• Title/Summary/Keyword: Risk management factors

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A research for improvement methods in the aspect of safety engineering through risk analysis of facilities for multiple use - Focused on escalator and passenger conveyors - (다중이용시설물 위험분석을 통한 안전공학적 개선 방안에 관한 연구 (에스컬레이터 및 수평보행기를 중심으로))

  • Kwon, Sun-Geol;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Chang-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2013
  • For the matter of elevator, one of the multi-use facilities for unspecified public, the JIS has re-established and reformed to apply to the environment in South Korea for the past 20 years. In the aspect of safety assurance, it was inevitable to suggest improved measures. The government, Ministry of Public Administration and Security has secured the safety by enhancing the safety management functions in the elevator inspection standards and expanding its safety device measures. Further, the international inspection standard has been introduced, which is about unifying inspection standard system into the international standard code. In March 14th 2012, the international standard (EN) has been amended and fully announced. Escalator and passenger conveyor among lift devices have several common danger factor that cause safety accident. First, the accident caused by decreased braking power of brake. Second, the accident caused by the rate difference between handrail and tread-board. Third, the accident caused by defects of contraflow preventing device or carelessness inspection. Fourth, the accident caused by wet tread-board or wet floor of platform which makes passenger slip and fall. As the improvements to prevent and reduce these negligent accidents, the inspection list to check and methods should be subdivided and applied for each accident likelihood cause for safety management enhancement and safety assurance of existing escalator and passenger conveyors. The escalators and passenger conveyors without safety devices in existence should be obliged to modify the part of the system or install additional safety device. With making these measures obligations, it requires to improve the system to be suitable for the international inspection standard and to have measures to prevent safety accidents. It also needs to arrange improvements for skid accident of tread-board by the external environment factors such as snow and rain.

Investigation of EU, UK and USA's Laws and Standards related to Safety Criteria for Commercial Kitchen Machines (유럽연합, 영국 및 미국의 주방 기기 안전 기준 관련 법령 및 규격 조사)

  • Kee, Do-Hyung;Hwang, Sang-Don;Song, Young-Woong;Park, Hyun-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate EU, UK and USA's laws and standards related to safety criteria for commercial kitchen machines. The study was based on literature survey and web surfing. The results revealed that EU has relevant directives by kitchen machines and harmonized standards according to the directives. The directives and harmonized standards are translated into the laws and standards of EU member countries, respectively. The kitchen facility relevant legal systems of UK and USA do not prescribe the safety devices or measures, but only the basic health and safety requirements. The requirements were forcefully implemented through the certificate systems such as CE(Confommite European), UL(Underwriters Laboratories), etc. Only products with CE, UL or NRTL(ationally Recognized Testing Laboratory) certificate marking can be placed on the market of EU and USA, or put into service. For achieving the certificates, all requirements regulated in the relevant standards should be met. The standards of UK and USA were presented by kitchen machines or by standards themselves, respectively. Safety devices required by the standards were also summarized by kitchen machines and their risk factors.

An analysis on the propriety of pilot project and the Management Performance in Korea's new technology adaptation Farming (신기술 수용농가의 시범사업 타당성 및 경영성과 분석)

  • Kim, Yean-Jung;Han, Hye-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.5859-5864
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the outcomes of experts' survey for Cultivation techniques of good seed bulb in garlics program, purpose of introduction, and performance analysis this program. As a result of survey on new technology adoption to be cultivated in cultivation techniques of good seed bulb in garlics, technique satisfaction scored the highest with 4.3 points whereas innovation scored 4.21 points. On the other hand, risk scored the lowest with 2.53 points. Also, using BMO model business attractiveness and business fit scored 44 points, 45points respectively. Thus, the project rate of success were analyzed by more than 80 per cent. Finally, the management performance is analyzed on the garlic farms by selecting the highest awareness collected. As a result of effects after new technology adoption, 43% of the surveyees stated that the relative management costs dramatically decreased, and increase in production.

Safety Evaluation of Sankhaholi (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.) in the Management of Essential Hypertension: A Randomized Standard Control Trial

  • Khan, Qamar Alam;Khan, Asim Ali;Parveen, Shagufta
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.6.1-6.4
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    • 2019
  • Background: Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for stroke, heart attack, heart failure and kidney failure, thereby causing deaths and disability world-wide. The most predominant type of HTN is essential hypertension (HTN). Unani scholars have mentioned about the clinical manifestations and management of the hypertension and documented it in the context of 'Imtila'. The drug Sankhaholi (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.) is one of the widely prescribed medicines for the management of essential hypertension in Unani medicine. Material and Methods: The present clinical study was carried out to evaluate the safety of Sankhaholi (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.) in the management of stage-1 essential hypertension. Newly diagnosed 41 patients of Essential Hypertension (22 patients were in the test group and 19 patients in the control group) were enrolled for the study. All the patients in the test group were given with the test drug 3 g powder of Sankhaholi twice a day for 6 weeks orally. Patients in the control group were given standard drug Ramipril 5 mg once a day for the same duration. Clinical as well as hematological parameters were recorded before and after the treatment. Results: No significant changes are recorded in safety parameters viz. CBC, Haemogram, LFT and KFT. Clinically no adverse effect of the drug has been reported during the course of treatment. Also, significant effect on the systolic blood pressure (p<0.001) were recorded in test group. The drug Sankhaholi was also found effective on the symptoms associated with hypertension. Conclusion: The finding of the study revealed that the test drug Sankhaholi (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.) is safe and has substantial efficacy as an antihypertensive drug.

The Effect of Community Mapping Application Development and Application on the Safety Consciousness of Elementary and Middle Schools (커뮤니티맵핑 어플리케이션 개발과 활용이 초·중생의 안전의식 고취에 끼치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Jin-Suk;Lee, Hyo-Jeong;Shin, Eun-Hye;Park, So-Soon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.323-338
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose an educational program for enhance safety capability of elementary and middle school students through community mapping application. Method: Developed and utilized a community mapping application that can be easily used for research. After participating in 425 elementary and middle school students, This study analyzed the change of safety competency through survey. Results: Through the community mapping activities, it was possible to derive the actual life surrounding risk factors of the earthy life, and it was found through the questionnaire before and after the activity that the safety competence of the participants improved. Conclusion: Investigation of similar related cases of Public Participant Safety Mapping Tool and analysis of their functionalities are conducted, and user demanded functionalities with improved usability accessability expandability are derived. Also, the system applied the test to elementary and middle school students and the survey showed that the safety capacity was improved according to Safety Mapping activities. This is proposed as a safety education program.

Domestic polysomnography operation status and problem analysis -Focusing on the characteristics of each type of medical institution- (국내 수면다원검사 운영현황 및 문제점 분석 -의료기관 유형별 특징을 중심으로-)

    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.443-448
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    • 2023
  • Over the past five years, the number of patients with sleep disorders has increased by about 250,000 from 840,000 in 2017 to 1.09 million in 2021. In addition, sleep disorder is a factor that causes dementia risk factors, and furthermore, the population with sleep disorder is a very important policy issue in terms of stable health insurance financial management in the future in terms of national health management in the super-aging trend. Therefore, this study aims to establish an efficient treatment environment in medical institutions responsible for the current status of polysomnography and effective reimbursement policies for the recently increasing population with sleep disorders, and appropriate sleep management policies for future sleep disorders through correct implementation. We are trying to find out the actual condition and improvement plan through interviews with related organizations and experts.

The Risk of Bleeding in Liver Transplant Patients and Dental Considerations (간이식 환자의 출혈 경향과 치과적 고려 사항)

  • Park, Wonse;Baik, Yoon-Jae;Doh, Re-Mee;Kim, Kee-Deog;Jung, Bock-Young;Pang, Nan-Sim;Yun, Hee-Jung;You, Tae-Min
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2012
  • Background: The major goal of dental management before and after liver transplantation is the prevention of bacteremia from an oral source that could lead to systemic infection. However dental treatment in liver transplant patients have the risk of infection and bleeding. so it is needed special dental consideration. Methods: 42 liver transplant candidates who visited department of Advanced General Dentistry in Yonsei University College of dentistry from March 1, 2010 to February 29, 2012 were selected. The clinical data of those patients were analyzed; coagulation status such as PT, INR, aPTT, platelet count before and 6 months after liver transplantation, dental infectious foci, time interval between dental visit and operation date of liver transplantation. Results: Before liver transplant, the patient's PT and INR was prolonged, and the platelet count was lower than normal range. But 6 months later from liver transplantation, most of the figures turned into a normal range. The dental infection foci were chronic periodontitis, dental caries, chronic apical periodontitis, root rest et al but we did extraction of 6 root rest before liver transplantation and postponed other treatment after liver transplantation due to bleeding and infection risk of patients. Because of insufficient interval between dental visit and operation date, 64.3% of patients could not finish the dental treatment. Conclusions: The patients before liver transplantation have the risk of bleeding. The treatment of those patient should be removal of only factors that can cause dental infections after transplantation and other treatment must be postponed until the stable period of the transplant that patient's condition has improved.

A Study on the Determinant Factors on Return in Internet Clothing Purchase (인터넷 쇼핑에서 의류제품 반품행동 결정요인)

  • Ji, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1891-1902
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    • 2008
  • With concerns for consumers' return behaviors affecting internet shopping malls' profits and product management in the internet clothing market, this study is designed to investigate determinants affecting return and path models for return behaviors. For an empirical study, questionnaires are prepared and respondents in their 20s and 30s with internet clothing purchase experience are selected using the convenience sampling. A total of 517 questionnaires are used for the final analysis. Data are analyzed by using SPSS 12.0 software and descriptive statistics, x2-test, discriminant analysis, regression analysis, and path analysis is conducted. The results are as follows. First, ones who have returned after purchasing clothing items in internet shopping reached 63.4% of the total consumers. Respondents returned items with price at 50 thousand won or less stood at 67.2%, and the most frequent return shopping malls are open markets with their return rate at 51.1%. Second, variables such as risk perception, information search, impulse buying, buying experience, and age have a positive effect on return experience. Impulse buying and buying experience turn out to have a significant effect on the degree of return, but risk perception, information search, age, and gender to have an insignificant effect. Return intention is significantly affected by risk perception, gender, and age. Third, the analysis of path model for return experience shows that perceived risk has a positively effect, and information search has a direct effect as well as an indirect effect through buying experience or impulse buying. The analysis of path model for the degree of return shows that risk perception does not have effect, but information search has indirect effect through buying experience or impulse buying. This study is thought to find consumers' return behavior characteristics in online shopping, and help businesses operating online shopping malls to efficiently manage returns and set up strategies against returns.

The Relationship among Family functioning, Intimacy Risk with the Opposite Sex and Campus Life Satisfaction of College Students (대학생의 가족기능, 이성과의 친밀감 위험, 대학생활만족에 관한 연구)

  • Ahan, Seong-Aha;Oh, Su-Mi;Kong, Jeong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.432-441
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship among family function, intimacy risk with the opposite sex, and campus life satisfaction among college students. A descriptive study was conducted. Data were collected from May 11, 2017 to May 20, 2017 by using a structured questionnaire. The participants were 180 college students at two colleges in J-city. Data were analyzed using t-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe test, pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 20.0. The mean scores were as follows: family function 3.07±0.44(5 points), intimacy risk with the opposite sex 2.03±0.59(4 points), and campus life satisfaction 3.20±0.50(5 points). There was a significant correlation between the family function, intimacy risk with the opposite sex, and campus life satisfaction variables. Multiple regression analysis showed that factors influencing campus life satisfaction were family communication(β=0.341, p=.001) and parental economic activity type(β=0.161, p=.007). The explanation power of this regression model was 13.1%. These results of this study indicate that effective campus life satisfaction should be developed by including improvement of family community of family function.

The Differences of the Ego-Resilience and Disagreement in Parents' Rearing Attitude according to the Levels of the Smartphone Addiction of Adolescents (청소년의 스마트폰 중독수준에 따른 자아탄력성과 부모양육태도 불일치의 차이)

  • Jung, Kyung-A;Kim, Bong-Whan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the differences of the ego-resilience and disagreement in parents' rearing attitude according to the levels of the smartphone addiction of adolescents. To conduct this study, 317 adolescents participated in the survey. The major findings of the study was as follows: First, the smartphone addiction rate was 21.1%, which the high risk group rate was 5.3% and potential risk group rate was 15.8%. Second, ego-resilience was indicated to be lower in the high risk user group than the potential risk user group and the general user group, and disagreement in parents' rearing attitude was indicated to be higher in the high risk user group than the general user group, thereby having indicated to have statistically significant difference. The results of this study, it could be known that ego-resilience and agreement of parents' rearing attitude was significant factors to prevent smartphone addiction of adolescents.