• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Wheel

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Relationship between Concrete Pavement Stresses under Multi-Axle Interior and Edge Loads (중앙부와 모서리부 다축 차량 하중에 의한 콘크리트 도로포장의 응력 상관관계)

  • Kim Seong-Min;Cho Byoung-Hooi;Ryu Sung-Woo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3 s.29
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2006
  • The differences in the stress distribution and the critical stresses in concrete pavement systems were analyzed when the dual-wheel single-, tandem-, and tridem-axle loads were applied at the interior and the edge of the pavement. The effects of the concrete elastic modulus, slab thickness, foundation stiffness, and tire contact pressure were investigated. The stresses under the interior loads were calculated using the transformed field domain analysis and stresses under the edge loads were obtained using the finite element method. The critical stresses under the interior and the edge loads were compared with respect to various parameters and the equations to predict the ratio between the stresses under the edge and the interior loads were developed and verified. From this study, it was found that the trends of the changes in the critical concrete stresses under the interior and the edge loads were very similar and the critical stress locations under those loads were identical. The critical stress ratio, which was obtained by dividing the critical stress under the edge loads into that under the interior loads, decreased with increasing the number of axles. That ratio became larger as the concrete elastic modulus increased, the slab thickness increased, the foundation stiffness decreased, and the tire contact pressure increased.

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Stress Distribution of Concrete Pavements under Multi-Axle Vehicle Loads Applied at Pavement Edges (모서리부 차량 다축하중에 의한 콘크리트 도로 포장의 응력 분포 특성)

  • Kim, Seong-Min;Cho, Byoung-Hooi;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4 s.30
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2006
  • The stresses in concrete pavement systems are larger when vehicle loads are applied at pavement edges, and these large stresses significantly affect the behavior and performance of pavements. Therefore, in this study, the stress distribution and the critical stresses in concrete pavements were investigated using a finite element model when dual-wheel single-, tandem-, and tridem-axle loads were applied at pavement edges. First, the stress distribution along the longitudinal and transverse directions was analyzed, and then the effects of slab thickness, concrete elastic modulus, and foundation stiffness on the stress distribution were investigated. The effect of the tire contact pressure related to the tire print area was also studied. The location of the critical stress occurrence in concrete pavements was finally investigated. From this study, it was found that the critical concrete stress due to edge loads became larger as the concrete elastic modulus increased, the slab thickness increased, and the foundation stiffness decreased. The effect of the tire contact pressure on the critical stress was clear as the slab thickness became smaller. The critical stress location in the transverse direction was independent of the concrete elastic modulus and the foundation stiffness; however, it moved into the interior as the slab thickness increased. The critical stress location in the longitudinal direction was under the axle for single- and tandem-axle loads, but for tridem-axle loads, it tended to move under the middle axle from the outer axles as the concrete elastic modulus and/or slab thickness increased and the foundation stiffness decreased.

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The Response Prediction of Flexible Pavements Considering Nonlinear Pavement Foundation Behavior (비선형 포장 하부 거동을 고려한 연성 포장의 해석)

  • Kim, Min-Kwan
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2009
  • With the current move towards adopting mechanistic-empirical concepts in the design of pavement structures, state-of-the-art mechanistic analysis methodologies are needed to determine accurate pavement responses, such as stress, strain, and deformation. Previous laboratory studies of pavement foundation geomaterials, i.e., unbound granular materials used in base/subbase layers and fine-grained soils of a prepared subgrade, have shown that the resilient responses followed by nonlinear, stress-dependent behavior under repeated wheel loading. This nonlinear behavior is commonly characterized by stress-dependent resilient modulus material models that need to be incorporated into finite element (FE) based mechanistic pavement analysis methods to predict more realistically predict pavement responses for a mechanistic pavement analysis. Developed user material subroutine using aforementioned resilient model with nonlinear solution technique and convergence scheme with proven performance were successfully employed in general-purpose FE program, ABAQUS. This numerical analysis was investigated in predicted critical responses and domain selection with specific mesh generation was implemented to evaluate better prediction of pavement responses. Results obtained from both axisymmetric and three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear FE analyses were compared and remarkable findings were described for nonlinear FE analysis. The UMAT subroutine performance was also validated with the instrumented full scale pavement test section study results from the Federal Aviation Administration's National Airport Pavement Test Facility (FAA's NAPTF).

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A Fundamental Approach for Developing Deformation Strength Based on Rutting Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete (소성변형과의 상관성에 근거한 아스팔트 콘크리트의 변형강도 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Moon-Sup;Kim, Jun-Eun;Choi, Sun-Ju
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.4 no.4 s.14
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2002
  • This study dealt with developing a new approach for finding properties which might represent rut resistance characteristics of asphalt mixture under static loading. Two aggregates, a normal asphalt (pen 60-80) and 5 polymer-modified asphalts were used in preparation of 12 dense-graded mixtures. Marshall mix design was used in determination of OAC and each mixture at the OAC was prepared for a newly-developed Kim test on Marshall specimen (S=10cm) and gyratory specimen (S=15cm), and for wheel tracking test. Kim test used Marshall loading frame and specimens were conditioned for 30min at $60^{\circ}C$ before loading through Kim tester an apparatus consisting of a loading column and a specimen and column holder Diameter (D) of column was 3cm and 4cm with each column having different radius (r) of round cut at the bottom. The static load was applied at 50mm/min in axial direction of the specimen, not in diametral direction. The maximum load ($P_{max}$) and vertical deformation (y) at $P_{max}$ point were obtained from the test. A strength value was calculated based on the $P_{max}$ r, D and y by using the equation $K_D = 4P_{max}/{\pi}(D-2(r-\sqrt{2ry-y^2}))^2$ and is defined as the deformation strength ($kgf/cm^2$). The values of $P_{max}$/y and $K_I=K_D/y$ were also calculated. In general the leading column diameter and radius of round cut were significant factors affecting $K_D$ and $P_{max}$ values while specimen diameter was not. The statistical analyses showed the $K_D$ had the best correlation with rut depth and dynamic stability. The next best correlation was found from $P_{max}$ which was followed by $P_{max}$/y and $K_I$ in order.

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Development and performance evaluation of traction system for steep gradient and sharp curve track (급구배 및 급곡선 궤도 추진시스템 개발 및 성능 평가)

  • Seo, Sungil;Mun, Hyung-Suk;Moon, Ji-Ho;Suk, Myung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 2016
  • In this study, core technologies of a traction system on a mountain tram operating on the track of mountain road full of sharp curves and steep gradients were developed. In domestic mountain resort areas, sometimes the transportation service is not provided in winter because of ice and heavy snow on roads, so a mountain railway service independent of the climate and geographic conditions is needed. A traction system was designed taking into account of the power of a traction motor to climb the gradient of 120 ‰, which is common in domestic mountainous areas. and power transmission system was designed to consider the installation space for the traction system. In addition, a reduction gear and a propeller shaft were developed. An elastic pinion was developed and applied to the rack & pinion bogie system for steep gradient so that noise and vibration generated by contact between the steel gears could be reduced. Impact comparison tests showed that the vibration level of the elastic pinion is one-third lower than that of previous steel pinion. Independent rotating wheels and axles were developed for the bogie system to operate on the sharp curve of a 10 meter radius. In addition, the band braking system was developed to enhance the braking force during running on the steep gradient. A test for the braking force showed it exerts the required braking force. The performance of the developed core components were verified by the tests and finally they were applied to the bogie system running on the track of steep gradient and sharp curve.

The Mechanical Properties of SMA Concrete Mixture Using Steel Slag Aggregate (제철 슬래그 골재를 이용한 SMA 혼합물의 역학적 특성)

  • Kim, Hyeok-Jung;Na, Il-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2021
  • In order to replace mineral aggregate used as road pavement materials with steel slag aggregate, this present study evaluated mechanical properties of SMA Concrete mixtures using steel slag aggregate as oxidized slag from electric furnace in iron works. The variables of this experiment are the aggregate type of mineral and steel slag and the sieve sized of 10mm and 13mm. The physical properties inclu ding the specific gravity and absorption rate etc. of the slag aggregate mixtu res satisfied the KS standard as asphalt mixtu re. As a resu lt of evalu ating the mechanical properties of the asphalt mixtures, the optimum asphalt content of the slag aggregate mixtures were lower than that of the mineral aggregate mixtures, but other quality standards were all satisfied. In the deformation strength evaluation, the slag aggregate mixtures were measu red slightly higher than that of the mineral aggregate mixtu res, and the dynamic stability test satisfied the 2,000pass/mm standard value in all specimens. And, the moduli of resilient of the slag aggregate mixtures showed an improved value compared with the mineral aggregate mixtures. Therefore, as the resilient rate of the slag aggregate mixtures improved, it is speculated that there will be an effect of improving public performance according to the repeated traffic load of the vehicle.

Experimental Study on the Determination of Slope and Height of Curbs Considering the VRUs (교통약자를 고려한 보도의 경사도와 높이 결정을 위한 실험연구)

  • Kim, Hyunjin;Lim, Joonbeom;Choe, Byongho;Oh, Cheol;Kang, Inhyeng
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSES : As the population of the mobility handicapped, who are classified as the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women, children, etc., has increased, the voices for guaranteeing their rights have been increasing as well. Thus, the design manuals for roads and sidewalks for the mobility handicapped were developed by the local government, such as the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Tourism, in Seoul City. However, according to the 2013 survey results of the Seoul Metropolitan City, the mobility handicapped still feel uncomfortable with the sidewalks, and particularly request for the improvement of the step and slope of the sidewalk curb. Therefore, in this study, we conducted an empirical experimental study to determine the slope of the sidewalk curb and height of the steps considering the mobility handicapped and analyzed whether there is a statistically significant difference. METHODS : The methodology of this study is an empirical experimental one. In the study, five non-disabled people, 10 wheelchair users, and 10 eye patch and stick users walked about 2-3 min on the sidewalk plates of the sloped type (0%, 5%, 6.3%, 8.3%) and stepped type (0 cm, 1 cm, 3 cm, 6 cm), and their human physiological responses, such as the skin temperature, volume of perspiration on forehead and chest, and heart rate, were measured and recorded. After combining the data, we conducted a nonparametric test, ANOVA, or t-test to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference according to each slope and step type. RESULTS : It was found that for the non-disabled, there was no significant difference in human physiological responses according to the slope and steps of the sidewalk. It can be said that the non-disabled do not feel much physiological discomfort while walking. In the case of the sloped sidewalk plate, the heart rate of the wheel chair users increased when the slope was 6.3%. In the case of the eye patch and stick users, the volume of perspiration on the chest increased at a slope of 5.0%. In general, it is judged that a sidewalk with a slope that is less than 5% does not cause a change in the physiological response. In the case of a stepped sidewalk plate, when 0 cm, 1 cm, and 3 cm were compared for wheelchair users, the amount of forehead perspiration increased from 1 cm. Meanwhile, in the case of the eye patch and stick users, when 0 cm and 6 cm were compared, the amount of perspiration on the forehead and chest as well as the heart rate all increased at 6 cm. Taken together, in the case of wheelchair users, a difference was shown when the height of the step of the sidewalk plate was 1 cm, suggesting that installing it at 0 cm does not cause any physiological discomfort. Moreover, in the case of the eye patch and stick users, when comparing only 0 cm and 6 cm, 0 cm was considered to be suitable, as there was a difference in physiological response at 6 cm. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, we set the human physiological responses such as chest skin temperature, amount of perspiration, and heart rate as evaluation items, and our study was considered to be a meaningful experiment that targeted wheelchair users as well as eye patch and stick users. The validity of the evaluation items was confirmed, as the results of human physiological responses were significant. As for the sidewalk design, according to the experiment result, it is considered that differential application should be implemented according to the type of mobility handicap, rather than uniformly applying a sidewalk step of 2 cm and sidewalk slope of 1/25, which are the current legal standards.

Evaluation of the Temperature Drop Effect and the Rutting Resistance of Moisture Retaining-Porous Asphalt Pavement Using Accelerated Pavement Testing (포장가속시험을 이용한 보수형 배수성 포장의 온도저감 효과 및 소성변형 저항특성 연구)

  • Kwak, Byoung-Seok;Suh, Young-Chan;Song, Chul-Young;Kim, Ju-Won
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2009
  • One of the main causes of asphalt rutting is high temperature of the pavement. Nevertheless, there has been few research on lowering the pavement temperature for reducing rutting. This study investigated the performance characteristics of moisture-retaining porous asphalt pavement, which is known to have a temperature reducing effect. The purpose of this study is to quantify the temperature reducing effect of moisture-retaining porous asphalt pavement and its effect of reducing rutting through Accelerated Pavement Testing(APT). Additionally, the possibility of reducing the thickness of the pavement in comparison to general dense grade pavement by analyzing structural layer coefficient of moisture retaining pavement. A total of three test sections consisting of two moisture-retaining porous asphalt pavement sections and one general dense-grade porous asphalt pavement section were constructed for this study. Heating and spraying of water were carried out in a regular cycle. The loading condition was 8.2 ton of wheel load, the tire pressure of $7.03kgf/cm^2$, and the contact area of $610cm^2$. The result of this experiment revealed that the temperature reducing effect of the pavement was about $6.6{\sim}7.9^{\circ}C$(average of $7.4^{\circ}C$) for the middle layer and $7.9{\sim}9.8^{\circ}C$(average of $8.8^{\circ}C$) for surface course, resulting in a rutting reduction of 26% at the pavement surface. Additionally, the structural layer coefficient of moisture retaining pavement measured from a laboratory test was 0.173, about 1.2 times that of general dense grade pavement. The general dense-grade porous asphalt pavement test section exhibited rutting at all layers of surface course, middle layer, and base layer, while the test sections of moisture-retaining porous asphalt pavement manifested rutting mostly at surface course only.

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