• Title/Summary/Keyword: Risk Based-Inspection

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Guideline on Acceptance Test and Commissioning of High-Precision External Radiation Therapy Equipment

  • Kim, Juhye;Shin, Dong Oh;Choi, Sang Hyoun;Min, Soonki;Kwon, Nahye;Jung, Unjung;Kim, Dong Wook
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2018
  • The complex dose distribution and dose transfer characteristics of intensity-modulated radiotherapy increase the importance of precise beam data measurement and review in the acceptance inspection and preparation stages. In this study, we propose a process map for the introduction and installation of high-precision radiotherapy devices and present items and guidelines for risk management at the acceptance test procedure (ATP) and commissioning stages. Based on the ATP of the Varian and Elekta linear accelerators, the ATP items were checked step by step and compared with the quality assurance (QA) test items of the AAPM TG-142 described for the medical accelerator QA. Based on the commissioning procedure, dose quality control protocol, and mechanical quality control protocol presented at international conferences, step-by-step check items and commissioning guidelines were derived. The risk management items at each stage were (1) 21 ionization chamber performance test items and 9 electrometer, cable, and connector inspection items related to the dosimetry system; (2) 34 mechanical and dose-checking items during ATP, 22 multileaf collimator (MLC) items, and 36 imaging system items; and (3) 28 items in the measurement preparation stage and 32 items in the measurement stage after commissioning. Because the items presented in these guidelines are limited in terms of special treatment, items and practitioners can be modified to reflect the clinical needs of the institution. During the system installation, it is recommended that at least two clinically qualified medical physicists (CQMP) perform a double check in compliance with the two-person rule. We expect that this result will be useful as a radiation safety management tool that can prevent radiation accidents at each stage during the introduction of radiotherapy and the system installation process.

Epidemiological characteristics of bovine brucellosis in Korea, 2000~2004

  • Nam, Hyang Mi;Yoon, Hachung;Kim, Cheol-Hee;More, Simon J.;Kim, Seok-Jae;Lee, Byeong-Yong;Park, Choi-Kyu;Jeon, Jong-Min;Wee, Sung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes the epidemiological characteristics of bovine brucellosis in Korea during January 2000~September 2004, which encompasses the period when the incidence of bovine brucellosis increased abruptly. Data from the National Animal Infectious Disease Data Management System were used for this study. A range of epidemiological measures was calculated including annual herd and animal incidence. During the study period, there were 1,183 outbreaks on 638 farms. In beef cattle, annual herd incidence increased from 0.2 (2000) to 11.5 (2004, to September) outbreaks per 10,000 and annual animal incidence varied between 3.4 (2000) and 105.8 (2004, to September) per 100,000, respectively. On 401 (62.9%) infected farms during this period, infection was eradicated without recurrence. Recurrence of infection was significantly higher on farms where abortion was reported (53.3%), compared to farms where it was not (30.0%). On beef cattle farms, infection was introduced most frequently through purchased cattle (46.2%). Based on the results of this study, the establishment and spread of brucellosis in the Korean beef cattle population were mainly due to incomplete or inappropriate treatment of aborted materials and the movement of infected cattle.

Analysis on Pesticide Residue in Medicinal Dried Fruits (약용건조과실류의 잔류농약분석)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Ah;Kang, Sung-Tae;Kim, Ouk-Hee;Park, Sung-Kyu;Ha, Kwang-Tae;Choi, Young-Hee;Jo, Han-Bin;Choi, Byung-Hymn
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2010
  • There experiment were carried out to analyze for pesticide residues in 4 kinds of dried fruits collected in northern area of Seoul in 2007~2009. Total of 213 samples were analyzed. According to the results, 20 kinds of residual pesticides were detected. Residual pesticides were detected in 66 samples (31.0%) and 8 samples (3.8%) exceeded maximum residue limits (MRL). Cypermethrin, fenvalerate, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, bifenthrin were detected frequently. The Pesticide types which were detected in dried furits were revealed in order of pyrethroid > organophosphate > organochloride > dicarboximide. Detection rates of dried fruits were dried chinese matrimony vein (53.0%), dried jujube (34.9%), dried rubi fructus (7.6%) and dried maximowiczia chinensis (4.6%). Based on these results, we investigated the risk assessment from amount of residual pesticide in dried jujube. Range of %ADI were 0.0001~0.0081%, but the value has not effected on human health.

A Study on the Analysis of Fire Risk for each Building Usage Based on the Reliability of Operation of Fire Protection System (소방설비 작동신뢰성 기반 건축용도별 화재리스크 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Seung-hyeon;Kim, Hye-Won;Seo, Dong-Goo;Kwon, Young-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.113-114
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    • 2020
  • In the design and maintenance of buildings, identifying the degree of damage in the event of a fire is an important factor in fire prevention and fire safety design. In order to predict fire damage, safety measures should be established by predicting the nature of evacuation according to fire, smoke and in-house characteristics, and the effects of the operation of fire safety facilities should also be considered, but in Korea, the risk analysis due to the operation of fire safety facilities is insufficient. Accordingly, this study uses fire statistics and sprinkler inspection data to analyze the degree of fire damage caused by the operation of sprinkler facilities in a probabilistic manner.

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Design Vessel Selection of Maritime Bridges using Collision Risk Allocation Model (충돌위험분배모델을 이용한 해상교량의 설계선박 선정)

  • Lee, Seong-Lo;Lee, Byung Hwa;Bae, Yong-Gwi;Shin, Ho-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2006
  • In this study ship collision risk analysis is performed to determine the design vessel for collision impact analysis of the maritime bridge. Method II which is a probability based analysis procedure is used to select the design vessel for collision impact from the risk analysis results. The analysis procedure, an iterative process in which a computed annual frequency of collapse(AF) is compared to the acceptance criterion, includes allocation method of acceptance criterion of annual frequency of bridge component collapse. The AF allocation by weights seems to be more reasonable than the pylon concentration allocation method because this AF allocation takes the design parameter characteristics quantitatively into consideration although the pylon concentration allocation method brings more economical results when the overestimated design collision strength of piers compared to the strength of pylon is moderately modified. From the assessment of ship collision risk for each bridge pier exposed to ship collision, a representative design vessel for all bridge components is selected. The design vessel size varies much from each other in the same bridge structure depending upon the vessel traffic characteristics.

Determination of the Management Level Considering Risk and Criticality of Bridges (교량의 위험도 및 중요도를 고려한 관리수준 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Yong-Jun Lee;Jong-Wan Sun;Jong-Kwon Lim;Kyung-Hoon Park
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • An Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring system is being constructed with the objective of facilitating rational maintenance decisions and ensuring the safety of domestic bridges that are experiencing continuous aging. In the context of a large number of total managed bridges, it is essential to undertake a rational evaluation of those that require a high level of management in order to select appropriate measurement targets. In order to achieve this objective, a methodology was devised to assess the risk level of the all bridges, taking into account a range of influencing factors, then employed to determine the relative priority of bridges requiring measurement. A total of more than 8,000 bridges were evaluated in comprehensive management levels (CML) 1 to 5 based on risk and criticality, and 1,933 bridges were selected as CML 4 and 5 bridges requiring higher management levels. A statistical analysis of actual bridge deterioration, damage, and damage cases, as well as CML, revealed that the selected bridges were older, more heavily trafficked, and had lower safety ratings on average than other bridges. It is believed that the relative risk and criticality of all bridges were appropriately considered and selected, and that the proposed bridge risk assessment method will prove useful for various maintenance decision-making problems of facilities in the future.

Correlation Extraction from KOSHA to enable the Development of Computer Vision based Risks Recognition System

  • Khan, Numan;Kim, Youjin;Lee, Doyeop;Tran, Si Van-Tien;Park, Chansik
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2020
  • Generally, occupational safety and particularly construction safety is an intricate phenomenon. Industry professionals have devoted vital attention to enforcing Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) from the last three decades to enhance safety management in construction. Despite the efforts of the safety professionals and government agencies, current safety management still relies on manual inspections which are infrequent, time-consuming and prone to error. Extensive research has been carried out to deal with high fatality rates confronting by the construction industry. Sensor systems, visualization-based technologies, and tracking techniques have been deployed by researchers in the last decade. Recently in the construction industry, computer vision has attracted significant attention worldwide. However, the literature revealed the narrow scope of the computer vision technology for safety management, hence, broad scope research for safety monitoring is desired to attain a complete automatic job site monitoring. With this regard, the development of a broader scope computer vision-based risk recognition system for correlation detection between the construction entities is inevitable. For this purpose, a detailed analysis has been conducted and related rules which depict the correlations (positive and negative) between the construction entities were extracted. Deep learning supported Mask R-CNN algorithm is applied to train the model. As proof of concept, a prototype is developed based on real scenarios. The proposed approach is expected to enhance the effectiveness of safety inspection and reduce the encountered burden on safety managers. It is anticipated that this approach may enable a reduction in injuries and fatalities by implementing the exact relevant safety rules and will contribute to enhance the overall safety management and monitoring performance.

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Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Women in Maldives Related to the Risk Factors, Prevention and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

  • Basu, Partha;Hassan, Salma;Fileeshia, Fathmath;Mohamed, Sizna;Nahoodha, Aminath;Shiuna, Aminath;Sulaiman, Asma Ibrahim;Najeeb, Nazeera;Saleem, Fathmath Jeehan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.16
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    • pp.6691-6695
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    • 2014
  • Background: A population-based cervical cancer screening program using visual inspection with acetic acid was launched in Maldives in 2014. Our study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of women in relation to risk factors of cervical cancer, early detection of the disease and its prevention. Materials and Methods: The questionnaire based survey was conducted among 20 to 50 year old women, systematically sampled to represent three regions of Maldives. Trained investigators interviewed a total of 2,845 women at home. Results: The prevalence of the risk factors of cervical cancer like early age at marriage and childbirth, multiple marriages, multiple marriages of the husbands, and multiple pregnancies was high. More women knew about breast cancer than cervical cancer. Even among the small number of women who knew of cervical cancer, only 34.6% had the knowledge of at least one early symptom. Very few women knew that the cancer could be prevented by any test. Only 6.2% of the women reported having ever undergone a Pap smear. Many women had the misconception that cervical cancer was infectious. In Maldives the younger women have high literacy rate due to the policy of universal free education and those with higher levels of education had improved knowledge of cervical cancer and its risk factors. The prevalence of risk factors also reduced with improved literacy. Conclusions: Awareness about risk factors and prevention of cervical cancer is limited among Maldivian women in spite of having high exposure to some of the risk factors. A universal literacy program in the country has helped to improve the knowledge of cervical cancer prevention and to reduce the exposure to various risk factors in the younger population.

Application of a Semi-Physical Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model in South Korea to estimate Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Risk

  • Alcantara, Angelika L.;Ahn, Kuk-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.152-152
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    • 2022
  • Only employing historical data limits the estimation of the full distribution of probable Tropical Cyclone (TC) risk due to the insufficiency of samples. Addressing this limitation, this study introduces a semi-physical TC rainfall model that produces spatially and temporally resolved TC rainfall data to improve TC risk assessments. The model combines a statistical-based track model based on the Markov renewal process to produce synthetic TC tracks, with a physics-based model that considers the interaction between TC and the atmospheric environment to estimate TC rainfall. The simulated data from the combined model are then fitted to a probability distribution function to compute the spatially heterogeneous risk brought by landfalling TCs. The methodology is employed in South Korea as a case study to be able to implement a country-scale-based vulnerability inspection from damaging TC impacts. Results show that the proposed model can produce TC tracks that do not only follow the spatial distribution of past TCs but also reveal new paths that could be utilized to consider events outside of what has been historically observed. The model is also found to be suitable for properly estimating the total rainfall induced by landfalling TCs across various points of interest within the study area. The simulated TC rainfall data enable us to reliably estimate extreme rainfall from higher return periods that are often overlooked when only the historical data is employed. In addition, the model can properly describe the distribution of rainfall extremes that show a heterogeneous pattern throughout the study area and that vary per return period. Overall, results show that the proposed approach can be a valuable tool in providing sufficient TC rainfall samples that could be an aid in improving TC risk assessment.

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A Study on Job Training for Risk Factors Analysts of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (근골격계질환 관련 유해요인조사자의 직무교육에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, In-Seok;Jeong, Byung-Yong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2008
  • This study conducted two surveys to establish an educational system to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The first survey investigates the factors influencing the recognition of job specifications for risk factor analysts of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The respondents of the first survey were selected from 173 different small-sized manufacturing enterprises having less than 300 workers and had experienced the inspection of risk factors. The results of the first survey shows that better recognition of job specifications are followed by the increase of education time, but regardless of the positions and periods of job experience. Among the respondents with a high level recognition, the second survey was conducted. According to the results, it is presented that 2, 8, 16 hours are the most suitable for educating workers, superintendents, and risk factors analysts. Based on the results of the second survey, educational contents have also been suggested. This research will provide the basic information when forming education systems to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.