• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Name Address system

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A Study on the Selection Method of Subject Parcel to Alter Land Category by Fuzzy GIS Analysis - Focused on Road State of Government Owned and Public Land - (퍼지 GIS 공간분석에 의한 지목변경 대상필지 선정방법에 관한 연구 - 국공유지 도로현황을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Tae-In;Choi, Byoung-Gil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to research into a method of selecting the subject parcel with a change in the category of land given surveying the land alteration state focusing on the present state of road in the government-owned and public land by using the fuzzy membership function and GIS spatial analysis. It selected the old town center of Incheon Jung-gu, and the new downtown & the forest land of Gyeyang-gu as the research subject region, and carried out GIS spatial analysis on a serial cadastral map, urban planning road layer of Korea Land Information System, practical width of road layer of Road Name Address Management System & cadastral data base, and then calculated the suitable index for the subject parcel with a change in the category of land by using the fuzzy membership function with having the critical value as the area ratio of each parcel on a serial cadastral map that was incorporated into road layer or practical width of road layer. It finally selected the parcel, which is different in land category from the real land usage, as the final subject parcel for altering land category, by using the screen of visualizing the suitable index and the aerial ortho photograph. As a result of the final selection, the fuzzy GIS spatial analysis method, which was suggested in this study, is judged to be efficient in the selection period and the methodology compared to the existing manual method. It could be confirmed to be more suitable method for downtown than forest land and for the new downtown than the old town center.

Study on 3D Object (Building) Update and Construction Method for Digital Twin Implementation (디지털 트윈 구현을 위한 3차원 객체(건물) 갱신 및 구축 방안 연구)

  • Kwak, Byung-Yong;Kang, Byoung-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.186-192
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the demand for more precise and demand-oriented customized spatial information is increasing due to the 4th industrial revolution. In particular, the use of 3D spatial information and digital twins which based on spatial information, and research for solving social problems in cities by using such information are continuously conducted. Globally, non-face-to-face services are increasing due to COVID-19, and the national policy direction is also rapidly progressing digital transformation, digitization and virtualization of the Korean version of the New Deal, which means that 3D spatial information has become an important factor to support it. In this study, physical objects for cities defined by world organizations such as ISO, OGC, and ITU were selected and the target of the 3D object model was limited to buildings. Based on CityGML2.0, the data collected using a drone suitable for building a 3D model of a small area is selected to be updated through road name address and building ledger, which are administrative information related to this, and LoD2.5 data is constructed and urban space. It was intended to suggest an object update method for a 3D building among data.