• Title/Summary/Keyword: Risk-Informed

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Mediating Effects of Perceived Risk and Usefulness between Online Information Credibility and Intention to Use (온라인 정보의 신뢰성 및 정보 활용의도 사이의 지각된 위험과 유용성의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Sun, Jonghak;Yoon, Jung-Hyeon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2014
  • Using the theory of attribution, this study investigates the determinants if controllability and explores underlying dimensions of online information credibility, and then investigates if the credibility of online information influences the users' intention to use the online information for evaluating or judging the involved products. Moreover, as a research attempt to investigate the impacts of online information credibility, this study examines whether the main effect of perceived online information credibility on the intention of using online information to make a decision of purchase is mediated by both perceived risk and perceived usefulness. A total of 287 survey forms were collected from online consumers. We examined reliability by exploring internal consistency of the multiple item scales in the overall sample. Convergent and discriminant validity were also examined for evidence of construct validity. Then, PLS technique was employed to test the research model. As a result of analyzing data from a dataset of 287 responses via PLS technique, it is found that (1) both sources (controllability and stability) of perceived credibility are significantly associated with both perceived risk and perceived usefulness, and (2) perceived risk as well as perceived usefulness partially mediate the link between the two sources of credibility and intention to use. The findings of this study also suggest that the two dimensions of online information credibility influence information recipient's intention to use. Moreover, the online information including descriptions about controllability and stability can trigger potential consumers to perceive risk about consumption of the informed products and services. Therefore, providing online information with highly described controllability and stability can increase not only the credibility of the online information itself, but also the intention to use the online information through perceived risk and usefulness.

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Future Medical Screening: A Challenge to the Insurance Industry (보험업계(保險業界)의 과제(課題))

  • Yoon, Byong-Hak;Kraus, H.K.
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.12
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 1993
  • After a short historical resume, screening is discussed on the basis of the current philosophy of Life insurance compaines in leading countries. This is followed by considerations with regard to the future in areas of major bearing on Life insurance screening which have emerged as important within the last decade. HIV-antibody testing is dealt with from the screening point of view followed by aspects regarding the applicability of tumour marker use in Life insurance medicine. Last but not least genetic testing will be addressed, taking into account prospects for the future, as well as the resulting responsibility in medical and underwriting terms. The major considerations and suggested guidelines can be summarized as follows: 1) Screening in Life insurance is a prerequisite for underwriting and is a well-functioning selection instrument. 2) Screening technologies are medically well defined and have to follow general clinical rules, also in the future. 3) Screening parameters should follow the patterns of diseases according to age and risk groups. 4) Screening parameters for prognostic use are legitimate as long as they are considered in conjuction with clinical medical observations and rules. 5) Screening technologies of a sensitive nature require very special rules for handling in the sense of "consequential ethies". 6) Screening parameters like HIV-antibody testing require ongoing scientific feedback in their new testing dimensions. 7) Screening in the form of genetic testing is as yet not used in Life insurance; its potential future role in Life insurfance medicine must, however, be discussed responsibly and in time. 8) Screening enables the insurance industry to rule out possible antiselection and provide for equal knowledge on the part of the insurance applicant and the insurer about impairements which shorten life expectancy. 9) Screening, informed consent, counselling and confidentiality must go hand in hand both now and to an even greater extent in the future.

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Application for Fire Protection Regulation based on Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Analysis (위험도 및 성능기반 분석방법에 의한 원전 화재방호규정 적용 방안)

  • Jee, Moon-Hak;Lee, Byung-Kon
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3 s.63
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2006
  • From the beginning of the construction stage, the fire protection regulation for the nuclear power plants conforms to the design requirements for the acquisition of the license permit. This regulation is based on the plant status of the normal operation, but it is not enough to be used as an application standard for fire protection at the transient mode of the plant and the outage time for refueling as well as for the plant decommissioning. While the advanced fire protection requirement that has been developed in America recently suggests the performance-based requirement and management rule applicable to the overall life time of the plant, it simply represents the conceptual application. It means that it can not be treated as appropriate standards because it does not deal with the qualitative and quantitative approach in specific ways. By the way, with the use of the performance-based fire risk analysis, the dynamic behavior of the heat and smoke at the fire compartment of the nuclear power plants can be analyzed and the thermal effect to the safety-related equipment and cables can be evaluated as well. At this paper, it suggests the ways to change the applicable fire protection regulations and the required evaluation items for the fire risk resulted from the plant configuration change with an intent to introduce the state-of-the-art quantitative fire risk analysis technology at the domestic nuclear power plants.

A Study of a Relapse Prevention Program for Alcoholics focused on Action Methods (행위기법을 중심으로 한 알코올의존 재발방지 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • No, In-Suk;Kim, Seong-Jae
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2004
  • Relapse is one of the most series problems in alcoholics treatment. Previous studies have shown that significant proportions of treated alcoholics show an early relapse and go through a chronic phase. It is necessity to find more effective relapse prevention program. The Purpose of this study was to develop a relapse prevention program that emphasis on group activities using various action methods. Previous studies revealed that there was no effective therapeutic strategy to prevent relapse and proposed that action methods were more practical ways to be able ti cope with high-risk situation than verbal methods such as discussions and lectures. The special attempt of this program was the application of various actions methods and the integration of many psychosocial therapeutic strategies as compared with many relapse prevention programs. The theoretical framework of this relapse prevention program was based on mainly the Marlatt's Relapse Prevention model and Prochescha and DiClemente's Transtheoretical model. This Program consists of eight structure sessions. Every session has three phase: Warm-up phase, action phase, and sharing phase as sociodrama structure. Sociodrama is based on many of the principles of adult learning. And sociodrama looks at how groups work through an understanding of systems and role theory. Therefore, in working with a group a therapist might explore with them the roles that people play, roles that are missing at present such a visionary and how people can develop new roles or new ways of playing existing roles. The researchers explained the purpose of this study to all participants after their agreement to participate. Voluntary informed consent was obtained from all participants. Every session allows participants to recognize personal specific high-risk situation and to examine possible coping behaviors creatively. Multiple solutions can be proposed, tested and evaluated dramatically, giving new insights or breakthroughs in thinking. This is vital for the initiation of change, and if appropriate, expanding new role development. The first two sessions aim at understanding of relapse process and recognize of high-risk situations focused on orientation about action methods. The next four sessions deal with high-risk situations. The last two sessions give participants opportunities to venture new life-styles. The methods and approaches used in this program utilized as a tool to explore and practice possible coping strategies. and this program can contribute to prevent relapse episode if tune with the particular high-risk situation by using active practices in safe environment.

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Raising Public Recognition of Climate Change Adaptation to Ensure Food Safety

  • Cho, Sun-Duk;Lee, Hwa Jung;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2013
  • Recent changes in the global climate environment have resulted in a wide variety of climate-related disasters, including floods, tidal waves, forest fires, droughts, etc. In addition, global warming raises the risk of food poisoning, which may increase the spread of infectious diseases and alter their structure. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to provide accurate and persuasive information to consumers so that they can be fully informed of climate change and alter their behavior accordingly. Therefore, the intention of this study was to develop posters and contents for image production related to climate change and food safety. The posters are focused on consumers with headings such as "Climate Change Threatening Food Safety", "Earth getting warmer, your dining table is at risk", "Warning signs ahead for the globe", and more. Five poster drafts were selected initially, and a survey was carried out amongst 1,087 people regarding their preferences, with the most preferred design chosen. The images related to climate change and food safety defined climate change, how it relates to food safety, the risks it poses to the food industry, and lastly, how the public can respond in the future. Therefore, to further communicate the importance of food safety to consumers, the development, education, and promotion of these contents should be performed to provide safety information to consumers in the future.

Determinants of Potentially Unnecessary Cervical Cancer Screenings in American Women

  • Seo, Munseok;Langabeer, James
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: To identify factors responsible for potentially clinically unnecessary cervical cancer screenings in women with prior hysterectomy. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). This study targeted adult women and examined whether they received a both a Papanicolaou (Pap) test and undergone a hysterectomy in the last three years. We conducted multivariate analyses, including weighted proportions and odds ratios (ORs), based on the modified BRFSS weighting method (raking). The inclusion criteria were adult women (>18 years old) who reported having received a Pap test within the last 3 years. Results: Of all women (n=252 391), 72 366 had received a Pap test, and 32 935 of those women (45%, or 12.5 million, weighted) had a prior hysterectomy. We found that age, race/ethnicity, marital status, family income, health status, time since last routine checkup, and health insurance coverage were all significant predictors. Black, non-Hispanic women were 2.23 times more likely to receive Pap testing after a hysterectomy than white women (OR, 2.23; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.99 to 2.50). Similarly, the odds for Hispanic women were 2.34 times higher (OR, 2.34; 95% CI, 1.97 to 2.80). The odds were also higher for those who were married (OR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.08 to 1.27), healthier (OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.14 to 1.35), and had health insurance (OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.28 to 1.84), after controlling for confounders. Conclusions: We conclude that women may potentially receive Pap tests even if they are not at risk for cervical cancer, and may not be adequately informed about the need for screenings. We recommend strategies to disseminate recommendations and information to patients, their families, and care providers.

Health Effect and Blood Lead Concentration among Residents in Gwangyang and Yeosu (광양, 여수 지역 주민들의 혈중 납 농도와 관련요인)

  • Park, Heejin;Park, Myung-Kyu;Kang, Tack-Shin;Kim, Geun-Bae;Lee, Jong-Wha;Jang, Bong-Ki;Son, Bu-Soon
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the distribution of blood lead concentrations of residents in the areas surrounding an industrial complex. Methods: During the three-month period from August to October 2012, informed consent was obtained from a total of 417 residents in Gwangyang and Yeosu. We collected blood samples from all subjects, and their demographic characteristics were acquired using a questionnaire. The blood samples were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrometer and data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS version 21.0. Results: The geometric mean concentration of blood lead in all subjects was $1.85{\mu}g/dL$. The highest (p<0.01) blood lead concentrations were in the current drinking group ($2.24{\mu}g/dL$). Blood lead concentrations in the smoking group ($0.59{\mu}g/dL$) were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in the non-smoking group ($0.24{\mu}g/dL$). Risk assessment was performe using the Korean National Environmental Health Survey (KNEHS) as a reference. The hazard indices of blood lead in males and females were 0.65 and 0.52, respectively Conclusion: We provided baseline data for reference values of toxicity and heavy lead concentrations. Our results might be useful for further evaluation of risks due to exposure to heavy metals via oral, air, and percutaneous routes.

Various Aspects, Patterns and Risk Factors in Breast Cancer Patients of Balochistan

  • Baloch, Abdul Hameed;Shuja, Jameela;Daud, Shakeela;Ahmed, Muneer;Ahmad, Adeel;Tareen, Mehrullah;Khan, Farah;Kakar, Muhammad Azam;Baloch, Dost Mohammad;Kakar, Naseebullah;Naseeb, Hafiz Khush;Ahmad, Jamil
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.4013-4016
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Breast cancer is the commonest malignancy of females throughout the world with one million new cases each year. In Pakistan, the burden of breast cancer disease is high with late stage presentation being a common feature, more than half being stage III or stage IV. The objective of this study was to study various aspects, patterns and risk factors in breast cancer patients of Balochistan. Method: Present study was performed on 134 patients of breast cancer who were registered in CENAR. The patients were interviewed by providing a questionnaire. Informed consent was taken from all the patients who took part in this study after explanation of the study aims. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated andbiopsy reports were obtained from patients files. All the cases were classified with respect to age, gender, ethnic group (Baloch, Pashtoon, Punjabi, Afghani, Hazara) BMI, cancer type, cancer grade, hormonal status, side of the cancer, fertility and marital status. Results: Out of 134 patients, the most common ethnic group was Pashtoon with a total of 42 and the common age group was 41-50 years with a total of 51. Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) was the most common type, accounting for in 128 patients (95.5%) followed by invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). Conclusion: Pashtoon was the most common ethnic group, IDC was common type and most of the patients had an ER/PR positive hormonal status.

Cross Sectional Survey on Association between Alcohol, Betel-Nut, Cigarette Consumption and Health Promoting Behavior of Industrial Workers in Ghaziabad

  • Arora, Dimple;Marya, Charu Mohan;Menon, Ipseeta;Oberoi, Sukhvinder Singh;Dhingra, Chandan;Anand, Richa
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2015
  • Background: The work force in industries are at risk of developing unduly high rates of health and behaviour related problems including abuse of alcohol, betel nut and cigarette (alcohol, betel nut and cigarette consumption). This study describes the relationships between alcohol, betel nut and cigarette consumption and health promoting behaviour among industrial workers. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted on workers in various industries of Ghaziabad city with concerned authority permission. A sample size of 732 workers was calculated based on pilot study. Through Simple random sampling 732 workers in 20 to 50 years age group with informed consent were interviewed through structured, pretested, validated questionnaire in vernacular language by one calibrated investigator. Data on socio demography, alcohol, betel nut and cigarette consumption pattern and health behaviour were collected. The association between health promoting behaviour and alcohol, betel nut and cigarette consumption was analysed by Logistic regression and Chi-square test through SPSS 16 at p<0.05 and 95%CI as significant. Results: Total prevalence of alcohol, betel nut and cigarette consumption in study population was 88%. The prevalence of individual alcohol, betel nut and cigarette consumption were 82%, 68% and 79% respectively. Combined alcohol, betel nut and cigarette prevalence in study population was 58%. Alcohol and cigarette users were significantly higher (p<0.001) in 30 to 40 years age group with lower level of education having poor attitude towards health promoting behaviour, poor oral hygiene practices and rare indulgence in regular physical exercise. Conclusions: This study stimulate further research on exploring methods to prevent initiation of health risk behaviour and promote healthy behaviour with cessation help for the current alcohol, betel nut and cigarette users.

A Study on the Characteristics of DAMA(Discharge Against Medical Advice) Case and Causal Factors of DAMA - Perspective of Medical Social Worker's Role and Intervention - (의학적 충고에 반한 퇴원의 특성과 퇴원결정 요인에 관한 연구 - 사회사업가의 개입사례와 역할을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Heung Gu;Lee, Sang Jin;Cho, Kyung Gi
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.1620-1627
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : DAMA cases were analyzed to examine what the main casual factors of DAMA were and how to deal with these cases effectively in hospital with the DAMA interdisciplinary team including medical social worker whose role is to perform psycho-social assessment, family counsel, to evaluate family's DAMA need. Patients and Methods : The content analysis of medical record and social work record were reviewed in 37 cases referred by medical doctor to DAMA team. These cases were reported by patients' self discharge request or family's request for discharge from September 1998 to February 2000. The DAMA team consists of Assistant Director of Hospital as team leader, medical staff in-charge, social worker, QI nurse, other staff members who are not involved in direct treatment for patient, and administrative clerk. Results : The results of content analysis are as follows : 1) The most causal factors of DAMA consist of combination of more than 2 factors. 2) The major decision-maker is revealed to be son and daughter of patient. 3) In 59.4% of cases, family was not informed of patients' prognosis, alternatives, the consequence of DAMA at all. 4) In cases of DAMA report, the rapid intervention of social worker is carried out. Conclusion : In this study, we propose the interdisciplinary team approach to make decision legitimately and ethically for DAMA. The suggestions from this study are as follows : 1) To deal with DAMA case properly, the interdisciplinary team approach should be considered. 2) The criteria for DAMA case should be formed carefully. For the explicit selection of DAMA case, preliminary system for high-risk patient screening is recommended. 3) The medical social worker is available for the psycho-social problems of the patient once family members. For the effective family counselling, discharge planning and nursing home placement, the participation of medical social worker should be mandatory.

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