Seven new product ideas, suggested from the User-Centered Design, were made into design mockups and their videos were produced to show the real situations where they would be used in home of the future, which were stored in the knowledge base of Knowledge from Producing New Emotive Life Videos. Finally, data on present development states of future homes in Europe and Japan and newspapers articles from domestic newspapers were collected and stored in the knowledge base of Knowledge from Surveying Technology Developments. This paper developed a web-based knowledge management system that supports the companies to use the acquired knowledge. Knowledge users can get the knowledge required for developing new information appliances and suggest their own product ideas by using the knowledge management system. This will make the results from this research not confined to a case study of product development but extended to playing a role of facilitating the development of the next generation information appliances.

Place-myth of The Scenic Beauty from Mt. Kumgang : The social nature and the travel geography of noted mountains ('금강산'에서 전승되는 아름다움의 장소신화 : 사회적 자연과 명산의 여행지리)

  • Shin, Sung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2016
  • Conventional social science typically regards the idea of a 'mountain' as part of 'nature' and a physical environment existing separately from, or prior to, human society and culture. However, in Korea, which is 70% mountainous land, the 'mountain' is part of a unique 'social nature'. This research develops the idea that in this context the mountain is a social nature and a cultural landscape which are tied heavily to the idea of travel. The article interrogates why the scenic beauties of Mt. Kumgang have been perceived and conveyed through multiple generations since the Chosun Dynasty period. Focusing on Mt. Kumgang, this article illustrates how strongly people have held dreams of mountain travel, for the whole life-time. Travel writings(or accounts of trips to the mountain) and artwork have played a particularly important role in creating Mt. Kumgang's reputation as the most beautiful mountain in the country. At the same time, the access to the mountain was often a dangerous adventure, with many travelers facing hunger and extreme physical challenges. As portrayed in writings and artwork, the overall effect of these dynamics was the creation of a socionatural place of striking beauty that even seemed to have mystical or magical fantasy. According to Confucian ideals, full appreciation of nature and its beauty was key to understanding the logics of the universe and to achieving a high moral standard, which contributed to decide to leave for the mountain as well. The essays, poems, and paintings of Mt. Kumgang since the Chosun Dynasty period that portrayed the mountain's beauty collectively served to produce the mountain as a socionatural landscape engendered with potent place-myths, important historical meaning, and strong aesthetic associations. Thus, the travel to the mountain seemed never completed over until travelers had completed various artistic representations to record and to memorize what they'd done and seen in Mt. Kumgang, which had been performed for the strong purpose of social sharing of the real the mountain's beauties and itinerary.

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A study on factors affecting high school students of school violence - Focusing on personality factors - (고등학생의 학교폭력에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 : 인성요인을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Duk;Chang, Jeong-Hyeon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.393-422
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    • 2015
  • The school is committed to the role of public education for the effective development of student academic achievement and intellectual ability. It is also a space to expand the range of care and understanding for others with as a member of the academic community as well. However, the reality of our country schooling has been pointed out that if a lot about the lack of character education related to the attitude of life care for others and feel a sense of responsibility. An individual is not necessarily emotional intelligence There are side out, as well as grow into adults, schools are obliged to teach a variety of methods associated with it. Nevertheless, education is not of the country beyond the formal excessive administrative work or other activities due to the process of character education to neglect, including the work of teachers. Therefore, students brought the expansion of the act that should not, and eventually lead to serious social issues that directly harm others, such as school violence. Therefore, students brought the expansion of the act that should not, and eventually lead to serious social issues that directly harm others, such as school violence. This study is based on an act of juvenile delinquency and criminology education was to refine the concept of toughness and validate the relationship between school violence through empirical research. Accordingly, from July 1, 2013 September 31, 2013 to 277 high schools across the country are attending the third year of the schools available for non-response and analysis of the students who participated in the admission and simulated typical presentation of K University in Gyeonggi-do not judge students in the final analysis, except for the data and data from a total of 1045 patients were utilized. As a result, many schools have experienced violence, male student work can be applied to a lot of rock school violence was experienced. Also, a lot of experience can be applied to a healthy student rock school violence, anger-control and empathy, this is considered a low student showed consciousness experienced school violence exerted.

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A Study about the Correlation between Information on Stock Message Boards and Stock Market Activity (온라인 주식게시판 정보와 주식시장 활동에 관한 상관관계 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun Mo;Yoon, Ho Young;Soh, Ry;Park, Jae Hong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.559-575
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    • 2014
  • Individual investors are increasingly flocking to message boards to seek, clarify, and exchange information. Businesses like Seekingalpha.com and business magazines like Fortune are evaluating, synthesizing, and reporting the comments made on message boards or blogs. In March of 2012, Yahoo! Finance Message Boards recorded 45 million unique visitors per month followed by AOL Money and Finance (19.8 million), and Google Finance (1.6 million) [McIntyre, 2012]. Previous studies in the finance literature suggest that online communities often provide more accurate information than analyst forecasts [Bagnoli et al., 1999; Clarkson et al., 2006]. Some studies empirically show that the volume of posts in online communities have a positive relationship with market activities (e.g., trading volumes) [Antweiler and Frank, 2004; Bagnoli et al., 1999; Das and Chen, 2007; Tumarkin and Whitelaw, 2001]. The findings indicate that information in online communities does impact investors' investment decisions and trading behaviors. However, research explicating the correlation between information on online communities and stock market activities (e.g., trading volume) is still evolving. Thus, it is important to ask whether a volume of posts on online communities influences trading volumes and whether trading volumes also influence these communities. Online stock message boards offer two different types of information, which can be explained using an economic and a psychological perspective. From a purely economic perspective, one would expect that stock message boards would have a beneficial effect, since they provide timely information at a much lower cost [Bagnoli et al., 1999; Clarkson et al., 2006; Birchler and Butler, 2007]. This indicates that information in stock message boards may provide valuable information investors can use to predict stock market activities and thus may use to make better investment decisions. On the other hand, psychological studies have shown that stock message boards may not necessarily make investors more informed. The related literature argues that confirmation bias causes investors to seek other investors with the same opinions on these stock message boards [Chen and Gu, 2009; Park et al., 2013]. For example, investors may want to share their painful investment experiences with others on stock message boards and are relieved to find they are not alone. In this case, the information on these stock message boards mainly reflects past experience or past information and not valuable and predictable information for market activities. This study thus investigates the two roles of stock message boards-providing valuable information to make future investment decisions or sharing past experiences that reflect mainly investors' painful or boastful stories. If stock message boards do provide valuable information for stock investment decisions, then investors will use this information and thereby influence stock market activities (e.g., trading volume). On the contrary, if investors made investment decisions and visit stock message boards later, they will mainly share their past experiences with others. In this case, past activities in the stock market will influence the stock message boards. These arguments indicate that there is a correlation between information posted on stock message boards and stock market activities. The previous literature has examined the impact of stock sentiments or the number of posts on stock market activities (e.g., trading volume, volatility, stock prices). However, the studies related to stock sentiments found it difficult to obtain significant results. It is not easy to identify useful information among the millions of posts, many of which can be just noise. As a result, the overall sentiments of stock message boards often carry little information for future stock movements [Das and Chen, 2001; Antweiler and Frank, 2004]. This study notes that as a dependent variable, trading volume is more reliable for capturing the effect of stock message board activities. The finance literature argues that trading volume is an indicator of stock price movements [Das et al., 2005; Das and Chen, 2007]. In this regard, this study investigates the correlation between a number of posts (information on stock message boards) and trading volume (stock market activity). We collected about 100,000 messages of 40 companies at KOSPI (Korea Composite Stock Price Index) from Paxnet, the most popular Korean online stock message board. The messages we collected were divided into in-trading and after-trading hours to examine the correlation between the numbers of posts and trading volumes in detail. Also we collected the volume of the stock of the 40 companies. The vector regression analysis and the granger causality test, 3SLS analysis were performed on our panel data sets. We found that the number of posts on online stock message boards is positively related to prior stock trade volume. Also, we found that the impact of the number of posts on stock trading volumes is not statistically significant. Also, we empirically showed the correlation between stock trading volumes and the number of posts on stock message boards. The results of this study contribute to the IS and finance literature in that we identified online stock message board's two roles. Also, this study suggests that stock trading managers should carefully monitor information on stock message boards to understand stock market activities in advance.

The Need for Paradigm Shift in Semantic Similarity and Semantic Relatedness : From Cognitive Semantics Perspective (의미간의 유사도 연구의 패러다임 변화의 필요성-인지 의미론적 관점에서의 고찰)

  • Choi, Youngseok;Park, Jinsoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2013
  • Semantic similarity/relatedness measure between two concepts plays an important role in research on system integration and database integration. Moreover, current research on keyword recommendation or tag clustering strongly depends on this kind of semantic measure. For this reason, many researchers in various fields including computer science and computational linguistics have tried to improve methods to calculating semantic similarity/relatedness measure. This study of similarity between concepts is meant to discover how a computational process can model the action of a human to determine the relationship between two concepts. Most research on calculating semantic similarity usually uses ready-made reference knowledge such as semantic network and dictionary to measure concept similarity. The topological method is used to calculated relatedness or similarity between concepts based on various forms of a semantic network including a hierarchical taxonomy. This approach assumes that the semantic network reflects the human knowledge well. The nodes in a network represent concepts, and way to measure the conceptual similarity between two nodes are also regarded as ways to determine the conceptual similarity of two words(i.e,. two nodes in a network). Topological method can be categorized as node-based or edge-based, which are also called the information content approach and the conceptual distance approach, respectively. The node-based approach is used to calculate similarity between concepts based on how much information the two concepts share in terms of a semantic network or taxonomy while edge-based approach estimates the distance between the nodes that correspond to the concepts being compared. Both of two approaches have assumed that the semantic network is static. That means topological approach has not considered the change of semantic relation between concepts in semantic network. However, as information communication technologies make advantage in sharing knowledge among people, semantic relation between concepts in semantic network may change. To explain the change in semantic relation, we adopt the cognitive semantics. The basic assumption of cognitive semantics is that humans judge the semantic relation based on their cognition and understanding of concepts. This cognition and understanding is called 'World Knowledge.' World knowledge can be categorized as personal knowledge and cultural knowledge. Personal knowledge means the knowledge from personal experience. Everyone can have different Personal Knowledge of same concept. Cultural Knowledge is the knowledge shared by people who are living in the same culture or using the same language. People in the same culture have common understanding of specific concepts. Cultural knowledge can be the starting point of discussion about the change of semantic relation. If the culture shared by people changes for some reasons, the human's cultural knowledge may also change. Today's society and culture are changing at a past face, and the change of cultural knowledge is not negligible issues in the research on semantic relationship between concepts. In this paper, we propose the future directions of research on semantic similarity. In other words, we discuss that how the research on semantic similarity can reflect the change of semantic relation caused by the change of cultural knowledge. We suggest three direction of future research on semantic similarity. First, the research should include the versioning and update methodology for semantic network. Second, semantic network which is dynamically generated can be used for the calculation of semantic similarity between concepts. If the researcher can develop the methodology to extract the semantic network from given knowledge base in real time, this approach can solve many problems related to the change of semantic relation. Third, the statistical approach based on corpus analysis can be an alternative for the method using semantic network. We believe that these proposed research direction can be the milestone of the research on semantic relation.

The Effect of Primary Caregivers' Guilt Feelings on their Request Behaviors for Help with Caring (부양자의 죄책감이 수발도움 요청행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, EunGyeong;Jo, YeunDuk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1249-1264
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    • 2008
  • Guilt feelings are dysfunctional feelings that the primary caregiver of the frail elder are apt to have and those feelings increase a burden of caring, while there is lack of empirical study on the effect of guilt feelings on caring behaviors. In light of this, this study lays its purpose on examining the effect of the primary caregivers' guilt feelings on their burden of caring and request behaviors for help with caring, paying attention to their guilt feelings in our society where Confucian values toward supporting the elderly have remained. The questionnaire survey was conducted for 220 primary caregivers caring frail elders over 60 years of age by visiting. As a tool for measuring guilt feelings, a self-designed measure for caregivers was used (${\alpha}=.949$), and factors of guilt feelings were classified into four namely, the factors of lack of self-control, lack of resources, burnout, and the normative factor As a result, the following findings were derived. First, it was revealed that the guilt feelings of caregivers as family members have a positive correlation with a feeling of burden of caring and the feeling of burden have even effects on the four factors of guilt feelings. Second, when primary caregivers request help with caring, they feel guilty toward cohabiting family members and neighbors, and also they show no guilt feelings when using day-care services for the elderly. Especially, guilt feeling factors affecting primary caregivers were found to be the normative factor to cohabiting family members, the factor of lack of resources to neighbors, and the factor of burnout to using day-care services for the elderly. This result tells that the dysfunctional feelings of primary caregivers namely guilt feelings arising when asking help with caring not only increase their burden of caring but also can cause difficulties in sharing the role of the caregiver. Accordingly for the mental health of caregivers, we should develop programs with which we could understand and cope with their guilt feelings.

A Study on Improvement of Laws regarding Welfare for the Aged (노인복지 관련법제의 발전방향)

  • Park, Ji-Soon
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.41
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    • pp.87-123
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    • 2011
  • Korea is expected to become an 'aged society' with more than 14 percent of the public aged 65 years or more by 2018. The rapid aging is giving rise to various problems within the society along with falling birthrate in a short period of time. In this context, the role and function of laws on welfare for the aged must be particularly emphasized. Also the Senior Citizens Welfare Act is of great importance as it provides social welfare service on the basis of functional connection with social insurance and public assistance. First, this paper looks into the history of laws related to welfare for the elderly such as the Senior Welfare Act, the Act on Long-term Care Insurance for Senior Citizens and the Basic Old Age Pension Act as well as the findings of earlier studies. In the second place, it will break down such laws by main components aiming to examine details of the laws and questions raised regarding them and to seek ways to achieve improvement with an emphasis on health care, old age income security, housing welfare(assisted living facilities), job security for the aged. The Senior Welfare Act offers substance of social welfare service for the elderly. Income security, health and medical care, welfare measures through long-term care and assisted living facilities, social participation by working are the key elements and all of them should be closely associated to ensure citizens get sufficient public support in their old age. For this purpose, the Senior Welfare Act is under a normative network with laws such as Act on Long-term Care Insurance for Senior Citizens and Basic Old Age Pension Act. Current laws on welfare for the aged including Senior Welfare Act are not sufficiently responsive to the aged society of the 21st century. Income security combined with decent social participation, health and medical care closely connected with long-term care system, efficient expense sharing between government and local government, enhancement of effectiveness of welfare measures can be considered as means to improve current welfare system so that the elderly can enjoy their old age with dignity and respect.

Situations and Challenges of ODA for Sustainability of Asian Cultural Heritage (아시아 문화유산의 지속가능성을 위한 ODA 현황과 과제)

  • Yu, Jae Eun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.270-285
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    • 2016
  • Various opinions and discussions have been actively in progress which are connected with cultural heritage since 'Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs' was announced by UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015 as Post-2015 Development Agenda. Apart from SDGs, conservation of cultural heritage itself stands on the basis of sustainability that originality, characteristic, diversity of cultural heritage should be permanently preserved. From that point of view, it is necessary to understand practical ODA for cultural heritage, far from theoretical approaches and policies. This paper is intended to look into the domestic and overseas situation related to ODA of Asian cultural heritage and the mentioned problems, future plans and challenges. First, the background and concepts about ODA were described and then ODA projects which have been carried out by Japan and China as typical ODA countries for Southeast Asia were introduced. ODA of cultural heritage in Korea has relatively recently started for restoration work for historic sites of Laos and Cambodia and its scale and performance do not come to much yet. Therefore, to develop ODA of cultural heritage, there are suggestions as in the followings. First, it is necessary to have a long-term master plan of ODA projects for sustainability of cultural heritage. Second, based on the view from the long-term perspective, the selection and focus for ODA partner countries should be considered, avoiding short-term projects aiming at a number of countries. Not widespread existing projects by other countries, but the model of Korean ODA for cultural heritage only Korea can conduct should be prepared. The next thing is connection with sustainability, and ultimately the conservation of cultural heritage should result in benefit to the natives by giving an impetus to economy as well as fostering tourism of local areas. To accomplish that connection, educational training and building capacity are suggested as the most suitable alternatives. Cultural heritage of each country reflects its indigenous originality and characteristics, therefore, the restoration work should be conducted by people in each country as the best way. From this point of view, ACPCS held by National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage will take a role of a specialized training program in Korean way. Lastly, establishment of a control tower for ODA in Korea is necessary. JCIC(Japan Consortium for International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage), which was set up in Japan for sharing information, establishment of cooperation system and prevention of overlapped projects will be an example we can take into consideration.

A Study on the Sanctuary of the Residence in East China Sea Skirts Area (동중국해권 민가의 성역(聖域)에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Lily;Onomichi, Kenji
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.60-81
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    • 2010
  • Jeju Island, in Korea, shows many characteristics that are differentiated from the rest of Korea. Its culture is rooted in mythology which advocates a egalitarian, rather than hierarchical, social structure, the place of women in the home is relatively high, and the formation of buildings, the separation of cooking and heating facilities, and the living format of residential homes is dissimilar. These disparities in culture indicate that Jeju Island's heritage was not formed only from influences from the North, but also from other places as well. To fill in the blanks, residential homes in Jeju Island were compared with those scattered throughout the East China Sea, which connect the southern coastline of the Korean peninsula and Jeju Island. The regions encompassed by the East China Sea, sharing the Kuroshio current and a seasonal wind, can be considered as one cultural region integrating cultural aspects from the continental North and the oceanbound South. The unique characteristics of southern culture as seen in southern residences was examined through an investigation of the sacred places in which gods were considered to dwell. First, the myths of these areas usually concerned with the ocean, and a sterile environment made sustenance impossible without a dual livelihood, usually taking on the forms of half-farming and half-fishing, or half-farming, half-gardening. Although family compositions were strongly matricentric or collateral thanks to southern influence, a patriarchical system like those found in the North were present in the upper classes and in the cities. Therefore, residential spaces were not divided based on age or gender, as in hierarchical societies, but according to family and function. Second, these areas had local belief systems based on animism and ancestor worship, and household deities were closely related to women, agriculture and fire. The deities of the kitchen, the granary and the toilet were mostly female, and the role of priest was often filled by a woman. After Buddhism and Confucianism were introduced from mainland Korea, China and Japan, the sacred areas of the household took on a dual form, integrating the female-focused local rites with male-centered Buddhist and Confucian rites. Third, in accordance with worship of a kitchen deity, a granary deity, and a toilet deity led to these areas of the home being separated into disparate buildings. Eventually, these areas became absorbed into the home as architectural technology was further developed and lifestyles were changed. There was also integration of northern and southern cultures, with rites concerning granary and toilet deities coming from China, and the personality of the kitchen deity being related to the southern sea. In addition, the use of stone in separate kitchens, granaries, and toilets is a distinguishing characteristic of the East China Sea. This research is a part of the results gained from a project funded by the Korea Research Foundation in 2006.

A Study on Usability of Open Source Software for Developing Records System : A Case of ICA AtoM (공개 소프트웨어를 이용한 기록시스템 구축가능성 연구 ICA AtoM을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Bo-Ram;Hwang, Jin-Hyun;Park, Min-Yung;Kim, Hyung-Hee;Choi, Dong-Woon;Choi, Yun-Jin;Yim, Jin-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.39
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    • pp.193-228
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, as well as management of public records, interest in the private archive of large and small is growing. Dedicated archive has various types. In addition, lack of personnel and budget, personnel records management professional because the absence, that help you maintain these records in a systematic manner is not easy. Request to the system have continued to rise, but the budget and professionals in order to solve this problem are missing. As breakthrough of the burden to the system with archive dedicated, it introduces the trends and meaning of public recording system, and was examined in detail AtoM function. AtoM is public land can be made by a method that requires a Web service, the database server. Without restrictions, including the advantage of being available free of charge, by the application or operating system specific, installation and operation is convenient. In addition, compatibility, and is highly scalable, AtoM use and convenient archive of private experiencing a shortage of personnel and budget. Because in terms of data management, and excellent interoperability and search share, and use, it is possible in the future, it favors also documentary use through a network of inter-agency archives and private. In addition, Enhancements exhibition services through cooperation with Omeka, long-term storage through Archivematica, many discussion is needed. Public centered around the private area of the recording management spilling expanded, open-source software allows to balance the recording system will be able to play an important role. In addition, the efforts of academia and in the field, close collaboration between the open source recording system through a user study should be continued. Furthermore, co-operation and sharing of private archives expect come true.