• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Digital Map

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A Visualization Method of Spatial Information based on Web Map Service (웹 지도 기반의 공간정보 가시화 기법)

  • Kim, Min-Gyu;Lee, Moo-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2016
  • In these days, considering the trend to make various information blended based on spatial information like road, buildings and geography, it is to be very important to visualize maps for showing the information efficiently. However, geometry which is composed with line, polygon commonly used on web service has limitation to express information by limit of usage as well as spending certain time to show the information via map. That's why this study develops the efficient way to visualize huge and complex spatial information. This way is to bring partial space with spatial query, and then query and expand information excluded the former area after detecting movement event based on client. When the way is implemented, it will be expected to make efficient visualization in entire system by not bringing unnecessary information but shortening spending time to show area because it just shows areas which clients want to see.

A Process of Optimization for the Best Orientation of Building Façades Based on the Genetic Algorithm by Utilizing Digital Topographic Map Data (수치지형도 데이터를 활용한 유전자 알고리즘 기반 건축외피의 최적향 산정 프로세스)

  • Choe, Seung-Ju;Han, Seung-Hoon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.113-129
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    • 2022
  • A building's eco-friendliness is directly related to various values including the life cycle cost of a building. However, the conventional architectural design method has a limitation in that it cannot create an optimized case according to the surrounding environmental conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to present a design assistance tool that can review planning cases optimized for the environmental conditions of the building site in the planning stage of architectural production. To achieve the purpose of the study, an algorithm for realizing 3D modeling of the region and analysis of the solar environment was produced based on the site contours, building, and road information from the digital topographic map provided by the National Geographic Information Institute. To examine the validity of the developed algorithm, a comparative experiment was conducted targeting the elevation direction of the existing building. As a result, it was found that the optimal elevation direction selected by the algorithm can receive higher insolation compared to the front facade of the main building.

Designation of Logical Bicycle Accident Dangerous Zone by Digital Map-Based Accident Characteristics Analysis (디지털 맵 기반 사고특성 분석을 통한 자전거 사고 논리 위험존 설정 연구)

  • Sung, Kwang-mo;Kim, Ki-cheol;Lee, Choul-ki;Kim, Sung-jin;Lee, Jung-uck
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2017
  • Bicycles are leading to serious accidents in the event of a side collision, and it is very important to prevent accidents in advance because it is difficult to actively deal with them in a dangerous situation. As a part of the bicycle safety driving support technology, this study establishes bicycle accidents dangerous zone based on bicycle accident data and road property information of digital map nationwide and provides timely safety information to cyclists. The point selected by using actual accident data was called 'dangerous zone', and the potential accident occurrence point generated by modeling based on this 'dangerous zone' was called 'logical dangerous zone'. As a result of the research on the Designation of Logical Bicycle Accident Dangerous Zone, the regional specificity of the bicycle accident points across the nation was generalized to the form of the logical dangerous zone through the network data.

Strategy on Production and Digitalization of Thematic Maps (공통주제도의 수치지도제작사업 추진방안에 관한 연구)

  • 김영표;조윤숙
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 1997
  • There are currently more than tens of thematic maps in Korea. Among them, there are some thematic maps which are used by one organization only by which was made, and there are common thematic maps which are used by several organizations. In this study, among many kinds of common thematic maps which are currently used, the common thematic maps which will be digitized for parts of NGIS project were chosen and the priority of project was established. After selecting five maps from the common thematic maps classified as the first ranking, current land use map, parcel-address map, administrative boundary map, urban planning map and road map, the area of CheJoo Island was digitized as a pilot project. Through the pilot project of CheJoo Island, the level of application was verified, and the method was presented in order to reduce the trial and error in the process of this production after analyzing the matter from the pilot project. The direction for digitizing common thematic maps was presented based on the result of the pilot project, in addition to, the detail plan was established after deciding the number of people needed, the amount of money spent, and the period needed for making digital maps nationwide.

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Block Unit to Present Panoramic View in 3D Map (3차원 지도에서 파노라마 전경 표현을 위한 단위 블록 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Kon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to develop a 3D map which allows users to better understand the overall topography and to memorize the general concepts of the current location for tourists. The Map also utilizes different forms and color codes of the block units in the panoramic view. First, in preparation for making the road block unit, 28 types of roads presented in common map were defined. Based on the definitions, 12 dominant groups were formed. In designing each form, visual correlation was considered. Second, 42 types of terrain features presented in normal maps were defined for making the panoramic block unit. Then, 2 dominant groups, each contains 5 subgroups, were made according to the assemble pattern and the size of area. On the basis of the grouped units, the panoramic block units were produced with 3D pole line graphics maintaining integration. Lastly, each panoramic block units were categorized by color classes such as blue, green, gray and brown class. The overall color combination of the work was evaluated as well harmonized since the Moon&Spencer's Aesthetic measure value exceeds 0.5.

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The Accuracy Analysis of Design Profile Generation using 3D Digital Terrain Model (3D DTM을 이용한 설계용 프로파일 생성 정확도 분석)

  • Um, Dae-Yong;Lee, Eun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2008
  • In construction work's design process, we must carry out a topographical survey for construction reserved land and to the basis of this, production of profile is indispensable factor for the purpose of every construction work such as road, rail way, canal and etc. From this research, the production of profile about construction reserved land, using topographical information of digital topographical map produced by NGIS project, construct precision 3D terrain model and from this, propose plans for utilizing by producing automatic profile. With the aim of this, extract every layers of main facilities and altitude from digital topographical map and while producing 3D terrain model by using this, we product automatic profile from precision 3D terrain model. And we was carried out to check whether the automatic produced profile's accuracy could be accepted at actual estimation by mutual analysis. It is considered that the result of the research could be suggested as a new techniques concept which can reduce the designing period and expenses and increase the efficiency of affair in the design process for the construction.

Road Facility DB Improvement Using DGPS Camera (DGPS 카메라를 활용한 도로시설물 DB 개선)

  • Lee, Je-Jung;Lee, Jong-Sin;Kim, Min-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.905-910
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    • 2013
  • Road facility has the high possibility of being damaged or destroyed due to continuous pass of the vehicles, overloaded vehicles, traffic accidents and so on and stormwater manhole, sewerage manhole that are installed on the road may cause the functional degradation in case of periodic pavement of the road. So management through establishing DB of road facility and efficient updating plan are required. Thus, this study used DGPS camera for efficient establishment and improvement of road facility DB. Applicability of DGPS camera could be suggested by satisfying the allowable accuracy required for establishing DB of road facility through the comparative analysis with the result of establishment of existing road facility DB and the process of DB establishment by existing total solution could be improved through process analysis. And the existing DB of road facility was improved so that the present conditions of surrounding topography and road facility can be grasped by developing the module that can add the images of road facility to digital map and Google Earth-based KML Builder. It is expected that road facility service that provides various information can be available if the spatial data of each local self-governing body and study of automation that utilizes DGPS camera images are accomplished hereafter.

A Study on the Application Technique of 3-D Spatial Information by integration of Aerial photos and Laser data (항공사진과 레이져 데이터의 통합에 의한 3 차원 공간정보 활용기술연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2010
  • A LiDAR technique has the merits that survey engineers can get a large number of measurements with high precision quickly. Aerial photos and satellite sensor images are used for generating 3D spatial images which are matched with the map coordinates and elevation data from digital topographic files. Also, those images are used for matching with 3D spatial image contents through perspective view condition composed along to the designated roads until arrival the corresponding location. Recently, 3D aviation image could be generated by various digital data. The advanced geographical methods for guidance of the destination road are experimented under the GIS environments. More information and access designated are guided by the multimedia contents on internet or from the public tour information desk using the simulation images. The height data based on LiDAR is transformed into DEM, and the real time unification of the vector via digital image mapping and raster via extract evaluation are transformed to trace the generated model of 3-dimensional downtown building along to the long distance for 3D tract model generation.

Lane Extraction through UAV Mapping and Its Accuracy Assessment (무인항공기 매핑을 통한 차선 추출 및 정확도 평가)

  • Park, Chan Hyeok;Choi, Kyoungah;Lee, Impyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2016
  • Recently, global companies are developing the automobile technologies, converged with state-of-the-art IT technologies for the commercialization of autonomous vehicles. These autonomous vehicles are required the accurate lane information to enhance its reliability by controlling the vehicles safely. Hence, the study planned to examine possibilities of applying UAV photogrammetry of high-resolution images, obtained from the low altitudes. The high-resolution DSM and the ortho-images were generated from the GSD 7cm-level digital images that were obtained and based on the generated data, when the positions information of the roads including the lanes were extracted. In fact, the RMSE of verifying the extracted data was shown to be about 15cm. Through the results from the study, it could be concluded that the low alititude UAV photogrammetry can be applied for generating and updating a high-accuracy map of road areas.

The Evaluation of Technology Level on Korea‘s Mid & Long-term Strategic Technologies (우리나라 중장기 전략기술의 수준평가에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Moon-Jung;Chung Keun-Ha;Lee Sang-Youb;Seo Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.650-676
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    • 2005
  • It is important to identify the mid and long-term strategic technologies and evaluate technology level for the establishment of national R&D policy to upgrade technology level in Korea. This paper summarizes the result of technology level evaluation for 99 key technologies of 'National Technology Road Map', which consists of 5 visions, of Korea. The technology level, the technological gap between Korea and world-top country, the role of government to upgrade technology level, etc. were investigated by the survey (total 1,067 respondents) and the interview with experts related to key technologies. The average technology level of Korea was $65.1\%$ of that of world-top country and average technological gap was 5.8 years. The technology level of vision I 'Building an Information-Knowledge-Intelligence Society' was $71.6\%$ and highest among 5 visions. The highest technology level among 99 key technologies was $85.6\%$ for 'Digital Broadcasting Technology' and the lowest was $20\%$ for 'weather Control Technology'. The major reasons of technological gap were investigated as the lack of R&D personnel ($23.8\%$), the shortage of R&D funds ($17.8\%$), and the insufficiency of basic research ($15.4\%$), in sequence. The average technology level of USA was evaluated to highest in the world. It was presented that the technological power of China increased rapidly in the expert interview. The result of technology level evaluation would be primary information for various national S&T planning, such as S&T basic plan, S&T foresight, technology road map, etc.

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