• 제목/요약/키워드: Risk-Informed

검색결과 232건 처리시간 0.026초

Socio-Demographic and Behavioural Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer and Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Rural and Urban Areas of North Bengal, India

  • Raychaudhuri, Sreejata;Mandal, Sukanta
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.1093-1096
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    • 2012
  • Background: Cervical cancer is common among women worldwide. A multitude of risk factors aggravate the disease. This study was conducted to: (1) determine the prevalence and (2) make a comparative analysis of the socio-demographic and behavioural risk factors of cervical cancer and knowledge, attitude and practice between rural and urban women of North Bengal, India. Study Design: Community-based cross-sectional study. Methods: A survey (first in North Bengal) was conducted among 133 women in a rural area (Kawakhali) and 88 women in an urban slum (Shaktigarh) using predesigned semi-structured questionnaires. The respondents were informed of the causes (including HPV), signs and symptoms, prevention of cervical cancer and treatment, and the procedure of the PAP test and HPV vaccination. Results: The prevalence of risk factors like multiparity, early age of marriage, use of cloth during menstruation, use of condom and OCP, early age of first intercourse was 37.2%, 82%, 83.3%, 5.4%, 15.8% and 65.6% respectively. Awareness about the cause, signs and symptoms, prevention of cervical cancer, PAP test and HPV vaccination was 3.6%, 6.3%, 3.6%, 9.5% and 14.5% respectively. Chi-square testing revealed that in the study population, significant differential at 5% exists between rural and urban residents with respect to number of children, use of cloth/sanitary napkins, family history of cancer and awareness regarding causes of cervical cancer. Regarding KAP, again using chi-square tests, surprisingly, level of education is found to be significant for each element of KAP in urban areas in contrast to complete absence of association between education and elements of KAP in rural areas. Conclusions: A large number of risk factors were present in both areas, the prevalence being higher in the rural areas. The level of awareness and role of education appears to be insignificant determinants in rural compared to urban areas. This pilot study needs to be followed up by large scale programmes to re-orient awareness campaigns, especially in rural areas.

Effects of Nursing Education on Awareness of Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer

  • Akduran, Funda;Cinar, Nursan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권14호
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    • pp.5763-5766
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    • 2015
  • Background: The objective of this study is to determine the effect of nursing education on awareness of risk factors for colorectal cancer. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, the sample is consisted of 132 volunteer students studying in the 1st and 4th grades of School of Health Nursing Department during the fall semester of 2014-2015. Data were collected via a questionnaire including information on the socio-demographic features of the participants and the correlating risk factors of colorectal cancer, prepared by researchers in view of the literature. The questionnaire was distributed to students and completed during class time. Before presenting the questionnaires to the respondents, informed consent was obtained from each. The data obtained were analyzed with a statistical package (SPSS). At first, a Kolmogorov-Smirnow test was performed on the research data. However, since it was seen that variables did not have a normal distribution, the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was applied. P values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Percentages, means and standard deviations were also utilized for evaluation. Results: Of the total of 132 students participating in this study, 85.6% (n=113) were female, and 14.4% (n=19) were male. The average age was $20.5{\pm}2.04$. 54.5 % of the students (n=72) were 4th graders and 45.5 % (n=60) were first graders. Total score averages of first graders on risk awareness was $X=12{\pm}7.24$, and fourth graders was $X=16.93{\pm}7.71$. The difference between these two scores were found to be statistically significant (Z= -9,333; p=0.000). Conclusions: Nursing education was found out to have a positive influence on the students' awareness of risk factors for colorectal cancer.

외과계 중환자실의 섬망 발생 위험요인 조사연구 (Risk Factors related to Delirium Development in Patients in Surgical Intensive Care Unit)

  • 이은준;심미영;송숙희;이미미;김혜미;강봉선;양은진;임지영;김진아;이미나
    • 중환자간호학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the frequency and the course of delirium, and identify risk factors for the development of delirium in surgical intensive care unit (SICU). Methods: Subjects older than 19 years admitted to the SICU were recruited. After informed written consent, enrolled subjects had baseline cognitive and functional assessments. Subjects were assessed daily for delirium using the Confusion Assessment Method-ICU (CAM-ICU). Results: During the study period, 110 patients were enrolled. The overall incidence of delirium was 20% (22/110). The average time to onset of delirium was 3.04(${\pm}1.25$) days. Several variables were associated with an increased risk of delirium including older age (p<.05), higher admission APACHE II score (p<.001), use of opioid and analgesics (p<.01), using physical restraints (p<.001), and intraoperative hypotension (p<.05). In a multivariate logistic regression model, using physical restraints (p<.001), intraoperative hypotension (p<.05), and older age (p<.05) remained significant predictors of the delirium development. Conclusion: Using physical restraints, intraoperative hypotension and older age was strongly associated with development of delirium in the SICU. Prevention measures need to focus on identifying patients at higher risk for delirium development.

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노인 고독사 방지를 위한 빅데이터 기반 고독사 고위험 지역 탐지 연구 (A Big Data Analysis to Prevent Elderly Solitary Deaths by High-risk Area Clusterization)

  • 김소연;김수형;이봉규
    • 한국인터넷방송통신학회논문지
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 서울시 노인 고독사 방지를 위해 고독사 고위험 지역을 탐지하기 위한 빅데이터 기반 분석 방법을 제안한다. 본 연구에서는 고독사 위험 요인을 인구학적, 건강학적, 경제적, 사회환경적 요인으로 분류하여 분석하였다. 서울시 열린데이터 광장과 공공데이터 포털에서 수집된 데이터를 이용하여 변인을 생성하고 K-means 클러스터링을 사용하여 산포도를 작성한 후 지도를 통해 시각적으로 구현하였다. 분석 결과 중랑구, 강북구, 노원구, 은평구, 강서구, 관악구가 가장 고위험 지역으로 나타났다. 본 연구에는 기존 설문조사 기반 연구의 한계를 빅데이터 분석을 통해 보완하였다는 함의가 존재한다. 연구결과가 고독사 예방 사업의 효율성을 높이고 자치구별로 적절한 예산 배정을 위한 의사결정 기반 자료로 활용되기를 기대한다.

베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 지진 유발 화재・폭발 복합재해 확률론적 안전성 평가 (Bayesian Network-based Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Multi-Hazard of Earthquake-Induced Fire and Explosion)

  • 이세혁;석의찬;송준호
    • 한국전산구조공학회논문집
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2024
  • 최근 원자력 지진 PSA(Probabilistic Safety Assessment)를 토대로 산업시설물의 지진 PSA를 수행하는 연구가 진행되었다. 해당 연구는 원자력 발전소와 산업시설물의 차이를 파악하고, 최종적으로 운영정지를 목표로 하는 고장수목(Fault Tree)를 구축한 후 시각적 확률도구인 베이지안 네트워크(Bayesian Network, BN)으로 변환하였다. 본 연구는 선행연구를 기반으로 지진으로 유발된 구조손상으로 인해 발생 가능한 화재・폭발에 대해 PSA를 수행하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 화재・폭발을 사건수목(Event Tree)으로 표현하고, BN으로 변환하였다. 변환된 BN은 화재・폭발 모듈로서 선행연구에서 제시된 고장수목 기반 BN과 연계되어 최종적으로 지진 유발 화재・폭발 PSA를 수행할 수 있는 BN 기반 방법론이 개발되었다. 개발된 BN을 검증하기위해 수치예제로서 가상의 가스플랜트 Plot Plan을 생성하였고, 가스플랜트의 설비 종류가 구체적으로 반영된 대규모 BN을 구축하였다. 해당 BN을 이용하여 지진 규모에 따른 전체시스템의 운영정지 확률 및 하위시스템들의 고장확률 산정과 더불어 역으로 전체시스템이 운영 정지되었을 때 하위시스템들의 영향도 분석과 화재・폭발 가능성을 산정하여 다양한 의사결정을 수행할 수 있음을 제시함으로써 그 우수성을 확인하였다.

Diabetes - Increased Risk for Cancers through Chromosomal Aberrations?

  • Anand, Sudhaa;Nath, Badari;Saraswathy, Radha
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권11호
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    • pp.4571-4573
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    • 2014
  • Diabetes, a comprehensive genetic disease, is principally due to the deregulation of glucose levels in the blood. In addition to contemporary epidemiological studies, systematic substantiation suggests that long-term diabetes leads to cancers due to a variety of reasons. In this study, blood samples were collected with informed consent from confirmed type I diabetic (T1DM, n=25) and type II Diabetic patients (T2DM, n=25) with equal numbers of controls. Further depending on the lifestyle habits they were subdivided into smokers/non-smokers and alcoholics/non-alcoholics. Chromosomal assays were performed for these cases and it was found that there was a significant increase in chromosomal aberration frequency in diabetic patient groups who are exposed to smoking and alcohol than that of normal diabetic groups (T1DM and T2DM). On the other hand, patient groups who were non-smoking and non-alcoholics also showed higher chromosomal aberrations when compared to that of controls. While the mechanisms for these increased chromosomal aberrations in diabetic groups are not clear, they may be due to increased oxidative stress leading to oxidative damage and resulting in genomic instability, which in turn may contribute to an increased risk for cancer.

Implant Therapy and Temporomandibular Disorder

  • Kim, Young-Kyun;Yun, Pil-Young
    • Journal of Korean Dental Science
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.4-10
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    • 2009
  • Though implant treatment is considered as a common treatment option for edentulous patients, there have been few studies on the temporomandibular disorder (TMD) related with implant treatment. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the relevance of TMD to the implant patients and to evaluate the risk factors of TMD in relation with implant treatment. For the evaluation of various risk factors of TMD in relation with implant therapy, clinical evaluation focused on patient factors and implant factors. From a group of 694 patients, 25 patients (3.6 %) were included in this study. The majority of the patients were included in the asymptomatic 'adaptive' group. Parafunction was detected in 11 patients, 8 patients were male. Four patients having parafunction showed complications such as implant failure or fracture of the suprastructure. From the results, it is possible that TMJ related symptoms are developed or aggravated after implant therapy, which requires relatively more chair time; so TMJ examination should be included in the pre-operative evaluation for dental implant patients. Also, it is important to treat patients after they sign an informed consent that includes a detailed explanation on the possibility of TMD during treatment.

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요부 추간관절차단 및 요부 경막외차단 후 발생한 뇌졸증 -증례 보고- (Stroke after the Procedure of Lumbar Facet Joint block and Lumbar Epidural Block -Case reports-)

  • 이효근;김성모;한경림;이종무;고석신;김찬
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.131-133
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    • 1997
  • Number of elderly patients requiring nerve blocks have been increasing in recent years. We had two elderly patients who suffered stroke one day and three days after lumbar facet joint block and lumbar single epidural block respectively. Both patients due to their advanced age had potential risk factor to suffer one or more of the following; stroke, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Due to our experience with these patients, we suggested the following: (1) Nerve blocks should be reconsidered for elderly patient who posesses a potential risk factor to suffer a stroke. (2) Prior to invasive block administration of mild sedatives or analgesics may provide beneficial effects for patients with hypertension. (3) Adequately informed consent must be fully discussed time of consultation with patient scheduled for nerve block especially for elderly and risky patient.

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Asymmetric Information Spillovers between Trading Volume and Price Changes in Malaysian Futures Market

  • Go, You-How;Lau, Wee-Yeap
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to examine the dynamics of price changes and trading volume of Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange (KLOFFE) from 2000 to 2008. With augmented analysis, our results support two hypotheses. First, under information spillover, our findings support noise traders' hypothesis as the time span for variance of past trading volume to cause variance of current return is found to be asymmetric under bull and bear markets. Second, looking at the dynamic relation between volume and volatility of price changes, our findings support Liquidity-Driven Trade hypothesis as past trading volume and subsequent volatility of return exhibit positive correlation. In terms of investors' behavior in response to the news, we find that investors are more risk taking in bull market and more risk reverse in bear market. Our study suggests that investors should adjust their strategy in the futures market in a dynamic manner as the time span of new information arrival is not consistent. Also, uninformed investors with information asymmetry should expect noninformational trading from informed investors to establish their desired positions for better liquid position.

Occupational Health: Meeting the Challenges of the Next 20 Years

  • Harrison, John;Dawson, Leonie
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 2016
  • Background: The industrial revolution that took place in the United Kingdom (UK) between 1760 and 1830 led to profound social change. Occupational medicine was concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of occupational diseases, that is, diseases directly caused by exposure to workplace hazards. A similar pattern of development has occurred globally. Methods: A review of relevant literature. Results: The international conceptualization and development of occupational health occurred during the 20th century. A new paradigm for occupational health has emerged that extends the classical focus on what might be termed "health risk management" that is, the focus on workplace hazards and risk to health to include the medical aspects of sickness absence and rehabilitation, the support and management of chronic noncommunicable diseases, and workplace health promotion. Conclusion: The future strategic direction for occupational health will be informed by a needs analysis and a consideration of where it should be positioned within future healthcare provision. What are the occupational health workforce implications of the vision for occupational health provision? New challenges and new ways of working will necessitate a review of the competence and capacity of the occupational health workforce, with implications for future workforce planning.